Yahoo Groups? That Muthafucka D E A D (original) (raw)

Speaking for the Twisted Sisterhood and TSXF lists & offered to Oz fandom at large but also ICYMI for everyone else;

Yahoo Groups are removing themselves from the internet permanently and taking your content, writing, and messages with them. Starting on October 28th, no one will be able to upload any new content. On December 14th, 2019, ALL FILES and ALL PHOTOS will be deleted.

In December, after they've locked down the group entirely, Yahoo is taking away all the


features. The message archives (!!!) will disappear. They're also not going to allow search for or *see* past messages and conversations. Like. The group will be unusable.

So, there's a fannish movement underway to get fannish Yahoo Groups archived.

Archive of Our Own (via Open Doors) will be offering storage space for backed-up message lists, fics, and files. But they also clearly state that they "cannot promise how or if the backups we store will be able to be migrated or accessed in the future by anyone other than the uploader(s), the moderator(s), the Open Doors team and affiliated volunteers".

I'm still going to go ahead and make my own (or, the fandom's) back-ups of Twisted Sisterhood and the TS Fiction List, which will include our group's messages, files, photos, links, and our membership.

You can also make your own back-up copies! Please do!! Spread the word for all of your other Groups, too!

Depending on how well I get along with the software, and what/how everything is stored, my thinking is that I'll be able to offer that back-up to any interested members (lolol interested members).


I'm hopeful, anyway. But then do you want me to go ahead and pass along copies of the back-ups/archives to Open Doors (and, essentially, the Archive and its affiliated volunteers)?

Further, would people then be all right with letting the uploaders/mods (me, tobyfan & tesan -- T3!) work with Archive of Our Own? AND, possibly upload them as stories to the site as a whole? I would


love to see all those B/K fics up on AO3 for other fans to enjoy (& to revisit for ourselves).

Also, do we want to just archive the old posts and disband the mailing list? Do we want to start up someplace else? This will require a lot more discussion and I'm more concerned about the backing-up-to-AO3 for now.

Please opine as soon as possible and let me know. If you want to write back off-list, my email is trillingstar at g m a i l d o t c o m

Anonymous comments are screened if you want to slide into my DMs. So to speak. PMs also welcome.

Thank you!

More info/details/procedures here:

* ao3 post

* gdoc organization spreadsheet

* morgandawn's post

* tumblr post

* yahoo post


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