VICTORIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE. - PERMIT BUSINESS. - The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) - 29 Apr 1909 (original) (raw)
A meeting of the permit and umpire committco
of the Yictorian Football League was held last
night; Mr. C. IJiekey presiding.
In reference to F. A. Wood, a South Melbourne
player, who had applied to the South Australian
League to play with Sturt, nnd afterwards with-
drew the application, the matter was at the last
meeting referred to the South Australian League.
A reply was received last night stating that the
question of grunting Wood a clearance hud been
referred to the Sturt club.
Mr. Skinner (South Melbourne) urged that Wood
was eligible. to play wiUi South Melbourne next
Saturday, seeing that practically he hud never left
the club. Several members were inclined to agree
with that view; but us the committee was to meet
again on Friday night, it was resolved to tele
graph to the South Australian League asking it to
expedite a reply from the Sturt club.
A permit was granted to J. Smith to play
as a "coach" with St. Kilda. It was stated
by the club that they would- pay Smith .C2 2/
a week for his services. G. W. Angas applied
for permission to act as "coach" to the Col-
lingwood club. He stated that his remunera
tion would be £1 a week. The application was
Jl. Atkins (South Melbourne) applied for per
mission to play with Esscmlon (AiJoejation). A
clearance was refused by the Souiti Melbourne
club. Thn player was informed that the applica
tion amounted to an appeal, and that tho South
Melbourne Club would have to be notified, Tiie
matter wis postponed until Friday night.
P. G. Trotter, formerly of Fharoy F.CL, wrote
asking to be allowed to transfer from iSssendon
(Association) to East Fremantle. His reason was
that he was a renident of Fremantle. It was
explained that Trotter had been refused a clear
ance from Fitzroy, and had played with Ksboj).
don without appearing before tlie League. Tiie
Chairman said that Trotter last season had been
found a situation by tho Essendon (V.F.A.) club,
nnd had stated in a letter to liliu that if ho was
refused n permit by Fitzroy he would loic his
position. Mr. Worrall (Carlton) snid he regretted
to have to move that the clearance he not granted.
Hie motion refusing a clearance was carried.
R. Condon's application for permission to play
as coach for Richmond was granted.
The case of ,7. II. Prout, who hod applied for
a transference from Essendon to Sturt (S.A,),
and who had withdrawn tlie application, was
considered. Prout staled that he went to Ade
laide at the end of February last on a holidaj',
and while there went after a business in tho
Sturt district. lie did not obtain the business,
nnd after working for a firm in Adelaide for n
few weeks he came back to Melbourne. He noti
fied the Sturt club, and also the South Austra
lian League, which said it had no objection to
his withdrawing his application.
After some deliberation the committee notified
Prout that his statement would be referred to
the South Australian League for confirmation
Permits were granted as follow:— R. Dees, from
South llallarat to South Melbourne; C. Dolicrtv
South llallarat to Melbourne; B. Richardson Ba'fl
la rat to St. Kilda; D. Sl'Kcllar, Melbourne to Uni
versity; J. Caldwell, WUlhunstown to South Mel
bourne; C. Pannam, Richmond to Preston: J
Gardiner, Melbourne to Connonorc (Hobart);
II. M. Hodges, Brighton to Melbourne; 15. W.
Fowler, Melbourne to University; \Y. Campbell
Fitzroy to Brunswick; 8. Billings, Fitzroy to Pres
ton; H. Brereton, Port Melbourne to Melbourne;
and W, E. Tottcy, Melbourne to Richmond.-"