john murungi | Towson University (original) (raw)
Papers by john murungi
... Framing Case Studies of Specific Time-Places 7 A Contextualized Science and the Changing Land... more ... Framing Case Studies of Specific Time-Places 7 A Contextualized Science and the Changing Landscapes 115 of India: A Case Study of Science as a Graft Deepanwita Dasgnpta 8 Pirates and the Geography of Knowledge: America 139 and Algiers in the Late Eighteenth ...
African Philosophical Illuminations, 2017
Africanizing African Legal Ethics, 2019
The influence of the annealing (at Ò anneal. = 1200 °C) and different rates of cooling (from Ò an... more The influence of the annealing (at Ò anneal. = 1200 °C) and different rates of cooling (from Ò anneal. to room temperature) on magnetoresistance and Hall effect of the n-Si:P monocrystals with different specific resistance, which were grown by means of various technologies, have been investigated. It means that investigated crystals had different concentrations of not only doping impurity (phosphorus) but also background impurity (oxygen atoms) in their bulk, too. It was shown that the impurity complexes (clusters) of (SiO) x , (SiO 2) õ or Si x O y types that arise in n-Si monocrystals with increased oxygen concentrations at annealing (Ò anneal. = 1200 °C) results in essential increase of magnetoresistance ρ ⊥ / ρ 0 H (approximately 2...2.5 times as much). The influence of mentioned above clusters on the magnetoresistance practically excludes its saturation in classically strong magnetic fields and forms the dependence of ρ ⊥ / ρ 0 on magnetic field Í in this region in the following form H
African Philosophical Currents, 2018
African Philosophical Currents, 2018
African Philosophical Currents, 2018
Africanizing African Legal Ethics, 2019
Городская клиническая больница имени С.П. Боткина; 125284, Россия, Москва, 2-й Боткинский пр-д, д... more Городская клиническая больница имени С.П. Боткина; 125284, Россия, Москва, 2-й Боткинский пр-д, д. 5 Резюме В статье обсуждаются вопросы, касающиеся лечения больных c персистирующей формой фибрилляции предсердий (ФП), анализируются показания к выполнению, при отсутствии эффекта от медикаментозного лечения, радиочастотной катетерной абляции (РЧА) устьев легочных вен и электрических спиральных волн в предсердиях или роторов, клинические эффекты этой процедуры, оценивается вклад фокусной активности в поддержание персистирующей ФП. Обсуждается вопрос влияния сопутствующей патологии и анатомо-морфологических особенностей сердца на ранние и отдаленные результаты РЧА у пациентов с персистирующей формой ФП. Успех и эффективность хирургического лечения ФП зависят не только от метода и технологии выбранной процедуры, но и от факторов риска рецидива ФП (так называемых предикторов). Радиочастотная абляция, являясь инвазивным хирургическим вмешательством, имеет свой спектр возможных осложнений и высокую экономическую составляющую, что предопределяет необходимость прогнозирования эффективности процедуры, то есть дооперационного определения той группы пациентов, у которых данный вид лечения окажется оправданным, а предполагаемые эффективность и безопасность-выше вероятности осложнений. Изучение этой проблемы и разработка критериев отбора пациентов с ФП позволит с высокой вероятностью предсказывать эффективность оперативного вмешательства, что, в свою очередь, будет способствовать правильному выбору стратегии. Ключевые слова: фибрилляция предсердий, радиочастотная абляция, критерии отбора пациентов, мультиэлектродный катетер, персистирующая форма ФП, высокоплотное картирование Для цитирования: Либов И.А., Майоров И.М., Порунова Л.П. Современные аспекты хирургического лечения больных с фибрилляцией предсердий. Разработка единых критериев для отбора пациентов на проведение радиочастотной абляции.
African Philosophical Illuminations, 2017
Every human body tells a story, not always a story that is already there, but also a story in the... more Every human body tells a story, not always a story that is already there, but also a story in the making. In either case, the body authors its own story. The African body is not an exception. It is where the story of the sense of being African is constituted and where it is expressed. Prior to the constitution and expression, it is nothing. It is this nothing that makes constitution and expression possible. Even after constitution and expression has taken place, nothing remains as an ever abiding presence, always open to reconstitution and to other constitutions and expressions. This is illustrated in the manner in which the African’s body presents itself to the African.
African Philosophical Illuminations, 2017
Currently, most likely, the student of the African history of philosophy will be presented with a... more Currently, most likely, the student of the African history of philosophy will be presented with a European history of philosophy, making it appear as if the history of philosophy is synonymous with the history of European philosophy. This is in the mode of African history as presented by a distinguished Oxford historian, who said: Undergraduates, seduced, as always, by the change of breath of journalist fashion demand that they should be taught the history of Black Africa, Perhaps, in the future there will be some African history to each. But at present there is none, or very little: there is only the history of the Europeans in Africa. The rest is largely darkness, like the history of pre-European, pre-Columbian America. And darkness is not a subject for history.37 The black Africa he has in mind is not African Africa, and the African history he has in mind is not African African history. Both are products of European imagination. The darkness he sees in Africa is European darkness. It has nothing to do with African darkness other than that it is a darkness that he and fellow Europeans have imposed on Africans. In European eyes, it would follow that there is no African history of philosophy if only because Africa is without philosophy. Europeans should not assume that their eyes are African eyes or that Africans need their help to see. What they need is a philosophical eye doctor, and if it happens that the doctor they turn to is European, he or she is not likely to offer a proper diagnosis. They could benefit from an African philosophical doctor trained in African African philosophy.
African Philosophical Illuminations, 2017
By now, Robben Island has captured the attention of millions of people, and there is no doubt tha... more By now, Robben Island has captured the attention of millions of people, and there is no doubt that it will continue to draw attention from many more, especially now that that it has been designated as a World Heritage Site. The reason for this historic attention is largely because of the island’s association with Nelson Mandela, the first African president of postapartheid South Africa. It is where Mandela and other African freedom fighters were imprisoned. The significance of this island cannot fully be recognized unless it is recognized that attention is also drawn to those whose attention is drawn to it. The initial attention is directed to the island but, ultimately, if this attention were to follow its natural course, it would lead to paying attention to those who pay attention to it. In other words, this island has a significance that leads beyond it as a way of leading to itself. This island, after all, is an island for us and, as such, it ought to illuminate something about us. The island is an illuminated illuminator. It is a territory that goes beyond everyday geography as a way of being itself. To be under its illumination is to see it as more than a Mandela site. It is a site for each and every one of us. What this implies is not clear. Hopefully, what follows will be a contribution to this intoxicating illumination.
African Philosophical Illuminations, 2017
At the conclusion of his reflections on “The Origin of the Work of Art,” Martin Heidegger says, “... more At the conclusion of his reflections on “The Origin of the Work of Art,” Martin Heidegger says, “the reflections are concerned with the riddle of art, the riddle that art itself is. They are far from claiming to solve the riddle. The task is to see the riddle.”62 I propose that we open ourselves to what Heidegger claims in preparation for what Chiwara presents to us, and in preparation for how we are presented by Chiwara. What is at stake here is the riddle of seeing—seeing that both speaks and listens. The seeing that is operative in the work of art is animated by the riddle. Let us not try to solve the riddle. The attempt can only lead to the withdrawal of Chiwara. I suspect that much of what Heidegger has in mind has something to do with the Greek sense of the oracle. This is not a farfetched suspicion. Those who are familiar with his thinking know that, for him, what truly matters has already been noted more fundamentally by the Greeks. A part of Heidegger’s problem is that the Greeks he had in mind are his Greeks, not Greek Greeks, and clearly not African Greeks. Had he a correct view of the Greek Greeks, he would have known that the waters that wash the Greek shores or the Greek islands are the same waters that wash the African coasts. These waters do not wash German coasts. The Greek oracularity has much in common with African oracularity. Accordingly, let us take the African antelope speaking as an oracle—an oracle to be interpreted in a way that this speaking does not cease to be so. Chinua Achebe, a well-known African writer, reminds us that in Africa, proverbs are the palm wine with which words are eaten.63 In Africa, what is proverbial is oracular in an African way, but a way that is inherently open to other ways.
... Framing Case Studies of Specific Time-Places 7 A Contextualized Science and the Changing Land... more ... Framing Case Studies of Specific Time-Places 7 A Contextualized Science and the Changing Landscapes 115 of India: A Case Study of Science as a Graft Deepanwita Dasgnpta 8 Pirates and the Geography of Knowledge: America 139 and Algiers in the Late Eighteenth ...
African Philosophical Illuminations, 2017
Africanizing African Legal Ethics, 2019
The influence of the annealing (at Ò anneal. = 1200 °C) and different rates of cooling (from Ò an... more The influence of the annealing (at Ò anneal. = 1200 °C) and different rates of cooling (from Ò anneal. to room temperature) on magnetoresistance and Hall effect of the n-Si:P monocrystals with different specific resistance, which were grown by means of various technologies, have been investigated. It means that investigated crystals had different concentrations of not only doping impurity (phosphorus) but also background impurity (oxygen atoms) in their bulk, too. It was shown that the impurity complexes (clusters) of (SiO) x , (SiO 2) õ or Si x O y types that arise in n-Si monocrystals with increased oxygen concentrations at annealing (Ò anneal. = 1200 °C) results in essential increase of magnetoresistance ρ ⊥ / ρ 0 H (approximately 2...2.5 times as much). The influence of mentioned above clusters on the magnetoresistance practically excludes its saturation in classically strong magnetic fields and forms the dependence of ρ ⊥ / ρ 0 on magnetic field Í in this region in the following form H
African Philosophical Currents, 2018
African Philosophical Currents, 2018
African Philosophical Currents, 2018
Africanizing African Legal Ethics, 2019
Городская клиническая больница имени С.П. Боткина; 125284, Россия, Москва, 2-й Боткинский пр-д, д... more Городская клиническая больница имени С.П. Боткина; 125284, Россия, Москва, 2-й Боткинский пр-д, д. 5 Резюме В статье обсуждаются вопросы, касающиеся лечения больных c персистирующей формой фибрилляции предсердий (ФП), анализируются показания к выполнению, при отсутствии эффекта от медикаментозного лечения, радиочастотной катетерной абляции (РЧА) устьев легочных вен и электрических спиральных волн в предсердиях или роторов, клинические эффекты этой процедуры, оценивается вклад фокусной активности в поддержание персистирующей ФП. Обсуждается вопрос влияния сопутствующей патологии и анатомо-морфологических особенностей сердца на ранние и отдаленные результаты РЧА у пациентов с персистирующей формой ФП. Успех и эффективность хирургического лечения ФП зависят не только от метода и технологии выбранной процедуры, но и от факторов риска рецидива ФП (так называемых предикторов). Радиочастотная абляция, являясь инвазивным хирургическим вмешательством, имеет свой спектр возможных осложнений и высокую экономическую составляющую, что предопределяет необходимость прогнозирования эффективности процедуры, то есть дооперационного определения той группы пациентов, у которых данный вид лечения окажется оправданным, а предполагаемые эффективность и безопасность-выше вероятности осложнений. Изучение этой проблемы и разработка критериев отбора пациентов с ФП позволит с высокой вероятностью предсказывать эффективность оперативного вмешательства, что, в свою очередь, будет способствовать правильному выбору стратегии. Ключевые слова: фибрилляция предсердий, радиочастотная абляция, критерии отбора пациентов, мультиэлектродный катетер, персистирующая форма ФП, высокоплотное картирование Для цитирования: Либов И.А., Майоров И.М., Порунова Л.П. Современные аспекты хирургического лечения больных с фибрилляцией предсердий. Разработка единых критериев для отбора пациентов на проведение радиочастотной абляции.
African Philosophical Illuminations, 2017
Every human body tells a story, not always a story that is already there, but also a story in the... more Every human body tells a story, not always a story that is already there, but also a story in the making. In either case, the body authors its own story. The African body is not an exception. It is where the story of the sense of being African is constituted and where it is expressed. Prior to the constitution and expression, it is nothing. It is this nothing that makes constitution and expression possible. Even after constitution and expression has taken place, nothing remains as an ever abiding presence, always open to reconstitution and to other constitutions and expressions. This is illustrated in the manner in which the African’s body presents itself to the African.
African Philosophical Illuminations, 2017
Currently, most likely, the student of the African history of philosophy will be presented with a... more Currently, most likely, the student of the African history of philosophy will be presented with a European history of philosophy, making it appear as if the history of philosophy is synonymous with the history of European philosophy. This is in the mode of African history as presented by a distinguished Oxford historian, who said: Undergraduates, seduced, as always, by the change of breath of journalist fashion demand that they should be taught the history of Black Africa, Perhaps, in the future there will be some African history to each. But at present there is none, or very little: there is only the history of the Europeans in Africa. The rest is largely darkness, like the history of pre-European, pre-Columbian America. And darkness is not a subject for history.37 The black Africa he has in mind is not African Africa, and the African history he has in mind is not African African history. Both are products of European imagination. The darkness he sees in Africa is European darkness. It has nothing to do with African darkness other than that it is a darkness that he and fellow Europeans have imposed on Africans. In European eyes, it would follow that there is no African history of philosophy if only because Africa is without philosophy. Europeans should not assume that their eyes are African eyes or that Africans need their help to see. What they need is a philosophical eye doctor, and if it happens that the doctor they turn to is European, he or she is not likely to offer a proper diagnosis. They could benefit from an African philosophical doctor trained in African African philosophy.
African Philosophical Illuminations, 2017
By now, Robben Island has captured the attention of millions of people, and there is no doubt tha... more By now, Robben Island has captured the attention of millions of people, and there is no doubt that it will continue to draw attention from many more, especially now that that it has been designated as a World Heritage Site. The reason for this historic attention is largely because of the island’s association with Nelson Mandela, the first African president of postapartheid South Africa. It is where Mandela and other African freedom fighters were imprisoned. The significance of this island cannot fully be recognized unless it is recognized that attention is also drawn to those whose attention is drawn to it. The initial attention is directed to the island but, ultimately, if this attention were to follow its natural course, it would lead to paying attention to those who pay attention to it. In other words, this island has a significance that leads beyond it as a way of leading to itself. This island, after all, is an island for us and, as such, it ought to illuminate something about us. The island is an illuminated illuminator. It is a territory that goes beyond everyday geography as a way of being itself. To be under its illumination is to see it as more than a Mandela site. It is a site for each and every one of us. What this implies is not clear. Hopefully, what follows will be a contribution to this intoxicating illumination.
African Philosophical Illuminations, 2017
At the conclusion of his reflections on “The Origin of the Work of Art,” Martin Heidegger says, “... more At the conclusion of his reflections on “The Origin of the Work of Art,” Martin Heidegger says, “the reflections are concerned with the riddle of art, the riddle that art itself is. They are far from claiming to solve the riddle. The task is to see the riddle.”62 I propose that we open ourselves to what Heidegger claims in preparation for what Chiwara presents to us, and in preparation for how we are presented by Chiwara. What is at stake here is the riddle of seeing—seeing that both speaks and listens. The seeing that is operative in the work of art is animated by the riddle. Let us not try to solve the riddle. The attempt can only lead to the withdrawal of Chiwara. I suspect that much of what Heidegger has in mind has something to do with the Greek sense of the oracle. This is not a farfetched suspicion. Those who are familiar with his thinking know that, for him, what truly matters has already been noted more fundamentally by the Greeks. A part of Heidegger’s problem is that the Greeks he had in mind are his Greeks, not Greek Greeks, and clearly not African Greeks. Had he a correct view of the Greek Greeks, he would have known that the waters that wash the Greek shores or the Greek islands are the same waters that wash the African coasts. These waters do not wash German coasts. The Greek oracularity has much in common with African oracularity. Accordingly, let us take the African antelope speaking as an oracle—an oracle to be interpreted in a way that this speaking does not cease to be so. Chinua Achebe, a well-known African writer, reminds us that in Africa, proverbs are the palm wine with which words are eaten.63 In Africa, what is proverbial is oracular in an African way, but a way that is inherently open to other ways.