Port Melbourne Will Provide a Real Test for Brighton - LEAGUE ITEMS—Continued from Page 15 Gossip on Play & Players THE BELLS OF ESSENDON - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954) - 13 Jun 1930 (original) (raw)

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Fri 13 Jun 1930 - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954)
Page 16 - Port Melbourne Will Provide a Real Test for Brighton

" RH«U 10 DO H u n tlMW M ItttlMHIt HWIBtlH « HH« limM MM MltlWtlinllhllM ««»"»"« W M M M (MM «H

I Port Melbourne Will Provide a Real Test for Brighton I

LEAGUE ITEMS — Continued from Page 15

J HAD occasion to comment on tho

necessity for loud-sounding bolls

at all grounds, ami referred to the

continuance of nitty at lSssenrion after

tho bell had been rung, bocauso play

ers at tho other end of tho field had

not heard it. The ground managers

acted qui kt. Lant Monday two bells

were on hand, but the tono of one

was heard everywhere. Had there

been any bother each of the two time

keepers could liavo grabbed a rope

and rung tho "Gvandnire Triples" loud

enough to startle tho neighborhood.

fJWO Leaguo players have not been

in- tho field for two or three

matches. Association club officials

I have been after thom. In one case

i pay much in excess of that allowed

to be given under tho Coulter law is

said to have been offered, but the

player astonished the tomptcr by teil-

i»K him that he hud not been ablo to

hit form and 'that his club selector

. could not be blamed for not picking

j him. "I'm not likely to leave a club

j which got me a job when I wanted It,

and which I think is better than foot

ball for my career," lie added.

A >M2W ball was used in each quar-

tor at Kssendon on Monday, but

In all five were necessary, as a Ions,

shot through the goal dropped the

ball outside tho ground, h was nut

returned. Two seasons ago football

thefts were common. Two kicked over

the fence when South wore playing

at Fltsroy were taken by boys. On

the King's Birthday match on the

following Monday two more were

stolen at the Kichmond-FUssrov

match at Fitzroy. On the following

Saturday at Richmond, where th?

Tigers were playing South Melbourne,

three were driven over the fence mid

were pounced on by young n\en who

bolted toward the railway station with

them. Probably the, thieves regarded

Ihem in the evening ns lilting souven

irs. a; liich:r.ond In that came

kicked their record number <»f nolnh

against South— l! 1. 1 tl

TJATHI3H disappointing reports are

to hand of Arthur llayaon's pro

gress. The bright Gcelonp scouting

forward may huve to give up the

gsnie. Me developod n bad knoe lust

i season, but after a lot of treatment

I he wu« able to play for a few matches

litis season. As tho result of an in-

',Jury In the .match against Collinc-

j wood. Arthur will not be available

; for some weeks. In fact. It is feared

! that he tins played his lust game,

i "CarJI" Greaves lms- been 'under the

'rare of specialists and It is probable

j that he will be on the ilcld again

within a month. More good news

this week Is that Frank Kcppell, who

has been In the Miiry.svlll© district,

advised the secretary. Mr Ivan More,

that he wilt be able to tnko up the

game about the end of the month.

Tho Geelong centre lino has been

weakened considerably, and tho ad

vent of Keppell and tho ro-appearancc

of Grooves should restore balanco to

.JACK HAW. who played with Mel-

bourne for nino matches last sea

son and received a permit to play

with Northcote this year, was last

night granted a clearance by the As

sociation club to play with Richmond.

Maw played !'.« matches with

Northcote as forward and follower.

Footseray were anxious to secure

Muggins and Garrett, but these

players have decided to remain with

PllM Leaguo tribunal Inst night dis

missed the complaints against

Green, of Carlton; Roberts, of St.

Kilda, and Murray,' of Melbourne, but

disqualified Klven for eight weeks.

This will be a heavy blow to Fltzroy

and to Nlvcn, who is captain and

coach of the team, as it Is a rule of

the League that no player shall play

with or coach any club during the

period of his disqualification. In ad

dition. it is laid down that no dis

qualified plnyer shall be paid any

thing other than tl a week for train

AFTER a game on Saturday one

" player complained that an op

ponent. when running past him.

kicked him on the leg and said,

"Take that." 'The play was nowhere

near them, and the man kicked was

amazed. When he saw an' oppor

tunity later ho acted, and accom

panied the retuVn kick with the com

pliment. "And you tnke that." Yet

apparently no official heard »»:. saw

'IN cunncction wit Mnv .muicnee .u

! Sydney and Brisbane by Carlton

and Richmond, it has been decided

that Mo.Murray shall accompany the

j teams to umpire the games. This is

j an excellent arrangement, as the

1 games should have educational value

j in the capitals where hard work is

I being done to establish it, and with

j ti n umpire of tho standing and cx-

t perlence of M c.Murray in control, the

I Irr/son to both the northern players

I and onlookers will be nil tho more

rpHl? fato of the new "hohllng-tho-

ball" rule will bo decided at a

special meeting of the Association on

Wednesday, Though some of tho dele

gates favor tho rule but arc dissatis

fied with Its interpretation on the

field, it seems as if the majority con

sider that tho penalty for dropping

the ball when held should be abol

Tho six umpires for Saturday are

tester, Carruthers. Morcom, Stuavt,

McKlnnon and Mclnerney. The meet

ing of the umpires' association is to

be held on June "3, instead of Juno

18, at tho rooms in the V.C.A. build

f pi Ili3 R 15 is po doubt that Sandring-

ham are settling down into a

much better team than earlier in the

season. Their football tast Saturday-

was superior to that of WlUlamstown.

and they were unlucky to lose.

Though Preston should win tomor

row. Sandrlngham. on their own

ground, may make a keen tussle of

SASnniXOHAU.—RadK: V?nn. Connor. Orr.

Hftlbbitrk: Thompson, Young, Bridfeford.

Centres; Anderson, Rstln, Jimiron. Halt-

foruanU: Poi-k»>ndorff, V.oyd, M. Dourke. For

wards: JtcAullffr, Johnson, fnilth. Follow-

era: Qulnn. K. ilotirke. Rorr: It. Remw.

LTnergenrli: >'agfl, Uaymenl.

IMtESTON. — ILioks: C-anoll, Owy, llolli-

dsr. Hslf-hackn; Monohsn, Hlckov. Itrich-

iiiin. Centres: White. Uoonan. b'Dohert.r.

llalf-forwar<!s: t\er, Surto»'s. Pete-hell. For-

warrh: Psvtes, McCornuel:, Gill. Followers:

Campbell. Taylor. !lo\er: Sumraojs. Enier-

gctici,: McGann, OroRan. Gmiph.

In SamJrlnffham's team tomorrov.- Connor,

former Cheltenham captain, will plar full

hack. Me.Aullrte so.f HrldRford will 1»- Included,

nnd Pick, Moore and Kagel have been dropped.

De Luca and A. Kenna arc VroRreaaing favor-

ab.y, and diould be on the field again next

Still iiArrb)j( from a weak ankle. Seebeck

will be -unable fo play for Preston, and

McMahon will ttand down. Jliekey and Carroll.

who has recovered, will be in the team.

IT la difficult to Judge the strength

of the Coburg side. 'After fight

ing out a thrilling tie with Ports,