triatha_ron - Profile (original) (raw)

Welcome to the Triatha-Ron!

What the heck is a Triatha-Ron?

The Triatha-Ron is a ficathon modeled on the Snarry Games. It pits three teams against one another--Team Het, Team Slash, and Team Gen--in a quest to see who can write the best fic and create the best art about one Ronald Billius Weasley.

What are the rules?

They're pretty simple:
--Stories and art must match the creator's team specification of het, slash or gen. (For our purposes, "gen" fics are any fics that focus on non-romantic, non-sexual relationships. That's not to say they can't include such elements, just that they're backgrounded. "Gen" artwork should again be non-romantic and non-sexual.)
--Stories or art must use the prompt provided
--Stories must be at least 1000 words. There is no upper word limit. Artists, we trust you to put at least 1000 words of effort into your piece.
--Stories or art must focus on Ron. You probably guessed that. :D
--There are no limits on ratings for either fic or art.

You can see the 2008 FAQ for the full rules.

Who's participating?

For 2008, we've invited some of last year's participants, including our pinch hitters. Besides these reserved spots, we will have 2 spots from each team reserved for first time participants, and then a number of spots open to anyone. Sign ups for the first time participant slots and the open slots will take place from March 1 to March 8, 2008, and teams will be chosen and sent their assignments on March 9.

But that's not all! While our teams are dilligently working away, we invite the rest of our community to participate in a drabble-a-thon to raise the Ron love! More details on this to follow.

When's it going to happen?

Our tentative schedule for 2008 looks like this:
March 1: open sign ups
March 8: sign-ups end
March 9: teams listed and assignments go out via email
May 4: entries due
May 11: posting begins!

Questions? Comments? Threats of Death?

For more information about the Triatha-Ron, please email us at triatharon.mod (AT) gmail (DOT) com

This community may contain works of an adult nature. By clicking on those posts, you certify that you are of age to view these posts in your country.


rs_games - Remus/Sirius games!


The concept of the ficathon was adapted from the Snarry Games with the permission of djin7. Comm layout by tarie, modifying a style sheet by grrliz. Artwork by glockgal, reallycorking, and __hibiscus, and is used with permission.