The Troy Fanfic (and more) for Adults Community -- Day (original) (raw)
Newbie Survey
(Please answer all questions about yourself and feel free to answer any/all of the other questions. Thanks!)
About You:
1. What's your name (or nickname, online name, fic author name, etc.)?
2. How old are you?
3. Where do you live (work, go to school, etc.)?
4. Are you male or female?
5. Anything else you'd like to share? (Hobbies, interests, etc.)
About "Troy":
1. What's your personal favorite type of "Troy" fanfic? (i.e. het, slash, combo/both, gen, poetry...)
2. Is there any type of "Troy" fic you don't care to read? (i.e. het, slash, combo/both, gen, etc.)
3. Do you write "Troy" fic?
4. Do you like to feedback "Troy" fic? (If yes, onlist or off?)
5. Do you like "Troy" crossover fics? (i.e. crossovers with other fandoms, like "Lord of the Rings," etc.)
6. Do you like answering fic challenges--or making requests for fics you'd like to see written by others?
7. Do you enjoy participating in (-or- lurking and reading)
discussion topics (DTs) and similar list activities?