19 Apr 1952 - "So Long Pal, They're Gonna Give Me A Face Lift!" (original) (raw)

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Sat 19 Apr 1952 - Mirror (Perth, WA : 1921 - 1956)
Page 8 - "So Long Pal, They're Gonna Give Me A Face Lift!"

"So Long Pal, They're Gonna Give Me A Face Lift!"

Few can forget Edward Leonski's

vicious trio of women-slayings in

Melbourne during the darkest days of

Brutal senselessness of them blacken

him as a human beast, infatuated with

the power in his burly body.

No sound motive was ever offered for

his crimes. They were at the time inex-

plicable and without reason.

My conclusion is that his motive was merely

to show off how strong he was, to himself,

his victims and a puzzled public.

Guinea and had firm foot-

holds in the Solomons. But

equipment was being rush-

Melbourne, being Austral-

sprung up to house thous-

ands of American service-

uniformed. At nights Aus-

tralian and US servicemen

streets, singing, laughing

good, but there is always

rape, manslaughter — even

the streets. Trams, trains

and buses, normally packed

dows were securely locked.

female staffs home by car

them walk the dark streets.

lying face down in the wet

yellow mud of an air raid

trench not far from a big

apparently motiveless. But

what really had Melbourne

earlier, a woman had been

house, and 6 days prior to

been throttled to death in

the doorway of a suburban

that all 3 were killed by

one person, obviously with

of each victim was ripped

off, no sexual assault had

taken place. This was the

a slim attractive blond who

11 p.m., leaving at 2 a.m.

to catch an all-night tram

on his way to work at the

Bleak House hotel in Vic-

toria-ave, Albert Park. At

a street corner, he stopped

in the middle of the road,

woman's body huddled in a

back, her legs folded gro-

rived 5 minutes later, and

beaten and strangled. Her

she was bleeding from the

She had been dead 4 hours.

ing identification as Ivy

McLeod. and £1/13/3. Lat-

nothing during, the early

American soldier the night

Mrs. McLeod died, He ask-

ed her to go skating with

him. When she refused, he

going to kill a girl tonight.

It might as well be you."

attracted a passerby, and

Now the case had slightly

tion that the killer was an

American soldier, but his

description fitted thousands

9 the killer struck again.

pianist, Pauline Thompson,

he arrived. He hurried to

Lane Just off Flinders-st.

torch and was horrified to

Police doctors ascertain-

strangled about 4 a.m. only

similar to the first murder,

former WA girl, left home

at 7 p.m. that night with

along Park-st. near Royal

slit trench in a small park

and strangled in a similar

nercely with her assailant,

dragged to the trench and

it is strange that no sound

was heard at the time the

killing took place 8.30 p.m.

partolled up and down the

footpath a few yards from

the murder spot all night

discovery, the killer was

night, an American soldier

came from under the fence

of the little park, covered

Detectives went to the CO

parade for clothes inspec-

special interest to one Pte.

overalls hanging on a line.

Leonskt's steel bed frame.

He reported his discovery