All my world in one grain of sand. (original) (raw)

[ mood | good ]

The lovely sweet_opiate interviewed me. Thanks so much for the wonderful questions.

1) I've noticed you have a bit of a passion for color bars. What do you like best about making them? When I started making graphics using photoshop, I started making colorbars years ago. I met a lot of new people who enjoyed my work and requested colorbars from me. It made me feel good and it was also good practice with graphic design. Displaying an interest in music, your favorite movie or something political in a simple and straight to the point way is awesome. I haven't made a colorbar in a while now, but I'm making tons of icons! :)

2) What do you miss the most about Puerto Rico? What do you miss the least? Hmmm, Puerto Rico is such a beautiful place. I left to Florida when I was 10 so I really miss the mountains, the traditions like Christmas there, the food hehe, the culture. People in PR just express themselves freely with art, music, they are political and aren't afraid to be joyful. One thing I really don't miss is the "gossip" between people about who has more money or the latest fashions. Certain people in PR focus too much on material things sometimes.

3) You've listed "animal rights" as an interest in your profile. What specifically about this topic are you interested in or passionate about? I believe that we are equal to animals and nature so hunting an animal for sport or destroying nature for the sake of doing so is strongly against what I believe in. I have rescued animals before and have gone to a few demonstrations against animal cruelty. Also, I've done artwork about animal cruelty and have had a few essays published locally on the subject. The best thing about all this is that I rescued my dog Mokie from people who were mistreating her when she was a year old in PR and I brought her to FL, she's 9 years old now hehe. :)

4) Name the one person you feel has had the most direct impact on the person you are today? My grandmother has had the most impact in my life. She passed away when I was 14 years old and I haven't been back to PR ever since that but I want to be like her. I work hard to be as kind and loving as she was. She was the nicest woman I have ever met, everyone loved her and she kept our family together so I think that if I get to be half the woman she was, I will be alright in life.

5) Is there a quote, phrase, or mantra you live by? If so, what is it?
I really like this quote: "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment" It's really hard for me to act in the moment, I constantly think about my past or what will happen in the future and I feel like I miss out on many opportunities that come to me because I always say, "I'll do that tomorrow" so I need to to stop doing that.
Basically, I've always said that people can do whatever they want as long as it makes them happy and they harm no one. I'm very open minded so I just try to be the best person I can be. :) Killing is a no-no is good, being helpful to others is awesome and learning something new everyday is the only way to live.

If you want to be interviewed, leave a comment saying "INTERVIEW ME" and I'll ask 5 questions. Then post the answers in your journal, and keep the cycle going.