Troy Real Person Fic (original) (raw)

(hurl a javelin)

Manip: "Mine" - Eric/Orlando [07 Aug 2008|02:21pm]
Title: "Mine"Artist: julia_aka_jjPairing: Eric/OrlandoRating: PG-13Category: Photo ManipulationWarnings: SLASH - minor nudity (nekkid shoulders), touching, physical closenessMINE

(hurl a javelin)

Shatter & Wreck [04 Feb 2007|06:36pm]
Title: Shatter & WreckAuthor: BethCharacters: BanaBloomsmut_69 Prompt: 38 FingersWord Count: 2,355Rating: NC-17Summary: Late night sex…Warning: Smut and nothing else.Beta: Puddy, my cat…so please point out any mistakesDisclaimer: Yeah, it happened. I have pictures, want copies?
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