tora_daily - Profile (original) (raw)
on 24 September 2007 (#13888081)
Welcome to a community all about showing love to Alicenine.'s multi-talented guitarist Tora! I've seen quite a few of the "Daily" Communities around and was quite disappointed not to see one for my favorite guitar player! So I created one. ^^ So I plan one uploading all kinds of goodies for you all, and I hope that all of the members that join jump in on the fun of sharing their favorite Givuss and Alicenine. MP3s, PVs, translations, fan fictions, fan art, graphics, photos, scans, and all together just anything and everything related to Tora!~ ^_^
Artist name: Tora
Real name: Amano Shinji (Not confirmed)
Part: Guitar
Age: 27 (Not confirmed)
Birthday: 17. September
Blood type: O
Height: 182cm
Weight: 70kg
Foot size: 27.5cm
Hobby: Skateboarding and riding BMX
Brand: ADIO
Genre: Heavy Metal
Perfume: Own composition
Past bands: Karasu, arakune, Givuss (with Shou)
Greatest influence: Dimebag Darrell
1. Requests are allowed, but please only one per day. If you remember something else later, please just add it to your previous post.
2. This community is MEMBERS ONLY. So you have to join to post. The option to friends lock your posts are up to you.
3. Comments are love. So if you're taking a graphic, scan, download, ect.. please let the person know that you are. It helps keep the overall mood of the comminuty a good and cheerful one.
4. Use LJ cuts. If you don't I will get cranky... and we don't want that. o.~
5. Fangirling is allowed!!! I am a major fangirl and I'm making this community to rant and rave about Tora with like minded individuals, so if you're "too good" for such things... Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Thanks.
6. Fake cuts are allowed. Just make sure the journal or community you're sending us too isn't friends locked, okay? It's really irritating.
alice, alice nine, alicenine., hiroto, jrock, nao, nine, ps company, psc, saga, shou, tora, visual kei
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