Too Much Joy (original) (raw)

Well, after holding strady at 241.0 for the last few weeks, I've oddly shot up a few lbs. Well, I'm guessing it's water retention, Ok, not guessign so much as hoping and waiting to see if it will go down now tha tthe week has started and I'll be drinking my normal H2O quantities while at work. Because on the weekends I never drink enough water, but while at work I allways quaff the recommended 64oz of water.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to the move to Austin, because I've have more time to excercise and won't be as stressed from a sucky job and not wanting to leave the office to walk during break because of all the bums.

Well, I haven't been eating very well lately, as my focus has not been set to loose weight. Rather my focus the last week has been on eat to get energy, as I've been feeling really low energy due to the hospital stay. I guess it worked in as much as I didn't gain anything.

I did go to work this morning after a week hiatus, and woke up early enough to walk the mile or so to the bus stop. I really can't wait to get to Austin and have the extra time to excercise more.

Well, my intestines are filled with barium and feel squirrely. Blah. But I have been feeling better with working in the morning walks. I'm really looking frward to moving and being able to add in some more excercise. It's like I'll be given 2 extra hours a day by just the reduced commute alone.

Current Mood: chipperchipper

Current Music: Hurts so good.

Well this mornign I got up earlier and walked to bus stop #2 rather than taking bus #1-->bus#2. It was a nice 25min stroll, I took it at a relativly easy pace so that I could know the time cushion needed so I can leave the house on time. Also Sunday Matt and I went on a little bike ride around the neighborhood. It was nice, as I haven't been biking fro a while, though I did feel pretty self concious wearing my running shorts while riding with my huge thighs displayed for the world to gawk at. But I got out there anyways, because the bike shorts that I do have are too snug to fit comfortably right now.

and yesterday I made better food choices, having a chicken salad for lunch (though I did have some candies that a coworker put out). I really need to find healthy snacks at work. I'm thinking of making dill dip out of some soy-sour cream that I have, because ordinary carrot and celery sticks are just boring without soemthing fun to dip them in, and the soy dip will give that little added protein and fat to help the veggies digest slower and give me a better release of energy to fuel my work day.

As for the South B*tch diet, they didn't have the book at the bookstore, just the supplemental cookbook. So I'm going to try and incorperate more healthy recipes into my cooking repretoir and focus on getting a good balance of food groups. I also picked up Oprah's trainer, Bob Green's book on a 12 week fitness program. So I'll be incorperating the two books, one focusing more on nutrition the other on excercise. It's pretty cool, in that Green's book has food guidlines: drink water, stop eating 2 hours before bed, eat mindfully, reduce alcohol intake and have a healthy breakfast.

Well I'm off to make me soem breakfast goo. this time with a bit less protein powder than yesterday, as I didn't really like the texture of that one.

Current Mood: chipperchipper

Current Music: Joss Stone

Ok thanks to someone being good inspiration ::wink::wink::, I've decided to try and go for a nutritional jump start by trying out the South Beach Diet. So Matt and I are about to take off for the bookstore and get some reading material of the Beachy variety. And Matt also said that he'd try it with me.

» 242.0

Again with the intestinal sickitude. Blah. but that's a given.

But I did pick up some soy protein powder at the store last night a I've been out for a while. Now I can have true breakfast goo, with the protein powder/oatmeal combo of gooey goodness.
Oct. 27th, 2005 @ 07:35 am

» 243.5

Fluctuations suck. Um, ya. Not that I overate yesterday, I had leftovers for breakfast, sushi for lunch and noodle soup for dinner, with two snacks thrown in the mix somewheres. but I know the weight changes is just normal, tomorow I could drop 3 lbs fro no reason. Hmmm maybe it's water retention or soemthing weird like that. Whatever.

Oh, bonus, I'm coming down with a cold too. Evidently the bug is going around the office because I got a call from my supervisor saying he's not going to be in and his voice sounded as scratchy as my throat feels.
Oct. 20th, 2005 @ 07:11 am

» 242.0

Blah, weight fluctuations again. My intestines hate me, they're all bloaty and gross. Gross I say. But at least I only got up once last night. It's definitly progress form the previous nights 4 times. But the alarm this morning woke me up in the middle of a skiing dream, where I was Bridget Jones and had fallen off the lift just before the top, but I got up and proceeded to ski down the hill quite expertly.
Oct. 19th, 2005 @ 09:05 am

» 243.0

Oct. 5th, 2005 @ 07:16 am

» 247.0

I did not sleep at all last night. Waking up every 1-2 hours becaue I was uncomfortable feeling like I needed to go to the bathroom but not really needing to. I just couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep. Major suckage.
Oct. 3rd, 2005 @ 02:25 pm