Miroslav Pleska | Univerzita Hradec Králové (original) (raw)
Papers by Miroslav Pleska
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 2022
Zwei ungewöhnliche Grabausstattungen aus der Völkerwanderungszeit im Hypogäum D, Modica-Scorrione... more Zwei ungewöhnliche Grabausstattungen aus der Völkerwanderungszeit im Hypogäum D, Modica-Scorrione W (prov. Ragusa, Sizilien / I)
Die in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 durchgeführten Grabungskampagnen in der Hypogäen-Nekropole von Scorrione W (Modica, Ragusa, Sizilien) haben zur Dokumentation mehrerer architektonischer Strukturen geführt, die in die natürlichen Felswände eingetieft wurden, sowie von gut erhaltenen Gräbern und deren Beigaben. Darunter sind zwei Gruppen von Metallobjekten, die im regionalen Kontext einen außergewöhnlichen Charakter haben und aus mitteleuropäischer Sicht von besonderem Interesse sind. Das Depot in Grab 7 stammt aus der Zeit der Vandalenüberfälle und ihrer angeblichen Herrschaft über Sizilien, während das Depot in Grab 6 in die Zeit von Odoaker und Theoderich gehört. Beide Grabausstattungen weisen Verbindungen zu mitteleuropäischen Bekleidungs- und Bestattungstraditionen auf und könnten mit einem militärischen Umfeld in Verbindung stehen. Es wird argumentiert, dass die Funde von Scorrione eine militärische Stationierung im Randgebiet von Syrakus zwischen der Mitte und dem Ende des 5. Jahrhunderts widerspiegeln könnten.
Hyblaea: Studi di archeologia e topografia dell’altopiano ibleo, 2022
Systematic surveys carried out in the southernmost part of the Iblei plateau during the last two ... more Systematic surveys carried out in the southernmost part of the Iblei plateau during the last two decades have brought forward consistent evidence on a tight network of Late Antique cemeteries located between the Irminio and Tellaro valleys. This research plan is currently entering its second stage, aiming at systematic investigations, whenever possible, on particularly relevant sites by means of a cooperation agreement with the University of Hradec Králove (Czech Republic). That is the case of the archaeological excavations at Scorrione, in Modica territory. The site is located next to the road connecting the Modica plateau with the coastline; judging from the abundant funerary sites connected to it, this communication axis was intensively used during Antiquity. The cemetery of Scorrione is formed by two funerary clusters; the southernmost one is formed by at least four visible hypogea. The investigations at the site have been focused both inside and outside hypogeum D, a trapezoid funerary chamber with a central baldachin which, before the start of the excavations, was filled with detritus almost up to its sealing. The stratigraphic excavations have freed the whole of the chamber’s inner spaces, down to its trampling surface. Besides unveiling the whole of the baldachin and its access structures, the removal of the superficial layers has revealed a number of relevant finds in terms of both inhumations with grave goods and of significant architectural features.
Presenze barbariche nel V secolo in Italia e regioni contermini - V Incontro per l’Archeologia barbarica Milano, Università Cattolica (da remoto), 10 settembre 2021, 2022
Migration Period finds at hypogeum D, Modica–Scorrione W (Ragusa province, Sicily) The excavation... more Migration Period finds at hypogeum D, Modica–Scorrione W (Ragusa province, Sicily)
The excavation campaigns carried out in 2020 and 2021 at the hypogeal cemetery Scorrione W (Modica, Ragusa, Sicily) have
led to the recording of several architectural structures hollowed out in the natural rock walls, as well as well-preserved graves and
their contents. The metal accessories recorded in some graves and layers are exceptional with regard to their regional background, and introduce the largely unexplored issue of material traces of the barbarian rule over the island (c. 440-550). The artefact types recorded at Scorrione display connections with central European traditions and military cultures.
Chemické listy, 2021
The combination of Raman spectroscopy (RS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows a good po... more The combination of Raman spectroscopy (RS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows a good poten-tial for non-destructive analysis of painted archaeological ceramics. SEM images reveal the topography and micro-structure of both the ceramic clay and the engobes, and associated microanalyses based on energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) allow to determine elemental composition of selected surface areas. The elemental com-position coupled with obtained Raman spectra can provide meaningful suggestions of chemical substances contained in the sample. This was verified by analyzing a ceramic shard from the La Tène oppidum Třísov in South Bohe-mia. It was found that its red-brown engobe consists pre-dominantly of hematite and contains also anatase and burnt organic residues. The presence of hematite is con-sistent with the fact that hematite dyes are typical of paint-ed ceramics from this period and region.
Klasické rozhovory Colloquia classica, 2017
This article presents some basic information and an evaluation of the results of the fi rst phase... more This article presents some basic information and an evaluation of the results of
the fi rst phase of the project Tarquinia and its territory, realized in the valley of San
Savino. This area is immediately adjacent to the southern side of Pian di Civita – the
site of ancient Tarquinia. The fi rst phase has been a part of a long-term archaeological
activity around the boundaries of ancient Tarquinia, which is realized by the Institute of
Christian Art of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the Charles University in Prague,
Czech republic.
Jantarová stezka v proměnách času, 2020
The aim of this article is to acquaint the reader with two previously untreated findings of earl... more The aim of this article is to acquaint the reader with two previously untreated findings of early
La Tène painted pottery and to present the current state of research and the source base to this
topic. The category of early La Tène painted pottery in Bohemia includes imports of Greek blackand red figured pottery, local imitations and imports from closer areas such as Salzburg region.
In this article, the author tries to answer the question of origin of imports of painted ceramics in
our territory.
Předkládaný článek přináší informace o záchranném výzkumu, který se uskutečnil v září 2015 pod ve... more Předkládaný článek přináší informace o záchranném výzkumu, který se uskutečnil v září 2015 pod vedením pracovníků Muzea východních Čech v Hradci Králové na katastru obce Čistěves. Provedená skrývka odhalila sídlištní objekt obsahující keramiku z mladší doby laténské. / The article provides information about the rescue research, which took place in September 2015 under the guidance of staff of the Museum of East Bohemia in Hradec Králové in Čistěves. Excavation revealed a settlement feature containing pottery from the late La Tène period.
Zpráva o průběhu první studentské archeologické konferenci uspořádané na půdě Univerzity v Hradci... more Zpráva o průběhu první studentské archeologické konferenci uspořádané na půdě Univerzity v Hradci Králové v roce 2016.
Práce je zaměřena na problematiku laténského osídlení v období LT B – D na Chrudimsku. Zkoumaná o... more Práce je zaměřena na problematiku laténského osídlení v období LT B – D na Chrudimsku. Zkoumaná oblast je vymezena hranicemi okresu Chrudim. Kromě kritického zhodnocení pramenné základny se práce věnuje typologické a technologické analýze keramiky v dané oblasti a jejímu porovnání se soubory keramiky z horního Polabí a oppida České Lhotice./This paper is focusing on the problems of the Iron Age settlement recognition in the LT B – D period in Chrudim Region. Area of research is limited by the borders of Chrudim district. Beside the critical evaluation of corresponding archaeological sources, the aim of this thesis is the typological and technological analysis of pottery and comparison of results of the research with pottery from upper Labe river region and oppidum České Lhotice.
Archeologie východních Čech 6., Sep 17, 2013
Následující řádky se věnují funerálním památkám kultury nálevkovitých pohárů odkrytých při záchra... more Následující řádky se věnují funerálním památkám kultury nálevkovitých pohárů odkrytých při záchranném
výzkumu v Kopidlně. Nedílnou součástí příspěvku je antropologické vyhodnocení nalezených
kosterních ostatků. / The following lines are dedicated to funerary remains of the Funnel Beaker culture which were
unearthed during a rescue excavation at Kopidlno. An integral part of the paper is an anthropological
evaluation of the discovered skeletal remains.
The oppidum of Staré Hradisko belongs to the most important sites of the La Tène period not only ... more The oppidum of Staré Hradisko belongs to the most important sites of the La Tène period not only in Moravia but in the whole of Central Europe. Finds from the site collected for over a hundred years have become part of many museum collections mostly in Moravia. Recently, an archaeological assemblage from Staré Hradisko consisting mainly of ceramic fragments has been identified in the collections of the Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Pardubice.
Archeologie východních Čech, Supplementum I. Sborník k poctě Jiřího Kalfersta, 2014
Archeologie východních Čech 3 (2012), 2013
The article describes consequences of the research on cadastre of village Plotiště nad Labem, whi... more The article describes consequences of the research on cadastre of village Plotiště nad Labem, which
was triggered by the construction of houses in 2008. Apart from a settlement and a tomb from the
Roman period, a cremation grave of Lusatian culture was discovered. The article is thematically
dedicated to these findings.
This Thesis aims to try to prove or disprove the hypothesis of the existence of prehistoric commu... more This Thesis aims to try to prove or disprove the hypothesis of the existence of prehistoric communication line around the lower course of Tichá Orlice between cities Týniště nad Orlicí and Choceň. The procedure of my research was following: I gathered information about the existing findings and localities in the given region; I carried out the surface collections in all relevant areas, I evaluated the findings according to the catalogue, and I recorded them into maps. Based on the detected information I tried to decide whether we can admit the possibility of the presence of prehistoric communication corridor in the given area.
Tento článek informuje o ojedinělém nálezu čepele bronzové dýky na území východních Čech a snaží ... more Tento článek informuje o ojedinělém nálezu čepele bronzové dýky na území východních Čech a snaží se pomocí analogických nálezů o její přibližnou dataci.
Eneolithic/Copper age by Miroslav Pleska
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 2022
Zwei ungewöhnliche Grabausstattungen aus der Völkerwanderungszeit im Hypogäum D, Modica-Scorrione... more Zwei ungewöhnliche Grabausstattungen aus der Völkerwanderungszeit im Hypogäum D, Modica-Scorrione W (prov. Ragusa, Sizilien / I)
Die in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 durchgeführten Grabungskampagnen in der Hypogäen-Nekropole von Scorrione W (Modica, Ragusa, Sizilien) haben zur Dokumentation mehrerer architektonischer Strukturen geführt, die in die natürlichen Felswände eingetieft wurden, sowie von gut erhaltenen Gräbern und deren Beigaben. Darunter sind zwei Gruppen von Metallobjekten, die im regionalen Kontext einen außergewöhnlichen Charakter haben und aus mitteleuropäischer Sicht von besonderem Interesse sind. Das Depot in Grab 7 stammt aus der Zeit der Vandalenüberfälle und ihrer angeblichen Herrschaft über Sizilien, während das Depot in Grab 6 in die Zeit von Odoaker und Theoderich gehört. Beide Grabausstattungen weisen Verbindungen zu mitteleuropäischen Bekleidungs- und Bestattungstraditionen auf und könnten mit einem militärischen Umfeld in Verbindung stehen. Es wird argumentiert, dass die Funde von Scorrione eine militärische Stationierung im Randgebiet von Syrakus zwischen der Mitte und dem Ende des 5. Jahrhunderts widerspiegeln könnten.
Hyblaea: Studi di archeologia e topografia dell’altopiano ibleo, 2022
Systematic surveys carried out in the southernmost part of the Iblei plateau during the last two ... more Systematic surveys carried out in the southernmost part of the Iblei plateau during the last two decades have brought forward consistent evidence on a tight network of Late Antique cemeteries located between the Irminio and Tellaro valleys. This research plan is currently entering its second stage, aiming at systematic investigations, whenever possible, on particularly relevant sites by means of a cooperation agreement with the University of Hradec Králove (Czech Republic). That is the case of the archaeological excavations at Scorrione, in Modica territory. The site is located next to the road connecting the Modica plateau with the coastline; judging from the abundant funerary sites connected to it, this communication axis was intensively used during Antiquity. The cemetery of Scorrione is formed by two funerary clusters; the southernmost one is formed by at least four visible hypogea. The investigations at the site have been focused both inside and outside hypogeum D, a trapezoid funerary chamber with a central baldachin which, before the start of the excavations, was filled with detritus almost up to its sealing. The stratigraphic excavations have freed the whole of the chamber’s inner spaces, down to its trampling surface. Besides unveiling the whole of the baldachin and its access structures, the removal of the superficial layers has revealed a number of relevant finds in terms of both inhumations with grave goods and of significant architectural features.
Presenze barbariche nel V secolo in Italia e regioni contermini - V Incontro per l’Archeologia barbarica Milano, Università Cattolica (da remoto), 10 settembre 2021, 2022
Migration Period finds at hypogeum D, Modica–Scorrione W (Ragusa province, Sicily) The excavation... more Migration Period finds at hypogeum D, Modica–Scorrione W (Ragusa province, Sicily)
The excavation campaigns carried out in 2020 and 2021 at the hypogeal cemetery Scorrione W (Modica, Ragusa, Sicily) have
led to the recording of several architectural structures hollowed out in the natural rock walls, as well as well-preserved graves and
their contents. The metal accessories recorded in some graves and layers are exceptional with regard to their regional background, and introduce the largely unexplored issue of material traces of the barbarian rule over the island (c. 440-550). The artefact types recorded at Scorrione display connections with central European traditions and military cultures.
Chemické listy, 2021
The combination of Raman spectroscopy (RS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows a good po... more The combination of Raman spectroscopy (RS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows a good poten-tial for non-destructive analysis of painted archaeological ceramics. SEM images reveal the topography and micro-structure of both the ceramic clay and the engobes, and associated microanalyses based on energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) allow to determine elemental composition of selected surface areas. The elemental com-position coupled with obtained Raman spectra can provide meaningful suggestions of chemical substances contained in the sample. This was verified by analyzing a ceramic shard from the La Tène oppidum Třísov in South Bohe-mia. It was found that its red-brown engobe consists pre-dominantly of hematite and contains also anatase and burnt organic residues. The presence of hematite is con-sistent with the fact that hematite dyes are typical of paint-ed ceramics from this period and region.
Klasické rozhovory Colloquia classica, 2017
This article presents some basic information and an evaluation of the results of the fi rst phase... more This article presents some basic information and an evaluation of the results of
the fi rst phase of the project Tarquinia and its territory, realized in the valley of San
Savino. This area is immediately adjacent to the southern side of Pian di Civita – the
site of ancient Tarquinia. The fi rst phase has been a part of a long-term archaeological
activity around the boundaries of ancient Tarquinia, which is realized by the Institute of
Christian Art of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the Charles University in Prague,
Czech republic.
Jantarová stezka v proměnách času, 2020
The aim of this article is to acquaint the reader with two previously untreated findings of earl... more The aim of this article is to acquaint the reader with two previously untreated findings of early
La Tène painted pottery and to present the current state of research and the source base to this
topic. The category of early La Tène painted pottery in Bohemia includes imports of Greek blackand red figured pottery, local imitations and imports from closer areas such as Salzburg region.
In this article, the author tries to answer the question of origin of imports of painted ceramics in
our territory.
Předkládaný článek přináší informace o záchranném výzkumu, který se uskutečnil v září 2015 pod ve... more Předkládaný článek přináší informace o záchranném výzkumu, který se uskutečnil v září 2015 pod vedením pracovníků Muzea východních Čech v Hradci Králové na katastru obce Čistěves. Provedená skrývka odhalila sídlištní objekt obsahující keramiku z mladší doby laténské. / The article provides information about the rescue research, which took place in September 2015 under the guidance of staff of the Museum of East Bohemia in Hradec Králové in Čistěves. Excavation revealed a settlement feature containing pottery from the late La Tène period.
Zpráva o průběhu první studentské archeologické konferenci uspořádané na půdě Univerzity v Hradci... more Zpráva o průběhu první studentské archeologické konferenci uspořádané na půdě Univerzity v Hradci Králové v roce 2016.
Práce je zaměřena na problematiku laténského osídlení v období LT B – D na Chrudimsku. Zkoumaná o... more Práce je zaměřena na problematiku laténského osídlení v období LT B – D na Chrudimsku. Zkoumaná oblast je vymezena hranicemi okresu Chrudim. Kromě kritického zhodnocení pramenné základny se práce věnuje typologické a technologické analýze keramiky v dané oblasti a jejímu porovnání se soubory keramiky z horního Polabí a oppida České Lhotice./This paper is focusing on the problems of the Iron Age settlement recognition in the LT B – D period in Chrudim Region. Area of research is limited by the borders of Chrudim district. Beside the critical evaluation of corresponding archaeological sources, the aim of this thesis is the typological and technological analysis of pottery and comparison of results of the research with pottery from upper Labe river region and oppidum České Lhotice.
Archeologie východních Čech 6., Sep 17, 2013
Následující řádky se věnují funerálním památkám kultury nálevkovitých pohárů odkrytých při záchra... more Následující řádky se věnují funerálním památkám kultury nálevkovitých pohárů odkrytých při záchranném
výzkumu v Kopidlně. Nedílnou součástí příspěvku je antropologické vyhodnocení nalezených
kosterních ostatků. / The following lines are dedicated to funerary remains of the Funnel Beaker culture which were
unearthed during a rescue excavation at Kopidlno. An integral part of the paper is an anthropological
evaluation of the discovered skeletal remains.
The oppidum of Staré Hradisko belongs to the most important sites of the La Tène period not only ... more The oppidum of Staré Hradisko belongs to the most important sites of the La Tène period not only in Moravia but in the whole of Central Europe. Finds from the site collected for over a hundred years have become part of many museum collections mostly in Moravia. Recently, an archaeological assemblage from Staré Hradisko consisting mainly of ceramic fragments has been identified in the collections of the Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Pardubice.
Archeologie východních Čech, Supplementum I. Sborník k poctě Jiřího Kalfersta, 2014
Archeologie východních Čech 3 (2012), 2013
The article describes consequences of the research on cadastre of village Plotiště nad Labem, whi... more The article describes consequences of the research on cadastre of village Plotiště nad Labem, which
was triggered by the construction of houses in 2008. Apart from a settlement and a tomb from the
Roman period, a cremation grave of Lusatian culture was discovered. The article is thematically
dedicated to these findings.
This Thesis aims to try to prove or disprove the hypothesis of the existence of prehistoric commu... more This Thesis aims to try to prove or disprove the hypothesis of the existence of prehistoric communication line around the lower course of Tichá Orlice between cities Týniště nad Orlicí and Choceň. The procedure of my research was following: I gathered information about the existing findings and localities in the given region; I carried out the surface collections in all relevant areas, I evaluated the findings according to the catalogue, and I recorded them into maps. Based on the detected information I tried to decide whether we can admit the possibility of the presence of prehistoric communication corridor in the given area.
Tento článek informuje o ojedinělém nálezu čepele bronzové dýky na území východních Čech a snaží ... more Tento článek informuje o ojedinělém nálezu čepele bronzové dýky na území východních Čech a snaží se pomocí analogických nálezů o její přibližnou dataci.