Of Polls, Backs, Nature.... and Laughs! EDIT by TThealer56 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

We're back from being on the road on business! I also noted that some very nice someone donated a 3 month subbie! Thank you whoever it was! Money is going to be tight for LadyAliceofOz and I for at least the next 3 weeks or so and my subscription was set to run out in July! Right now we're concentrating on making it through June, if we can do that, we'll be fine. :nod:

Tomorrow late, I'll be putting up a new Journal and features... so please stay tuned!

~~~~~~Everything below is old~~~~~~

Recently a friend of mine :iconaussiesteve1961: on DA put up a poll. The the question was one of those hypothetical ones about getting stuck on a desert island with a particular person. That's always a fun question. A couple of us older guys answered "other" and listed our wives. No, this isn't done by us out of fear or anything like that. :no: :giggle: So I got to thinking about how I would explain why I wouldn't want to be on a desert island with either some intellectual giant, or some Amazon Queen woman with a bad case of the Hot & Hornies.
After a while of thinking on this, it came down to experiences... Life Experiences, to be exact. LadyAliceofOz and I have been together for 30 years. We've had a child together, faced natural disasters together. We've on several occasions nursed each other back to health. We've loved, laughed, danced, and cried in each others arms. For me, there's no emotion that I'm embarrassed to show her. Yes, I'm comfortable with her. No, she isn't some svelte built model body type, nor am I some muscle bound 6 pack toting hunk either! 🤣 We've shared DA together, and our friends here on DA, as well as our family, on DA.

I'm afraid I would not want to be on a desert island with a stranger, no matter how beautiful, or intelligent or rich. I would spend most of my time thinking about LadyAliceofOz and LadyBlacksword&FlipWardDragon , knowing that they were worrying about me.

I think guys like myself get to a point of reality in our lives where we learn what's really important. It's the life experiences. A simple :hug: or a :smooch:. Holding each other after a tornado has come perilously close to the motorhome you are in. Looking down into a bassenet at our newborn daughter and seeing the smile on her mother's face, knowing it's because she sees the smile on my own. Sitting on the edge of the bed crying in each others arms as that child leaves home....
Waking her up in the middle of the night, and making love to her, because you're afraid it might be the last time... because there's an operation the next day... Good times where there's plenty of money, and the tough times when we have to go to the grocery store and watch it tight.

Other important things, like the friends I have on DA. Many of the ladies here I view as my sisters, some of the guys, brothers that I never had. Others are cousins that come by and visit a bit, and then leave and I don't see them for what seems like years...

No, I don't think that I need to be on a desert island with anyone else, otherwise, I wouldn't have chosen her in the first place. You see, there's another island waiting for us. That time when we are forced to sit back in a rocking chair and watch the rest of the world spin while holding each others hand, waiting for the next great adventure.

Maybe we'll have those cane races then.... By the way, my back is pretty much healed up now. It can still be a bit stiff if I sit for too long in the wrong position, and I'm taking it careful for a bit not to sprain anything, but I'm pretty well over it now. Thank you so much to all of you who left notes and comments of well wishes. I know your positive waves helped! :nod:

Here's a little poem I wrote a long time ago for LadyAliceofOz that may tell a bit more:

I Can Be Me

Although this may be strange to hear
I can be me when you are near.
I don't have to put on airs
of something I'm not,
just being me is quite good enough!

I try to be strong,
I try not to quit,
I'm not sure I always
accomplish it.

I am sensitive and proud
also somewhat of a slop,
but just being me,
is quite good enough.

I try to find joy
and share it with all
I sometimes don't
find it and take a fall.

I can cry, but it's hard,
so I don't do it alot,
just being me is quite good enough.

I'll stay here,
til' you're ready
to leave,
A trip that I hope
neither of us will grieve.

The features this round are from some folk who have stopped by and left :+fav:'s... Thank you all! They do follow one theme.... Nature I really enjoy shooting nature. Nature is never really boring, it keeps changing, and evolving. Indeed, it can be a bit ugly at times, but generally speaking it's beautiful.




Curious George by Tuesdaysangel Red Hemerocallis by webworm

:thumb120824037: The Flying Rainbow by nekoelisa

Magnificent Splashes by Manwathiell NATURAL BEAUTY by mariyanamarinova

Sunday Sunrise by FlippinPhil Revellation River by HeatherWaller-Rivet

Petunias Revisited by chasz Alderley Edge by 4420


spring flowers 09 by glad2626 purple flower by monyczka

The Falls by kattybby Wilderness by horselouver958

Fleetingly by SassyPants61762 Tree frog by Alabamaphoto

In Gold and Rose by Vanshira Spring Blossoms 3 by DWALKER1047

Just For Laughs

A new bride went to her doctor for a check up. Lacking knowledge of the male anatomy, she asked the doctor "What's that thing hanging between my husbands legs?"

The doctor replies "We call that the penis." The new bride then asks "What's that reddish/purple thing on the end of the penis?"

The doctor replies "We call that the head of the penis. The bride then asks "What are those 2 round things about 15 inches from the head of the penis?"

The doctor replies "Lady, on him I don't know, but on me they're the cheeks of my ass!"
So this older guy goes to the doctor asking for a prescription for 'Viagra'. The guy asks for a large dose of the *strongest* variety. The doctor asks why he needs so much. The guy says that two young nymphomaniacs are spending a week at his place. The doctor fills the prescription.

Later that week, the same guy goes back to the doctor asking for pain killers. The doctor asks 'why, is your dick in that much pain?', 'no', says the guy, 'it's for my wrists - the girls never showed up!'
"Mom, may I take the dog for a walk around the block?" a little girl asked. "No, I don't think so. Fifi is in heat," replied the mother. "What does that mean?" asked the child. Embarrassed and not wanting to get into a biological discussion with her young daughter, the Mother said, "Oh, just go ask your father. I think he is in the garage."

The little girl goes to the garage and says, "Dad, may I take Fifi for a walk around the block? I asked Mom, but she said that Fifi was in heat, and that I had to come talk to you." Not wanting to have the biological discussion either, the father said, "Bring Fifi over here." He took a rag, soaked it with gasoline, and scrubbed the dog's rear end with it. "Okay, now you can go for a walk but keep Fifi on the leash and you can only go around the block once."

The little girl left, and returned a few minutes later with NO DOG on the leash. "Where is Fifi?" her father asked. "She should be here in a minute," advised the daughter. "She ran out of gas about halfway down the block and another dog is pushing her home."
Overheard on a street in London
Researcher: Excuse me madam, I'm conducting a survey.
Woman: Yes, what is it about?
Researcher: We are asking people what they think about sex on the television...
Woman: Very uncomfortable, I would imagine!

A tiny bit about me...

Just in case anybody wants to know. I'm 53 years old. I have no illusions regarding photography as a career. I was a professional wedding and portrait shooter many many years ago. I was trained by a PPAA award winning Professional Photographer. I now shoot primarily for fun, and enjoy helping others as I can. To dispel any misunderstandings, I've never referred to myself as an "artist".
To me, that is a professional designation.
I am a shooter, that's what I am.



a professional craftsperson, and so is my wife. My wife and I have run our own business for the past 31 years, and we manage to keep our heads afloat. :nod: I also do not discuss what I do for a living on DA, as this is my pleasure, and I prefer not to mix my profession with my pleasure.

My wife is: LadyAliceofOz:iconladyaliceofoz:
My daughter is LadyBlacksword:iconladyblacksword:
My son, (my daughter's husband) is FlipWardDragon :iconflipwarddragon:

:iconmarineplz: Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

A Note to all!

Anyone who has :+fav:ed my works... :iconrudeboyskunkplz::iconrudeboyskunkplz2::iconrudeboyskunkplz3:

By the way, if I'm watching you, and you're watching me, I probably won't thank you for any :+fav:'s. I'll spend more time going through your gallery, or viewing your deviations, and talking with you via comments because I'm not spending time thanking for :+fav:'s! :giggle:

Also, this is a Politics, Religion, and Hate free zone. I have friends from all walks of life, all religious denominations, sects, you name it. There's nothing we can really do about those who hate. So don't spread it around here please! :D

Be sure to visit our other pages!.... :iconour-road-kill-cafe: :iconphotoacomplishment:

Ever wonder if it's your connection speed, or DA, being slow? Find out here! :nod:

Speakeasy Speed Test

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