British North Borneo - BECOMES CROWN COLONY LOYAL ADDRESSES - Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1954) - 18 Jul 1946 (original) (raw)

attended, says tne Singapore . cor

respondent of the 'Times.' Labuan

Island also began a new chapter

of its history by becoming part

of the colony of North Borneo.

Reuter's correspondent said in a

delayed message that Union Jacks

and Chinese flags flew from Jes

selton's bullet-ridden Survey Hall

for the ceremony. Representatives

of the colony's population present

ed Mr. MacDonald with loyal ad

dresses expressing confidence in

the island's progress under British

Mr. Philip Lee, representing the

Chinese, referring to the death of

many Chinese during the Japa

nese occupation, said: 'Let their

blood be the pledge of what we

wish to be— His Majesty's most de

The Indian and European com

munities also gave assurances of

The King in his message paid a