ATHLETIC SHORTS. - FOOTBALL. - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954) - 10 Aug 1883 (original) (raw)

One of the most important matches to be played

to-morrow will be that between the Carlton and South

Melbourne, at South Melbourne. Geelong will try

conclusions with the Melbourne on the East Melbourne

Cricket Ground ; and the Hotham play the Essendon

on their "native heath." The following are the

Carlton v South Melbourne. These clubs meet for

the second time this sesson on the South Melbourne

Cricket Ground. The following will represent South

Melbourne, who are requested to be on the ground at

a quarter to three sharp:— Messrs Brown (capt),

Bushel, Brooks, Elms, Gates, Gilchrist, Goding,

Grave, Graham, Minchin, Neely, Page, J. Rosser,

H. Rosser, Robinson, Smith, Taylor, Wells, Wood,

and Young (vice-capt). Carlton Members' tickets

admit to ground only. The following representing

Carlton, will meet at 2.15, Cabs at Boyle and Soott.

and G. Coulthard's :— Baker (vice capt), Bloomfield,

Barrass, Cameron (2), Clydesdale, Donovan, Elliott,

Frayne (capt), Fitzgerald, Heatley, Joyce, M'Intosh,

Robertson, Rickards, J. Smith, Sherwood, Whelan

Woods. Emergencies — Daley, Syle.

Melbourne v Geelong, at East Melbourne Cricket

Ground. The following will represent Melbourne —

Booth, Bower, Conway, Jones, Mackenzie, Macdonald,

M'Intyre, Morris, Moss, Murphy, Patterson, Plant,

Pohlman, Propsting, Rickards, Rush, Sloman, Stiffe,

Thewlis, Tuckfield. Emergencies— Cunningham and

Strachan. Geelong team:— Armstrong, Rolton,

Brownlow, Brush, Cahill, Douglass, Foote, Hall,

Hickinbotham, Kerley, Macpherson, M'Lean, M'Shane,

Morrison, Palmer, Reeves, Simson, Steedman, Talbot.

Thomson. The above players are requested to meet

at the railway station, at 13.45 p.m., to proceed to

Melbourne by special train.

Hotham v Essendon, on the Hotham Recreation Re-

serve. Hotham team :—Barwise, Buncle, Butt, Brand,

Clark, Coffey, Franks, Houston, Ley, Maher, M'In-

nes, O'Brien, Perkins, Rae, Shaw, Tankard, Todd (2),

Williams (2), Watkins, Young (capt).

Melbourne v. Geelong second twenties on the

Melbourne Football Ground. The following will

represent the former :—Abernethy, Allen, Boys,

Coulson, Conway, Dowdle, Douglas, Duncan, Dally,

Kirkpatrick, Kerrigan, Marshall, Mackenzie,

Mackay, M'Givern, M'Leod, Propsting,

Strachan, Stembel, and Walsh.

Hotham v Carlton, second twenties, at Prince's

Oval. Hotham team: — Ashmore, Augustus,

Adams (2), Bell, Burdick, Bradley, Davies

Evans, Franks, Grant, Gorman, Harrison, Hickey,

Lonergan, Moylan, Morris (2), Hayden, McIness,

McCarthy (2), McIntosh, and Peters. Carlton

team:— Aitken, Bismire, Fairnie, Melville, Muir,

Mills, Mair, Martin, M'Kay, M'Shane, O'Shan-

nassy, Phillips, Rickards, Sutherland, Slattery,

(2), Samuels, Syle, Watts, Westwood, Woodbarn.

Geelong v Melbourne, second twenties, Mel-

bourne. The following will represent Geelong :—

Beach, Bannister, Davey, Thomson, Jamieson,

Whitelaw, Fairbairn, Lowe, Moore, (2), Doherty

M'Leod, Pike, Pearson, Reid, Ritchie, Matson,

Wilmot, Weber, and Webb. Emergencies — Ross,

and Collins. The above players are requested to

meet at the railway station at a quarter to one

o'clock, p.m., to catch the special train.

Brunswick v. Essendon second twenty, at Essen-

don. Brunswick team :—Batt, Brav, Congleton,

Dick, Fleming, Fos, Heller, Johnston (3), Knot,

Leslie, Lampard (cap), Mackwell, M'Dougall,

Phillips, Shannon, Strickland (2), Dyer, Warburton.

Emergencies— M'Innes, Mackwell. Essendon team—

Buggle, Coope, Collopy, Caldwell, Duncan, Dowlan,

Graham, Hardy, Knowles, (2), Lethbridge, Maine,

Maloney, (2), Martin, M'Intee, M'Kenzie, Webb,

Sandridge v Star of Carlton, in the Royal Park. The

following will represent the former :— Kennedy (capt),

Hill, Begg, Cleeland, Cooper, Quinlan, Goding,

Hanneysee, Riley, Finlay, Tyrrell (2), Elmburgh,

Coffey, Hennessy, Caton, Young, Searle, Decis,

M'Crindle, Seismann, Watson. Star team :—Creevey,

Dalglish, Fitzgerald, Flowers, Fuhrhop, Heatley,

Lean, Lewis, Mair, Moyes, M'Cormick, M'Inerney,

Nash, Over, O'Bern, O'Donnell (2), Purcell, Rushton,

Russell, Thomson, Tully, Wilson.

Royal Park v. Williamstown, at the Royal Park.

Parks' team :—Beggs, Boag, Cook, Greenwood,

Gregory, Keane, Longstaff, Mitchell, McCandlish

(2), McLennan, Nairn (2), Peacock, Robinson,

Smith, White, Wickham, Wood (capt.), Woods.

Emergencies—Gardiner, Wilson. Williamstown team,

who are requested to meet at the North Melbourne

railway station at 2.15 p.m.:— Alexander (2), Bull-

ock, Cherry, Daley (2), James, Kennedy, Laming,

Matthews, Mackrell, Rees, Simson, Smith, Sheldrick,

Warren, Worroll, Weatherhead, Wauchope, Ward.

North Park v. South Melbourne second twenties, on

the South Melbourne Football Ground. The

following will represent the former :—Barry,

Buncle, Campbell, Cooper, Crawford, Doran, Drape,

Flavin, Forbes, Fox, Grant, Hopson, Howie, Mossop

(2), M'Intosh, Stevens, Tallent, Trauis and Allan.

South team :— Archer, Birrill, Cameron, Cromwell,

Doran, Doherty, Evans, Forman (capt.), Fausett,

Grey, Gray, Logan, Munro (2), Merriman, M'Donald,

Qlunkett, Reade (2), Russell, Roberts, Vivian and

Toorak v South Yarra, at St. Kilda. The following

represent Toorak :—Wilson, Armytage (2), Hamilton,

Syme, Moline, Horne, Thomson, Price, Hope,

Frances, Halford, Robertson, Bruce, Corr, Hooke,

Morrison, M'Culloch, Affleck, Oakley. Emergencies:

Bayles, Verdon, Hamilton. South Yarra team :—

Brooks, Burton, De Little, Dickson, Dunn, Griffiths,

Gordon, Meader, Munro, M'Harg, M'Leod, Pigdon,

Roberts, Rusden, Stooke, Tindall, Tuckfield,

Waters, Williams, Woods. Emergencies : Edwards,

Powlett Juniors v St. Kilda Alma, at East Mel-

bourne. The former's team will be picked from the

following :—Berry, Baines, Dalton, Garton, Howes,

Heath, Heymanson, Kelso, Laughton (2), Lynar,

Miller (2), Mullet, Reid, O'Reilly, Prismall, Searle,

Salway, Simpson, Turner, Watson, Walton. The Alma

will be represented by— Aylwin, Christian, Clarke,

Fattorini, Davenport, Climee, Hardwick, Henderson,

Keogh(2), Lynott, M'Pherson, Permezel, Robertson,

Stiffe, Smith (2), Tye, Victor, Turner. Emergencies —

Melbourne Imperial v. Clifton Union, at Jolimont.

Imperial team — Alessio (capt), Baker, Ingram,

Knopp, Hill (2), Box, King (3), Westerman, M'Mahon,

Lang, Mangovan, Black (2), Hutton, Miller, Colley,

Royal v South St Kilda, on the ground of the lat-

ter. The Royal team:— Allen, Blake, Bentley, Bur-

goyne, Bailey, Christian, Evans, Grant, Harding, Hake,

Lindsay, Lake, M'Coy, M'Cleery, Strong, Turner,

Wild, Walker, Whitworth, Young. Emergencies—

Robertson and Moffat v Steinfield, Levinson,

Steinfield and Co.'s, team :—Constable, Low, Nidoog,

Cameron, Camm, Humphryes, Ryan, Henderson,

Bagnell, Allan, Archer, Ansell, Daley, Anthoney,

Yekian, Nawog, Connell, Holmes, Benness, Mudge.

Wellington v Star of Kensington at Fawkner Park.

Former team:— Blackman (cap.), Carson, Cunning-

ham, Delton, Granderson, Fitchett, Hall, Kingham,

Luff (2), Lavell (2), Mann, Murphy, Munro, Oliver,

Peglar, Raven, Taylor, White. Emergencies— Port,

South Yarra second twenty v Toorak second

twenty, at Como, Toorak. South Yarra team: —

Ferguson, Booth, Nosworthy, Young, Baldwin,

Turner, Mould, Mackay, Mawson, Harby, Mason,

Searle, Merchant, Best, Walters, Condron, Whitelaw,

Footscray v. South Park, at Footscray. Local

team :— Anderson, Ager, Bennett, Clarke, English,

Emerson (2), Findlay, Greenwood, Hanify, Kelly,

Johnson, Linden, Lovett, Martini, Reid, Scott, Shep-

herd, Wilson (2), West, Warren, Williams. Park

team. — Adams, Anderson, Donaldson, Dixson,

Fraser, Harris, Latchford, M'Knight (2), Moore,

Mills, Mott, O'Connor, Owens, Phillips, Robertson,

Tyrell, Thomas, Williams, Wilson (2), Slatter, and

Parkhill v Footscray Excelsior, in the Richmond

Paddock. The following represent the Parkhill :—

Alves (2), Bestall, Black, Currer, Cranston, Elliott,

Fordham, Garside, Bill, Henningham, Lefebre,

Morton, Mullally, Porter, Ross, Robinson, Thorp,

Tadick, Welley. Emergencies— Wing, Bradshaw,

and Brown. Excelsior team:— Barr, Copplestone,

(capt), Davis, Dean, Dunn, Gastersteadt, Haverfield,

King, Kennedy, Lawlor, Lawson, Layland,

Line, Newell (2), Roberts, Rosser, Smith, Schild,

Parkhill Juniors v Surrey, at South Yarra. Jun-

iors — Bestall, Chamberlain, Coles, Cutler, Cain,

Elliott, Franks, Garrett, Healing, Jordon, Kellett,

Kilner, Lefebere, Queenell, Ricketts (2), Ross (2)

Carlton Alberts v Melbourne Juniors, on the ground

of the latter. Alberts team :—Allen, Bruce, Beere

(Capt.), Blight, Coulthard, Davie, Elliott, Greeves,

Hill, Hourigan, Jessop, Leach, M'Lean, Mulbrick,

Morley, Perkins, Quilty (2), Reid, Swanwick (2),

Twomey, Tyler. Juniors team :— Fuhrhop (2), Irwin

(2), Furlong, Hall, Sullivan, Rikarby, Asker, Porter,

Turner, Morgan, Gordon, Cohen, Gearon, Smith,

Welshe, Brown, White and Rose.

Star of Richmond v Grosvenor United, on ground

of former. The Star team :—Butler (2), Curtis,

Collins (3), Groves, Goodwin, Gosbell, Ingleton,

Jones, Knowles (captain), Marsh, M'Donald, Over,

O'Connell, Russell, Stevenson, Sindrey.

Waverly United v Avenue, at Royal Park.

Waverly United team :—Burns, Bertram (capt),

Connell (vice capt.), Cook, Deeley, Glennon, Henry,

Lemon, Leydin, Martin, M'Donnell, M'Grath, O'Keefe,

Perry, Powell, Ryan, Scott, Thompson, Urquhart (2).

Emergencies— Pritchard, Cromley, Ellis.

Fitzroy Albert v Vaucluse Juniors, on the

ground of the latter. Alberts team :— Ansell, Anders,

Burns, Bretnall, Boyle, Dean, Todd (capt), Patton

(vice-capt.), McGuire, M'Intyre, King, Salmon, Long-

bottom, Rees, Tobin, Williams, Walker, Wall, Welch,

Uglou. Emergencies. Clarke, Adamson, Mitchell.

Hawksburn v Caulfield, at Elsternwick. The Hawks-

burn team :— Dunn, Farley (2), Furneux, Hill, Heath,

Iles, Lorrain, Logan, Marsden, Moorhouse, Matthews,

M'Pherson (2), M'Gill, Plummer, Ross, Simcox, Soutar

(2), Smith, Steers, Wheeler. Caulfield team: — Lowe,

Landale, Shaw (3), Gillespie, Rogers, Tyson, Wilks,

M'Knight, Hayes (2), Davies (2), Giltreds, Crosby,

Youngman, Stephen, M'Leod, Payne, Desailly.

Caulfield second twenty v Evansford Second

Twenty, at Caulfield. Caulfield will be chosen from

—Shaw, M'Knight, Woods, Masters, Hayes,

Clements, Hall, Swanston, Briguet, Lawry, Oliver

(2), M'Quie, Wright, Stephen (2), Landale, Peppin,

Whittingham, Quinan, Grant, Woodville, Lowe,

Blythe, Wynne, Gibbs, Le Marchand, Adamson,

Boake, M'Callum, Calder, Pearson, Sargood.

Parkside v. Fitzroy Alberts second twenty, at

Royal Park. Former's team :— Brown, Black, Bean,

Coulsell, Campbell, Coffey, Daff (Capt ) Ferguson,

Heron, Longland, Mahony, Norton, Nightingale,

Purcell, Ryan, Scott, Stone, Starkey, Thompson and

Union Jack second twenty v Brunswick second

twenty on the Military Reserve. The Jacks comprise—

Messrs Hill, Sykes, Horrocks, Paterson (2), Brown,

Douglas, Wilson, Blackburn, Black, Johnston, Burns,

Tesehner, Fyfe, (2) Bradley, Barnett (2), Marshall,

Keegan, Kay. Brunswick's team— Alder, Burns,

Campbell, Cooke, Craven, Davis, Gow, Grimster,

Leslie, Miller, M'Dougall, O'Shannessy, Pigot, Reva,

Saxon, Smith, Strickland, Thompson, Tomkins,

Osborne v Union Jack on Military Reserve. The

following represent the former :— Bliss, Brown,

Conroy, Gill, Glenister, Hansen, Her-

nan, Hughes, Kneace, Kennerson, M'Cuiag,

M'Allister (3), Neale, Parker, Salt, Sims, Sewell,

Sutherland, Walsh. The Jack's comprise :—

Johnston (3), Moore, Henderson, Hilton, Higgins,

Hawkins, Weaver, Anderson, Amess, Phillips,

Paterson, Brewster, Newbound, Purcell, Watson,

Perry, Kirwan, Quested, M'Donald, Hall and

Emerald Hill Montague v. Albert Park, at Albert

Park. The former's team will be picked from the

following :—Brown, Barry, Carnagie, Deas, Duncan,

J., Finnessy, Duncan, F., Hunt, Hurst, Hearn, Haworth,

Johnston, Mackay, Marshall, Millership, M'Ilory,

Prior, Parkinson, Sullivan, Wyatt, Cane and

Normanby v. Moonee Ponds, at Ascot Vale. The

former's team will be chosen from the following :—

Abbott, T. Burke, Cody (2), Delaney, Farley, Heron,

Harry, Hall, Hurst (2) Haines, Heggarty, Iles, Lind-

say, Nathan, O'Keefe, Rouse, M'Conochie, Steel,

Sims, Solly, Tyrell, Thomas. The Moonee Ponds

team will be selected from the following : — D. Black,

G. Black, J. Black, Burnham, Le Court, J. Clissold,

H. Clissold, T. Cairncross, A. Cairncross, E. Danks,

C. Diamond, T. Gill, A. Morgan, M. O'Keefe, J.

Paris. P. Patches, Ralph, H. Robertson, T. Robinson,

J. Smith, P. Sebire, A. Sebire, Stephenson, and

Cremorne v. Belmont (Geelong), on the Botanica

Reserve. Cremorne team:— Coles, Guthrie, Green,

Duffield, Graham, Horan, Elder, Naughton, Shand,

Shore (capt), Stevens (2), Reid, Newman, Samuels,

M'Vicker, Pearce, Shore, Purcell, Ryan. Emergen-

cies— Brown, Black, Holden.

Southern Cross v Footscray Excelsior, at Fawkner

Park. The Cross will be represented by:— Batters,

Bradshaw, Corfield, Cox, Edgecombe, Greening,

Greenwood, Hillman, Layton, Lennie, Linn, Lockett,

M'Connell, M'Farlane, Reynolds, Short, Spencer,

Tomlins, Walsh, and White. Emergencies— Clark,

Mellourne Juniors second twenty v Powlett

Juniors second twenty, at Jolimont. The former

will be represented by— Barnswell, Burrows, Collins,

Cross, Hayes, Howe, Hutchins, Hennessy, Irwin,

Kniese, M'Farlane, M'Carten, Meek, Porter, Oakley,

Reidy, Shiels, Siskoo, Walshe, Welshe.

West Brighton v. Emerald Hill Alberts. West's

team :—Ballantyne, Carr, Cox, Crook, Chappel,

Dunn, Edwards (2), Fleat, Geach, Hicks, Heath,

Miller, Mouritz, O'Shea, Quilty, Rowe, Rhodes,

Small, Wise, Woods and Wright.

Northcote second twenty v. Normanby second

twenty. Northcote's team: — Ashhy, Angel, Brown

Beresford, Cole, Duncan, Goodrich, Henry, Jackson,

Kelbott, Kirton, Laughton, Laurence, May, Mason,

Malway, Oliver, Rojo, Rodgers, Weir. Emergencies

— Jackson, Hughes and Henry.

Powlett (23) v Ballarat at Powlett Reserve. The

formcr will be represented by Anthony, Berthon,

Brayshay, Craig, Davis, Dunn, Dunne, Gregory,

Irwin, Kerr, Kitching, Lynar, Linnehan, M'Kenzie,

Mullally, M'Leod, Patterson, Proctor, Rout, Smith,

Stub, Westerman, and Woods.