tos_slash_rp - Profile (original) (raw)
Mail the mod! | Mail the co-mod!April 14th: We are currently accepting applications for the roles of Raine, Martel/Mana, Regal, and Presea. Kate, the Pope's daughter, is also a playable character, as well as the mysterious and glorious Wonder Chef.
tos_slash_rp is a freeplay Tales of Symphonia role-playing community where players can role-play their chosen characters and engage them into slash (homosexual) relationships or play out crazy stuff.
Mithos gave up on Martel's resurrection and things have gone pretty crazy from there. Zelos didn't betray the group, Colette wasn't recaptured, Pronyma wasn't killed, Martel was not resurrected. Mithos reunited the worlds and regerminated the Great Seed, awakening Mana, who assumed Martel's form. How will Martel's old companions feel about her striking visage?
The Maiden of Mana resurrected Botta in an attempt to fulfill Martel's desire for Yuan to love another. But what consequences will this have for Yuan and Kratos, who have recently realised how much they still mean to one another?
Colette and Lloyd's parents suggest that a union between two of Sylvarant's heroes would boost Iselia's morale and Colette and Lloyd agree to get married! Zelos, however, has other ideas and seduces his friend. How will Lloyd explain this to Colette?
Battling with his inner demon, Mithos finds it harder and harder to keep Yggdrasill at bay. Yggy eventually wins out and reclaims his old power over Kratos. When Lloyd learns of transpired between the two he goes with Kratos to face Yggdrasill down, but this doesn't go according to plan and Lloyd seeks Yuan's help. With Botta's back up Yuan eventually persuades Kratos that he is stronger than Yggdrasill's spell would have him believe - but how convinced is Kratos, really?
Forcystus came out of coma, and shortly he goes on a trip to Asgard to pick up Kvar. Kvar made a deal with him to financially help his reconstruction of the ranch to transform it into a farm in exchange that Forcystus' uses his power to protect his life under secrecy. Forcystus was sidetracked to the Former Palmacosta Ranch and found Magnius there. As soon as Kvar fled Asgard, he'd taken sanctuary in Forcystus' farm and goes under a new alias of Kyle to hide his true identity. Later, Kvar suggested to Forcystus and Magnius to storm Rodyle's base in Flanoir and destroy everything to discontinue his operations and his evil ways of science. Personally, Kvar has a score to settle with Rodyle. Now with the rest of the Five Grand Cardinals revived and living under one roof on Forcystus' farm, and Anna drifting about sans any clear memories, it can only mean trouble for Lloyd and his friends...
Despite all the chaos that Mithos has caused for Kratos, Lloyd and everyone, Genis has come to realize the true nature of his feelings for him. Now he is trying to accept all of Mithos and show the seraph that he can live with others. However, Mithos is unsure of exactly how he views the young half-elf, Yggdrasill has baser concerns in mind, and neither care for anyone anymore save Genis. No one save Genis cares for Mithos or Yggdrasill, either, and that hatred, Genis has found, cannot be reconciled so easily. Can his feelings for Mithos withstand the pressure from his other friends to stay away from someone so dangerous? And can Genis's feelings for Mithos truly penetrate his frozen heart?
How to play
- First you must apply for a position, assuming it has not been taken by another player yet. See the top of the page for "open" roles and deadlines. If you wish to play a character not yet open, please contact the mods first.
To apply, do the following:
For the audition, you'll be judged based upon your ability to portray being in character accurately. Not everyone's writing level is the same but make your entry as detailed as possible in no more than 500 words and make every attempt to check your writing for spelling and grammatical errors.
We're looking for players who can appreciate the complexities of their character. The application piece should be written in first person perspective and deal with the character's musings on a relationship/friendship or important event(s), preferably from the game's canon (for consistency's sake).
Please include your personal LJ username in your application, as well as the role for which you are applying, and e-mail it to us using the the above link.
Only character journals may join the community. Please do not attempt to join with your personal journal.
Once (and if) you are accepted, please join as your character to both tos_slash_rp and
tos_slash_rpooc. Once that is done, please fill out your contact info in this post. Said post also contains a friends add list.
In the Main Community each player makes a post that somehow links their character into the plot and timeline. Each post can contain one-on-one role-plays, romance scenes, slap-stick comedy, and yes, even lemons (as long as they're rated accordingly). The format is third-person, past tense. It's like writing a fanfic but you depend on the other players to come in and fill in the spots.
Meanwhile, in a Character's journal, players have the opportunity to respond to events in the Main community. These blogs are written in first person perspective, rather like a (public) diary. Present tense, monologue style is preferred. The other player can comment on the individual entries. Players can post their character's musings on any subject related to the game.
Use the filtering system in your posts:
If you use an with more than one filter, please include additional tags under the cut, to avoid confusion.
Reveals the character's innermost thoughts. It is not usually appropriate to comment on this type of entry.
[Individual character]
For that character's eyes only. Only that person should comment.
[Group of two or more characters]
For their eyes only. Only they should comment.
Anyone can read and comment.
If you wish to comment as yourself and not your character, use the OOC label in brackets: ((OOC:...)).
Questions, help, and all other OOC discussion of the game goes into
tos_slash_rpooc. You can also give others constructive feedback as well.
No flaming or direct personal insults. Arguments or silly name-calling between characters are fine (and fun to read!) but do not slander other members out of spite. In short, don't create drama. We get enough of that in real life.
Entries must be written in English. No net-speak please unless it's for silly OOC purposes. Example: ((OOC: OMG! KRATOS TEH ROOLEZ!)) and not Kratos saying "OMG me sword is so purty!!1111!oneone!!!" Actually, I can honestly hear him saying that. Almost.
No god-moding. God-moding is when you take it upon yourself to decide another character's fate or response without first consulting their player. Example: "I kill Kratos! I kill Lloyd too! HAHAHA!" Please discuss your plot ideas (if they involve other characters - particularly pairings) in
Lemons, smut, crack!pairings, crack!debates, crack!RPing is allowed! Please humour us all and save our souls from pure, disgusting boredom! Just don't forget to use the tags!
You must be active. Try to post at least once a week. If you go on holiday, etc. please notify the group and write your character out for a while. If you disappear while your character is involved in a thread with other characters, the mods may take over your character for the purpose of concluding the thread. If you leave your character to rot, you will be sent an email asking for a response by a certain date, at which point the character will be opened up to new applicants.
No original characters are accepted. At this point, it would complicate things too much.
All other questions, discussions and any good crack goes into
tos_slash_rpooc, or can be emailed to the mods.
Taken characters
Lloyd's Group
The Four Seraphim
The Five Grand Cardinals
Miscellaneous (But oh so important!!)
botta, colette, crack pairings, forcystus, genis, humour, kratos, kratos/regal, kratos/yuan, lloyd, love, martel, mithos, mithos/genis, presea, presea/colette, pronyma, raine, raine/sheena, regal, role-playing, rp-ing, sheena, shoujo-ai, shounen-ai, slash, tales of symphonia, tos, yggdrasill, yuan, yuan/botta, zelos, zelos/lloyd