Oh.. Still New.. (original) (raw)
I am Still new to Live Journal so you any you know any other good pagan/wiccan journals please let me know.. I am not saying I dont like this one I just want to get to know the Live Jurnal Commue a bit more..
Merry meet, merry part, Merry meet again,
Hello everyone. I am an eclectic pagan and have been so for about ten years now. Most of my work has been solitary but I am looking to form a group…
Привет всем! Я тут совсем не долго, давайте знакомиться! Вот, если что, мой адрес: kjk123@inbox.ru…
i feel intensely disconnected from everything that is going on around me. like the seasons turn and have no meaning for me. like i've forgoten about…