Family Notices - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 22 Apr 1925 (original) (raw)

Wed 22 Apr 1925 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 14 - Family Notices

ARMSTRONG (nee Florence Turner).—April 12, at

Nurse Gee's private hospital, The Parade, Dulwich

Hill, to Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong-a son (Kenneth

BONFIELD.—April 19, at Sutton Vene private hospital,

to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bonfield-a daughter (Nea

BOOTH.—April 11, al Nurse Bett's private hospital,

Fivedock, to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Booth-a daughter

CASHMAN (nee Dulcie Reed).—April 10, at Roslyn

private hospital, Lindfield, to Mr. and Mrs. R. J.

Cashman, Halcyon-avenue, Wahroonga-a daughter

(Joan Dulcie). Both well.

DOUTREBAND (nee Marjorie Fowler).—April 20, at

Nurse Nettleton's private hospital, Waverley, to Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Doutreband - a son (Allan Roy).

PULVER.—April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Pulver,

ROBINSON.—April 17, at Brentwood private hospital,

Forbes, to Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Robinson, of Com-

mercial Bank, Quandialla-a daughter.

ROWNTREE (nee Edith Stubbs).—March 30, 1925, at

Neatherleigh, Randwick, to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon

G. Rowntree, Romani, Mount Hope-a daughter.

RYRIE.—April 2, at Silver Waves, Cronulla, to Mr.

and Mrs. John Ryrie, of Penally, Gular-a daughter.

SOUTER.—April 16, at Alwyn, Brown-street, Lid-

combe, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Souter-a son (Jack

SPORNE.—April 15, at Myee, Hampden-road, Abbots-

ford, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Sporne-twin sons (Allan

Sydney and Stanley William).

CALLAN—CRIBB.—April 3, 1925, at All Saints' Church

of England, Tumut, by Rev. T. A. Gair, Walter

M., younger son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Callan, of

Ashfield, to Nellie Olga, younger daughter of the

late Frederick Cribb and Mrs. W. Auckland, of

HARPER—CONN.—April 14, 1900, at Helensburgh, by

the Rev. J. Gardener, M.A., William, son of the

late Charles Harper, to Nellie, daughter of the late

William Conn. Present address, Bay-street, Brighton-

AUSTIN.—April 21, at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital,

Alfred Ernest (late of Sydney Harbour Trust), the

beloved husband of Clara and father of Jack and

Leslie, aged 55 years. At rest.

BALLANTYNE.—April 9, at Alexandra, Otago, New

Zealand, E. Ballantyne, widow of F. Ballantyne, and

dearly-loved sister of A. and A. Kilgour, York-street,

and G. Bissett, Penshurst. Queensland papers please

BROWNE.—April 21, 1925, at Bourke, N.S.W., Latimer,

much-loved son of Mrs. E. L. and the late Walter

Browne, aged 36 (pneumonia).

CAMPBELL.—April 16, at Binalong, Mildred Elizabeth,

second eldest daughter of the late James and Eliza-

beth Campbell, late of 9 Yelverton-street, St. Peters.

Interred in Roman Catholic portion of Binalong

CONLON.—April 8, at the Children's Hospital, Camper-

down, Jim, the loved infant (twin) son of John and

Lucy Conlon, Belmont, Yangoora-road, Belmore, and

brother of Stan, Sheila, Patricia, and John, aged 11

CONNOR.—April 19, 1925, at the District Hospital,

Wollongong, Peter Francis Connor, aged 43 years.

HERFORD.—April 20, 1925, at his residence, 155

Denison-road, Petersham, Joseph Herford, aged 50

HUNT.—April 21, 1925, Charles Bede Hunt, J.P., ex-

Mayor of Hurstville, beloved husband of Mary Ann

Hunt, and father of May, at his late residence, 36

Park-road, Hurstville, aged 66 years.

KEEBLE.—April 20, 1925, at the District Hospital,

Auburn, Edith May, beloved wife of Edgar William

Keeble, of Liverpool-road, Bankstown, aged 37 years.

KELLY.—April 20, 1925, at her residence, 70 Lamb-

street, Lilyfield, Jane, relict of the late James

Kelly, aged 67 years. R.I.P.

KERR.—April 19, 1925 (suddenly), at Kermadec,

Osborne-road, Osborne Park, Mary Isabel Agnes, baby

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham L. S. Kerr.

McCAULEY.—April 21, 1925, at her residence, Dingadee,

Pine-street, Manly, Elizabeth Mary, relict of the

late Andrew McCauley. R.I.P.

McQUEEN.—April 21, 1925, at her daughter's residence,

Inverness, 126 Prospect-road, Summer Hill, Agnes,

relict of Peter McQueen, formerly of Pyrmont, in her

MAXWELL.—April 18, at Burwood, Philip Edward,

NICOLL.—April 21, at Waterfall Sanatorium, Frederick

Herbert Nicoll, son of the late Thomas Nicoll, of

Dundee, Scotland, in his 48th year.

PADDISON.—April 21, 1925, at her parents' residence,

Rotherwood, Peat's Ferry-road, Asquith, Ruby Vic-

toria, dearly-loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur

Paddison, and sister of Edith, Arthur, and Irene,

PICKERING.—April 21, at the Royal Prince Alfred Hos-

pital, Alfred Piercy (Percy) Pickering, aged 53

REED.—April 21, 1925, at his parents' residence, Ada-

avenue, Wahroonga, Douglas, dearly beloved and only

son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Reed, and brother of Joyce,

ROWE.—April 21, 1925, at his residence, Pentire-

Glaze, Cowper-street, Harris Park, James Rowe,

formerly of Liverpool, aged 80 years.

SCOTT.—April 20, at her residence, Lynton, Jersey-

road, Woollahra, Rose Scott, daughter of the late

Helenus Scott, of Glendon, Hunter River, aged 77

years. No flowers by request.

STEEL.—April 20, 1925, at his residence, 40 Waimea-

street, Burwood, William Henry, beloved husband of

Hannah Steel, aged 83 years. Interred privately at

Randwick Cemetery 21st inst.

TOWNEND.—April 21, 1925, at her residence,

Tornapress-street, Waitara, Mary, dearly beloved wife

of George Townend (late of Northbridge), aged 47

WHITEHEAD.—April 20, 1925, at the residence of her

daughter, Florrie, Mrs. W. McDonagh, 30 Marlborough-

street, Leichhardt, Mary, widow of the late Henry

Whitehead, late of Goulburn, aged 78 years.

ANDERSON.—In loving memory of my dear wife and

our mother, who departed this life April 22, 1920.

There fu only Just one mother,

And she lum gone to re-.t.

But the ones tlmt think of lier to-day

Aro the ones tlmt lined, her liest.

Inserted hy lier loting husband mid children.

ANDERSON.—In loving memory of our dear mother,

«ho passed muiy April 22, 11)20.

Rest, dourest mother, thy toll I» o'or,

Ihy loting hand« shall toll no more.

No moro thy gentío ejes shall weep,

liest, duri in« motliei, gently bleep,

?nsurtcd hy her loving daughter anil son-in-law,

ANDERSON.—In loving memory of my dear sister,

' Átasele, who departed this life April 22, UKO.

, throughout tay life, in nain or pleasure.

Forget ,tou, sister, I snail «ever.

Inserted uv her loving ulster and hrollicr-ln-law,

BUCKINGHAM.—In sad memory of my dear husband

and our father, George, who died April 22, 1919.

A lonely thought, a silent tear

Keep his memory ever dear.

Inserted by his sorrowing wife and children.

BUCKINGHAM.—In loving memory of our dear son

and brother, George, \who departed this life April

22, 1919 Inserted by his loving mother and sister and

BUCKINGHAM.—ln memory of my dear brother,

George, who departed this life April 22, 1019. In-

serted by his loving brother, Bert,

COLEMAN.—In slid but loving memory of our darling

I ton mid brother, William Henry (HUllo) Coleman,

.who «a« accidentally killed In Cletehind-strect, city,

.april 22, 11)24, aged 0 years and 10 itiouth _

i So not «Mi ni II «c miss him.

Thor« is «ich a t scant plai'e.

Can we e'er forget his footsteps

And hit dear, familiar face?

Time lias passed, and still we miss bim.

Words «ould fail our love to tell;

But In beaven we hope io meet bim,

Jesus doth nil things well.

j Inserted hy his lotlng father and mother, sisters,

1 Joan, May, Kllcen, and brother. Jack.

COLEMAN.—In loving memory of our dear little

(Billy) William, who wa« nccldentiillv killed by

motor lorry in Cloielumlstreot on A pi 11 22, 1024.

.Short mid sudden «is tile cal),

lils sudden death surprised us all !

It Is true, «e wonder why, ,

The best arc alwa.ts II ret to die.

In dieams we seo lils dear face now,

And kin his dark brown brow.

And whisper, us wo loted hliu then,

Inserted by his soi rotting mother, father, sister,

and brother, .lean, May, r.lleen, and Jack, and grnnd

Jisrents, Mr. and Mm. II. O. Wright (luto of

Boggabri), also Mr. and Mr«. W. W. Coleman, of

COLEMAN.—In lotlng memory of my ilear grandson,

William Henry (Hilly), who wub accidentally killel

j In Cleveland-street, city, April 22, lt)2t, aged "

1 Snilly 1 nilss jon, and try not to grieve,

A little willie longer and gran, too, shall leave

Inserted by his lotlng grim.

COLEMAN.—In loving memory of our darling grund

»on mid nephew, William Henry, accidentally killed,

April 22, 11)21. Memories. Inserted bv lil« grund

purenfs and family, Mr. and Mrs. \V. Coleman.

COOK.—In lining miniory of my dear ttife, Clara,

ttlio piisM-il miay April 282 1924.

(¡entle lu mimi, patient lu p.iln,

Kew In this «mid her equal could find.

Not gone trnin mellion, not gone frcm love

Hut gone to lier Kathói's home ahote.

, Inserted by ber lot lug husband, .lohn Cook.

COOK.—In loving moinoit of our dear mot her, Clara

Cook, who passed away April 22, l924.

Cod is good, Ile glie« us strength

, To bear our beaty cross;

Ile Is,the only one who knows

Inserted by ber lotlng daughter and «on-ln-lnw,

" Chir» und .Ibu .In.tee.

COOK.—In lotlng uiemorv of our dear sister,

' gail* Helen, who departed this life \prll ".

Sleep the sleep .toil so much needed.

Km: from «uilcilng, cure, uro) pulu.

When we think of linw toil «ufTcied.

How could wo wish .ton bud. again» a

Inserted hy her sister and brotherin-lim, Bille,

CRUTE.—In loving memory of mv husband mid our

dear dadilr, George Henry Birtles-Crute, «ho died

April 22, l«2;i. We know not why, but God knew

best. Inserted bv lila wife, Kui, ami children,

DOVE.—In dearest memory of my dear wife and our

dear mother, Margaret May, who went to rest tfli

April 22, Win. In.ested by A. 1\ Dote and daugh-

FOLSTER.—In lotlng memon ol my dear «He, Annie,

and our mother, »ho departed Ibis life April 2",

1023. Inserted by her luting IiusImiicI und sons,

«eorge and and ilnngliter-lii Iii«, Millan.

FOLSTER.—ln lotlng mellion ol oi.nthoi, ttho ile

, parted this life April _.'. 1I/2J. Insel Iel hv her lot-

ing .laughter and son-in-law, Dora mid John, also

FOLSTER.—In loving memory of our mother. Annie,

who departed this Hie April 20. I»_- Inserted hy

her lotlng daughter and kui-Iii-Iuw. Mary mid Joe,

FROST.—In eter-loting meninrt nf my dear son nuil our

brother. Harold William (Bill), who departed this

Sunshine passes, hh.idotts fall;

bovtiig uiemiirt out luvt s nil.

Inserted bt lil» lotlng mother anil son. Hill, mid Ms

tors. Annie, Alice, niul Alum, and iie-hett, Il.imhl

GALE.—In lotlng me'ort ni mt mut lier, «Im

passed ottiiy Apiti 21, IHI'l.

Inserted lit lier duughter und son Imbi«, V.W« mid

HANSON.—In loving moinorv of mv dear wife ami

our mother, who died April 2J. Jt)t».

Abide with us, fast full* the vtent'dr.

Inserted by her loving luislund, sou, and daughter.

HARDINGHAM.—In loving mernoo ni m) dear vvik

¡im] our dear mother. Martha »vho depurteil lill»

life \piil 22 1022 Inserted bv her dear IhaIuikI

KIDSTON.—In sad and loving niemur) of our duirlv

beloved daughter. Marjorie, who passed away *iprll

She pnssetb on so gracious mid so mild

Inserted b) her duoted fallar and mother

LEE.—In fond mernoo of darling little Col, who

dltd April 10 11)18 aged 4. »ears

Suffer, little children, to crane tinto Me

Inserted by lils fond parents, Maude and Harry Lee

McCORMICK.—In loving memo.) of mv dcur pal,

James McCormick, who depurted this life \prll 22,

in nieniuty's page I'll no» er blot

Three little n in ds-Forget mc not

Ins.lied li)- lils old pal, (1 A

MANN.—In loving numory of mv dmr daughter and

our deni sister, I'll)His Jennotto Mann, died April

22, 1017. Not forgotten Inserted by her loving

mother and sisters, Lily and Ven

MEANY.—In loving memory of our darling mother.

Sarah Hannah Meany, who departed this life April

More sadl» missed thnn word» tan tell.

Our thirling mother wo lo»ed so well

In silence she suflcrid, and patlentl) bore,

Till dod called her home to auilir no uioic

Inserted In her childi cn M igglo, Ham, Man, ind

MEANY.—In lu»big namoi» of our diarest filend

Sarah Mean», who died April 22, 1024 111) will

be done Inscited hy Ruin and Fred Wilmot

NEWTON.—In lo» fug nu mor» of ni» dour father, who

departed tilla lire April 22, 1010. lnsirtid by his

loving daughter, Rose Wood

O'NEILL.—In lo» big inemoi v ni our dearest sister,

Agnes O'Neill, who departed this life April 22, 1017

Insi-rled bv her lo» Ing slste-, brother In law, and

niece, FH-iibeth, George, and Llleen Mealing

PASKIN.—In lo» ing memory of our dear mother, Eli

mhpth Ann Paskin, who pascsd away April 22,

1020 Netcr forgotten Inserted b) her lo»lng

daughter and boii In law, Ma) and lidw-ard V. lord

PASKIN.—In loving memory of mir diar mother,

rilïabeth Anne, who died April 22, 1020, also our

dear father, who diid July 17, 102J

Placea nie vacant In our home

Which never can be filled

Inserb d by their loving d »lighter and «on in law.

Stella and Trank While also Ala, Poll, and Charlie

PIGGOTT.—In fond memorv of our dearest mother and

grandma, Lninn Amelia, »»ho departed this life \prll

Inserted bv her fund son and daughter In hut. Comet,

RASMUSSEN.—In Invine mentor) of mv deir wife and

our dear mother, Stella 1 ouise, who depirtcd tilla life

lust thrie little ivurds-forget me ipt,

lliev don't say much, hut mean a lot

lust a memory fond and true.

To show we alwnv« think of von.

Inserted hv lier loving hush uni and children, willie,

RASMUSSEN.—In sad and lo» Ing mcinor» of our dar

Ung daughter, Stella, who departed Ulis Ufe April

Mv Krbf thlA world will never know.

Tim thoiieht« of sadness that nre mine

\nd with the »cars I older grow

Mv heart for her »rill ever pine

Three »ear« hate passed our hi arts still sere

V« time coes on -vc miss her more

Ti ensured iiiriun) i»s of one so deir

Arc oft recalled lu a silent tear

Not dead to in we love her dmr,

Not lost lint gone before

She live« with vis In niemur» still

Inserted In hir lo» Ing mother ind lather. Mr and

RASMUSSEN.—In sad and lo» Ing niemon of our dar

ling sister Slclli »»ho departed this Hie April

line nf the liest that Clod could sen 1

V loving sister anil a filthful friend

Oitlled home from thosi who dccpl» line

lo nain n glorious lite iho»t

Willi nilling bents with tearful e»es

we Unger where our dmr one His

Vnd breithe those saeri d »» irds oin e nu re

Nut lost, but onlv gone before

liisirtcd b» her loving sistir mil lunlher in livv

RASMUSSEN.—ln sad and lining meium of our dir

ling sister Stella »vho ilipirled this- llfi April

M re »ndlv mi-sed than vi rds um toil

Our ilarllnir sisdr we lull so well

Inserted h» her In» Ing Intbii an) sister in law.

Reuben and slum I' Hinton I

RASMUSSEN.—In sad uni in» tug nienior) o( our dar

ling sist.r, Stella who dtp irte 1 this life April

Mi tnmie* Hut innH.i us u»

To think Hint »nu wue lukin, Sulla dear,

An I mill 1 mt s.1» t,iil live

.on lift bellin t some a limit hcatts

Hi iris thal m »el «111 foi m1

\inn niemur» writtrn here

Ins,ne 1 lu litr lining sister- and brother Doris,

ROBERTS.—In In» lim- mi nu r» of our dear mother,

I liziililh, who luissid n wa» Vpiil li, lull

Swell li the wini n mi inlinini i,

\s Hu si lima will show

.oil will nlwnvR lu n meiiilii r, ti din mother,

\h thi vmrs miiv (onie mil (. i

InserPil In lur luv hip un and d(U(,hl'i in law

Iii uri und sin» i ml (jin dthililreii

SMITH.—In sid mil lev iiu. mein rv ,f mi dear bus

Iwnd who tit pirti d this life Vpiil " lil''

Sud li n ihn li-nt (. ils c iinmaiiil lu till

Hi lad no time l, hil hi« wlfi ami rhild fniewcll,

I lie sllitliu His uini^ without a »valuing (.Kin

Uni I ile him linste to mill his tod u lie (»en

Ins liol In lis loving win tin!« V «nith

SMITH.—In miinor» cf ni» dmiH lo»ed son and our

protlur Samuel Jan»s win died Mull 22, 1024

Ood nilled him home, It was HIb »»¡II,

Hut in our hearts be II» th «lill

Inset ted I» lils lo» big »initiier und fimily

SMITH.—In lortng memort of Samuel Jame« bindii,

died suldenlt, Anil S.J 1W24 Dinth rsnnof «e\er

the chord of our lote Inserted by lila loving sisters,

Mm 1 Dewell, Mrs J A. Demil, Mrs W O

SMITH.—In reniemliranio of 1113 dear friend Sam, tthn

departed this life April 22, 1024 Inserted, by lila

iiflectioluile brother in law, Kov Pymble

SPARKES.—In loting memory of our dear son and

brother, «ho wat killed accidental]t, at britania,

K tend r chord of inciiiorj's harp is Badi} touched

Insert d It his luting pan.nts, sisters, and brothers

SUTTON.—In lmmg memon of our dear husband and

father John Wiljliiui Sutton who deimrtcd this life

April 22. íiyj Inserte! by hi« loving wife »mi

WHITTLE.—In loting tribute to the memory of our

dear ulfe um] mother. Laura Mary, who died April

Inserted bl lier loiiug li-band. George, and children,

WOODS.—In lotlng memory of our dear «on and

In other, Jim, who fell asleep April 22 1022

Memories thit «111 alua)« linger

Inserted by father, mother, brothers, and sisters.

WOODS.—In loting minion 0/ dear Jim «ho passed

\ day of remembrante sud to recul]

Iter remembered It Nana Bishop

KNOWLES.—In loving memory of our dear w11 and

brother, Charles Samuel Knowles, killed In aetion

April 22, 1918. Lest wo forget. Inserted bj hi«

loving mothei, father and sisters Mrs uni Mr free

an 1 fanillj Mrs and Mr SUges and family and Mrs

WORLAND.—In loving memory of Arthur Worland

(No 1416), a dear husband and good father, who

died from result of injuries, April 23, 1922. He

trusted in God. Inserted byhis loving wife and

Mr and Mrs A. E. CROUCHER, of William street,

llronktnlo, desire to return tholr sincero IIHMtS to

their mons. Mends for their kind cipn-rtons of sim

pntht, letters, and floral tributes ete , especially

the nurse for her kind attention mil patience also

Mrs Anderson of V lill nu street Drooktale for her

kindness in tile sad lo s of their dear mother, M

Mrs F. POWNCEBY and SON-, wish to rtturn sin

ceri THANKS to Ok nu ml i rs of Tliumus M rt u

Lodge Itipatrlution Detriment the )\o_ Chili,

l'iiueor «pring Works an 1 frlinds ftr letters

cirils, floral trll ules mid lind expr ssionfl ot sim

pa.tin in tia dentil if hei son and their hruthit,


2d Carlow street North btdnet particularly wish

to THWh. the sisters an I nurse« of the Mater

Mlserltordlae 1'rit ite Hospital for their whole hearted

kindness mil sjiui nthetu attention throughout the

Hines« if their dear ti ¡fe oil mother Murgaret


20 Carlow street Noith Stdnej desire tn e>l res»

their terv sincere TIMNhs to all friends for kidd

e\prcsslous of svniputht terbu] und otherttlse in

the hcrcaieiuent if lils wife mil their mother

Mrs. JOHN TREGENZ and ÏAM1M d she to ntiirn

their sincere UlAMtS to all nbitltts mid friends,

especialh the Slstirs ind Nurses it St \ lucent'«

Ilimpllal for thilr klndiuss mid ntttntlon in tiltIr

sad hi rent elm nt lb 1 .« . f bei youngest son,

Mrs. GRAY mid FAMII 1 of (II, ii mi l'Ine n oil

Minni nish to return IHVNKS to nil kind Monds

fir their i*| re»slons of stnip«tln, letters, cards,

tel (.rams and «it Ulis In their iictnt sad I«líate

ment through Hie I >=» >f n dour I island and

Mrs. J. STEIN uni I AMU 1 Wurestriet 1 nlrn Id

wish to return their «¡net re IHt.NKS to nil re latin«

and Ii li mis who uselstid in and sent floral tributes

biters, teller mis, und «impartit canis in their re

Mr and Mrs LEDGER Ohinj lan i am le Leuri

desire to express tilt Ir HUNKS for tin mum floral

tril ules til gi mis uni biters o' svrni itb\ In their

sal 1 ireateintnt nnrt c«t e nib fi r the ' in loess si wr

Mi lind Mrs JOHN CONLON II lin nt Iiu^om

onl llilnioro will to HUNK slsliis uni nur« s

of Hunt r II ililli Ward Childrens Hns| Hal

Ciimi ord itt n foi llulr 1 Indiii ss and atttntlnn to

tlnlr Infant son. Uni during bl» list Ulms«