MELBOURNE V. RICHMOND - RICHMOND WINS. - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954) - 2 May 1908 (original) (raw)
The Melbourne. iuid Itlehmond repre
sentatives mot on tho Richmond ground
in tho presence of u large number of
spectators. Richmond made their first
appearance against a League team, con
sequently more than ordlnury Interest
was evinced in the play by their sup
A number of new men donned the
colors on Imth sides. For Melbourne,
Holland (Colllngwood), Donaldson
Hnirnsdaic), Jones (Port Rovers-, Tot-
"tey (Hawthorn), uml Frlend (South Mel
bourne Juniors), wero In the team, whllo
on tho Richmond side the new men were
Ryan (Footseray .Tunkirs), Burns <uuth
Bcndlgo), Bourkc (Colllngwood Trades),
OIiIhou (Rose of Northcoto), and Con
don (Colllngwood), Pannan nnd Purse
were elected captains of Richmond and
Melbourne.— Bncks : Monk, Penrce,
Holland, Half-backs : Harris, Purse,
Mills. Centres : Honan, Sykes, Rlgby,
Half-forwards : Fltzpn trick, Onyons,
Smith. Forwards : Donaldson, Jones,
Friend. Followers : Johnston, Totlcy.
Richmond. — Backs : Wllllnms, Rynn,
M'Donnld! Half-bucks : Luff, Bums,
Inslgnerl. Centres : Mcgson, Hill,
Bowden. Half-forwards : Condon, Hcn-
ticy, Schmidt. Forwards : Bourke,
Pnnnnm, Ohlsen. Followers : Hardlmnn,
Umpires.— Flold, Boyle; boundary,
Tho togs gave Richmond Iho advan
tage of tho wind. Rlgby forwarded for
Melbourne, but tho Richmond folknvers
drove tho ball out of danger. Out of a
scrimmage on the wJng Pannum dashed
nwny and sent up tho first point for the
Rlgby again put In some good work
for Melbourne, aud Jones marked half-
forward. Ho raised a point. Lang
and Mnhony wero prominent in the
centre for Richmond, whero Pnnnnm
marked well out. His kick was a good
one, but It just went wide of the goal.
fA fine mark by Tottey In tho centro
gave Mclbourno the advantage, but
Luff dofonded In groat style, and tho
ball was worked gradually to the wing. >,
Contro play followod. Eventually :
Ilorrls, .with a free kick, drove tho oval
tn front. Lntig marked and relieved 'In .
Tho Red and Btuo followers rcnewod
tho attack. Fltzpatrick was nworded a
froo kick well, forward, nnd ho had no
difficulty In raising both lings for his
side. Bowden, Heaney, Pnnnnm hud
Bourkc, with a series of oxchangcs, took
the ball from ono end of tho ground to
tho other very smartly. Mnhony had a
running shot and ecurort a single.
Away they wont again, tho Melbourne
follnwors showing out prominently In tho
centre, Jones marked and landed
second goal with a nice kick. At this
stage, Holland left tho field. On tho
bounce, Pnunam forwarded, and llcuney
notched o single. On the kick in, John-
sou dashed down the centre, and passed '
to Smlih, who scored an easy "sixer" Cor
Melbourne, goul' being unguarded.
Ilenney dropped another point for Rich
mond, ami the gong announced
Melbourne— 3 Goals 1 Behind.— 19
Richmond.— 5 Bohlnds.— 5 Pointp.
On thu change ol ends Sykes, with a
free kick, forwarded for Melbourne.
Inclgnerl. with a nice rim on the wing, j
brought It back, nnd Pumuim marked to
Smith, on the forward lines. Smith's
kick was straight and true, and the first I
goal was registered fur Richmond.
Another dash by the Richmond men, |
In which Ryun anil Pnnnnm wnro very j
noticeable, enabled I latnoy to marie
and pilot another goal, Immediately
after, Burke marked rinse up, und,
amidst deafening cheers, he caused the
two flags to be raise 1. Third goal for I
Tho visitors wcro nut long tu respond- j
Ing. ond after romo good play by Sykcfi j
In the centre, Tottey had a shot from j
tho wing, and found tlw opening. Again .
4ho Roil Logs dashed forward, nnd j
Homun sent the oval between Iho up- !
rights. Ohlnon nnd .Schmidt hvoro much !
hi uvJdonco for Richmond, and tho ball :
won smartly taken to tho railway end. !
whero Condon, with o free Jdek, put up !
Another behind was added to tho
Richmond tally by Punrnun. After a
good, run by MaUoncy, on .the >vlngc.i
Condon marked. Tho cx-Colllngwoad
rover punted fourth goul for tho Yellow
und' Black. The Melbourne "followers
worked tho oval to tho wing, where
.Sykes put in some of bin host work.
The bull hovered around thu goal for
some time. A couple of behlnds und a
goal from Llie fooL of Onyona wero
scored before the Richmond bucks could
relieve t heir goal. Richmond wero ut
the attack when half-time was culled.
Melbourne.— 6 Goals S Beliinds— 41
Richmond. — i Goals S Bchlnds32
Richmond. — 7 Goals 11 Behlnds.— 53
Melbourne.' — 6 Goals 7 Behlnds.— 43
During the first quarter of tho match
between Richmond and Melbourne, Hol
land, a Melbourne player, accidentally
fell, lie was carried off tho field, and
when examined by Dr. Agncw, he found
that he had ricked his knee very badly.
Holland will be unable to pfny again for