Rina Kusumaratna | Trisakti University (original) (raw)

Papers by Rina Kusumaratna

Research paper thumbnail of Penyuluhan Imunisasi Tetanus Toksoid Untuk Calon Pengantin Dan Wanita Usia Subur Di Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama

Juara : Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera, Jul 8, 2023

Dengan peningkatan kapasitas dan pembinaan berkelanjutan para kader kesehatan, serta kerjasama li... more Dengan peningkatan kapasitas dan pembinaan berkelanjutan para kader kesehatan, serta kerjasama lintas sektoral dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik bagi Catin, Wanita Usia Subur maupun ibu hamil, serta masyarakat pada umumnya tentang manfaat vaksinasi TT; sebagai salah satu tindakan pencegahan dan untuk menurunkan kasus penyakit Tetanus Maternal dan Neonatal (TMN) di komunnitas. Ucapan terima kasih ditujukan kepada drg. Melvin Sijabat selaku Kepala Puskesmas Kecamatan Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan; dr. Witriastuti Suci sebagai Kadiklat, besarta seluruh staff dan jajarannya yang memberikan dukungan pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat sejak awal tahap perencanaan hingga tahap pelaksanaan. Disampaikan pula terima kasih kepada para tenaga kesehatan yang bertugas di bagian KIA (Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak), serta kepada Irfan, Bella dan Ghina yang telah berpartispasi aktif sehingga kegiatan dapat terlaksana dengan baik dan lancar.

Research paper thumbnail of Penyuluhan Pentingnya Vaksinasi Covid 19, Pelatihan Pencegahan Deman Berdarah Dengue dan Edukasi kesehatan Gigi untuk Kader Kesehatan Kecamatan Palmerah, Jakarta Barat


In November 2021, Covid-19 vaccination coverage in the special capital area (DKI) Jakarta stage 1... more In November 2021, Covid-19 vaccination coverage in the special capital area (DKI) Jakarta stage 1 (one) reached 78.1% and stage 2 (two) 60.4% for local identity cards (KTP) DKI Jakarta. Covid-19 vaccination coverage for area the Palmerah District stage 1 (one) has reached 96.56% but unfortunately for stage 2 (two) it has not met the expected target. In order to reduce the Covid-19 case, the regional administration (Pemda) of DKI Jakarta has continued given education and socialization to increase public awareness in implementing health protocols and providing Covid-19 vaccinations to the public.Another problem that occurs in the Palmerah District is the increase cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). This increase is due to the rainy season which is the breeding time for the Aedes Aegepty mosquito. DHF can be prevented through controlling the Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN) programme. Public awareness for healthy behavior and maintaining a mosquito-free home environment is still lacking therefor counseling and training are needed for the community to prevent dengue.Since the Covid 19 pandemic, the Dental Health Education Program could not be implemented in Palmerah Health Center due to pandemic and limited resources. Providing dental health education (DHE) to health cadres will increase oral health in community. The results obtained after the training significantly increased the knowledge of the cadres and community members who participated in the event. Thus this collaboration program should continue regularly to maintain knowledge and health practice in community.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Perawatan Jangka Panjang dalam Perawatan Lansia dengan Disabilitas

Kontribusi, May 18, 2024

Penuaan penduduk berdampak pada masalah sosial, ekonomi, budaya pada keluarga dan kesehatan. Meni... more Penuaan penduduk berdampak pada masalah sosial, ekonomi, budaya pada keluarga dan kesehatan. Meningkatnya proporsi lansia disabilitas, berdampak pada tingkat ketergantungan pada keluarga akibat penyakit yang diderita. Sebagian besar lansia di wilayah pustu Cilandak-Barat masih tergolong mandiri, tetapi terdapat pula yang memiliki ketergantungan fisik, sehingga membutuhkan perawatan jangka panjang dan dukungann dari keluarga/caregiver/kelompok dasawisma. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pelatihan perawatan jangka panjang (PJP) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan caregiver informal/dasawisma dalam perawatan lansia dengan disabilitas. Metode kegiatan meliputi peningkatan pengetahuan secara Komunikasi-Informasi-Edukasi menggunakan panduan PJP Kemenkes dan checklist SKILAS. Pelatihan diikuti 11 caregiver dan 14 orang dasawisma dari 6 RW di wilayah pustu Cilandak-Barat, dari 24 Januari-7 Februari 2024. Penilaian evaluasi berdasarkan pre-postest pemahaman hasil KIE dengan uji paired T-test.Terdapat peningkatan skor pemahaman sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan, 35% pada caregiver dan 48% pada dasawisma, dengan kemaknaan p<0.05. Pelatihan PJP yang efektif terbukti mampu meningkatkan ketrampilan caregiver/dasawisma dalam perawatan bagi lansia dengan disabilitas.


Экология человека, Apr 15, 2021

The frequency of pandemics occurrence has increased, from every 200 years in period before the 18... more The frequency of pandemics occurrence has increased, from every 200 years in period before the 18th century, to occurring every 10 to 50 years in the last century. The illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade, the devastation of forests and other wild places, and rapid human mobility were the driving forces behind the increasing number of diseases leaping from wildlife to humans. This article analyzes present human-nature interactions during COVID-19 and projecting future interactions after the pandemic, based on review on academic literature and reports from international development organizations. We found that global pandemic such as COVID-19 is altering humannature interactions in three major global ecological issues: wildlife, urban emission, and land use. For wildlife, COVID-19 affects human perception towards wildlife consumption and trade, as well as animal conservation. For land use, COVID-19 makes countries reduced efforts for forest monitoring and conservation. For urban emission, lockdown/mobility limitation and physical or social distancing policies are proven to some extent resulted in better human-nature interactions that reduce environmental problems. Reduced emission occurred from decreased industrial activities and mobilities. But this positive impact on environment may end once COVID-19 ends and human activities return to previous pattern. Therefore, structural change is required to prepare a resilient sustainable development by continuing existing positive human behavior during COVID-19 as a new normal of human-nature relationships. It is proven to reduce emission and if it is continued, it can have long term impacts on climate change mitigation.

Research paper thumbnail of Occupational health and safety profile of a men's underwear factory in Jakarta

The objective of this study was to determine the extent of occupational health and safety practic... more The objective of this study was to determine the extent of occupational health and safety practices in the garment manufacturing industry. The method was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The study was conducted at factory “X” in South Jakarta. The survey instrument used closed-ended questionnaire adopted from ILO/RI Ministry of Manpower, which focused on health and safety hazards, workplace ergonomics, as well as work site sound, dust and light threshold values. The 34 respondents interviewed were company management, field supervisors and sampled workers. Main product of the factory was men underwear such as Underpants/pantray and Sleeveless/undershirt. Type of work was office work and production work. Company management provided social and health coverage for workers. Sanitation, health and safety facilities were available in the factory. Inadequate lighting, high temperature, cotton and string dust were potential hazard found in the workplace. The workers rarely used personal protective equipment. Prevalence of respiratory disease among workers was 25%. Most employees adopted non-ergonomic posture during working at 4 worksite units. Workers complained of low back pain and dizziness was 30%. It is recommended that health promotion should focus on the use of protective equipment for disease prevention. Workplace facilities should fulfill standard ergonomic criteria. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui praktek kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada industri garment. Rancangan penelitian secara potonglintang dan deskriptif. Studi ini dilakukan pada salah satu perusahaan skala menengah di daerah Jakarta Selatan. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner tertutup yang diadopsi dari ILO dan Depnaker RI, yang di titik beratkan pada bahaya kesehatan. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap 34 responden terdiri dari manajer perusahaan, penyelia lapangan, dan pekerja. Hasil utama produksi adalah kaos singlet dan dalam. Tipe pekerjaan dalam perusahaan terbagi atas bagian administrasi dan produksi. Perusahaan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan sosial bagi pekerja. Fasilitas kebersihan, kesehatan dan keamanan tersedia di perusahaan. Kurangnya pencahayaan, panas, debu katun dan benang merupakan bahaya potensial di tempat kerja. Pekerja jarang menggunakan alat perlindungan perorangan yang disediakan. Prevalensi penyakit saluran nafas diantara pekerja sebesar 25%. Pada empat unit tempat kerja, sebagian besar pekerja bekerja dengan posisi kerja yang tidak ergonomis. Sebanyak 30% pekerja mengeluh sakit pinggang dan pusing. Disarankan penyuluhan kesehatan ditujukan pada penggunaan alat perlindungan perorangan dan fasilitas tempat kerja seharusnya disesuaikan dengan standar ergonomis. Kata kunci : Kesehatan kerja, keamanan, bahaya, industri, pakaian dalam, Jakarta

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Kesiapan Perancangan Sistem Navigasi Pasien Kanker DI Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais

Background: Cancer patient navigation is a coordinated assistance process that assists patients i... more Background: Cancer patient navigation is a coordinated assistance process that assists patients in overcoming barriers to timely and high-quality cancer care. Nonetheless, research on the design of an effective patient navigation system is still scarce. Objectives: To obtain an overview of the readiness of the navigation system for cancer patients at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital from the aspect of leadership policy, availability of resources, and assessing the knowledge level of navigators. Method: Case studies at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital were conducted from August to November 2022. A total of 13 informants involved in designing the cancer patient navigation system conducted in-depth interviews. Qualitative data were analyzed by the thematic analysis method. Quantitative data were obtained from field observations and document reviews using a modified checklist of the conformity of the American Cancer Society's standard-cancer patient navigation design practices, as well as a closed questionnaire to assess eight navigators' knowledge levels. Results: There are 15 components, each representing a different aspect of the design. The standards define four components that represent the leadership policy standpoint. All four requirements are met. Inconsistency in patient monitoring and the availability of approved SOPs were two of the seven resource availability components that were ineffective. The subjective navigator recruitment process is one component that is unsuitable from the perspective of a navigator. The patient navigator candidate's knowledge level is 35.12%, which is considered "good." Conclusion: Only the leadership and policy aspects are fully met out of the 15 components representing three aspects of the design. Patient monitoring, ratification of activity SOPs, and the presence of an open navigator healing process and goals can all help to improve navigation system development.

Research paper thumbnail of Ebola virus – new threat to global health

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2014

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a fatal infectious disease of humans and primates. The disease is caus... more Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a fatal infectious disease of humans and primates. The disease is caused by single-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the family Filoviridae. The Ebola virus started to emerge in 1976, in an outbreak that almost simultaneously attacked two countries, namely Zaire and Sudan. (1) Around 500 cases were reported, with a case fatality rate of 88% in Zaire and 53% in Sudan. Although occurring at the same time, the Ebola viruses in the two countries were of different species, by serologic criteria as well as by sequence analysis. (2) The following Ebola virus species have been found: Zaire ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus, Cote d'Ivoire ebolavirus, Reston ebolavirus, and Bundibugyo ebolavirus. (1) Since September 2014, more than 4000 confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease, with more than 2000 deaths, have been reported in West African countries, such as Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. (3) The Ebola outbreak started in Guinea in Desember 2013. (4) Nine months after the occurrence of the first cases, there was a weekly increase in the number of reported cases and deaths. There is now a global warning for nations to be on the alert against the spread of the Ebola virus. Therefore the World Health Organization has declared the situation to be a public health emergency of international concern. (3) At the present time the Ebola outbreak is developing and spreading, so there are substantial challenges in controlling the outbreak, halting its transmission, and providing clinical services to Ebola virus patients. However, the detection of patients with Ebola infection requires adequate diagnostic facilities, accompanied by treatment clinics and medicines, so as to help in containing the disease. The Ebola virus infection is mainly spread by contact with body fluids of symptomatic patients, and its transmission can be prevented by early diagnosis, contact tracing, isolation of patients, patient care, and infection control. (4,5) Since it became known that two American healthcare workers in Liberia had become infected with the Ebola virus, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has attracted much attention and caused anxiety in many countries. (7) This is not the first viral outbreak in West Africa that has caused concern in advanced countries. Between 1928-1929, a yellow fever outbreak in West Africa resulted in the deaths of prominent research workers from America, England, and Japan. (7) Although several ecological aspects of the virus are known, there is still much to be investigated in relation to its ecology. Fruit bats are thought to be one of the reservoirs of the Ebola virus, although other animals may also be susceptible to the Ebola virus and be able to infect humans. (6) It is thought that infection in humans first occur at the time of exposure to body fluids from animal reservoirs of the virus, or intermediate animal hosts. (1) A study conducted by Pourrut et al. (8) reported that 4% of bats in Gabon were positive for immunoglobulins to the Zaire ebolavirus. This seems to provide evidence of bats as carriers of Ebola viruses and as a source of Ebola infection. Furthermore,

Research paper thumbnail of Nutrition and immune system in the elderly

The number of individuals aged 60 years or older is projected to double as a proportion of the wo... more The number of individuals aged 60 years or older is projected to double as a proportion of the world’s population and to more than triple in number over the next 50 years. Aging is often associated with a dysregulation in immune function, particularly in T-cell responses, even in the healthy elderly. Adequate nutrition is important for optimal immune function. Specific nutrient deficiencies can aggravate the age-associated dysfunction in immune function and increase the risk of illness. Several micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and selenium are essential to specific and non-specific immune function and thus influence the susceptibility of the elderly to infectious diseases. Free radicals and oxidative stress have been recognized as important factors in the biology of aging and of many age-associated degenerative diseases. Therefore, dietary components with antioxidant activity have received particular attention because of their potential role in modulating oxidative stress associated with aging and chronic conditions. The nutritional deficiency impairs the immune response, exposure to viral pathogens, and will result in an increase in the severity of diseases. Nutritional deficiency in the elderly must be treated to reduce the risk of infection and possibly slow the aging process.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of physical activity on quality of life in the elderly

Universa Medicina, Jun 26, 2008

The rapid growth of the elderly population is having an impact on the maintenance of a healthy me... more The rapid growth of the elderly population is having an impact on the maintenance of a healthy mental and physical state. The aim of this study was to assess the correlation of physical activity and quality of life in the elderly. The participants in this study were 21 male and 80 female elderly persons (66.4 ± 6.3 years, mean ± SD) recruited from the community in 2 subdistricts in South Jakarta. Data were collected on the quality of life (QOL) using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire that contains 26 items, 24 of them making up the 4 domains of physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environment. The Short Form (SF) International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to measure the habitual practice of physical activities of the elderly. Subjects were separated into groups with low (n = 25), moderate (n= 37) and high activity level (n = 39), according to their position on the physical activity scale. The QOL scores in all four domains were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the group reporting a higher level of physical activity. After adjustment for age, the more active group had higher values in all four QOL domains as follows: physical health (p = 0.027), psychological health (p = 0.000), social relationships (p = 0.005), and environment (p = 0.000). Healthy older adults who had higher physical activity had higher QOL scores than those who were physically less active. Therefore, incorporating more physical activity into the lifestyles of sedentary or minimally active elderly persons may improve their QOL.

Research paper thumbnail of Physical activity reduced hypertension in the elderly and cost-effective

Universa Medicina, Dec 23, 2011

Sedentary lifestyle gives rise to important health problems in the world, such as cardiovascular ... more Sedentary lifestyle gives rise to important health problems in the world, such as cardiovascular disorders and hypertension. Hypertension is an important modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease and is the most significant risk factor for stroke. There is mounting evidence that physical activity is beneficial for the elderly, and may have positive effects on chronic disorders, such as hypertension. The purpose of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of physical activity for reducing hypertension and the healthcare costs of hypertension in the elderly. This cross-sectional study, conducted from August to October 2009, involved 237 community-dwelling elderly in one district of South Jakarta, comprising 86 males and 151 females aged 66.4 ± 6.3 years. Data on background characteristics were collected using a validated questionnaire, while physical activity was assessed using the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Results showed that 32.9% elderly was physically active and 67.1 % less physically active. The overall prevalence of hypertension was 18.6%, while there was no significant difference of hypertension between male and female elderly (p=0.737). The risk for hypertension in the physically active group was 0.40 times lower than that in the less physically active group (OR = 0.40; 95% C.I. 0.16-0.97), leading to annual healthcare cost savings in the physically active group of 60%. In conclusion, physical activity reduces hypertension and the associated healthcare expenditure among community-dwelling elderly.

Research paper thumbnail of Diterminan Sosial - Ekonomi dan Kesehatan Mental pada Kaum Ibu di Kawasan Provinsi Bengkulu

PubHealth Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat

Wanita dianggap lebih sensitif daripada pria, ini adalah masalah hak bagi mereka. Mayoritas pendu... more Wanita dianggap lebih sensitif daripada pria, ini adalah masalah hak bagi mereka. Mayoritas penduduk berpikir bahwa wanita harus menangani semua aspek manajemen rumah tangga, termasuk pengasuhan anak, pengelolaan uang, persiapan makanan, dll. Mereka mungkin mengalami berbagai masalah mental sebagai akibat tekanan ini, yang dapat menyebabkan depresi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan hubungan faktor sosial - ekonomi dengan depresi pada wanita yang sudah menikah di Provinsi Bengkulu, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross-sectional ini dengan teknik multiple random sampling dengan total responden sebanyak 442 responden. Penelitian ini juga mencakup tiga jenis uji yang berbeda: univariat, regresi logistik, dan regresi logistik berganda. Regresi logistik dan regresi logistik berganda digunakan sebagai data analisis untuk menemukan hubungan antara faktor independen dan variabel dependen. Hasil menunjukan bahwa proporsi dari depresi adalah 77,87% (95% CI: 73,95-81,34). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Human-Nature Interactions Through the Lens of Global Pandemics: a Review

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology), 2021

The frequency of pandemics occurrence has increased, from every 200 years in period before the 18... more The frequency of pandemics occurrence has increased, from every 200 years in period before the 18th century, to occurring every 10 to 50 years in the last century. The illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade, the devastation of forests and other wild places, and rapid human mobility were the driving forces behind the increasing number of diseases leaping from wildlife to humans. This article analyzes present human-nature interactions during COVID-19 and projecting future interactions after the pandemic, based on review on academic literature and reports from international development organizations. We found that global pandemic such as COVID-19 is altering human-nature interactions in three major global ecological issues: wildlife, urban emission, and land use. For wildlife, COVID-19 affects human perception towards wildlife consumption and trade, as well as animal conservation. For land use, COVID-19 makes countries reduced efforts for forest monitoring and conservation. For urban...

Research paper thumbnail of Validitas dan reliabilitas World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF untuk mengukur kualitas hidup lanjut usia

Universa Medicina, Apr 27, 2007

LATAR BELAKANG Jumlah populasi dan umur harapan hidup lanjut usia (lansia) semakin meningkat akib... more LATAR BELAKANG Jumlah populasi dan umur harapan hidup lanjut usia (lansia) semakin meningkat akibat perbaikan dari pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat dan intervensi kedokteran. Dengan semakin meningkatnya umur harapan hidup, maka sangat penting untuk memperbaiki kualitas hidup lansia. World Health Organization (WHO) telah mengembangkan sebuah instrumen untuk mengukur kualitas hidup seseorang yaitu WHO Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF). WHOQOL-BREF terdiri dari empat domain yaitu fisik, psikologik, sosial dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai validitas dan reliabilitas dari WHOQOL-BREF sebagai instrumen untuk mengukur kualitas hidup lansia. METODE Sebuah rancangan potong silang dilakukan di Kecamatan Mampang, Jakarta Selatan. Selama dua bulan (Oktober dan November 2005) sebanyak 306 lansia (usia ≥60 tahun, mampu berjalan, mampu berkomunikasi, dan tidak dalam kedaan terminal) bersedia ikut serta dalam penelitian. Sepuluh pewancara yang sudah dilatih mengumpulkan informasi tentang umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, status pernikahan, dan kualitas hidup. HASIL Hasil penelitian menunjukkan distribusi skor setiap domain dari WHOQOL-BREF adalah simetris dan tidak didapatkan efek floor atau ceiling. Validitas diskriminan, validitas konstruk, dan konsistensi internal menunjukkan hasil yang baik dari skor keempat domain. Namun terdapat dua item pertanyaan yaitu tentang perasaan negatif dan kepuasan hidup seksual yang menunjukkan korelasi yang lemah dengan domain psikologik dan sosial. Kedua pertanyaan ini harus dimodifikasi supaya lebih mudah dipahami oleh lansia. KESIMPULAN WHOQOL-BREF merupakan instrumen yang valid dan reliable untuk mengukur kualitas hidup lansia, tetapi masih diperlukan sedikit perbaikan.

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan Klinis Dokter Umum DI Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais

Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan (The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management)

Background: Dharmais Cancer Hospital is a special class A cancer hospital which is a reference fo... more Background: Dharmais Cancer Hospital is a special class A cancer hospital which is a reference for the National Cancer Center with multidisciplinary health workers. With the specialist role of the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, general practitioners are also involved in improving the quality of patient care. To encourage this, the clinical leadership skills of a general practitioner are also urgently needed. Objective: Assess the level of clinical leadership and explore individual and service factors that play a role in clinical leadership in General Practitioners at Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Methods: Case study research using quantitative and qualitative data approaches to all general practitioners who serve as doctors on duty at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Collecting data using a questionnaire using modified instruments from the Clinical Leadership Competency Framework-self-assessment tool, document review, interviews and observations. Quantitative data analysis with frequency distri...

Research paper thumbnail of Prediktor Ketidakhadiran Ibu Pada Kunjungan Nifas Selama Pandemi COVID-19


Kematian ibu merupakan ukuran yang digunakan salah satunya dalam menilai tingkat kesehatan dan ke... more Kematian ibu merupakan ukuran yang digunakan salah satunya dalam menilai tingkat kesehatan dan keberhasilan pembangunan kesehatan. Kematian ibu, berdasarkan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia, merupakan kematian yang terjadi selama masa kehamilan, persalinan, dan nifas disebabkan karena kehamilan, persalinan, dan nifas ataupun pengelolaannya tetapi bukan disebabkan hal lain seperti kecelakaan. Salah satu upaya pencegahan kematian ibu adalah melalui pelayanan masa nifas. Cakupan kunjungan nifas di Kelurahan Bukit Duri belum mencapai target (80,26%) selama pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan kunjungan ibu nifas di Puskesmas Bukit Duri pada saat pandemi Covid-19. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total population sampling yaitu seluruh ibu nifas di kelurahan Bukit Duri yang tercatat pada bulan November 2021 menjadi sampel yaitu sebanyak 49 orang. Analisis data dilakukan s...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Penguatan Sistem Pelaporan Juru Pemantau Jentik Dalam Penerapan “1 Rumah 1 Jumantik” di Komunitas: Era Adaptasi Baru Covid-19

Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara

Kesehatan lingkungan merupakan bagian penting dari upaya kesehatan masyarakat. Interaksi antara m... more Kesehatan lingkungan merupakan bagian penting dari upaya kesehatan masyarakat. Interaksi antara manusia dengan lingkungan dapat saling mempengaruhi. Salah satu dampak adalah munculnya masalah kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan vektor, salah satu vektor penyebab penyakit adalah nyamuk. Tujuan pengabdian adalah untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan memperkuat sistem pelaporan dengan menerapkan konsep “1 Rumah 1 Jumantik” pada 89 kader kesehatan jumantik. Kegiatan diawali dengan analisis situasi dan evaluasi masalah, dilanjutkan dengan pemecahan masalah dan pelatihan peningkatan kapasitas pada kader kesehatan. Sebagai kegiatan akhir, kami membuatkan dan merancang e-reporting dengan menggunakan google-form serta diuji cobakan di 3 RW percontohan Puskesmas Bintaro, Jakarta Selatan. Hasil kegiatan didapatkan, kompetensi keterampilan kader meningkat dalam menggunakan formulir e-reporting untuk pemantauan jentik guna mendukung gerakan “1 Rumah 1 Jumantik”. Harapannya, kader kesehatan dapat menjadi ...

Research paper thumbnail of Occupational Health and Safety Profile of a Flour Mill in Jakarta

Occupational health and safety of workers in large industries is important for the performance of... more Occupational health and safety of workers in large industries is important for the performance of the industry and productivity of workers. A large flour mill in Jakarta was selected to assess the occupational health and safety profile of such industries. The questionnaire used is adopted from the ILO/RI Ministry of Man­ power standard questionnaires, 1,425 male and 160 female workers were employed in the factory. The main flour mill product was wheat flour and pasta. Lighting is adequate in the factory, ex ept the pasta packing unit. Noise, dust and vibration are potential hazards in the d illing unit. The workers rarely used personal protective equipment: There was a high prevalence of respiratory disease among workers. Most employees adopted non-ergonomic posture during work at the packing unit. This increased complaints of low back pain and varicose veins. Work accidents frequently occurred at the workshop, but not at the drilling unit. Indiscriminate positioning of materials wa...

Research paper thumbnail of Interpreting Epidemiological Data of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Indonesia and Its Implication for Travel Advice: a lesson learned

Background Descriptive data on major epidemiological parameters of the coronavirus disease 2019 (... more Background Descriptive data on major epidemiological parameters of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is reported daily in Indonesia. However, raw data are not su cient to provide accurate travel advice. The study objective is to conduct analytical statistics of publicly available epidemiology data, focusing on the dynamics of test positivity rate (TPR) and case fatality rate (CFR) to better understand the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Methods This was a cross-sectional study, using electronic data provided by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, between July 2020 to February 2021. Test positivity rate was the number of positive cases divided by the total people tested, multiplied by 100%. Case Fatality Rate was the number of death divided by the total number of died and recovered cases, multiplied by 100%. Monthly comparisons were tested using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc analysis with Bonferroni's method. Correlation between numerical variables was tested using Pearson's correlation test. Results There were 274 daily reports retrieved for analysis. The number of specimens and people tested, and con rmed new cases tended to increase from July 2020 to peak in January 2021. The overall mean TPR was 17.9%, with an increasing trend since December 2020. The number of deaths was increasing since November 2020, but the overall mean CFR was 3.3% with a decreasing trend in 2021. Conclusions High transmission implies that travel should be restricted. The case fatality rate is stable with a decreasing trend, re ecting adequate clinical care in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh suplementasi zinc dan vitamin A terhadap ascariasis pada anak Sekolah Dasar

SKRIPSI-2017, Jul 5, 2018

LATAR BELAKANG Infeksi cacing Ascaris lumbricoides menyebar di seluruh dunia. Penyakit ascariasis... more LATAR BELAKANG Infeksi cacing Ascaris lumbricoides menyebar di seluruh dunia. Penyakit ascariasis merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang cukup banyak di Indonesia. Tingginya angka infeksi menyebabkan mudahnya terjadi penularan serta terjadinya defesiensi nutrisi pada anak yang jarang diketahui akibat dari infeksi cacing. Mineral zinc merupakan komponen penting pada struktur dan fungsi membran sel, zinc juga berperan penting dalam sistem kekebalan. Vitamin A merupakan faktor esensial untuk perkembangan mukosa saluran pencernaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi zinc dan vitamin A terhadap ascariasis pada anak Sekolah Dasar. METODE Penelitian menggunakan desain eksperimental yang mengikutsertakan 30 anak Sekolah Dasar di Kalibaru yang dibagi kedalam 2 kelompok, kelompok 1 adalah kelompok perlakuan, kelompok 2 adalah kelompok kontrol. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara melanjutkan penelitian sebelumnya tentang anak-anak dengan defesiensi zinc dan Vitamin A yang mengalami infeksi kembali, dan penilaian pengaruh suplementasi zinc dan vitamin A menggunakan SPSS. Analisis ini menggunakan uji statistik t-Pelajar. HASIL Dari perbandingan 2 kelompok yang diteliti oleh penulis, tidak terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna secara statistik tentang suplementasi zinc dan vitamin A terhadap ascariasis pada anak Sekolah Dasar, yaitu p = 0,620 ( p > 0,05 ). KESIMPULAN Penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak terdapat pengaruh suplementasi zinc dan vitamin A terhadap ascariasis pada anak Sekolah Dasar

Research paper thumbnail of Keanekaragaman asupan makanan pada lansia di kota Tarakan Kalimantan Utara studi kasus : Hubungan asupan makanan dengan lingkar perut

Masalah gizi pada lansia sebagian besar diakibatkan oleh status gizi berlebih atau kurang. Hal in... more Masalah gizi pada lansia sebagian besar diakibatkan oleh status gizi berlebih atau kurang. Hal ini memicu timbulnya berbagai penyakit metabolik atau degeneratif.Keanekaragaman asupan makanan adalah salah satu cara penting untuk memperoleh keseimbangan nutrisi bagi semua kelompok usia, termasuk lansia. Penelitian ini merupakan studi pertama mengenai keragaman asupan makanan pada lansia dan sampai saat ini belum ada usaha untuk menilai keanekaragaman asupan makanan sebagai pengukuran kualitas nutrisi lansia di Kota Tarakan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional.Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tarakan. Data berupa kuesioner 3-days food diary. Lalu data akan diolah dengan program nutrisurvey dan SPSS. IDDS (Individual Dietary Diversity Score) juga dipakai untuk menilai keragaman asupan makanan individu lansia. Terdapat 69.6% lansia yang memiliki skor IDDS ≥ 5. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa kelompok makanan yang...

Research paper thumbnail of Penyuluhan Imunisasi Tetanus Toksoid Untuk Calon Pengantin Dan Wanita Usia Subur Di Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama

Juara : Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera, Jul 8, 2023

Dengan peningkatan kapasitas dan pembinaan berkelanjutan para kader kesehatan, serta kerjasama li... more Dengan peningkatan kapasitas dan pembinaan berkelanjutan para kader kesehatan, serta kerjasama lintas sektoral dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik bagi Catin, Wanita Usia Subur maupun ibu hamil, serta masyarakat pada umumnya tentang manfaat vaksinasi TT; sebagai salah satu tindakan pencegahan dan untuk menurunkan kasus penyakit Tetanus Maternal dan Neonatal (TMN) di komunnitas. Ucapan terima kasih ditujukan kepada drg. Melvin Sijabat selaku Kepala Puskesmas Kecamatan Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan; dr. Witriastuti Suci sebagai Kadiklat, besarta seluruh staff dan jajarannya yang memberikan dukungan pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat sejak awal tahap perencanaan hingga tahap pelaksanaan. Disampaikan pula terima kasih kepada para tenaga kesehatan yang bertugas di bagian KIA (Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak), serta kepada Irfan, Bella dan Ghina yang telah berpartispasi aktif sehingga kegiatan dapat terlaksana dengan baik dan lancar.

Research paper thumbnail of Penyuluhan Pentingnya Vaksinasi Covid 19, Pelatihan Pencegahan Deman Berdarah Dengue dan Edukasi kesehatan Gigi untuk Kader Kesehatan Kecamatan Palmerah, Jakarta Barat


In November 2021, Covid-19 vaccination coverage in the special capital area (DKI) Jakarta stage 1... more In November 2021, Covid-19 vaccination coverage in the special capital area (DKI) Jakarta stage 1 (one) reached 78.1% and stage 2 (two) 60.4% for local identity cards (KTP) DKI Jakarta. Covid-19 vaccination coverage for area the Palmerah District stage 1 (one) has reached 96.56% but unfortunately for stage 2 (two) it has not met the expected target. In order to reduce the Covid-19 case, the regional administration (Pemda) of DKI Jakarta has continued given education and socialization to increase public awareness in implementing health protocols and providing Covid-19 vaccinations to the public.Another problem that occurs in the Palmerah District is the increase cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). This increase is due to the rainy season which is the breeding time for the Aedes Aegepty mosquito. DHF can be prevented through controlling the Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN) programme. Public awareness for healthy behavior and maintaining a mosquito-free home environment is still lacking therefor counseling and training are needed for the community to prevent dengue.Since the Covid 19 pandemic, the Dental Health Education Program could not be implemented in Palmerah Health Center due to pandemic and limited resources. Providing dental health education (DHE) to health cadres will increase oral health in community. The results obtained after the training significantly increased the knowledge of the cadres and community members who participated in the event. Thus this collaboration program should continue regularly to maintain knowledge and health practice in community.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Perawatan Jangka Panjang dalam Perawatan Lansia dengan Disabilitas

Kontribusi, May 18, 2024

Penuaan penduduk berdampak pada masalah sosial, ekonomi, budaya pada keluarga dan kesehatan. Meni... more Penuaan penduduk berdampak pada masalah sosial, ekonomi, budaya pada keluarga dan kesehatan. Meningkatnya proporsi lansia disabilitas, berdampak pada tingkat ketergantungan pada keluarga akibat penyakit yang diderita. Sebagian besar lansia di wilayah pustu Cilandak-Barat masih tergolong mandiri, tetapi terdapat pula yang memiliki ketergantungan fisik, sehingga membutuhkan perawatan jangka panjang dan dukungann dari keluarga/caregiver/kelompok dasawisma. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pelatihan perawatan jangka panjang (PJP) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan caregiver informal/dasawisma dalam perawatan lansia dengan disabilitas. Metode kegiatan meliputi peningkatan pengetahuan secara Komunikasi-Informasi-Edukasi menggunakan panduan PJP Kemenkes dan checklist SKILAS. Pelatihan diikuti 11 caregiver dan 14 orang dasawisma dari 6 RW di wilayah pustu Cilandak-Barat, dari 24 Januari-7 Februari 2024. Penilaian evaluasi berdasarkan pre-postest pemahaman hasil KIE dengan uji paired T-test.Terdapat peningkatan skor pemahaman sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan, 35% pada caregiver dan 48% pada dasawisma, dengan kemaknaan p<0.05. Pelatihan PJP yang efektif terbukti mampu meningkatkan ketrampilan caregiver/dasawisma dalam perawatan bagi lansia dengan disabilitas.


Экология человека, Apr 15, 2021

The frequency of pandemics occurrence has increased, from every 200 years in period before the 18... more The frequency of pandemics occurrence has increased, from every 200 years in period before the 18th century, to occurring every 10 to 50 years in the last century. The illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade, the devastation of forests and other wild places, and rapid human mobility were the driving forces behind the increasing number of diseases leaping from wildlife to humans. This article analyzes present human-nature interactions during COVID-19 and projecting future interactions after the pandemic, based on review on academic literature and reports from international development organizations. We found that global pandemic such as COVID-19 is altering humannature interactions in three major global ecological issues: wildlife, urban emission, and land use. For wildlife, COVID-19 affects human perception towards wildlife consumption and trade, as well as animal conservation. For land use, COVID-19 makes countries reduced efforts for forest monitoring and conservation. For urban emission, lockdown/mobility limitation and physical or social distancing policies are proven to some extent resulted in better human-nature interactions that reduce environmental problems. Reduced emission occurred from decreased industrial activities and mobilities. But this positive impact on environment may end once COVID-19 ends and human activities return to previous pattern. Therefore, structural change is required to prepare a resilient sustainable development by continuing existing positive human behavior during COVID-19 as a new normal of human-nature relationships. It is proven to reduce emission and if it is continued, it can have long term impacts on climate change mitigation.

Research paper thumbnail of Occupational health and safety profile of a men's underwear factory in Jakarta

The objective of this study was to determine the extent of occupational health and safety practic... more The objective of this study was to determine the extent of occupational health and safety practices in the garment manufacturing industry. The method was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The study was conducted at factory “X” in South Jakarta. The survey instrument used closed-ended questionnaire adopted from ILO/RI Ministry of Manpower, which focused on health and safety hazards, workplace ergonomics, as well as work site sound, dust and light threshold values. The 34 respondents interviewed were company management, field supervisors and sampled workers. Main product of the factory was men underwear such as Underpants/pantray and Sleeveless/undershirt. Type of work was office work and production work. Company management provided social and health coverage for workers. Sanitation, health and safety facilities were available in the factory. Inadequate lighting, high temperature, cotton and string dust were potential hazard found in the workplace. The workers rarely used personal protective equipment. Prevalence of respiratory disease among workers was 25%. Most employees adopted non-ergonomic posture during working at 4 worksite units. Workers complained of low back pain and dizziness was 30%. It is recommended that health promotion should focus on the use of protective equipment for disease prevention. Workplace facilities should fulfill standard ergonomic criteria. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui praktek kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada industri garment. Rancangan penelitian secara potonglintang dan deskriptif. Studi ini dilakukan pada salah satu perusahaan skala menengah di daerah Jakarta Selatan. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner tertutup yang diadopsi dari ILO dan Depnaker RI, yang di titik beratkan pada bahaya kesehatan. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap 34 responden terdiri dari manajer perusahaan, penyelia lapangan, dan pekerja. Hasil utama produksi adalah kaos singlet dan dalam. Tipe pekerjaan dalam perusahaan terbagi atas bagian administrasi dan produksi. Perusahaan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan sosial bagi pekerja. Fasilitas kebersihan, kesehatan dan keamanan tersedia di perusahaan. Kurangnya pencahayaan, panas, debu katun dan benang merupakan bahaya potensial di tempat kerja. Pekerja jarang menggunakan alat perlindungan perorangan yang disediakan. Prevalensi penyakit saluran nafas diantara pekerja sebesar 25%. Pada empat unit tempat kerja, sebagian besar pekerja bekerja dengan posisi kerja yang tidak ergonomis. Sebanyak 30% pekerja mengeluh sakit pinggang dan pusing. Disarankan penyuluhan kesehatan ditujukan pada penggunaan alat perlindungan perorangan dan fasilitas tempat kerja seharusnya disesuaikan dengan standar ergonomis. Kata kunci : Kesehatan kerja, keamanan, bahaya, industri, pakaian dalam, Jakarta

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Kesiapan Perancangan Sistem Navigasi Pasien Kanker DI Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais

Background: Cancer patient navigation is a coordinated assistance process that assists patients i... more Background: Cancer patient navigation is a coordinated assistance process that assists patients in overcoming barriers to timely and high-quality cancer care. Nonetheless, research on the design of an effective patient navigation system is still scarce. Objectives: To obtain an overview of the readiness of the navigation system for cancer patients at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital from the aspect of leadership policy, availability of resources, and assessing the knowledge level of navigators. Method: Case studies at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital were conducted from August to November 2022. A total of 13 informants involved in designing the cancer patient navigation system conducted in-depth interviews. Qualitative data were analyzed by the thematic analysis method. Quantitative data were obtained from field observations and document reviews using a modified checklist of the conformity of the American Cancer Society's standard-cancer patient navigation design practices, as well as a closed questionnaire to assess eight navigators' knowledge levels. Results: There are 15 components, each representing a different aspect of the design. The standards define four components that represent the leadership policy standpoint. All four requirements are met. Inconsistency in patient monitoring and the availability of approved SOPs were two of the seven resource availability components that were ineffective. The subjective navigator recruitment process is one component that is unsuitable from the perspective of a navigator. The patient navigator candidate's knowledge level is 35.12%, which is considered "good." Conclusion: Only the leadership and policy aspects are fully met out of the 15 components representing three aspects of the design. Patient monitoring, ratification of activity SOPs, and the presence of an open navigator healing process and goals can all help to improve navigation system development.

Research paper thumbnail of Ebola virus – new threat to global health

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2014

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a fatal infectious disease of humans and primates. The disease is caus... more Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a fatal infectious disease of humans and primates. The disease is caused by single-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the family Filoviridae. The Ebola virus started to emerge in 1976, in an outbreak that almost simultaneously attacked two countries, namely Zaire and Sudan. (1) Around 500 cases were reported, with a case fatality rate of 88% in Zaire and 53% in Sudan. Although occurring at the same time, the Ebola viruses in the two countries were of different species, by serologic criteria as well as by sequence analysis. (2) The following Ebola virus species have been found: Zaire ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus, Cote d'Ivoire ebolavirus, Reston ebolavirus, and Bundibugyo ebolavirus. (1) Since September 2014, more than 4000 confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease, with more than 2000 deaths, have been reported in West African countries, such as Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. (3) The Ebola outbreak started in Guinea in Desember 2013. (4) Nine months after the occurrence of the first cases, there was a weekly increase in the number of reported cases and deaths. There is now a global warning for nations to be on the alert against the spread of the Ebola virus. Therefore the World Health Organization has declared the situation to be a public health emergency of international concern. (3) At the present time the Ebola outbreak is developing and spreading, so there are substantial challenges in controlling the outbreak, halting its transmission, and providing clinical services to Ebola virus patients. However, the detection of patients with Ebola infection requires adequate diagnostic facilities, accompanied by treatment clinics and medicines, so as to help in containing the disease. The Ebola virus infection is mainly spread by contact with body fluids of symptomatic patients, and its transmission can be prevented by early diagnosis, contact tracing, isolation of patients, patient care, and infection control. (4,5) Since it became known that two American healthcare workers in Liberia had become infected with the Ebola virus, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has attracted much attention and caused anxiety in many countries. (7) This is not the first viral outbreak in West Africa that has caused concern in advanced countries. Between 1928-1929, a yellow fever outbreak in West Africa resulted in the deaths of prominent research workers from America, England, and Japan. (7) Although several ecological aspects of the virus are known, there is still much to be investigated in relation to its ecology. Fruit bats are thought to be one of the reservoirs of the Ebola virus, although other animals may also be susceptible to the Ebola virus and be able to infect humans. (6) It is thought that infection in humans first occur at the time of exposure to body fluids from animal reservoirs of the virus, or intermediate animal hosts. (1) A study conducted by Pourrut et al. (8) reported that 4% of bats in Gabon were positive for immunoglobulins to the Zaire ebolavirus. This seems to provide evidence of bats as carriers of Ebola viruses and as a source of Ebola infection. Furthermore,

Research paper thumbnail of Nutrition and immune system in the elderly

The number of individuals aged 60 years or older is projected to double as a proportion of the wo... more The number of individuals aged 60 years or older is projected to double as a proportion of the world’s population and to more than triple in number over the next 50 years. Aging is often associated with a dysregulation in immune function, particularly in T-cell responses, even in the healthy elderly. Adequate nutrition is important for optimal immune function. Specific nutrient deficiencies can aggravate the age-associated dysfunction in immune function and increase the risk of illness. Several micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and selenium are essential to specific and non-specific immune function and thus influence the susceptibility of the elderly to infectious diseases. Free radicals and oxidative stress have been recognized as important factors in the biology of aging and of many age-associated degenerative diseases. Therefore, dietary components with antioxidant activity have received particular attention because of their potential role in modulating oxidative stress associated with aging and chronic conditions. The nutritional deficiency impairs the immune response, exposure to viral pathogens, and will result in an increase in the severity of diseases. Nutritional deficiency in the elderly must be treated to reduce the risk of infection and possibly slow the aging process.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of physical activity on quality of life in the elderly

Universa Medicina, Jun 26, 2008

The rapid growth of the elderly population is having an impact on the maintenance of a healthy me... more The rapid growth of the elderly population is having an impact on the maintenance of a healthy mental and physical state. The aim of this study was to assess the correlation of physical activity and quality of life in the elderly. The participants in this study were 21 male and 80 female elderly persons (66.4 ± 6.3 years, mean ± SD) recruited from the community in 2 subdistricts in South Jakarta. Data were collected on the quality of life (QOL) using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire that contains 26 items, 24 of them making up the 4 domains of physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environment. The Short Form (SF) International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to measure the habitual practice of physical activities of the elderly. Subjects were separated into groups with low (n = 25), moderate (n= 37) and high activity level (n = 39), according to their position on the physical activity scale. The QOL scores in all four domains were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the group reporting a higher level of physical activity. After adjustment for age, the more active group had higher values in all four QOL domains as follows: physical health (p = 0.027), psychological health (p = 0.000), social relationships (p = 0.005), and environment (p = 0.000). Healthy older adults who had higher physical activity had higher QOL scores than those who were physically less active. Therefore, incorporating more physical activity into the lifestyles of sedentary or minimally active elderly persons may improve their QOL.

Research paper thumbnail of Physical activity reduced hypertension in the elderly and cost-effective

Universa Medicina, Dec 23, 2011

Sedentary lifestyle gives rise to important health problems in the world, such as cardiovascular ... more Sedentary lifestyle gives rise to important health problems in the world, such as cardiovascular disorders and hypertension. Hypertension is an important modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease and is the most significant risk factor for stroke. There is mounting evidence that physical activity is beneficial for the elderly, and may have positive effects on chronic disorders, such as hypertension. The purpose of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of physical activity for reducing hypertension and the healthcare costs of hypertension in the elderly. This cross-sectional study, conducted from August to October 2009, involved 237 community-dwelling elderly in one district of South Jakarta, comprising 86 males and 151 females aged 66.4 ± 6.3 years. Data on background characteristics were collected using a validated questionnaire, while physical activity was assessed using the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Results showed that 32.9% elderly was physically active and 67.1 % less physically active. The overall prevalence of hypertension was 18.6%, while there was no significant difference of hypertension between male and female elderly (p=0.737). The risk for hypertension in the physically active group was 0.40 times lower than that in the less physically active group (OR = 0.40; 95% C.I. 0.16-0.97), leading to annual healthcare cost savings in the physically active group of 60%. In conclusion, physical activity reduces hypertension and the associated healthcare expenditure among community-dwelling elderly.

Research paper thumbnail of Diterminan Sosial - Ekonomi dan Kesehatan Mental pada Kaum Ibu di Kawasan Provinsi Bengkulu

PubHealth Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat

Wanita dianggap lebih sensitif daripada pria, ini adalah masalah hak bagi mereka. Mayoritas pendu... more Wanita dianggap lebih sensitif daripada pria, ini adalah masalah hak bagi mereka. Mayoritas penduduk berpikir bahwa wanita harus menangani semua aspek manajemen rumah tangga, termasuk pengasuhan anak, pengelolaan uang, persiapan makanan, dll. Mereka mungkin mengalami berbagai masalah mental sebagai akibat tekanan ini, yang dapat menyebabkan depresi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan hubungan faktor sosial - ekonomi dengan depresi pada wanita yang sudah menikah di Provinsi Bengkulu, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross-sectional ini dengan teknik multiple random sampling dengan total responden sebanyak 442 responden. Penelitian ini juga mencakup tiga jenis uji yang berbeda: univariat, regresi logistik, dan regresi logistik berganda. Regresi logistik dan regresi logistik berganda digunakan sebagai data analisis untuk menemukan hubungan antara faktor independen dan variabel dependen. Hasil menunjukan bahwa proporsi dari depresi adalah 77,87% (95% CI: 73,95-81,34). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Human-Nature Interactions Through the Lens of Global Pandemics: a Review

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology), 2021

The frequency of pandemics occurrence has increased, from every 200 years in period before the 18... more The frequency of pandemics occurrence has increased, from every 200 years in period before the 18th century, to occurring every 10 to 50 years in the last century. The illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade, the devastation of forests and other wild places, and rapid human mobility were the driving forces behind the increasing number of diseases leaping from wildlife to humans. This article analyzes present human-nature interactions during COVID-19 and projecting future interactions after the pandemic, based on review on academic literature and reports from international development organizations. We found that global pandemic such as COVID-19 is altering human-nature interactions in three major global ecological issues: wildlife, urban emission, and land use. For wildlife, COVID-19 affects human perception towards wildlife consumption and trade, as well as animal conservation. For land use, COVID-19 makes countries reduced efforts for forest monitoring and conservation. For urban...

Research paper thumbnail of Validitas dan reliabilitas World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF untuk mengukur kualitas hidup lanjut usia

Universa Medicina, Apr 27, 2007

LATAR BELAKANG Jumlah populasi dan umur harapan hidup lanjut usia (lansia) semakin meningkat akib... more LATAR BELAKANG Jumlah populasi dan umur harapan hidup lanjut usia (lansia) semakin meningkat akibat perbaikan dari pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat dan intervensi kedokteran. Dengan semakin meningkatnya umur harapan hidup, maka sangat penting untuk memperbaiki kualitas hidup lansia. World Health Organization (WHO) telah mengembangkan sebuah instrumen untuk mengukur kualitas hidup seseorang yaitu WHO Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF). WHOQOL-BREF terdiri dari empat domain yaitu fisik, psikologik, sosial dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai validitas dan reliabilitas dari WHOQOL-BREF sebagai instrumen untuk mengukur kualitas hidup lansia. METODE Sebuah rancangan potong silang dilakukan di Kecamatan Mampang, Jakarta Selatan. Selama dua bulan (Oktober dan November 2005) sebanyak 306 lansia (usia ≥60 tahun, mampu berjalan, mampu berkomunikasi, dan tidak dalam kedaan terminal) bersedia ikut serta dalam penelitian. Sepuluh pewancara yang sudah dilatih mengumpulkan informasi tentang umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, status pernikahan, dan kualitas hidup. HASIL Hasil penelitian menunjukkan distribusi skor setiap domain dari WHOQOL-BREF adalah simetris dan tidak didapatkan efek floor atau ceiling. Validitas diskriminan, validitas konstruk, dan konsistensi internal menunjukkan hasil yang baik dari skor keempat domain. Namun terdapat dua item pertanyaan yaitu tentang perasaan negatif dan kepuasan hidup seksual yang menunjukkan korelasi yang lemah dengan domain psikologik dan sosial. Kedua pertanyaan ini harus dimodifikasi supaya lebih mudah dipahami oleh lansia. KESIMPULAN WHOQOL-BREF merupakan instrumen yang valid dan reliable untuk mengukur kualitas hidup lansia, tetapi masih diperlukan sedikit perbaikan.

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan Klinis Dokter Umum DI Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais

Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan (The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management)

Background: Dharmais Cancer Hospital is a special class A cancer hospital which is a reference fo... more Background: Dharmais Cancer Hospital is a special class A cancer hospital which is a reference for the National Cancer Center with multidisciplinary health workers. With the specialist role of the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, general practitioners are also involved in improving the quality of patient care. To encourage this, the clinical leadership skills of a general practitioner are also urgently needed. Objective: Assess the level of clinical leadership and explore individual and service factors that play a role in clinical leadership in General Practitioners at Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Methods: Case study research using quantitative and qualitative data approaches to all general practitioners who serve as doctors on duty at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Collecting data using a questionnaire using modified instruments from the Clinical Leadership Competency Framework-self-assessment tool, document review, interviews and observations. Quantitative data analysis with frequency distri...

Research paper thumbnail of Prediktor Ketidakhadiran Ibu Pada Kunjungan Nifas Selama Pandemi COVID-19


Kematian ibu merupakan ukuran yang digunakan salah satunya dalam menilai tingkat kesehatan dan ke... more Kematian ibu merupakan ukuran yang digunakan salah satunya dalam menilai tingkat kesehatan dan keberhasilan pembangunan kesehatan. Kematian ibu, berdasarkan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia, merupakan kematian yang terjadi selama masa kehamilan, persalinan, dan nifas disebabkan karena kehamilan, persalinan, dan nifas ataupun pengelolaannya tetapi bukan disebabkan hal lain seperti kecelakaan. Salah satu upaya pencegahan kematian ibu adalah melalui pelayanan masa nifas. Cakupan kunjungan nifas di Kelurahan Bukit Duri belum mencapai target (80,26%) selama pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan kunjungan ibu nifas di Puskesmas Bukit Duri pada saat pandemi Covid-19. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total population sampling yaitu seluruh ibu nifas di kelurahan Bukit Duri yang tercatat pada bulan November 2021 menjadi sampel yaitu sebanyak 49 orang. Analisis data dilakukan s...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Penguatan Sistem Pelaporan Juru Pemantau Jentik Dalam Penerapan “1 Rumah 1 Jumantik” di Komunitas: Era Adaptasi Baru Covid-19

Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara

Kesehatan lingkungan merupakan bagian penting dari upaya kesehatan masyarakat. Interaksi antara m... more Kesehatan lingkungan merupakan bagian penting dari upaya kesehatan masyarakat. Interaksi antara manusia dengan lingkungan dapat saling mempengaruhi. Salah satu dampak adalah munculnya masalah kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan vektor, salah satu vektor penyebab penyakit adalah nyamuk. Tujuan pengabdian adalah untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan memperkuat sistem pelaporan dengan menerapkan konsep “1 Rumah 1 Jumantik” pada 89 kader kesehatan jumantik. Kegiatan diawali dengan analisis situasi dan evaluasi masalah, dilanjutkan dengan pemecahan masalah dan pelatihan peningkatan kapasitas pada kader kesehatan. Sebagai kegiatan akhir, kami membuatkan dan merancang e-reporting dengan menggunakan google-form serta diuji cobakan di 3 RW percontohan Puskesmas Bintaro, Jakarta Selatan. Hasil kegiatan didapatkan, kompetensi keterampilan kader meningkat dalam menggunakan formulir e-reporting untuk pemantauan jentik guna mendukung gerakan “1 Rumah 1 Jumantik”. Harapannya, kader kesehatan dapat menjadi ...

Research paper thumbnail of Occupational Health and Safety Profile of a Flour Mill in Jakarta

Occupational health and safety of workers in large industries is important for the performance of... more Occupational health and safety of workers in large industries is important for the performance of the industry and productivity of workers. A large flour mill in Jakarta was selected to assess the occupational health and safety profile of such industries. The questionnaire used is adopted from the ILO/RI Ministry of Man­ power standard questionnaires, 1,425 male and 160 female workers were employed in the factory. The main flour mill product was wheat flour and pasta. Lighting is adequate in the factory, ex ept the pasta packing unit. Noise, dust and vibration are potential hazards in the d illing unit. The workers rarely used personal protective equipment: There was a high prevalence of respiratory disease among workers. Most employees adopted non-ergonomic posture during work at the packing unit. This increased complaints of low back pain and varicose veins. Work accidents frequently occurred at the workshop, but not at the drilling unit. Indiscriminate positioning of materials wa...

Research paper thumbnail of Interpreting Epidemiological Data of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Indonesia and Its Implication for Travel Advice: a lesson learned

Background Descriptive data on major epidemiological parameters of the coronavirus disease 2019 (... more Background Descriptive data on major epidemiological parameters of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is reported daily in Indonesia. However, raw data are not su cient to provide accurate travel advice. The study objective is to conduct analytical statistics of publicly available epidemiology data, focusing on the dynamics of test positivity rate (TPR) and case fatality rate (CFR) to better understand the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Methods This was a cross-sectional study, using electronic data provided by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, between July 2020 to February 2021. Test positivity rate was the number of positive cases divided by the total people tested, multiplied by 100%. Case Fatality Rate was the number of death divided by the total number of died and recovered cases, multiplied by 100%. Monthly comparisons were tested using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc analysis with Bonferroni's method. Correlation between numerical variables was tested using Pearson's correlation test. Results There were 274 daily reports retrieved for analysis. The number of specimens and people tested, and con rmed new cases tended to increase from July 2020 to peak in January 2021. The overall mean TPR was 17.9%, with an increasing trend since December 2020. The number of deaths was increasing since November 2020, but the overall mean CFR was 3.3% with a decreasing trend in 2021. Conclusions High transmission implies that travel should be restricted. The case fatality rate is stable with a decreasing trend, re ecting adequate clinical care in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh suplementasi zinc dan vitamin A terhadap ascariasis pada anak Sekolah Dasar

SKRIPSI-2017, Jul 5, 2018

LATAR BELAKANG Infeksi cacing Ascaris lumbricoides menyebar di seluruh dunia. Penyakit ascariasis... more LATAR BELAKANG Infeksi cacing Ascaris lumbricoides menyebar di seluruh dunia. Penyakit ascariasis merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang cukup banyak di Indonesia. Tingginya angka infeksi menyebabkan mudahnya terjadi penularan serta terjadinya defesiensi nutrisi pada anak yang jarang diketahui akibat dari infeksi cacing. Mineral zinc merupakan komponen penting pada struktur dan fungsi membran sel, zinc juga berperan penting dalam sistem kekebalan. Vitamin A merupakan faktor esensial untuk perkembangan mukosa saluran pencernaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi zinc dan vitamin A terhadap ascariasis pada anak Sekolah Dasar. METODE Penelitian menggunakan desain eksperimental yang mengikutsertakan 30 anak Sekolah Dasar di Kalibaru yang dibagi kedalam 2 kelompok, kelompok 1 adalah kelompok perlakuan, kelompok 2 adalah kelompok kontrol. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara melanjutkan penelitian sebelumnya tentang anak-anak dengan defesiensi zinc dan Vitamin A yang mengalami infeksi kembali, dan penilaian pengaruh suplementasi zinc dan vitamin A menggunakan SPSS. Analisis ini menggunakan uji statistik t-Pelajar. HASIL Dari perbandingan 2 kelompok yang diteliti oleh penulis, tidak terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna secara statistik tentang suplementasi zinc dan vitamin A terhadap ascariasis pada anak Sekolah Dasar, yaitu p = 0,620 ( p > 0,05 ). KESIMPULAN Penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak terdapat pengaruh suplementasi zinc dan vitamin A terhadap ascariasis pada anak Sekolah Dasar

Research paper thumbnail of Keanekaragaman asupan makanan pada lansia di kota Tarakan Kalimantan Utara studi kasus : Hubungan asupan makanan dengan lingkar perut

Masalah gizi pada lansia sebagian besar diakibatkan oleh status gizi berlebih atau kurang. Hal in... more Masalah gizi pada lansia sebagian besar diakibatkan oleh status gizi berlebih atau kurang. Hal ini memicu timbulnya berbagai penyakit metabolik atau degeneratif.Keanekaragaman asupan makanan adalah salah satu cara penting untuk memperoleh keseimbangan nutrisi bagi semua kelompok usia, termasuk lansia. Penelitian ini merupakan studi pertama mengenai keragaman asupan makanan pada lansia dan sampai saat ini belum ada usaha untuk menilai keanekaragaman asupan makanan sebagai pengukuran kualitas nutrisi lansia di Kota Tarakan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional.Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tarakan. Data berupa kuesioner 3-days food diary. Lalu data akan diolah dengan program nutrisurvey dan SPSS. IDDS (Individual Dietary Diversity Score) juga dipakai untuk menilai keragaman asupan makanan individu lansia. Terdapat 69.6% lansia yang memiliki skor IDDS ≥ 5. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa kelompok makanan yang...