A Voice from the Past: John Lyman and the Plate Tectonics Story (original) (raw)

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John Lyman was a chemical oceanographer who became an administrator later in his career. He was born early enough (in 1915) to have been referenced in The Oceans (Sverdrup et al., 1942) for his work on the composition of sea water. Before I knew him, he had been (among other things) director of the oceanography division at the U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office, program director for oceanography at the National Science Foundation, oceanography coordinator for the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, and writer for Encyclopedia Britannica. When I met him, he was marine science coordinator for the University of North Carolina statewide system.


Korgen, B.J. 1995. A voice from the past: John Lyman and the plate tectonics story. Oceanography 8(1):19–20, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1995.29.

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