VICTORIAN FOOTBALLERS PREPARING. - CLUB ANNUAL MEETINGS : NEW SEASON'S FIXTURES. Australian Carnival in August : Movements of Players. - Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939) - 2 Mar 1927 (original) (raw)

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Wed 2 Mar 1927 - Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939)

V : ? ... ' . -S-— ? . . ?


Australian Carnival in August : Movements of Players

. Victoria League clubs- havei besain preoarations for what premises

to be a record season. . . The usual feast of matches will be supplemented

by the Australian Football Carnival in Melbourne in August. . .

The season's programme has been arranged on the lines of last yeiir

Tho flnaJists o£ last year are reported to bo still strong, while much is

expected from South Melbourne and Carlton, who just missed the 'four'

^ ? -?: ? ? ? ^ ? ? ? ? ? ?

Though lower on the list' (eighth)' than

in. any year, since 1910, the keynote of

the Fitzroy F.C. meeting wtts the club's

prosperity... A: credit balance, of £409/1/9

was earned forward. '. it the eifd of thft

season the sutft , of £890 was distributed

among the players as bonuses, though a

flat rate of. £2/10/ was paid during the

season. Receipts were ±3485/2/3, aiid

.. A life governorship of the Melbourne

Hospital - was Conferred on Dr. P. A.

Parer, vice-president . of the plilb. Cer

tificates for five, yeirs' ; service: - were

handed .- to. M. Arehdeaeon, N. Cockrara,

G.. Gollins,-. T.r Corrigan, .and -L. yPatren.

:A life- membership wds- conferred -on L.

Wig'raft. ' Mr. M. E. P.reeh, .the 'pop'ulir

secretary, wasireturnea;. ' Councillor 'D.

J. Chandler: entered on :his ? 17th Jear as

president,- of,- the; club., .. Mr'., (J.-rShatv

was ,r6-elected hon.-. treasurer.: The fol

following placers won trophies for good

play : Jeiikin, W. Adams, C. Cliapmari,

J. -MiUefi.'. G. McCraekeu, T; . Corrigan, .

and. C, Kemp. :, . . ' , . . '

Prospects are ; good,.,; ;and , As^66iation;

stars, together -with importations . from

other. States, will strengthen the,; side. '

, , There were; no Surprises, at -the Cafltbii

meeting, the, K'eyntite of whicli -was op

timism: for. the coming, season. But

something like a, sensation . was. caused

Hmong meinbers'df thg'secon'd eighteen By

the: receipt;rf a letter from Mr. IT. Clo

ver, secretary of the' senior club, intimat

ing that the Carlton , committee : had. .de

cided to: appoint all the office-bearers of

the. second fifteen for the season, Nomi:

nations for oflice iii the junior Body have

been received, : The second eighteen will

fikht the Claim: of :the senior' el'ub. Ca.jl

ton are calling for applications for ap

South'e optimisni is; unparalleled. A

hew stand costing £16,000 will be finished

t-y July. R. Cazalyi B. Sutton, 'S. Hogg,

and: II. Alexander were presented with

eertificates' fof '. five years' service. Mr.:

R. . M, Cutlibertson is' presideatV Mr.' L.

H; O'Brien secretary, and Mr. ,F. Killing

worth . assistant secretary, and ' treasurer.

All.. lak;. year's pla'yers are -again av!(il*

able. Recruiting will be .'HUUnly' frOM

the- juniors in, the district.'; This has

Always been S.Outu's. policy, v.. .-? :

, ' Footscray haye. tact, and .-Slr/. V. Sam-^ .

son, a pWyer 'llntil, last seison, wks.eieei.'

ted secretary irt place of Mr. C. New

boujcl, who ascribes his v defeat to- his

rival's po^ulftrity, and Footecray's low:

position - last joah . ? . ;

Four. thoufeand: members attended :thel 1

Esfeendon tteetinfe. The anniial .report )

QpHB Victoria Football League on Friday

arranged the .fixtures for the. coming

. season. Eighteen matches will, comprise

- the engagements for the first round. The

- twelve teaitas first play each other once,

. then the first seven games are repeated on

? ? This system is hardly satisfactory, ? as

? a, strong/ team .- may be drawn against

?weaker . teams m the second half .of the

first round,, or may fail to get m the four

through having to . meet a succession- of

strong teams. Last season both Carlton

»and Collmgwood had a hard row to hoe

towards the end of the qualifying round.

.The sea^bn starts. on April 30, and lasts

until October 8, should a grand 'final: be

necessai-y. Four games only will be

played on the: Saturday, preceding the

King's Birthday, and the remaining two

. will be decided on ..the holiday, which is

the- following Monday, June 6.

; The Carnival matches will occupy, two

Saturdays. ' No . other senior Interstate

gaflies will be^played.' . A.Victorian team

could visit: Sydney while;.the . Carnival is

being'h'eld, tholigh' it is. hardly likely.

The Melbbifhe F.C. had a most eiithu;

siastic meeting. Their first penpant

since 190() ,,was: handed to the chairman

(Sir Edward Mitchell) by tha. president

of the League, Dr. W. MSClellhiid: apiid

prolonged cheering, . :.':The' pennant will

be officially, unfurled on the opening day

? of the' season. Ivor Warne-Smith, ' the

champion footballer of the year', was pre

sented .witb the: Brownlbw medal; 'the j

V.C; of . football, J' as the chairman; put it.

Last year's cbnimittee was re-elected .with

. oije exception-' ,M'r. Lilley,- a player, up

to'last .^easonV and the popular Prantan

cricketer, succeeded Mr. E. Ince. , Likely

new players. are Mark Telftr (frbm, East

Fremantle) i,:,L. StaildiJigi.'W, McCpnville,

and C. !0',e6iShbr .(c6unti:y,.champions). ,

. .Siwthorii ; met- on Monday lapt;. -Their,

low pbsitidp. ik, .attributed, to; injilries. ,In

their Jixture against, (3aflton last year

, 12, playirs ' were iot. available

.juries.' ;Kve,. players :'a6te'd, as. captain,

. and - a 'siitiilar-: number as yice-ca'pt^in.

No player vf&s. rep'orted'.dilHng. thejsea

son. Their membership was only louO,

and their objective this yeir is 4000 mem

bers. A debit of £464/4/4,.., was dis

closed. hVit . J15/ll/'ptbfit' w6s to&de on

the season's '- working. ' The .Queen . Cai

mval yielde'd.-£868. .' -: ? , . ... . ,

Mr. Reg. Hunt is; again secretary, and

last season's 'flat rate ? of '^/lO/jper match

A tribute was paid to. .the a6sl, tact,

and courtesy - of, the eefretajy, who -also :

occupies the 1 important., position of chair

man of the League's Permit andvllmpire

was most .satisfactory.- For- the- fifth

year m succession1 Essendon -gained a

place in the four. £18,327/19/7 Jjas been

taken.m gate receipts, in five years.

J. Harrison and N. Simpson . wero

awarded trophies, for the. most consistent

players. F. Maher, the captain, ivaA pre

sented with, a . life gbverabrship of the

Melbourne Hospital. .. O. May, R. C.

Watt,, and J. McCarthy were the ; re

cipients of service certificates.' G. Don-'

aldson, the ddshing b&ck man, has dfr^

finitely retired. .......

North Melbourne are . seeking a coach,

but intend to appoint One of- their Own

playing members. G. Donnelly, JD

Walsh, or.C. Lixiton are favorites for

Geelong are improving their ground,

and the Corio Oval should now aceommo

date 35,000. ; . ..Improved dressing rooms

for .visitors, and a guarding, fence for

vi&iting players, are among the, improve

ments. A fracas like that of last-year

-should not pbssible. t

The Geelong committee, has nominated

Messrs. 'W. Getson.-P. Burns, W- Gal

lagher, and W. MqDbpald to the . selec

tion committee. -The captain, when,- ap

pointed, will make the fifth member

Mark Tandy, the South Melbourne .rover,

has retired after, 16 ; years' sendee with the

club. He is nt-w 33. yearn old. . A teatimoni^

is to be given hita, and o, fund was- opened

at : South'u annual meeting. r

. Tandy first played with Siuth In 1M0 as' a

youth. From 1913- to 1924 he missed, only two

matches..; In. . -1925, he ;:was. badly injured,

and, though able to play again, has never

quite got over. ;the injury. . He played consis

tently in Interstate Barnes from 1918 to 1924.

: A. Hiskens, another South champion 6f a

few years ago, was presented with a- cheque

B.. C^zAly, the South follower, says he will,

finisn nis football career ' with South, despite I

C. Donaldson, . the .brilliant Essendon back,'

has . definitely retired after 14 years!., active

football. He was presented with, a life member

ship medallion; and ^a cheque 'for £121.

Donaldson is an applicant, fdr the positidn of

coach of .. North Melbourne. ,

As usual, the Jure of the mainland has at

tracted a bevy of Tasmani&ns. ; ?

Jltzroy has - secured thd services of K. Ro

berts.' and W^ Williamsr classy back men from

the New Tdvrn F.C. (Hobart) and E. Hard

staff, a forward ;who has played with succesfi

on-the N.W., Coast, and, in- Iiaufrceston.

Pearson (Ulverstorie); arid Batnes ? (Latrobe)

: Bssendoh, however, have' secured the most

likely, star ;in P. Walsh fpom the N,B. coast

of Tasmania. . He played ,'so well against the

,Dons w.h&ft they were on. tour in. the island

State, that? he was. v signed up immediately.

Young, : and of splendid: physicrue. he-Ms a'

power in the air, and is a fine long kick.

. Mclnerney, the Bcuris^ick goal-kicker, ' in

tends ,to play with: Richmond this 'season. . ''

Hassett (Brunswick), whose disqualification:

together with .OEtaleigh, Caused the . trouble

^ which ended, in. Brunswick being' east off tem.

porarily from' the ,V.F.A., has decjded- to ac

cept. an offer of £10 a week to coafeh Dim-i

'^y. Koop, , the | Carlton , follower, has been

appointed cOach to thb Gulcairn F.C. (N.S.W.),'

subject; to his clearince'i being granted.

. , Messrs. D. CrOne and H. Clover have been

re-elected delegates for the : Carlton F^C.- to

the Victorian .League. ; u .'

Mr. E. A. Ple^del,-, who was treasurer of-the

Prahran. F.C., hajs -beei) appointed secretary of

j Fixtures for the . Victorian Ledgue up to

the end. of ? May are:-r . . -

? ' April nSO.^-rMelbourrie v ciRiohittond.' Foots*

cray v-Bwe^don; Colllng^ood v,.- Geelong; St.

Kilda v. /Ito^thofft, Caritoij i v': South Mel

bourne, North , Jtelbourn^ y Fitzroy. / „??? . ?

. May ;7.-^HdWtl)0rii , v ColUhgwObd, ? Geelong

v Footseray. ESs^ndon y North ' Melbourne,

Fitzroy ' v parltoh, ; South Melbourne v Mel

bourne, Richmond, v St. -Kilda..: -

,/Majr 14. — FoOtscray v ; Hawthorn,., Colling- 1

wood .v . Richmond. 'St. Kilda -v . South Mel- '

bourne.; Melbourne v Fitzroy, .Cirlton v Eseen- 1

dom North, Melbourne v Geelong. ? .. . ... .J

. May 21.— Richmond v Foot«cray, South 'Mel- -;

botirne v . CollirtgWOd, Fitzroy. v Sti- Kilda, .

Kssendon ? ,v ^Melbourne, Geelong' v Carlton;

Hawthorn V North -Melbourne, !

May ^g.—Footecray v South Melbourne, Col- 1

iinewood v FitzrOy, St. ,KUda v ..EisendoA, j-

Melbourne v iGeeloiig,.':Cat|ton ' v Hawthorn, ] '

STojrth Melbourne v Richmond. : -