Loribelle on Toyhou.se (original) (raw)

Basic Information:

Name: Loribelle Jacobs

Nicknames: Lori, Belle

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthday: 13th November

Species: Soft-Served Bun (Foodie character)

Occupation: University Student

Nationality: N/A

Residence: Rainbow Metropolis, Sucre Island

Relationship status: Taken!

Powers: N/A

Personality: Cheerful, sweet, creative, caring, quiet, shy, introverted, closed-off (at times), timid, easily-startled



General appearance:

Hair: Brown and wavy, held in a low ponytail with a purple hairband. Also has some sea-themed clippings in hair

Eyes: Burgundy, wears purple round glasses

Skin: Dark with splatters of green, light green, blue, and purple ice cream appearing as patches across her face and body

Outfit: A one-piece dress with a light blue top with wavy patterns on it and a layered aqua skirt with floral patterns. Purple tight shorts worn underneath

Other: Resembles a humanoid bunny with ears and paws. Tail resembles that of a fish. Often seen with her violin

Foodie Information:

Food type: Mermaid ice cream

Species: Soft Serve Bun

Anatomy details:


Elliot Harrision: Her boyfriend. The two were high school classmates, but only formally met when Loribelle asked for help in her schoolwork. During their tutorial sessions they got to know each other more and Loribelle realized he wasn't the cheeky jokester she thought he was. After the exam Elliot asked her out during the holidays and the two started dating.

Dimitri Jacobs: One of Loribelle's older siblings, also her favorite sibling. The two spent a lot of time together, with Dimitri being rather protective of his sister. He is also her biggest music fan, finding her violin music really calming when he struggled with ADHD growing up.


Loribelle Jacobs was born third-youngest in her big family of Soft-Serve Buns, and had lots of siblings growing up. She was also the only one in the family to have a rather uniquely shaped tail, that resembling of a fish instead of the simple scoop; her parents theorized she got her ‘fish’ genes from her great-great grandmother, who also had a fishtail with an oceanic themed ice cream (blue raspberry beach themed), and her family often showered her with mermaid and ocean-themed items and puns. Loribelle didn’t mind it though: she fully embraced the fact she is said by her family, ‘a mermaid in bunny form’ and loves all the jokes and gags that come with it.

Loribelle shared one specific trait with the titular Little Mermaid though: she was a quiet one. From a young age she never really liked talking, to the point her parents often joked she was the only one in the family who didn’t cry upon being born. Loribelle never really liked talking, and even when she talked it was not that loud. Maybe because she was one of the middle siblings in her big family that she was sometimes overlooked, especially when one of her older siblings needed a bit more tending to. Loribelle would be sad at times, but she shrugged it off via listening to music. Music, especially classical music, spoke to her more than words could: it fascinated her, to the point when she was able to be heard she took the chance to ask for classical music lessons. She played and tried many instruments, but the one she resonated with the most was the simple violin. She really loved playing it, to the point of joining in the school’s orchestra to play more music. She can also be seen playing when she’s on her own, though because of her shyness she’ll immediately pack and run when she realizes people are nearby.

Growing up, she bonded with her siblings despite her shyness, but the one she bonded most with was Dimitri, her matcha-themed older brother who was the fifth-youngest child in the family. At an early age he was diagnosed with ADHD, which made him harder to concentrate and made more of the family focus on him. Despite this, the two are close together growing up, Dimitri was really caring towards Loribelle, the former the complete opposite of her in terms of personality and he sometimes stood his ground for her, even becoming her voice at times in need. Dimitri also really enjoyed listening to her music, as it was one of the few things that can calm him down. He encouraged Loribelle to play a variety of songs, in which he would download and listen on his phone out and about. Dimitri became Loribelle’s biggest fan, and supported her all the way in her violin journey.

Loribelle was a quiet one in class. She wasn’t the best student, but she was far from being the worst. She didn’t get top grades, but she did enough to pass. More often than not she kept to herself, silently doing her schoolwork and playing her violin at the orchestra after class. When the exams approached though, Loribelle was really struggling with Mathematics and unlike the other times, it didn’t seem she had enough to pass. During this time, all the students would hang around Elliot Harrison, the ‘tutor’ and jokester in their class, for a session of teaching after school. Loribelle initially thought against it: the guy’s unpredictable, he has amazing grades but also you never know when he pulls a prank. Plus the teachers either love him or hate him. She thought more against it, but in the end her desire to get better grades was won over and she turned to him for help. At first it was just a normal teaching session, with Elliot being very tentative and caring to what she was struggling with, but since she was really struggling she requested more and more sessions with him and started to see him beyond the class troublemaker. Loribelle saw him as a person who was really willing to help, patient when she messes things up, and supportive when she manages to get a problem right. Meanwhile, Elliot himself found himself paying more and more attention to Loribelle, and even found her really charming despite her shy appearance. Slowly but surely, the two began to see beyond their initial perceptions of each other, and started falling for each other. When the exam day came, Loribelle was still nervous, but Elliot remained very supportive and encouraging, saying she had done enough and she just needed to give her best shot. When Loribelle got the exam results, she was overjoyed to know she had passed and decided to thank Elliot for all his help, only for the latter to ask her out during the holidays to know her more. Loribelle was a bit surprised by this, but realizing she enjoyed Elliot’s company, she accepted his invite.

Of course, Loribelle’s older brother Dimitri was concerned, knowing all the antics that Elliot had gone into before. He feared Elliot might be a bad influence but Elliot promised that he would never lead Loribelle astray. Meanwhile, Loribelle thought her brother was being too protective, being his favorite sibling and the one he spent the most time with growing up he had definitely a right to be concerned but she thought it was too much. Loribelle and Dimitri talked it over and in the end Dimitri approved of their relationship, although he still remains wary from time to time.

After their high school graduation, both of them managed to get into the same university in Rainbow Metropolis: Elliot in Engineering and Maths, and Loribelle in Social Studies. Elliot also works as a Maths tutor while Loribelle continues to perform with her violin in concerts. The two still hang out from time to time when they can, their relationship still going strong despite their huge difference in interests, hobbies, and personalities.


- Google Doc bio for the GI group can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UAgieRHJlX3m79vy0cYcPXs4SH9cE5ks/edit

- Loribelle’s original adopt design was made by ESTARMOTH.

- Loribelle is a Soft Serve Bun, a closed species by ESTARMOTH on Discord within the GI universe

- When thinking of a name for her, I wanted to go with a mermaid-themed name because of her being based on Mermaid Ice Cream. The name Lorelei was a frontrunner and I had seen it being used on many mermaid-related OCs but upon reading upon the history relating to it I thought it wasn’t too appropriate. I still liked the front part of the name though, so I changed it to Loribelle.

- Birthday is 13th November, which is the day I won said design.

- Mermaid Ice Cream is not a defined flavor, but some online searches say it tastes like cotton candy so I’m going with that here.

- Dimitri is her favorite sibling

- Has won several awards in her violin skills