Footballers Tuning Up - Sporting Globe (Melbourne, Vic. : 1922 - 1954) - 14 Mar 1945 (original) (raw)

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Wed 14 Mar 1945 - Sporting Globe (Melbourne, Vic. : 1922 - 1954)
Page 13 - Footballers Tuning Up

LEAGUE and Association teams have begun practice.

However there will not be the usual trial games on Saturday

since it is wisely thougbt that the players should not

be rushed into competitive events without sufficient

Talk el the transier ol League

Btars tc Association teams, if It has

nubsided, does not mean that the

VP.A. is finished with the bartering.

Rather, the negotiations have been

taken "underground" and It would

not fiuiprise to see a big batch of

League transfers when the Association

permits committee meets. The

Association will open on April 14,

XIORTHCOTE trained undSr former

player Tom WallVs. who played

•with Collingwood during the V.F.A.

recess. Mcintosh and Pred Stabb

•with Collingwood and Dry den. Holden

(AIF) returned, and cricketer Wally

It'ERCY HOWE, former Colling-

' wood and Northcote player, took

vbcuge ol the "glamor" team, Ooburg.

In its first training run last night.

Cobuiu Intends to get an early start

and will hold a practice game on

l^TZHOY. the premiers will have!

•*" several vacancies to fill. Maurie!

Heara is coach at Wililunstwn.

Keith Stackpole at Prahnui and Jim i

Halahar, at Brighton. In ~ additionj

"Smokey" Dtw^n. wing h&U ior-|C

ward, and Miller, rover, are due to;w

return to Preston, and Bicker ton. half!

back, to Oaklelgh. Mon&ghan is:T

still on Service as is Gracie ,: Fiel

However. Percy Mitchell, secretary i

of the Maroons, sayf that there will 1

be no difficulty in replacing the losses,

There were many young players in

the second eighteen, which won the j

premiership also, jutt waiting for an i

opportunity to step up into the senlms.

Hie first practice was well at-i

ACCORDING vo Secretary Harryi

' v Bell, Carlton wiU be stronger,

than last season. The Blues are

hopeiul ol having with them this

year Ron Hines. star wing; Bert

Lucas, whose broken leg, sustained

against Essendon, has mended; Alan

Rayson, Keith R&e, Lance Collins,

Jim Henfrey. George Bailey, 1943

champion hall-back: Ken Baxter,

former lull lorward; Bert Deacon

and others. No losses are expected.

MANY old players including Dawson,

Spokes, Miller (FiU.). Connelly.

Calvert <St. K.i. Matthews (Melb.)

and Noim&n, Seedsman, Maslen,

Dunham. Beeumont and Boyd are expected

to appear at Preston's practice

on Saturday- Phil Dunstan

(RAAF), who played with North Melbome

CANDRINGHAM has not yet finaliasd

the coaching position and is;

training under former player "Curly"

Miller until an appointment is made.

Alby Lucas (Carl.) is the only player

of note, with the, Leflfue. As the

ground it being used f<pt cricket no

practice game will be held on Saturday,

ITKi'iU STACaa^WiE received an

entiiuaasUc welcome as playi*"

coachMjf Pmhran. It was the largi

muster of recruits and the highest

quality foi an evening night at

The most imprestive of the newcoDaetE

Wat a - well-proportioned

"mystery" player from the Ami 1

Officials arc negotiating with

prominent League player who will

QcobaUy tak£ t^e oentre poeltion but

ibc uma it not flnallwri.

r pH£ Tigen had a talk and a rue.

cm Hwraiay last when coach

Jack Oyer called together the <dd

players. Twenty-6ix men who were

on the list, last season attended.

Three recruits have been signed up

who promise good things. Kev

Barnewall (Kilmore College),

Ool^jplayo-. andKevjO^Ccon^is

« 16-year-old centre from Kilmore

olKfe. Tt* fm* match practice

ill be he)d oil Saturday week,

>ILL KEMP, Richmond ruck man,

dshas expreesed his lntenUon of

training wMh Brunswick when the

Magpies open. Kemp Is a former

Brunswick player who transferred

to Richmond under the "war clearanoes

pact." He Is bound to be returned

to Brunswick; by Richmond

should he desire to go back. Bis

future, however, Is very indefinite,

'fOM LAHIW had charge of Port

Melbourne's training at Olympic

Park, which is being sought as a

ground this season. No decision has

yet been reached regarding a practice

game on Saturday, old playero

expected back are Castles (6M.).

McBeth (6t. K.), Dotuson and Pair-

weather (N4I.), and Goidsmith and

("'AMBERWELL received a setback

when Jim Cleary declined the

position of coach. "Snowy" But,

former Collingwood player, has beat

appointed coach of the Seccnds and

will be in charge of the Firsts also

until an appointment is made.

fMUGHTON had a fine muster at

- tbe first training under coach

Jim Hallahsn, who has returned

from FiUroy. As the Elaternwick

Oval is being top-dressed alter occupation

by tbe Army, training wbs

confined to the small arena adjacent.

of the Seconds this season.

In several promising juniors. _

and Haggis (NJJL), Alvin (Haw.),

Williamson and Redder. Old players

are available—Oie only absentee of

the IMI unavailable U Ron Hall

(AIF), who played for Melbourne.

Ifeere wiU be no practice game on