tos_downloads - Profile (original) (raw)
on 9 August 2006 (#10875195)
Tales of Symphonia Downloads
Welcome to tos_downloads, where you can find and download Tales of Symphonia related media, such as videos, images, music and sound clips, and manga and doujinshi. Your mod here is
queenie_z. If you have something of interest to post, please join us and share it with us!
Because we're desperate ;_____;
A few rules, here:
Posting fanart is okay. However, if the fanart is not yours, you must credit the website or the artist that owns it. If the site is in a foreign language and you cannot locate the author's name, give only the website. However, both is preferred.
If your media is not work safe, put it behind an LJ cut and a clear warning of the content inside. Also, if applicable, state any pairings contained within. We want to know what we're looking at before we look at it!
No harassing, flaming, shipwars, or anything else that causes wank. Every time you make wank, Baby Lloyd cries. Please think of Baby Lloyd. :(
And that's it! Have fun, kiddies. ♥
botta, colette, doujinshi, downloads, forcystus, genis, images, kratos, kvar, lloyd, magnius, manga, martel, mithos, mp3s, music, presea, pronyma, raine, regal, rodyle, sheena, sounds, tales of symphonia, tos, videos, yuan, zelos
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