PLAY AND PLAYERS. - NEWS OF THE WEEK. DOINGS OF THE CLUBS. - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954) - 27 Jun 1913 (original) (raw)

Fri 27 Jun 1913 - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954)

Alf Hill ' und , BUI Hcndrlo put In

telling work us tho Melbourne ruck,

and kept up their end well.

JL Fitznnlrlck. who hn« dIuvmI fni

Melbourne for many, years past. Is ap

plying to the committee for a clearance

Hurry Cope . proved the best of the

Melbourne forwards In the mutch

against Coillngwood. Ills smart work

was capped with threo goals.

Schmidt was in excellent form with

the St. Kllda tads on Saturday. He

did muny things, especially In tho first

quarter, and did them remarkably

I hear front Ballarnt thnt, in order

to strengthen their ruck department,

Carlton's recruiting sergeant bus been

endeavoring to Induce M'Lellan, of the

Golden Point team, to throw in his lot

with the Dark Blues. Carlton officials,

however, state that they have not heard

Tho scores In tho matches already

played this season by tho teums op

posed to-morrow wero:— South Mel-

bourno 9.7, Carlton 8.13: Esscndon

13.11, Richmond 11.12: Fitzroy 3.13,

St. -Kllda 10.7; Geclong 11.2, Colling?

wood 10.17: Melbourne 14.15, Univer

sity 10.12; North Melbourne 11.12, Es

scndon 9.8; Footscray 10.17, Port Mel-

bourne 4.9: Brunswick 8.19, Brighton

8.8; -WHUamstown 7.1S, Northcoto 5.7;

Prnhran 14.16, Melhournu City 7.3.

Melbourne City players arc requested

: to meet nt the Elizabeth street en

trance to the station, at 1.45 to-morrow.

Cumberland, Jory, Hattam, Eickc,

nnd Lever were conspicuous on Satur

day as fivo of the best men in the St.

Farrcll has resigned the position of

vice-captain of the Richmond club. He

has been suffering from n neck Injury,

nnd, acting on medicu! advice, will take

Donnelly and White, who wero tried

by Melbourne City, should make good

with another run or two. Daniels and

Qulnn were played centre and half-for

ward against North, and held their own

In their respective positions.

The principal match to-morrow will

be thnt between South Melbourne and

Carlton, and with fine weather, of

which thorc Is a good prospect, tho

attendnnco should be enormous. "Let

thorn all come," says Mr. W. H. M'Cor-

mnck; "our ground has accommoda

tion for 5,0,000." It has- been sug

gested thnt the discomfort of the bust-

ling in a. crowd nt the gates will bo

avoided if the spectators go to tho

White, who was tried on tho wing for

Melbourne City against North, held

his own against the Northern wing

Woods, Bignell and W. Smith did

good scrvlco for Melbourne City against

North Melbourne. Phillips, In addition

to playing a good gume roving for Mel

bourne City, scored' two of their goals.

Reeves, Arbrcw, and also Bristowe. If

he gets his permit through from Mel

bourne to-night, will go into the Rich

mond team to-morrow, in plucc of Fur-

rcl!,' Love and -Phillips. It is claimed

thnt the side will' be the strongest "of

the season, und on top of threo straight

wins, tiie players will enter the_ Held

confident of wiping out the previous

narrow defeat hy Essendon.

Matty Richmond people were sur

prised at the leaving out of Arbrew

against Geeiong, but It should be rc-

mombered that only 18 players can be

selected, und had any ono of last

Saturday's combination been outside

Instead of insldo tho fence, it is pro

bable tluvt similar regrets would havo

been expressed. Arbrew will lie In tho

team ngulnnt Essendon to-morrow.

The ruce for one-legged tt(en, to be

held in the Interval of the South Mel

bourne-Richmond gumo on Saturday,

July 5, is arousing much interest. Al

ready over a dozen nominations havo

been lodged with Mr Fred Chatto, who

is one of Richmond's keenest support

ers, and haH charge of the affair. En

tries close on Monday with Mr Chatto,

at 384 Brldgo road. Prizes amounting to

£5/5/ nro promised. Wooden-legged

men wilt not he eligible to compete, tho

event being exclusively for onc-leg-

Bers who have need to employ a crutch.

Negro was again one of Brighton's

best defenders. His tine dashes from the

half-back line were a treat to watch.

"Tieh" Ballos played from start to

finish against Prahran as though his

life depended on the game. Ho was one

of the chief factors in Brighton's win.

After an absence from several games,

Charlie Uickctts signnllsod his return

to the Richmond team by kicking tho

first goal for Ills side against Gcelong.

It was an exceptionally tine screw shot.

Dick Lee will start training next

week, and expects to -bo able to plu>

against Esscndon. For the testimonial

to Lec It Is expected that nearly. £200

will be realised. The Coillngwood Club

There is much dissatisfaction among

Esscndon members at the action of tho

committee in not playing Martin regu

larly and in giving him a clearance.

"Snowy" has always been a 'favorite

with Exsendonlnns. Moreover, on the

few occasions he -has been played this

season, ho 1ms done much better than

seme of the men chosen every Saturday.

Martin was out training at Fitzroy on

Monk (who has been unable to play

ir» tho last three matches owing to an

Injury to the shoulder) Is right again,

and will be playing =' to-morrow with

Clarrie Hall, of Richmond, is one of

tho smallest players in the League, but

he handles the ball more often than

many bigger men, and invariably to

advantage. Four years ago Hall was

allowed to transfer to Prahran, but

when Mr G. R. P. Beachcroft, the late

hon. sec., resumed control of Richmond

affairs, Hall was one of the first men he

sought out and persuaded to return.

Slnco the North nnd South Tasmania

mutches were -started In 1883 the South

have won' on 29 occasions, while the

North have been victorious on 13, und

three matches have been drawn. On

Snturdny Inst nt Launccston tho play

of tho Southerners -was disappointing.

They were outclassed. . and, except for

some flashes' of brilliancy by one or two

of the stars, their play fell fur short

of North's. Pcnnoatt was not up to his

usual form, nnd Miller and K. Balllcy,

who are usually prominent, wero not

as conspiclous as they generally are,

and the most prominent were H. BaMley,

Geard, and Russell. For the winners

M'Kcnzlc. LaunecsLin's brilliant centre

innn, gave a magnificent exhibition of

the game, his marking, kicking, and

clover taking being sound. Whittle and

Coognn played mnsterly football on the

wing, und the defensive work of Ram

say, Mour, Pugh, nnd Searle was a fea

ture of the game. The game aroused

great enthusiasm! This is the North's

third consecutive win, nnd their vic

tory on this occasion was well deserved.

Boiler played .finely for Brighton

against Prnhran, nnd kicked a beauti

ful goal la the last quarter.

Caldwell, Rndomnchcr. Webster, Tan

dy, Charge, Mortimer, nnd Belcher werc

about the best of tho South Melbourne

men in the match against St. Kilda.

I came across Bill Lang on Wed

nesday. He told ine thnt he had no

intention of playing for Richmond, but

said that hn was going to have a run

with Carlton listrlct to-inorro'w.

Another flno performance by LlUcy,

the young centre plnyor for Melbourne,

lias to be recorded. With the experience

of this season, the ex-ElslcrnwIck lad

should develop into one of the cham

Mullaly and Frnnks are reported to

bo sound in limb again, nnd Joe Prince

told me yesterday that although he re

ceived a severe knock us tho result of

the collision nt St. Kildn. he may hu

able to play to-morrow. George. Bower

cumo out of the samo bump with an

injured knee thnt will keep him out of

action for a week or two. Snltnu and

Scoblo are training assiduously, in or

der to hit form thut will satisfy tho

committee in Including them In the

Hugh Odgcro, who played so well for

Melbourne two seasons ugo. |r in Mel

bourne, again looking fit mid well. He

had a run with his old team on Thurs

James, Ohlsen and Mnhoney proved a

very cffcctivo ruck combination for

Richmond on Saturday. Ohlsim shep

herded In groat style, and repeatedly

cleared a way for James, who hit -the

bull out with unerring accuracy to >Mu-

honey, and that lino rover Invariably

turned Ills opportunities to advantage.

Tiie gold medal given for the most

serviceable player for the North In the

North and.' South contest played at

Launccston oa Saturday was awarded

by tho committee to W. Flannigan, who

shouldered the heavy ruck work with. a

willingness which earned for him gen

eral recognition, und Ills selection for

tho modal was almost unanimously en

Tho West Australian Leagtio Irf

being urged to sturt the mnlches ear

lier. The suggestion hnx boon re

peatedly made that, as other spurting

contests nro entered on long before

3 o'clock in Melbourne, footbutl should

be started at 2.30, or 2.45 p.m. at the

latest. An altoratlon of the rule on

the subject will be welcomed by the

public, who are the supporters of

Fred Morgan confirmed Ills good form

In the opening match of tho season

against the Gcelong flier, Scmvn, hy

again decisively beating thnt flno wing

mun on Saturday. Seown beat him for

pace in the opening stages of the

game, but before the final cross-over

Morgan was many points ahead, and

ho set tho seal on a fine performance by

kicking the first goal of the last term.

Tills proved to be the turning point in

tho gume. . After thut Richmond went

Kelly played fine football at St. KlIdA

nnd kicked for goal beautifully. Four

sixers were credited to him.

For n month past W. Rusbrldge, tho

former champion of Essendon, has

been coaching the team of tho Gcelong

Soutli 'Melbourne opened up opera

tions at St. Kilda rather tamely, but a.

the'gnme advanced their work— oven In

every department— Improved, and a

very easy victory was gained.

The Melbourne committee nnd friends

will leave by the Loongana on Monday,

week for Tasmania. Mr A. A. ManzIo

litis been appointed munagcr, nnd a

good, programme for the tour has been

The unusual spectacle of two menu

bcrs of Parliament acting as goal um

pires was seen at Uichmond on Satur

day, when the schoolboys of Gcelong

und Richmond were playing. Messrs

G. Webber and E. Cotter, M.'sL.A.,

Dpwdlng (full back) nnd Patterson

(on the wing) were brilliant in the last

quarter for Brighton. Patterson's fino

effort well deserved tho goal that put

Brighton In the lead, nnd Dowding'fl

line dash nnd judgment in goals en

abled the seasiders to keep in front nnii

Banbury may not piny for Footscray

against Ports to-morrow. Lawson will

lie in Gregory's place, and perhaps

Olnggounl, a wing man from Dayles-

f«>rd, will bn tried. In, nny ovont the

whole of tho reserves will he called out,

and there Is talk of une or-two country

players coining down to join the team.

The Essendon selection commlttee

cannot be accused of not making enough

changes in tho personnel of the side.

It Is a poor week that does not yield

four or five alterations. To-morrow

there will he five. Belcher, Lou. Arm-

strong (injured), Parkinson, Donaldson,

and Woolley are out, and in their

places are Bowe, Sewart, Griffiths, Pike

It has been stated in Geelong that

J. Slater has said that he would be

willing to play for his old team if

employment were found for him at

Geelong. Before the season was

started Slater came to the metropolis,

and applied to his club for a clear-

ance to enable him to play for Mel-

bourne, but his application was re-

fused, and he has been playing for

Arthur Gregory, the well-known

Footscray follower, emerged from a

scrimmage In front of the WilUnniRtown

pavilion very dizzy nnd sick-looking,

and when assisted to tho dressing-room

it was found that he was In much puln

from a broken bone in the upper jaw, a

badly torn lip, und a wrenched knee.

It is doubtful whether he . will play,

again, as there is talk of his retirement.'

Webh was another who came a scvuro

"cropper," und. was compelled to

"shelter" between the posts at the end

of t ho ground for tho rest of tho game.

The search for good playors has not

been abandoned. The officials of n ju

nior club wore Informed that there was

a player of promise at Fuh llold tho

other day. and to Falrllold they went.

They traced the rumor to the local hos-

pltul, nnd stood well out from tho gates

of that institution while thoy niada

their Inquiries. "if ho caiplay well

he Is the man wo want." said the club's

secretary. "It will not make the slight-

cat difference because ho workB In this

hospital. There will be no danger of

infection, as wo will be prepared to

give him a plienylo bath boforo ho

takes the field." When thoy wore told

that there was no footballer there, .they

left with an expression thnt seemed; to

convoy the idea that they were then pre

pared to give a bath of prtissio 'nehl

to the mail who had been tho cause of

their long and usoless Journey, v

A well-attended meeting was held In

tho Mclbourno Town Halt last night,

with tho object of devising means to

raise funds to provide a number of

' tmveiiini? entleL'riiliiH In connection'

with the forthcoming World's Tour

of Naval nnd Military Cadets. Sir

John Madden presided, , and in the

course of his remarks rofcrrod to a

proposal put forward for a football

match to be played between combined

teams of tho Leaguo und Association.

Tho Chief Justlco said, "This should bo

a good scheme, if yon can got these

gentlemen together. Certainly it would

be awkward If the young fellows of

tho Association were to knock spot

off the Leaguo. (Lnughter.) There

may bo some diplomatic difficulties hi

the way, but thr.y should be easily

overcome fur tho sake of tills patrio

tic object." It was proposed, ho

added, to help the boys along In their

duties to tho omplro. lie was sura

their sportsmanlike spirit would coma

on lop, nnd If tho mutch woro played

in earnest It meant a largo sum to tho

fund. It would have a good moral

effect on the community if these bod

ies would tako luirt. Or. D. V. llon-

ncssy, the Lord Mayor, supported tho ..

proposal, nnd It . was unanimously

agreed to approach the League nml

Association on the subject. It Is pro

posed to play the match after tho

promlershlp finals, and It ;wns pointed

out thnt this would Interest fully

30,900 lads who have now to sucrlflca

many half-days of sport to carry out

tholr duties under the Defence

scheme. "Arrangements will be made

to havo no parades on tho date fixed.

It was also decided to hold a police

carnival and tattoo at tho Exhibition

at an early dote; that a naval and

military theatre night bo htdd; nnd

thnt the Lady Mayoress and suburban

mayoresses should ho asked ' to co

operate iti tho holding of a hall in

tho Molhuiirnn Town Hall; and finally,

that the Victoria Racing Club should

bo approached, with the object of ar

ranging a race meeting. Sir John

Madden was elected president; Mr A.

G. Salnsbiiry, tho Chief Commissioner

of Police; Mr J. Milne, Inspecting

Superintendent; and Mr J. T. Wtlklns,

Chief Ofllcer of the Fire Brigade, as

vice-presidents, with iho Lurd Mayor,

hon. treasurer. Mr .T. M! Christie

(Continued on Next Pago).

Continued from Preceding Page.
| was appointed hon. mannger; Mr A. J.
Curran, lion, socrotury, nnd Capt. 'A.
Hushall, urgunlslntf ofllcor,
; Tliti St. Kllda tea in will make a trip
f to Sydney at the end of the year.
r Davo M'Namarn Informed me yester-
day that he Intends to play for South
Yarn; shortly.
: T. Wellington, having now recovered
from Influcnzit, will he playing for Mel-
.bourno to-morrow.
Melbourno will probably try. out to
morrow three good players from pro
minent country centres.
Tho Fitzroy side wns well sorvod In
tlio match, against University by
Toohoy, Lcntie, . M'Lcnmui, Pnrratt
and Tlerort.
. Harry Harker oh the forward line for
.Hrunswlck ficemod'lo fly In the air,, He
took some reul wonderful marks In
Saturday's match.
Swift (roving), Ncwbound . (centre),
JWIeU nnd Sid -Hall all- worked hard to
try and pull the match out of the lire
for Northcoto on Saturday. .
The marking and general play . of
Lynch on tho lialf-forward line at St.
.Kllda on Saturday was one of the
' outstanding features of the match up
In half-time.
A ball-punching competition will he
held In connection with Brunswick
.Football Carnival on August 5. A big
entry of lending footballers lias been
received, and others Intend competing.
Mr. Frod.. "Whlttnn, one of the Hrm
supporters of tho Colllngwood club,
died In Sydney on Monday. The Col-
.llngwoad, committee, through Mr 13.
W. Copetnnd, tho hon. secretary, re-
nuested Mr. W. Strickland, now resi
dent In Sydney, to represent the club
at tho funeral, nnd to forward u
.wreath with the club colors.
The first match between North tnd
South this season was played ut Lnun-
eeston on Snturday (writes my Tus-
mnnluu correspondent) under the most
favorable conditions, the weather being
glorious, and the attendance uhout 7000,
the gate (JJ250) being a 'record here.
. Two special trains enme from Iiobarl,
bringing some 800 followers of the game.
The result wns a decisive win for North,
who showed superiority In form. AU
though evidently mustered, South
struggled gamely and determinedly to
' the end. Northerners were the lighter
and fnster team, ami as the pnen wns
hot from the start the Southerners,
who were heavier, felt tin? strain. Pace
and cleverness won the game. Twenty-
five points separated the teams nt the
close, and had the North kicking for
goal been more aceurato the difference
would have been grcnter. The South
erners accepted their defeat In a sports
manlike manner, and It was pleasing to
hear frank expressions on the part of

the visitors of the superiority of the
victors. The scores nt the various quar
ters were ns follow:— First quarter:
North, 1-8: South, 1-1. Second quarter:
North, 4-9; South, 1-3. Third quarter:
North, 5-14; South 2-5. Final: North,
<5-18; South; 3-9.
Leeds, Gillespie, nnd Gibson were solid
In defence for Brunswick.
Harrison will reappear with Fitzroy
to-morrow, nnd Lynch will stand
Dick O'Connor Is reported well again,
and will resume his position on the wing
for Brunswick.
The non-success of Frcakc at goal
scoring In Saturday's match was due
to tho watchfulness of Nenle.
Carlton anticipate being able to In
clude Lane, formerly of the Melbourne
Club, in' their team shortly.
George M'Leod obtained his clearance
from Kssendon (L.), and will he one of
Brunswick's team against Brighton.
Frank Kerr made his rc-appearnnce
with tho University, and showed tip
top form. Kelly also put In good
work for the students.
A special train will leave Willlams-
town ut i.35 to-morrow for Croxton.
Players aro requested to catch the
1.12 from WUIiamstown, and tho 2.5
from Prince's Brldgu
Some Interesting tussles were, pro
vided by the centre lines In the "WH-
Humstown-Footscray match. •Fergu
son, tVallls and Holtinan (Williams?
iown) pluylng remarkably well.
By registering 15—15 on Saturday,
Carlton mudo their highest score this
season. Their biggest contribution,
to the delight of their barrackcrs, lust
year was 17—17 against Richmond,
E. Bimbrldge nnd Grant, with Glbbs
as rover, did great things for WU
Iiamstown hi their match against
Footscray. Another line powerful
trio were M'Donald, 15. Alley, and N.
Hushrldge, half-buck. They played
with .dash and determination.
The score — 15 goals 15 behlnils —
kicked by. Carlton was the highest
that has boon put up ngnlnst Essen-
don this season, being two - points
moro. than South Melbourne regis
tered.. 15— 18 was the top score made
against Essendon hist year, by St.
Carlton's casualty list was added to
on Saturday, when Clancy'nnd Bar-
nlnghum were Injured. . Clancy sus
tained, a sprained; ankle, and his tall
clubmato received a 'crack on the face
which caused the face to swell to such
a size that he cohld hardly sec during
tho week '
The Australian game has appa
rently taken root at Tho llock, Jn the
ftiVcrlna. Several district associations
have been formed. Jn tho Lockhart
Association live teams are competing,
viz., Lockhart, Tootool, Borco Creek,
Uninn, and Oaklunds. Taking the
piny as a whole, It compares very
favorably with thnt played by simi
lar teams In Victoria. It Is really sur
prising to see the great Interest
evinced In this association in particu
lar. Special football trains are run
every Saturday, and on all. occasions
are packed with enthusiasts'. In the
Wagga Association four teams are
competing— The Rock, Oldtown, Now-
town, and Thq Federals. Needless to
say, great interest Is also taken in
this association. Lampe, who nt one
time played for South Melbourne, Is
an umpire In tho Wngga Association.
Mr. Harold Kloholis writes' from
Thursday Jsland:— "Whilst the eyes of
tho footballers were turned towards
tho South Melbourne— Colllngwood
match on Juno 14, another match
was causing a great deal of excitement
In tho football world of Thursday
Island, vis. — the first mooting of the
it.A.G.A. and H.M.A.S. Melbourne
teams oti tho local, ground; The bluo-
Juckots were unfortunate in not
having the services of hulf-n-dozcn of
their lending players owing to duty's
call, whilst the Artillery had practi
cally their full strength. 1.'hero was a
largo crowd of spectators, Including
Colonel Lee, Commandant of Queens
land; Colonel Kyngdon, Commanding
Olllcer H.A.G.A.; and - the ofliccrs of
tho fleet and garrison. ' The Artillery
men wcro heavier than their oppo
nents; but', nevertheless, the sailors
kept them hard prossed up to hulf-
tirne, when the locals led by 14 points.
Jn the last half tho soldiers Increased
their lend, and eventually won by 11
goals 24 hchfnds to ' 3 goals 16 be-
hinds. Tho local men had the ad
vantage of knowing the ground, which,
being on the small side, made tho piny
crowded at times. Both sides did
soino very effectlvo hnnd-bnlling and
passing, A strong brcczo blew across
the ground, which accounted for the
somewhat Inaccurate shooting, and
both shies gave a good exhibition ol
high marking and long kicking. The
gntno was played In a very friendly
spirit, and enjoyed by players and
onlookers alike, On the previous
Suturduy the Artillery defeated the
Melbourno nt Rugby by ft points tc
I nfl; and the sailors defeated Thursday

Island by 3 points to nil during the
week. Return matches have been ar
Essendon (A) supporters were
pleased to see their old favorite, Billy
I'aine, In the colors again.
M'Nelll (Prahran) and Pike, from a
lunlor team, will be tried by Essendon
(L.) to-morrow.
One of tho finest players on the
ground in ' tho Fltzroy-Unlverslty
match was Jones, whose wing work
was consistently brilliant.
Smith's place Is certainly on the bnck
lines for Northcoto, where his dashes to
the hall and excellent kicking are of
great benefit to his side.
IJ. Thomas, Northcoto. was out train
ing this week, and will be pluylng to
morrow. Ho has been on the Injured
list since the Brunswick match.
Loe Braid nnd "Dookln" M'Kenzle
were associated In some brilllunt dashes.
Braid was tho star of the Brunswick
team in the match against Port Mel
Mooro. tho Northcoto skipper,
played grandly in the ruck, and his
marking and hitting out helped the
Green and Gold materially. lie was
well hacked up by Bnssctt.
Harry Braid (Northcole). must be
agnln commended on his hrlllant play.
His dodging wns clever. Tho majority
of hlsslx goals were gulned by cleverly
heating the Essendon backs. His rov
ing wns superb.
Northcoto supporters wcro delighted
with the line game that the team put
up ngnlnst EsHcndon; nnd with such
pluycra as Beck, Duncan and Hnrry
Thomas out, owing to Injuries, they
deserve tho highest praise.
S1<1 Sykes, Prahran' 4 centre forward,
has retired from the gamo. Ho notified
the committee of his decision on Wed
nesday, and It Is the club's Intention
to secure the. Association's medal for
Syken us a reward for meritorious ser
Mr D. J. Chandler entertained the
Fitzroy tenm and commlLtoe at a social
on .'Monday' opening In tho Denton
Hall. It proved most enjoyable. Among
the visitors were several old identities,
among them being A. Sloan, J. Sharp,
T. Banks, and C. Hlckey.
Sid Reeves will reappear in the centre
for Richmond - to-morrow. rtc ;.us
trained well this week, and his recent
ly Injured leg la apparently sound
ugiiin, having stood the strain well.
With Reeves again In his old place, the
speedy Oliver will go bnck to 'the de
fence lines..
Palmer and Henderson, with Peddle
roving, were a strong ruck for Brighton
In the last quarter, nnd did much to
maku opportunities for the placed men.
Palmer's rc-appcarancc In the red nnd
white uniform has been eagerly looked
forward to, and greatly strengthened
the ruck.
Rtdd (Northcotc) was very busy on
tho forward lines, and In the last
quarter Mick Madden wns told off to
watch him. It wan well for the 'Dons,
ns the fleet and surc-footen West Aus
tralian must have hogged some more
goats. Nevertheless, ho scored two-
one n real beauty.
In Adelaide on Saturday last Port
Adelaide and Norwood played an in
teresting gumc, which was won by Port
Adelaide with 13.9 to 7.9. For the llrst
time In Adelaide a steward was on tha
Held. In consequence of a demand that
punctuality should he observed in the
matches the flold umpire hud the teams
In readiness, and set the play going
promptly on the expiration of the quar
ter-hour -half-time Interval. it wax
discovered that the boundary umpires,
the goal umpires, and the steward were,
not on tho field. They were hurriedly
summoned, und ran out into the field
just uftcr Hansen kicked a behind foi
Port Adelaide. On Monday West Ade
laide heat Slurt by 4.15 to 4.4. The at
tendance was 17,000, and the gate re
ceipts amounted to £370.
The proposal for n match between tho
old players of the Colllngwood und Fitz-
. roy teams, In aid of the funds for of
tho Institute for the Bthid, has boon
eagerly adopted, and tho arrangements
ure being pushed ahead with an energy
and enthusiasm that should result In a
very large attondanco ut the Victoria
Park on July 12. There has been a rush
of veterans anxious to return to the
Held, und the selectors will bo faced
with a dhllculty In choosing the teams.
Colllngwood team will bo selected from
the following:— E. Aahton, II. Balfour,
W, Balfour, A, Boyack, W. M'Culloch,
W. Caltughan, R. Condon, C. Dow, I&
Drolmn, A. Dummett, D. O'Donohuo, J.
i Gregory, F. IJailwnod, H. Hellwlg, E.
, Lockwood, G. l/ockwood, A. Leach, E.
I Lcuch, J. Monohan, W. O'Brien, W.
Proudfoot, U. Rush, L. Tulloch, A, E.
, Tamo, G. Williams, G. Angus, R. Vcr-
non, E. Green, C. Slme, It, Nash, M.
, Herbert, T. Wright, C. Pannum A.
i Smith, W. Mulgrave, A. Dean, J. Joyce,
s C, Folotta, E. Brown. Abo Shearwood,
» Tim M'lnerncy, and Bob Ewlng, Fltz-
> roy men, who played great football . In

the long ago, have expressed their wil
lingness to assist In the charitable
Cockrnm gave Essendon his best
gamo for the Bcason, his high marking
! being a treat to watch. ..
Special trains will leave Victoria "Park
at 11 50 and 12.13, and Spencer street at
12.25 nnd 12.55 to-morrow.
The University match against tho
Police team on Tuesday, was won by
the students by 12—10 to 9—11. Park
kicked six goals.
Laxton and Mutch will All tho vacan
cies caused by tho absence of M'Donald,
and P. Glbb from the Colllngwood team.
Glbb Is suffering from a leg Injury.
Sims, on tho Prahrnn's centre line,
put up a good performance against
Brighton, lost Saturday. Ho got In two
or three nice runs.
Bant, the tall Prahran defender, who
has been oh the Injured list for tho past
two weeks, will unable to
play to-morrow.
Moloney, Wcidner and Kerr, when
following, are a fine trio for Prahran,
and so far this season have rendered
good service for tho "Two Blues."
Essendon (A) have discovered a coun
try champion. 6 feet in height, and
weighing 13 stone. He is a follower
of the rare type, and, In all probability,
will don the Red and Black uniform.
Tom Sevlor, free from the resgxmslblll-
ties of captaincy, will he able to do
htnlsclf justice In the ensuing games for
Essendon (A.) He ifluycd In his usual
hurd, determined way In the ruck.
Leo Turner bundled the ball well
In the centre for Essendon against
Northcoto. He showed great Im
provement In hjs piny, as compared
with the mutch against Brunswick.
Mick Madden was a great factor In
Essendon's success against Northcote.
.His play on the half back line was right
up to his best form, his high marking,
kicking und strong dashes being Al.
It is rumored that one player in a
leading Association side will probably
have a Saturday or two looking on for
refusing to "obey orders" on the field
Stun Huntington's play. on the for
ward line freely boro out the rc-
remnrks In these columns that ho
should never have been played back.
He capped a good performance by kick
ing four goals.
A carnival In aid of the Prahran
club's funds will bo opened by Cr T, G.
L. Scott, tho Mayor of Prahran, In tho
local town hall, on Monduy, ut eight
p.m., wricu a large attendance Is antl-
In the absence of Belcher (cnpL) and
'Armstrong (vlcc-captaln) Essendon
players will have to elect a temporary
skipper before the start . to-morrow.
Grifllths, Shea and Sewhrt arc In tho
Judge Wlnnekc was at one time ,a
member of the Fitzroy team. Speak;
Ing of judges and football, it may bo
mentioned that Mr Justice Cussen was
in his young days a sturdy plnyer for
the University team.
Prahran missed Dowsing from their
centre line against Brighton lost week.
Ho will be playing to-morrow. Wood-
head, who did not perform too well
ngulnst Builes, will return to his posi
tion, centre wing, against Melbourne
Joe Maddcn'a dashing piny aroused

the ndmiration of the Essendon sup
porters. The brilliant burst by which
he carried the boll the length of the
ground, finishing his dash with a
goal, was as pretty a bit of
play as has been seen on the Eb-
aendon ground.
The unfair uso of the elbow was al
leged against Belcher, the Essendon
captain, nnd Williamson, of the Carl
ton team. In Inst Saturday's match. The
League's commissioners investigated
tho complaints, and disqualified Bel
cher from playing In four matches and
Williamson from three.
There Is nothing like a regard for
the beautiful, even In football. One of
tho St. Kllda players arrived ut the
room late on Saturday afternoon, and
loudly Inquired If anybody had seen
his Jersey. Running about the room,
ho inquired- for the othei; articles of
warfare. Then, having collected
them, he observed that things were
not to his liking, for his boots had not
the gloss of fashion upon them. "Hand
over tho polish," he called out to a
trainer. "I want to smarten up tho
boots." "Gel out," ordered one of
tho other players; "you're getting too
fastidious. Tho next thing you'll he
doing will ho to 'put them out' over
night for tho ground men to clean." It
may even como to thnt.
There was sumo difficulty In getting
a tenm ut Carlton on Saturday, owing
to the number of absentees from in
juries, and a few minutes before the
start the committee began to feel anxi
ous. Cr. Davo Bell, the president, spot
ted W. Johnson (who formerly played
for EB&ondon and subsequently for Curt-
ton), Johnson Is a police constable,
and wns In uniform, und on duty at
tho match. Cr. Bell asked him to go
out with the team. Tito constable said
that he wns willing to do so if permis
sion could be obtained from his ser
geant. Cr. Boll saw no difficulty on
that score, and was about to husten to
tho sub-ofllcer for his sanction when
word reached him that, as policemen
say, "All .were present and correct."
There was then no necessity for John
son to play, . and ho was left to his
constabulary duty.
-Another reverse, this time at the
hands of Richmond, has not added
much cheerfulness to the Gcolong camp
(writes our local correspondent), but
tho players aro taking matters philo
sophically, . and have not lost hope, ut
putting down the leading teams. Tho
match against Colllngwood is being
cngcrly looked forward to, and there
will he something like a record attend
ance at the oval to-morrow, There will
not be inucli alteration In the Geolong
eighteen, though It Is possible that
RUrbnlrn, who Is himself -again, will
make his reappearance. There will bo
a dual bill at the oval tp-morrow, as
tho Engineers and Artillery, who . are
engaged In the Bellarlnc competition,
will play their match prior to tho senior
game. Accompanied by a large crowd

of followers, ' the soldiers will come 'up
from Quoenscllff In a special train.
Adkins, who Is now captain of Es
sendon (A.), played good football on
the half-back line.
Daly, a -local Junior of promise, and
Eakinff, a. speedy wing player from
Caulficld way, will probably be given
a.ruu with Prahran'a l6 to-morrow.
Sprained ankles will prevent Woods
and West playing for University' to
morrow. Ncwlng will also be an ab
sentee. Trood, Doubleday and M'Leod
will fill the vacancies.
Gilchrist, of Colllngwood, was granted
a clcaranco to Prahran last week. Fltz-
Patrick, of Melbourne, is also said to bu
desirous of transferring to the Toorak
Park club.
The Police. and a team from the Vic
torian Railways, will play a match on
the North Melbourne ground on Wed
nesday, July 2. As" both clubs have
well known players In Leaguo and As
sociation In their ranks,- a close contest
ought to result.
Tho. best players' for tho Uni
versity on Tuesday were Park
(six goals), Brosnan (three goals).
Walker, Thompson, Newlng, Tymms,
Mole and Hurrey. The police were
well . represented by w. Johnson (5
goals), D. Ryan (3 goals), O'Kcefe,
Bourke. Paulson, Jones, Gordcs,
Fischer, and Scott,
Andy Paulson's kicking off in the
Police v. University match was magni
ficent. On several occasions ho drove
tho hall half way. No finer kicking
has been seen in any League or Asso
ciation game this year. Ho was con
gratulated all round for his fine per
formance. «.