Ismail Cicek, Ph.D. | Texas Tech University (original) (raw)
Books by Ismail Cicek, Ph.D.
This document describes the test procedures for medical equipment that will be used onboard U.S. ... more This document describes the test procedures for medical equipment that will be used onboard U.S. military transport vehicles during enroute patient care. This document defines the test methods required for airworthiness certification by the Department of Defense (DoD) joint services.
Hereafter, this document will be referred to as the Joint Enroute Care Equipment Test Standard (JECETS). Test methods found in this document can be tailored based on the type of test article
and its performance specifications. Other considerations for tailoring test methods may include, but are not limited to, “single-use” items and medical consumables. In this document, aeromedical equipment is referred to as certified carry-on medical equipment used aboard military aircraft.
Carry-on medical equipment is defined as portable medical equipment used by health care providers during the treatment of ill or injured patients onboard U.S. military dedicated or opportune vehicles whether it is by air, land, or sea.
Aeromedical equipment will have a service specific certification authorizing onboard use for each respective vehicle platform. For the U.S. Army, certification consists of a fleet Airworthiness
Release (AWR) and an Aeromedical Certification Memorandum (ACM). For the U.S. Air Force (USAF), certification consists of concurrence to a Safe-to-Fly (STF) recommendation.
Certification for the U.S. Navy consists of Navy Flight Clearance through Class Desks Managers at Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR). In accordance with Army Regulation 40-61 and Air
Force Instruction (AFI) 11-202, the U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory (USAARL) and USAF Aeromedical Branch (ASC/WNUP) Aeromedical Test Laboratory (ATL) are the primary
organizations for performing airworthiness and STF certification testing.
The test methods described in this document apply to eromedical equipment to be used aboard opportune or dedicated aircraft, as follows:
Fixed-wing: C-17, C-130 E/H, C-130J, KC-10, KC-135, C-21, C-5, and C-27J
Rotary-wing: UH-1, H-60 Series Helicopters (UH-60 and HH-60), and CH-47.
Papers by Ismail Cicek, Ph.D.
In the age of technology, changes are experienced in many areas such as globalization, informatio... more In the age of technology, changes are experienced in many areas such as globalization, information society, new basic technology, the spread of the Internet, and the realization of competition on a global scale. New methods used in education and training have been developed and kept up with technological developments. With the widespread use of the Internet, online and remote training has become more possible than ever. Technology was ready for online education and training for the past decades, yet the COVID-19 pandemic caused the traditional training to be disrupted and training institutions had to carry out studies for traditional training to be conducted online and remotely. This caused a paradigm change in the training methods. Online or remote education, even in training using the engine room simulator (ERS), has become more popular as an alternative to traditional classroom teachings, even though the pandemic is disappearing. Additionally, the progress in autonomous ships and...
Journal of ETA Maritime Science, 2015
Tanker tipi gemiler için yükleme tahliye operasyonları en kritik operasyonlardır. (1) Gemi limand... more Tanker tipi gemiler için yükleme tahliye operasyonları en kritik operasyonlardır. (1) Gemi limanda iken çevre kirliliği, yangın ve patlama riski ile kaza sonucunda doğabilecek zararların büyük ölçeklerde olma olasılığı yükleme-tahliye operasyonlarını kritik hale getirmektedir. (2). Bu kazaların oluşmasındaki nedenlerin başında personelin üzerine düşen ağır iş yükü neticesinde oluşan aşırı yorgunluk gelmektedir.(3) Bu çalışmada, insan hatasını ve doğabilecek operasyonel riskleri en aza indirgemek için yükleme ve tahliye operasyonunun operatör tarafından belirlenecek kriterlere göre çalışan bir otomasyon sisteminin oluşturulması hedeflenmiştir. Bu sistemin oluşturulması için gemi stabilite formüllerinden yararlanılarak oluşturulacak bilgisayar programları kullanılacaktır. Oluşturulan bilgisayar yazılımı sayesinde geminin kargo ve balast tanklarında bulunan mevcut değerler belirli aralıklarla ölçülüp operatör tarafından belirlenen trim, meyil, kargo akış miktarı, basınç ve geminin inta...
Bayrak devletleri, deniz kazalari inceleme raporlarini Uluslararasi Denizcilik Orgutu (IMO) genel... more Bayrak devletleri, deniz kazalari inceleme raporlarini Uluslararasi Denizcilik Orgutu (IMO) genelgelerine uygun olarak ve kaza veya olaylardan ogrenilen dersleri icerecek sekilde yayinlamak zorundadirlar. Bir olayin kok sebebinin tanimlamak icin ve bu nedenle raporlardan "Cikartilan Dersler" dâhil edebilmesi icin, sunulan raporlarda arastirilan olay ile ilgili yeterli bilgi detayi olmasi gereklidir. Raporlarda yer alan bilgiler olay esnasinda yapilan islemlerdeki eksikliklerin veya olusan teknik zorluklarin belirlenmesine yardimci olabilir. Bu calismada, Denize Adam Dusmesi (DAD) olaylari deniz kazalari arastirmasinin bir alt grubu olarak degerlendirilmis ve DAD olaylarini iceren 100'den fazla rapor sistematik olarak gozden gecirilmistir. Incelenen raporlarda, format ve bilgilerin yani sira bilgi iceriklerinde de onemli farkliliklarin oldugunu tespit edilmistir. Bu calismada, deniz kazalari raporlarindan elde edilen genel bilgilerin gozden gecirilmesi ve raporlanmasi i...
Bu calismada, literaturde standart test pervanesi olarak yer alan iki farkli gemi test pervanesin... more Bu calismada, literaturde standart test pervanesi olarak yer alan iki farkli gemi test pervanesinin analizleri yapilmis ve performans degerleri hesaplanmistir. Analizi yapilan pervanelerden biri, DTMB 4119 kodu ile adlandirilan, David Taylor model deney havuzunda gelistirilmis, 5 pervaneli bir seriye ait ve dogrulama calismalarinda siklikla kullanilan, 3 kanatli bir pervanedir. Digeri ise VP 1304 olarak adlandirilan, bircok akademik calismada kullanilmis, 5 kanatli ve kanat acilari kontrol edilebilir bir pervanedir. DTMB 4119 ve VP 1304 standart test pervanelerinin analizleri, ANSYS paket programi kullanilarak Hesapli Akiskanlar Dinamigi (HAD) yontemiyle yapilmistir. Hesaplanan performans degerlerindeki hata oranlari degerlendirilmistir. DTMB 4119 pervanesi analiz sonuclari (panel metodu ve HAD yontemiyle elde edilen sonuclar) ve VP1304 pervanesi icin hesaplanan performans parametreleri acik su pervane testi sonuclariyla karsilastirilmistir. Bu calisma ile pervane analiz altyapisi t...
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002
A system consisting of a primary structure coupled with a passive tuned vibration absorber is exp... more A system consisting of a primary structure coupled with a passive tuned vibration absorber is experimentally studied. The primary structure consists of four flexible columns with a mass, while the absorber consists of a beam with a tip-mass. The system, which is a coupled non-linear oscillator, is subjected to sinusoidal and random excitation. The effects of the forcing frequency, forcing
: Aeromedical flight equipment must meet airworthiness criteria according to Department of Defens... more : Aeromedical flight equipment must meet airworthiness criteria according to Department of Defense Handbook MIL-HDBK-516, Airworthiness Certification Criteria, MIL-STD-810G, and MIL-STD- 1791, which requires restraint of any item that may potentially cause injury to personnel during emergency landings, an overwater ditching, or crash loads. Several government standards provide adequate descriptions of acceleration test methods; however, none formally documents a non-destructive test method to qualify equipment as safe-to-fly (STF). Using the USAF fixed-wing aircraft STF test criteria, this article presents a structured process developed by the Aeromedical Test Branch, 77th Aeronautical Systems Group, to assess equipment as STF. Further, it demonstrates the application of this process to meet the acceleration requirements for aeromedical evacuation equipment.
"This presentation was about: 1. Some of the Recent Developments at ITUMF 2. JICA-ITUMFProje... more "This presentation was about: 1. Some of the Recent Developments at ITUMF 2. JICA-ITUMFProject and Other ITUMF Projects/Activities 3. Use of the Engine Room Simulator (ERS) in Curricula 4. Research studies using ERS 5. Cooperation w/IAMU Universities for research using ERS"
A system consisting of a primary structure coupled with a passive tuned vibration absorber is exp... more A system consisting of a primary structure coupled with a passive tuned vibration absorber is experimentally studied. The primary structure consists of four flexible columns with a mass, while the absorber consists of a beam with a tip-mass. The system, which is a coupled non-linear oscillator, is subjected to sinusoidal and random excitation. The effects of the forcing frequency, forcing
Flag states must prepare and issue maritime investigation reports in accordance with the internat... more Flag states must prepare and issue maritime investigation reports in accordance with the international agreements. International Maritime Organisation (IMO), in published circulars, specifically refers to 'lessons learned' from an accident or incident should be included in maritime reports. In order to identify the root cause of an event, therefore to include 'lessons learned information' in reports, there must be enough detail of information about the investigated event included in an investigation report. Detailed information included in reports may help identifying the procedural deficiencies or technical challenges. In this study, Man-OverBoard (MOB) events are considered as a sub group of maritime accident investigations and authors systematically reviewed over 100 reports containing MOB events. Reports indicate major differences in formats, type of information, and detail level of information content included in the reports. Authors developed and proposed a systematic methodology for reviewing and reporting the overall information retrieved from maritime accident reports. To cover all information from reviewed reports, this study identifies 113 information items and an associated standard form to use for extracting information from investigation reports. Enabling the data collected systematically from reports, issued by the world maritime accident reporting states and agencies, and successively populated into a database for overall analysis, this form is called "Maritime MOB Events Investigation Form (MEI Form)". This paper presents the content of the MEI Form and demonstrates the methodology of use for collecting, formatting, and analysing MOB investigation reports using several case examples. Benefits of collecting this data in a structured execution methodology as part of the BIG DATA project is discussed.
Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, 2019
Flag states must issue their maritime investigation reports in accordance with the International ... more Flag states must issue their maritime investigation reports in accordance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) circulars with the inclusion of 'lessons learned' items from recorded accidents or incidents. To identify the root cause of an event, there must be enough detail of information about the investigated event presented in reports. The information included in reports may help identifying the procedural deficiencies or technical challenges. Considering the Man-OverBoard (MOB) events as a sub group of maritime accident investigations, authors systematically reviewed over 100 reports containing MOB events in this study. In this study, reports are reviewed and major differences in formats as well as level and type of information are recorded. A systematic methodology for reviewing and reporting the overall information retrieved from maritime accident reports is presented. To cover all information from reviewed reports, 113 information items are identified. An associated standard form is developed for use in extracting information from all investigation reports. Enabling the data collected systematically from reports, issued by the world maritime accident reporting states and agencies, and successively populated into a database for overall analysis, this form is called "Maritime MOB Events Investigation Form (MEI Form)". This paper presents the content of the MEI Form and demonstrates the methodology of use for retrieving, formatting and analyzing the information from the MOB investigation reports using case examples. 142 ÖZET Bayrak devletleri, deniz kazaları inceleme raporlarını Uluslararası Denizcilik Örgütü (IMO) genelgelerine uygun olarak ve kaza veya olaylardan öğrenilen dersleri içerecek şekilde yayınlamak zorundadırlar. Bir olayın kök sebebinin tanımlamak için ve bu nedenle raporlardan "Çıkartılan Dersler" dâhil edebilmesi için, sunulan raporlarda araştırılan olay ile ilgili yeterli bilgi detayı olması gereklidir. Raporlarda yer alan bilgiler olay esnasında yapılan işlemlerdeki eksikliklerin veya oluşan teknik zorlukların belirlenmesine yardımcı olabilir. Bu çalışmada, Denize Adam Düşmesi (DAD) olayları deniz kazaları araştırmasının bir alt grubu olarak değerlendirilmiş ve DAD olaylarını içeren 100'den fazla rapor sistematik olarak gözden geçirilmiştir. İncelenen raporlarda, format ve bilgilerin yanı sıra bilgi içeriklerinde de önemli farklılıkların olduğunu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, deniz kazaları raporlarından elde edilen genel bilgilerin gözden geçirilmesi ve raporlanması için sistematik bir yöntem sunulmuştur. İncelenen raporlardaki tüm bilgileri kapsayacak şekilde 113 bilgi maddesi tanımlanmıştır. Tüm araştırma raporlarından bilgi çıkarmada kullanmak amacıyla bir standart form oluşturulmuştur. Dünyada deniz kazalarını rapor eden devletler ve ajanslar tarafından yayınlanan ve genel analiz için bir veri tabanına yerleştirilen raporlardan sistematik olarak toplanan verilerin sağlanması için kullanılacak olan bu form "Denizcilik DAD Olayları İnceleme Formu (DAD Form veya MEI Form)" olarak adlandırılmıştır. Bu çalışmada DAD Formunun içeriği tanımlanmış, oluşturulan bu formlar kullanılarak araştırma raporlarından bilgi derlenmesi, formatlanması ve analiz edilmesi amacıyla olay örnekleri ile birlikte sistematik kaza inceleme yöntemi gösterilmiştir.
Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, 2018
Bu çalışmada, literatürde standart test pervanesi olarak yer alan iki farklı gemi test pervanesin... more Bu çalışmada, literatürde standart test pervanesi olarak yer alan iki farklı gemi test pervanesinin analizleri yapılmış ve performans değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Analizi yapılan pervanelerden biri, DTMB (David Taylor Model Basin) 4119 kodu ile adlandırılan, David Taylor model deney havuzunda geliştirilmiş, 5 pervaneli bir seriye ait ve doğrulama çalışmalarında sıklıkla kullanılan, 3 kanatlı bir pervanedir. Diğeri ise, PPTC (Potsdam Propeller Test Case) VP1304 olarak adlandırılan, birçok akademik çalışmada kullanılmış, 5 kanatlı ve kanat açıları kontrol edilebilir bir pervanedir. DTMB 4119 ve VP 1304 standart test pervanelerinin analizleri ANSYS kullanılarak Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği (HAD) yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları ile bulunan performans değerlerindeki hata oranları hesaplanmış ve literatürdeki diğer çalışmalar ile değerlendirilmiştir. DTMB 4119 pervanesi analiz sonuçları, panel metodu ve HAD yöntemiyle elde edilen sonuçlar ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, VP1304 pervanesi için hesaplanan performans parametreleri açık su pervane testi sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu çalışma ile pervane analizleri için oluşturulan analiz altyapısı test edilmiş olup izlenen yöntem HAD analiz altyapısının bir doğrulama yöntemi olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Abstract DTMB 4119 Ship Propeller, VP 1304 Propeller, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), CFD Method, Modelling and Analysis, Validation In this study, two different marine propellers, cited as standard test propellers in literature, were analysed and performance values were calculated. One of the analysed propellers is a propeller called David Taylor Model Test Basin (DTMB) 4119, developed in David Taylor Model Test Basin, one of the 5-propeller series with 3 blades and frequently used in validation studies by many researchers. The other one is another marine propeller, called PPTC (Potsdam Propeller Test Case) VP1304, with a 5-blade and controllable pitch type, also used as a benchmark propeller in many academic studies. DTMB 4119 and VP 1304 propellers were analysed with ANSYS, for employing the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. The error rates in performance values were calculated and evaluated against other studies in literature. DTMB 4119 propeller analysis results were compared against the results obtained using panel and RANS methods. Furthermore, VP1304 analysis results were examined with the results obtained in open water tests cited literature. With this study, the analysis infrastructure established for analysing the marine propellers was tested and the methodology followed herein was considered as a validation of the CFD infrastructure.
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 2014
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) School of Aerospace Medicine is conducting a fatigue research study tit... more The U.S. Air Force (USAF) School of Aerospace Medicine is conducting a fatigue research study titled "Assessment of Fatigue in Deployed Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT) Crews" using two electronic devices onboard USAF aircraft during actual CCATT missions. Both devices were subjected to testing to support a safe-to-fly (STF) recommendation prior to their use in flight. The purpose of the test and evaluation process was to ensure the devices can be safely operated in flight without posing a hazard to the research participant, crewmembers, or aircraft during an actual mission. The goal of this article is to outline the key factors involved in the STF certification process. This paper discusses the test and evaluation process for making STF recommendation and presents the rationale for selecting the applicable tests and test susceptibilities. The following STF tests were conducted: baseline assessment, vibration, electromagnetic interference, altitude, rapid decompression, and explosive atmosphere. Acceleration testing, environmental (temperature and humidity) testing, and in-flight assessments were deemed not required for the STF certification of these devices. Based on the results of this study, the devices were deemed safe to the flight crew and aircraft. The outcome of this study was subsequent approval letters issued by the respective airframe system program offices to allow use of these devices onboard USAF C-130 E/H/J, C-17, and KC-135 aircraft.
Aeromedical flight equipment must meet airworthiness criteria according to Department of Defense ... more Aeromedical flight equipment must meet airworthiness criteria according to Department of Defense Handbook MIL-HDBK-516, Airworthiness Certification Criteria, MIL-STD-810G, and MIL-STD-1791, which requires restraint of any item that may potentially cause injury to personnel during emergency landings, ditching, or crash loads.
Several government standards provide adequate descriptions of acceleration test methods; however, none formally documents a non-destructive test method to qualify equipment as safe-to-fly (STF). Using the USAF fixed-wing aircraft STF test criteria, this article presents a structured process developed by the Aeromedical Test Branch, 77th Aeronautical Systems Group, to assess equipment as STF. Further, it demonstrates the application of this process to meet the acceleration requirements for aeromedical evacuation equipment.
In this paper, a new product development lifecycle model, the Transdisciplinary Product Developme... more In this paper, a new product development lifecycle model, the Transdisciplinary Product Development Lifecycle (TPDL) model, is explained. This new model is based on the Axiomatic Design (AD) method developed by Dr. Suh (1990); hence it inherits the
benefits of applying AD to product development. In this model, the AD method is extended to cover the whole product development lifecycle, including the test domain, and new domain characteristic vectors are introduced to systematically capture and manage the input constraints and system components.
The TPDL model helps develop, capture, and present both the big-picture and detailed view of the product development knowledge, including design and requirement traceability knowledge. The objectives of TDPL are to guide the designers, developers, and other members of a transdisciplinary product development team throughout the development effort as well as to help capture, maintain, and manage the knowledge produced during the product development process.
The TDPL model aims to improve the quality of the design, requirements management, change management, project management, and communication between stakeholders as
well as to shorten the development time and reduce the development cost.
AUTOTESTCON 2004. Proceedings, Jan 1, 2004
Based on recent reports (T.L. Ramey 1999, J.E. Pike 2000-2004), a large percentage of C-5 aircraf... more Based on recent reports (T.L. Ramey 1999, J.E. Pike 2000-2004), a large percentage of C-5 aircraft were found not mission capable due to maintenance problems. For example, in one location, no more than eight out of 22 C-5's were mission capable. These maintenance problems reveal the need to improve the utilization of current diagnostic systems. This paper emphasizes such a system, known as the malfunction detection analysis and recording system (MADARS). When fully utilized, the improved MADARS III together with the ground maintenance diagnostics systems greatly enhances the accuracy in identifying faulty components. MADARS uses a digital computer to gather and record data from hundreds of test points during aircraft operations. Some of these test points automatically trigger fault codes to identify faulty components. Many component failures may require further fault isolation where additional test points may be utilized in the troubleshooting process with MADARS III. Data recorded by MADARS is downloaded to a ground processing interface system (GPIS), which makes the data available for local analysis. GPIS also transmits the data to a database server called quick look database (QLD). QLD was developed as a tool for aircraft maintainers to prepare reports based on C-5 flight data files. Test point data may be accessed through the QLD and graphed for visual abnormalities and for comparison with other related test points. This paper discusses the benefits of using these maintenance data reporting tools. These tools can help maintainers identify potentially faulty components early. Some examples of how these tools can be used are provided in this paper. This paper also discusses how troubleshooting efforts on a C-5 may be further improved by including field experience in the decision making process.
Standards, like MIL-STD-810F and RTCA/DO-160D, have been developed to provide manufacturers of mi... more Standards, like MIL-STD-810F and RTCA/DO-160D, have been developed to provide manufacturers of military and commercial vehicles with guidelines for acceptable equipment vibration levels. Design engineers use these standards as guidelines for the development, integration, testing, and installation of new equipment. The main purpose of using these standards is to provide guidelines for ensuring that the equipment functions
normally when exposed to vibration and shock within the integrated system. Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) ruggedized portable computers are pre-tested for compliance with these standards; however, re-testing is also needed when mechanical or electrical components are added or modified for installation.
This paper discusses the vibration issues that need to be considered when designing computer equipment for installation on a commercial aircraft, based on the aforementioned standards. A case study is included which provides details of lessons learned during the installation of a COTS ruggedized portable computer on C-5 Aircraft where failures due to vibration did occur.
This document describes the test procedures for medical equipment that will be used onboard U.S. ... more This document describes the test procedures for medical equipment that will be used onboard U.S. military transport vehicles during enroute patient care. This document defines the test methods required for airworthiness certification by the Department of Defense (DoD) joint services.
Hereafter, this document will be referred to as the Joint Enroute Care Equipment Test Standard (JECETS). Test methods found in this document can be tailored based on the type of test article
and its performance specifications. Other considerations for tailoring test methods may include, but are not limited to, “single-use” items and medical consumables. In this document, aeromedical equipment is referred to as certified carry-on medical equipment used aboard military aircraft.
Carry-on medical equipment is defined as portable medical equipment used by health care providers during the treatment of ill or injured patients onboard U.S. military dedicated or opportune vehicles whether it is by air, land, or sea.
Aeromedical equipment will have a service specific certification authorizing onboard use for each respective vehicle platform. For the U.S. Army, certification consists of a fleet Airworthiness
Release (AWR) and an Aeromedical Certification Memorandum (ACM). For the U.S. Air Force (USAF), certification consists of concurrence to a Safe-to-Fly (STF) recommendation.
Certification for the U.S. Navy consists of Navy Flight Clearance through Class Desks Managers at Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR). In accordance with Army Regulation 40-61 and Air
Force Instruction (AFI) 11-202, the U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory (USAARL) and USAF Aeromedical Branch (ASC/WNUP) Aeromedical Test Laboratory (ATL) are the primary
organizations for performing airworthiness and STF certification testing.
The test methods described in this document apply to eromedical equipment to be used aboard opportune or dedicated aircraft, as follows:
Fixed-wing: C-17, C-130 E/H, C-130J, KC-10, KC-135, C-21, C-5, and C-27J
Rotary-wing: UH-1, H-60 Series Helicopters (UH-60 and HH-60), and CH-47.
In the age of technology, changes are experienced in many areas such as globalization, informatio... more In the age of technology, changes are experienced in many areas such as globalization, information society, new basic technology, the spread of the Internet, and the realization of competition on a global scale. New methods used in education and training have been developed and kept up with technological developments. With the widespread use of the Internet, online and remote training has become more possible than ever. Technology was ready for online education and training for the past decades, yet the COVID-19 pandemic caused the traditional training to be disrupted and training institutions had to carry out studies for traditional training to be conducted online and remotely. This caused a paradigm change in the training methods. Online or remote education, even in training using the engine room simulator (ERS), has become more popular as an alternative to traditional classroom teachings, even though the pandemic is disappearing. Additionally, the progress in autonomous ships and...
Journal of ETA Maritime Science, 2015
Tanker tipi gemiler için yükleme tahliye operasyonları en kritik operasyonlardır. (1) Gemi limand... more Tanker tipi gemiler için yükleme tahliye operasyonları en kritik operasyonlardır. (1) Gemi limanda iken çevre kirliliği, yangın ve patlama riski ile kaza sonucunda doğabilecek zararların büyük ölçeklerde olma olasılığı yükleme-tahliye operasyonlarını kritik hale getirmektedir. (2). Bu kazaların oluşmasındaki nedenlerin başında personelin üzerine düşen ağır iş yükü neticesinde oluşan aşırı yorgunluk gelmektedir.(3) Bu çalışmada, insan hatasını ve doğabilecek operasyonel riskleri en aza indirgemek için yükleme ve tahliye operasyonunun operatör tarafından belirlenecek kriterlere göre çalışan bir otomasyon sisteminin oluşturulması hedeflenmiştir. Bu sistemin oluşturulması için gemi stabilite formüllerinden yararlanılarak oluşturulacak bilgisayar programları kullanılacaktır. Oluşturulan bilgisayar yazılımı sayesinde geminin kargo ve balast tanklarında bulunan mevcut değerler belirli aralıklarla ölçülüp operatör tarafından belirlenen trim, meyil, kargo akış miktarı, basınç ve geminin inta...
Bayrak devletleri, deniz kazalari inceleme raporlarini Uluslararasi Denizcilik Orgutu (IMO) genel... more Bayrak devletleri, deniz kazalari inceleme raporlarini Uluslararasi Denizcilik Orgutu (IMO) genelgelerine uygun olarak ve kaza veya olaylardan ogrenilen dersleri icerecek sekilde yayinlamak zorundadirlar. Bir olayin kok sebebinin tanimlamak icin ve bu nedenle raporlardan "Cikartilan Dersler" dâhil edebilmesi icin, sunulan raporlarda arastirilan olay ile ilgili yeterli bilgi detayi olmasi gereklidir. Raporlarda yer alan bilgiler olay esnasinda yapilan islemlerdeki eksikliklerin veya olusan teknik zorluklarin belirlenmesine yardimci olabilir. Bu calismada, Denize Adam Dusmesi (DAD) olaylari deniz kazalari arastirmasinin bir alt grubu olarak degerlendirilmis ve DAD olaylarini iceren 100'den fazla rapor sistematik olarak gozden gecirilmistir. Incelenen raporlarda, format ve bilgilerin yani sira bilgi iceriklerinde de onemli farkliliklarin oldugunu tespit edilmistir. Bu calismada, deniz kazalari raporlarindan elde edilen genel bilgilerin gozden gecirilmesi ve raporlanmasi i...
Bu calismada, literaturde standart test pervanesi olarak yer alan iki farkli gemi test pervanesin... more Bu calismada, literaturde standart test pervanesi olarak yer alan iki farkli gemi test pervanesinin analizleri yapilmis ve performans degerleri hesaplanmistir. Analizi yapilan pervanelerden biri, DTMB 4119 kodu ile adlandirilan, David Taylor model deney havuzunda gelistirilmis, 5 pervaneli bir seriye ait ve dogrulama calismalarinda siklikla kullanilan, 3 kanatli bir pervanedir. Digeri ise VP 1304 olarak adlandirilan, bircok akademik calismada kullanilmis, 5 kanatli ve kanat acilari kontrol edilebilir bir pervanedir. DTMB 4119 ve VP 1304 standart test pervanelerinin analizleri, ANSYS paket programi kullanilarak Hesapli Akiskanlar Dinamigi (HAD) yontemiyle yapilmistir. Hesaplanan performans degerlerindeki hata oranlari degerlendirilmistir. DTMB 4119 pervanesi analiz sonuclari (panel metodu ve HAD yontemiyle elde edilen sonuclar) ve VP1304 pervanesi icin hesaplanan performans parametreleri acik su pervane testi sonuclariyla karsilastirilmistir. Bu calisma ile pervane analiz altyapisi t...
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002
A system consisting of a primary structure coupled with a passive tuned vibration absorber is exp... more A system consisting of a primary structure coupled with a passive tuned vibration absorber is experimentally studied. The primary structure consists of four flexible columns with a mass, while the absorber consists of a beam with a tip-mass. The system, which is a coupled non-linear oscillator, is subjected to sinusoidal and random excitation. The effects of the forcing frequency, forcing
: Aeromedical flight equipment must meet airworthiness criteria according to Department of Defens... more : Aeromedical flight equipment must meet airworthiness criteria according to Department of Defense Handbook MIL-HDBK-516, Airworthiness Certification Criteria, MIL-STD-810G, and MIL-STD- 1791, which requires restraint of any item that may potentially cause injury to personnel during emergency landings, an overwater ditching, or crash loads. Several government standards provide adequate descriptions of acceleration test methods; however, none formally documents a non-destructive test method to qualify equipment as safe-to-fly (STF). Using the USAF fixed-wing aircraft STF test criteria, this article presents a structured process developed by the Aeromedical Test Branch, 77th Aeronautical Systems Group, to assess equipment as STF. Further, it demonstrates the application of this process to meet the acceleration requirements for aeromedical evacuation equipment.
"This presentation was about: 1. Some of the Recent Developments at ITUMF 2. JICA-ITUMFProje... more "This presentation was about: 1. Some of the Recent Developments at ITUMF 2. JICA-ITUMFProject and Other ITUMF Projects/Activities 3. Use of the Engine Room Simulator (ERS) in Curricula 4. Research studies using ERS 5. Cooperation w/IAMU Universities for research using ERS"
A system consisting of a primary structure coupled with a passive tuned vibration absorber is exp... more A system consisting of a primary structure coupled with a passive tuned vibration absorber is experimentally studied. The primary structure consists of four flexible columns with a mass, while the absorber consists of a beam with a tip-mass. The system, which is a coupled non-linear oscillator, is subjected to sinusoidal and random excitation. The effects of the forcing frequency, forcing
Flag states must prepare and issue maritime investigation reports in accordance with the internat... more Flag states must prepare and issue maritime investigation reports in accordance with the international agreements. International Maritime Organisation (IMO), in published circulars, specifically refers to 'lessons learned' from an accident or incident should be included in maritime reports. In order to identify the root cause of an event, therefore to include 'lessons learned information' in reports, there must be enough detail of information about the investigated event included in an investigation report. Detailed information included in reports may help identifying the procedural deficiencies or technical challenges. In this study, Man-OverBoard (MOB) events are considered as a sub group of maritime accident investigations and authors systematically reviewed over 100 reports containing MOB events. Reports indicate major differences in formats, type of information, and detail level of information content included in the reports. Authors developed and proposed a systematic methodology for reviewing and reporting the overall information retrieved from maritime accident reports. To cover all information from reviewed reports, this study identifies 113 information items and an associated standard form to use for extracting information from investigation reports. Enabling the data collected systematically from reports, issued by the world maritime accident reporting states and agencies, and successively populated into a database for overall analysis, this form is called "Maritime MOB Events Investigation Form (MEI Form)". This paper presents the content of the MEI Form and demonstrates the methodology of use for collecting, formatting, and analysing MOB investigation reports using several case examples. Benefits of collecting this data in a structured execution methodology as part of the BIG DATA project is discussed.
Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, 2019
Flag states must issue their maritime investigation reports in accordance with the International ... more Flag states must issue their maritime investigation reports in accordance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) circulars with the inclusion of 'lessons learned' items from recorded accidents or incidents. To identify the root cause of an event, there must be enough detail of information about the investigated event presented in reports. The information included in reports may help identifying the procedural deficiencies or technical challenges. Considering the Man-OverBoard (MOB) events as a sub group of maritime accident investigations, authors systematically reviewed over 100 reports containing MOB events in this study. In this study, reports are reviewed and major differences in formats as well as level and type of information are recorded. A systematic methodology for reviewing and reporting the overall information retrieved from maritime accident reports is presented. To cover all information from reviewed reports, 113 information items are identified. An associated standard form is developed for use in extracting information from all investigation reports. Enabling the data collected systematically from reports, issued by the world maritime accident reporting states and agencies, and successively populated into a database for overall analysis, this form is called "Maritime MOB Events Investigation Form (MEI Form)". This paper presents the content of the MEI Form and demonstrates the methodology of use for retrieving, formatting and analyzing the information from the MOB investigation reports using case examples. 142 ÖZET Bayrak devletleri, deniz kazaları inceleme raporlarını Uluslararası Denizcilik Örgütü (IMO) genelgelerine uygun olarak ve kaza veya olaylardan öğrenilen dersleri içerecek şekilde yayınlamak zorundadırlar. Bir olayın kök sebebinin tanımlamak için ve bu nedenle raporlardan "Çıkartılan Dersler" dâhil edebilmesi için, sunulan raporlarda araştırılan olay ile ilgili yeterli bilgi detayı olması gereklidir. Raporlarda yer alan bilgiler olay esnasında yapılan işlemlerdeki eksikliklerin veya oluşan teknik zorlukların belirlenmesine yardımcı olabilir. Bu çalışmada, Denize Adam Düşmesi (DAD) olayları deniz kazaları araştırmasının bir alt grubu olarak değerlendirilmiş ve DAD olaylarını içeren 100'den fazla rapor sistematik olarak gözden geçirilmiştir. İncelenen raporlarda, format ve bilgilerin yanı sıra bilgi içeriklerinde de önemli farklılıkların olduğunu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, deniz kazaları raporlarından elde edilen genel bilgilerin gözden geçirilmesi ve raporlanması için sistematik bir yöntem sunulmuştur. İncelenen raporlardaki tüm bilgileri kapsayacak şekilde 113 bilgi maddesi tanımlanmıştır. Tüm araştırma raporlarından bilgi çıkarmada kullanmak amacıyla bir standart form oluşturulmuştur. Dünyada deniz kazalarını rapor eden devletler ve ajanslar tarafından yayınlanan ve genel analiz için bir veri tabanına yerleştirilen raporlardan sistematik olarak toplanan verilerin sağlanması için kullanılacak olan bu form "Denizcilik DAD Olayları İnceleme Formu (DAD Form veya MEI Form)" olarak adlandırılmıştır. Bu çalışmada DAD Formunun içeriği tanımlanmış, oluşturulan bu formlar kullanılarak araştırma raporlarından bilgi derlenmesi, formatlanması ve analiz edilmesi amacıyla olay örnekleri ile birlikte sistematik kaza inceleme yöntemi gösterilmiştir.
Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, 2018
Bu çalışmada, literatürde standart test pervanesi olarak yer alan iki farklı gemi test pervanesin... more Bu çalışmada, literatürde standart test pervanesi olarak yer alan iki farklı gemi test pervanesinin analizleri yapılmış ve performans değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Analizi yapılan pervanelerden biri, DTMB (David Taylor Model Basin) 4119 kodu ile adlandırılan, David Taylor model deney havuzunda geliştirilmiş, 5 pervaneli bir seriye ait ve doğrulama çalışmalarında sıklıkla kullanılan, 3 kanatlı bir pervanedir. Diğeri ise, PPTC (Potsdam Propeller Test Case) VP1304 olarak adlandırılan, birçok akademik çalışmada kullanılmış, 5 kanatlı ve kanat açıları kontrol edilebilir bir pervanedir. DTMB 4119 ve VP 1304 standart test pervanelerinin analizleri ANSYS kullanılarak Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği (HAD) yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları ile bulunan performans değerlerindeki hata oranları hesaplanmış ve literatürdeki diğer çalışmalar ile değerlendirilmiştir. DTMB 4119 pervanesi analiz sonuçları, panel metodu ve HAD yöntemiyle elde edilen sonuçlar ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, VP1304 pervanesi için hesaplanan performans parametreleri açık su pervane testi sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu çalışma ile pervane analizleri için oluşturulan analiz altyapısı test edilmiş olup izlenen yöntem HAD analiz altyapısının bir doğrulama yöntemi olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Abstract DTMB 4119 Ship Propeller, VP 1304 Propeller, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), CFD Method, Modelling and Analysis, Validation In this study, two different marine propellers, cited as standard test propellers in literature, were analysed and performance values were calculated. One of the analysed propellers is a propeller called David Taylor Model Test Basin (DTMB) 4119, developed in David Taylor Model Test Basin, one of the 5-propeller series with 3 blades and frequently used in validation studies by many researchers. The other one is another marine propeller, called PPTC (Potsdam Propeller Test Case) VP1304, with a 5-blade and controllable pitch type, also used as a benchmark propeller in many academic studies. DTMB 4119 and VP 1304 propellers were analysed with ANSYS, for employing the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. The error rates in performance values were calculated and evaluated against other studies in literature. DTMB 4119 propeller analysis results were compared against the results obtained using panel and RANS methods. Furthermore, VP1304 analysis results were examined with the results obtained in open water tests cited literature. With this study, the analysis infrastructure established for analysing the marine propellers was tested and the methodology followed herein was considered as a validation of the CFD infrastructure.
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 2014
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) School of Aerospace Medicine is conducting a fatigue research study tit... more The U.S. Air Force (USAF) School of Aerospace Medicine is conducting a fatigue research study titled "Assessment of Fatigue in Deployed Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT) Crews" using two electronic devices onboard USAF aircraft during actual CCATT missions. Both devices were subjected to testing to support a safe-to-fly (STF) recommendation prior to their use in flight. The purpose of the test and evaluation process was to ensure the devices can be safely operated in flight without posing a hazard to the research participant, crewmembers, or aircraft during an actual mission. The goal of this article is to outline the key factors involved in the STF certification process. This paper discusses the test and evaluation process for making STF recommendation and presents the rationale for selecting the applicable tests and test susceptibilities. The following STF tests were conducted: baseline assessment, vibration, electromagnetic interference, altitude, rapid decompression, and explosive atmosphere. Acceleration testing, environmental (temperature and humidity) testing, and in-flight assessments were deemed not required for the STF certification of these devices. Based on the results of this study, the devices were deemed safe to the flight crew and aircraft. The outcome of this study was subsequent approval letters issued by the respective airframe system program offices to allow use of these devices onboard USAF C-130 E/H/J, C-17, and KC-135 aircraft.
Aeromedical flight equipment must meet airworthiness criteria according to Department of Defense ... more Aeromedical flight equipment must meet airworthiness criteria according to Department of Defense Handbook MIL-HDBK-516, Airworthiness Certification Criteria, MIL-STD-810G, and MIL-STD-1791, which requires restraint of any item that may potentially cause injury to personnel during emergency landings, ditching, or crash loads.
Several government standards provide adequate descriptions of acceleration test methods; however, none formally documents a non-destructive test method to qualify equipment as safe-to-fly (STF). Using the USAF fixed-wing aircraft STF test criteria, this article presents a structured process developed by the Aeromedical Test Branch, 77th Aeronautical Systems Group, to assess equipment as STF. Further, it demonstrates the application of this process to meet the acceleration requirements for aeromedical evacuation equipment.
In this paper, a new product development lifecycle model, the Transdisciplinary Product Developme... more In this paper, a new product development lifecycle model, the Transdisciplinary Product Development Lifecycle (TPDL) model, is explained. This new model is based on the Axiomatic Design (AD) method developed by Dr. Suh (1990); hence it inherits the
benefits of applying AD to product development. In this model, the AD method is extended to cover the whole product development lifecycle, including the test domain, and new domain characteristic vectors are introduced to systematically capture and manage the input constraints and system components.
The TPDL model helps develop, capture, and present both the big-picture and detailed view of the product development knowledge, including design and requirement traceability knowledge. The objectives of TDPL are to guide the designers, developers, and other members of a transdisciplinary product development team throughout the development effort as well as to help capture, maintain, and manage the knowledge produced during the product development process.
The TDPL model aims to improve the quality of the design, requirements management, change management, project management, and communication between stakeholders as
well as to shorten the development time and reduce the development cost.
AUTOTESTCON 2004. Proceedings, Jan 1, 2004
Based on recent reports (T.L. Ramey 1999, J.E. Pike 2000-2004), a large percentage of C-5 aircraf... more Based on recent reports (T.L. Ramey 1999, J.E. Pike 2000-2004), a large percentage of C-5 aircraft were found not mission capable due to maintenance problems. For example, in one location, no more than eight out of 22 C-5's were mission capable. These maintenance problems reveal the need to improve the utilization of current diagnostic systems. This paper emphasizes such a system, known as the malfunction detection analysis and recording system (MADARS). When fully utilized, the improved MADARS III together with the ground maintenance diagnostics systems greatly enhances the accuracy in identifying faulty components. MADARS uses a digital computer to gather and record data from hundreds of test points during aircraft operations. Some of these test points automatically trigger fault codes to identify faulty components. Many component failures may require further fault isolation where additional test points may be utilized in the troubleshooting process with MADARS III. Data recorded by MADARS is downloaded to a ground processing interface system (GPIS), which makes the data available for local analysis. GPIS also transmits the data to a database server called quick look database (QLD). QLD was developed as a tool for aircraft maintainers to prepare reports based on C-5 flight data files. Test point data may be accessed through the QLD and graphed for visual abnormalities and for comparison with other related test points. This paper discusses the benefits of using these maintenance data reporting tools. These tools can help maintainers identify potentially faulty components early. Some examples of how these tools can be used are provided in this paper. This paper also discusses how troubleshooting efforts on a C-5 may be further improved by including field experience in the decision making process.
Standards, like MIL-STD-810F and RTCA/DO-160D, have been developed to provide manufacturers of mi... more Standards, like MIL-STD-810F and RTCA/DO-160D, have been developed to provide manufacturers of military and commercial vehicles with guidelines for acceptable equipment vibration levels. Design engineers use these standards as guidelines for the development, integration, testing, and installation of new equipment. The main purpose of using these standards is to provide guidelines for ensuring that the equipment functions
normally when exposed to vibration and shock within the integrated system. Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) ruggedized portable computers are pre-tested for compliance with these standards; however, re-testing is also needed when mechanical or electrical components are added or modified for installation.
This paper discusses the vibration issues that need to be considered when designing computer equipment for installation on a commercial aircraft, based on the aforementioned standards. A case study is included which provides details of lessons learned during the installation of a COTS ruggedized portable computer on C-5 Aircraft where failures due to vibration did occur.
This presentation paper is available in Turkish only. Here is the abstract: ÖZET Gemi Makin... more This presentation paper is available in Turkish only. Here is the abstract:
Gemi Makineleri ĠĢletme Mühendisliği (Marine Engineering) gemi makinelerinin iĢletilmesi ve bakım ve onarımlarının yapılması alanındaki mühendislik dalıdır. Gemi Makineleri ĠĢletme Mühendisi (Marine Engineer) ise gemi makinelerini iĢleten, düzenli ve verimli çalıĢmalarını sağlayan ve tamir ve bakımını yapan zabittir. Klasik olarak gemi makine dairesinde çalıĢacak olan zabitlerin eğitimi bu tanımlarda belirtilen hususlara göre yapılmaktadır. Bu tanımlamalar ıĢığında ve daha ileri anlamda Gemi Makineleri ĠĢletme Mühendisleri makine dairesinde bir arıza olduğunda tecrübeye dayalı olarak karar verirler ve verdikleri bu kararın mühendislik açısından mantıksal veya teknik bir açıklaması vardır. Gemi Makineleri ĠĢletme Mühendisliği eğitiminde bu hususların gözönünde bulundurulması gerekir.
Son 10-15 yılda olan teknolojik geliĢmeler ve küreselleĢmenin getirdiği sosyal geliĢme ve değiĢimlerin klasiklikten uzak olarak çok hızlı bir Ģekilde gerçekleĢmesi Gemi Makineleri ĠĢletme Mühendisliği eğitimini de etkilemekte ve uluslararası çeĢitli organizasyon ve eğitim kuruluĢları arasında ikili iliĢkiler ve eğitim programları oluĢturulmaktadır. Bu değiĢimler Gemi Makineleri ĠĢletme Mühendisliği eğitiminin de yeniden düzenlenmesini ve uluslararası ihtiyaçlara cevap verecek programa sahip olmasını gerektirmektedir.
Bu çalıĢmanın amacı, Gemi Makineleri ĠĢletme Mühendisinin çalıĢma ortamını dikkatlice inceleyerek ve geliĢen teknolojik, ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel değiĢiklikleri de gözönünde bulundurarak Gemi Makineleri ĠĢletme Mühendislerinin eğitimlerinin nasıl olması gerektiği konusuna ıĢık tutmak ve son yıllarda yaĢanan teknolojik ve sosyal geliĢmeler sonucunda bir ihtiyaç duyularak geliĢtirilen ĠTÜ Denizcilik Fakültesinin SUNY Denizcilik Üniversitesi ile yaptığı çift diplomalı uluslararası eğitimlerden biri olan yeni Gemi Makineleri ĠĢletme Mühendisliği eğitim programını tanıtmaktır.
GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. Publications, 2022
This training program description document details the contents of the two and a half days of foc... more This training program description document details the contents of the two and a half days of focused International and online training course on MIL-STD-461G (& MIL-STD-464D). This training is an important step for testing your military equipment for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) for the targeted test requirements described in MIL-STD-461G and platform requirements described in MIL-STD-464D. The training focuses on the test sections described in these standard documents:
Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment"
Electromagnetic Environmental Effects, Requirements for Systems”
The Instructors share their experience and knowledge gained by working long years in the field with designing products and performing tests in accordance with such as MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, and MIL-STD-461G. The slides are supported by many graphics and test videos for the efficiency and clarity of the information and each session is planned in accordance with the tests described in MIL-STD-461G. Sessions include presentations on platform level requirements, guides, and lessons learned items based on MIL-STD-464D. The training also includes test process and requirements overview in view of DOD Systems Engineering Processes. Dr. Ismail Cicek is the lead instructor of this training and several experienced test personnel and design engineers help complete the training sessions.
The main goal of this training is to have a good understanding of equipment testing in accordance with MIL-STD-464G standard document. The attendees completing this training are expected to gain knowledge in the following areas:.
• Understand MIL-STD-461G Standard Test Sections and Test Procedures
• Understand the MIL-STD-464D platform level requirements and additional material provided
• Be able to write a list of susceptibilities
• Understand the test process goals and activities
• Develop test plans, and schedule tests
• Execute tests
• Understand test results
• Create test reports
• Be able to resolve issues in the test results by means of change recommendations, or accepting the anomalies with risk assessment.
The calendar of training courses are announced at the following site:
GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. Publications, 2022
GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. provides online international training on RTCA-DO-160G Environmental an... more GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. provides online international training on RTCA-DO-160G Environmental and EMI/EMC testing of aerospace equipment for qualification.
This training is an important step for testing and certifying your airborne equipment and products in accordance with the FAA/EASA test requirements. The training focuses on the test sections described in the standard document: "RTCA-DO-160G Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment © 2010, RTCA, Inc." GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. is an official member of RTCA Organization.
The Instructors share their experience and knowledge gained by working long years in the field with designing products and performing tests in accordance with such as RTCA-DO-160, MIL-STD-810, and MIL-STD-461. The slides are supported by many graphics and test videos for the efficiency and clarity of the information and each session is planned in accordance with the sections in RTCA-DO-160G. Dr. Ismail Cicek is the lead instructor of this training and several experienced test personnel and design engineers help complete the training sessions.
The purpose is to have a good understanding of equipment testing in accordance with RTCA-DO-160G document. The attendees completing this training are expected to have knowledge for the following:
• Understand RTCA-DO-160 test sections and procedures
• Be able to write a list of susceptibilities
• Understand the test process goals and activities
• Develop test plans
• Plan and schedule tests
• Execute tests
• Understand test results
• Create test reports
• Be able to resolve issues in the test results by means of change recommendations, or accepting the anomalies with risk assessment.
The calendar of training courses are announced at the following site:
GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. Publications, 2022
GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. provides online international training on MIL-STD-810H Environmental qu... more GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. provides online international training on MIL-STD-810H Environmental qualification testing of military equipment.The document describes the contents of this two and half days of short training.program.
Training focuses on the standard with tailoring examples This training is an important step for testing and certifying your military equipment and products in accordance with MIL-STD-810H, platform test requirements, and other applicable standards and specifications. The training focuses on the test sections described in the standard document:
The Instructors share their experience and knowledge gained by working long years in the field with designing products and performing tests in accordance with such as RTCA-DO-160G, MIL-STD-810H, and MIL-STD-461G. The slides are supported by many graphics and test videos for the efficiency and clarity of the information and each session is planned in accordance with the test methods described in MIL-STD-810H. Dr. Ismail Cicek is the lead instructor of this training and several experienced test personnel and design engineers help complete the training sessions efficiently.
The purpose is to have a good understanding of equipment testing in accordance with MIL-STD-810H document. The attendees completing this training are expected to gain knowledge in the following areas:
• Understand MIL-STD-810H test methods and procedures
• Understand how to apply tailoring in view of Life Cycle Environmental and Mission Profiles
• Be able to write a list of susceptibilities
• Understand the test process goals and activities
• Develop test plans
• Plan and schedule tests
• Execute tests
• Understand test results
• Create test reports
• Be able to resolve issues in the test results by means of change recommendations, or accepting the anomalies with risk assessment.
Bu yazımda, bugüne kadar Türkiye ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde (ABD'de) sistem mühendisliği,... more Bu yazımda, bugüne kadar Türkiye ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde (ABD'de) sistem mühendisliği, akademik çalışmalar, araştırma ve ürün geliştirme alanlarında edindiğim tecrübelerimin faydalı ARGE ve ÜRGE çalışmaları olarak sektörümüze geri dönüşü amacıyla yaptığım güncel çalışmaları anlatmak ve sektörümüze bu alanlarda vermek istediğim tavsiyelerimi paylaşmak istedim. Yazımı bu amaçla aşağıdaki bölümler altında aktarmaya çalıştım. Bu yazı, araştırma sonuçlarından ziyade tecrübelerime dayalı gözlerim sonucu oluşturduğum bazı yorumsal sonuçları içermekte olup bazı bölümler, üzerinde önemle durulması gereken konulardır.
GDS Engineerign R&D Publications, 2015
GDS Mühendislik tarafından geliştirilen silk sümülatör projesi tanımıdır. Proje 2013-2015 yılları... more GDS Mühendislik tarafından geliştirilen silk sümülatör projesi tanımıdır. Proje 2013-2015 yılları arasında Dr İsmail Çiçek yürütücülüğünde SAN-TEZ projesi olarak tamamlanmıştır. Mevcutta GDS Mühendislik Makine Dairesi Simülatörü ClassNk tarafından sertifikalanmış ve Türkiye ve dünyada bir çok denizcilik eğitim kurumunda kullanılmaya başlanmıştır.
Project Description & Status
Project Name: Modular Simulation Development of Engine Room Systems for Container Type Ships
Start Date: 1 Nov2015; Duration: 18 mo
Project Manager: Ismail Cicek
Project Name: Ship Main Engine Simulator Development
Start Date: 1 June 2014, Duration: 30 ay
Project Manager: İsmail Çiçek
Simulation of a ship’s engine room and systems in computer environment with modeling and visual tools for use in training of marine engineering cadets.
An ERS can be in various levels and forms
A PC-based simulator – special type (only a portion of engine room is simulated)
A PC-based simulator with all functionality
A full-mission simulator with mimic panels
A full-mission simulator includes all functions of marine engine room machinery and systems.
To develop an initial version of a full-mission ERS with LC touch screen panels located in engine room.
All Engine Room Machinary and Systems are Modeled with Validated Mathematical Models.
Two MS Thesis were completed to utilize the mathematical models in the ERS software (Thesis Advisor: Dr. Ismail Cicek)
Modeling of a Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine for Simulator Development, Caglar Dere, May 2015.
A Ship Propulsion System Design and Analysis for use in ERS Development, Naz Gorener, May 2015.
Communication and Control Panel Design and Development For Simultor System, Ali Demir (MS Study in progress).
The mathematical modeling of all engine room systems are currently being developed by 3 PhD’s employed at GDS.
Two platforms were used for validation of mathematical models:
An existing simulator currently being used
A container type ship belong to ARKAS Container Lines
Bu yazımda, bugüne kadar Türkiye ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde (ABD'de) sistem mühendisliği,... more Bu yazımda, bugüne kadar Türkiye ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde (ABD'de) sistem mühendisliği, akademik çalışmalar, araştırma ve ürün geliştirme alanlarında edindiğim tecrübelerimin faydalı ARGE ve ÜRGE çalışmaları olarak sektörümüze geri dönüşü amacıyla yaptığım güncel çalışmaları anlatmak ve sektörümüze bu alanlarda vermek istediğim tavsiyelerimi paylaşmak istedim. Yazımı bu amaçla aşağıdaki bölümler altında aktarmaya çalıştım. Bu yazı, araştırma sonuçlarından ziyade tecrübelerime dayalı gözlerim sonucu oluşturduğum bazı yorumsal sonuçları içermekte olup bazı bölümler, üzerinde önemle durulması gereken konulardır.
ABSTRACT: Generally, medical devices are designed to function in an environmentally controlled st... more ABSTRACT: Generally, medical devices are designed to function in an environmentally controlled stationary hospital environment not within the harsh, dynamic aircraft environment. For this reason, there are concerns medical devices may adversely affect the operation of aircraft systems, and conversely, the aircraft may adversely affect the proper operation and efficacy of the medical equipment. Failure of medical devices during in-flight medical care may result in exposing patients and aircrew to hazardous situations. All medical equipment identified for use on US Air Force (USAF) fixed wing aircraft must undergo a Safe-To-Fly (ATF) evaluation IAW Section of AFI 11-202V3, General Flight Rules, before a STF certification can be issued by the authorizing aircraft system organizations. Military and civilian standards as well as professional experience and expertise are part of the STF evaluation.
Aeromedical equipment under test is of wide range; varying from patient transport structures to digital measurement devices. Therefore, the testing types of aeromedical equipment vary depending on the types of equipment. For example, a litter for carrying patient does not need to be tested for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) while this is a required test for an electronic device. The typical STF tests are EMI/EMC, vibrations, temperature (hot, cold, operational, and storage), humidity, altitude, rapid decompression, explosive atmosphere, and acceleration tests. Before performing these laboratory tests ATB performs a performance baseline test and develops a test plan. The findings of baselines testing and the test plan is used to communicate with the aircraft system groups (SGs), as part of lean events, to ensure that the intended tests will fulfill the requirements of each aircraft environment. The ATB performs the tests and also evaluates the equipment in aircraft, called in-flight assessment, for form-fit-functionality evaluation of the equipment under test.
Dr. Ismail Cicek will present the testing process for STF recommendation of aeromedical equipment and he will discuss the acceleration testing requirements and alternative acceleration methods used for testing of the equipment.
Standards, like MIL-STD-810F and RTCA/DO-160D, have been developed to provide manufacturers of mi... more Standards, like MIL-STD-810F and RTCA/DO-160D, have been developed to provide manufacturers of military and commercial vehicles with guidelines for acceptable equipment vibration levels. Design engineers use these standards as guidelines for the development, integration, testing, and installation of new equipment. The goal of these standards is to ensure that the equipment functions normally within the integrated system when exposed to vibration and shock in the actual working environment. Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) ruggedized laptop computers are pre-tested for compliance with these standards; however, re-testing is also needed when mechanical or electrical components are added or modified for installation.
This presentation is about the vibration issues that need to be considered when designing computer equipment for installation on military/commercial aircraft, based on the aforementioned standards. A case study is included which provides details of lessons learned during the installation of a COTS ruggedized laptop computer on a C-5 Aircraft where failures due to vibration did occur.
Gain an understanding of steel as construction material and structural system. Familiarize with... more Gain an understanding of steel as construction material and structural system.
Familiarize with the terminology, material properties, limitations, design methods, and guidelines for the use of steel in ship structures.
ref. paper in the "Papers" section.
Dr Cicek: - Engineer with Ph.D. (degrees earned in US) - Industry (DoD) Experience in US (14 year... more Dr Cicek:
- Engineer with Ph.D. (degrees earned in US)
- Industry (DoD) Experience in US (14 years)
- Experience in DoD Systems Engineering (BD, Planning,
- Performance, V&V, Logistics)
- Teaching and industry experience in Turkey
- Team oriented personality
- Leadership deneyimi
- Process’ oriented work skills
- Social skills
This presentation was about: 1. Some of the Recent Developments at ITUMF 2. JICA-ITUMFProject an... more This presentation was about:
1. Some of the Recent Developments at ITUMF
2. JICA-ITUMFProject and Other ITUMF Projects/Activities
3. Use of the Engine Room Simulator (ERS) in Curricula
4. Research studies using ERS
5. Cooperation w/IAMU Universities for research using ERS
Two main targets are focused regarding to the improvement of the training and education of marine... more Two main targets are focused regarding to the improvement of the training and education of marine engineering students of IAMU universities, as follows:
1. To propose a useful method to organize the most effective training method for the students of the Marine Engineering departments of IAMU institutions.
2. To make it clear what the difference between the minimum requirement for the marine engineers' competences in accordance with STCW Code A and the requirement to be a qualified marine engineer in view of IAMU objectives.
Presents the overview of the exchange study conducted in Japan in 2000. Study included the Engin... more Presents the overview of the exchange study conducted in Japan in 2000. Study included the Engine Room Simulator development and research topics, conducted in Kobe University of Mercantile Marine and Taiyo Industry at Saitama Prefecture.
Virtual instrumentation is breaking down the barriers of developing and maintaining instrumentation systems that challenge the world of test, measurement, and industrial automation. By leveraging off the latest computing technology, virtual instrumentation delivers innovative, scalable solutions that incorporate many different I/O options and maximizes code reuse-- saving you time and money.
The International Conference on Engine Room Simulators (ICERS) aim to support the activities of t... more The International Conference on Engine Room Simulators (ICERS) aim to support the activities of the International Maritime Lecturers Association (IMLA) by providing an interactive forum for the international maritime engine room simulator community. ICERS seeks to achieve this aim by promoting international contact and co-operation between engine room simulator operators, researchers, commercial simulator manufacturers and courseware developers, software publishers, relevant government administrations, international and national maritime organisations, marine engineers and shipping companies. At the heart of ICERS are the academic staff and trainers world-wide who seek to support STCW Convention, and to further develop the competencies and professionalism of marine engineers, through the use of simulator technology.
The local organizing committee invites you to the 12th International Conference on Engine Room Simulators (ICERS 12). ICERS 12 will be held from November 19th, 2015 to November 20th, 2015 at the Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty (ITUMF), Istanbul, Turkey. The conference will be organized in partnership with the Turkish Chamber of Marine Engineers and the Maritime Federation.
ICERS12 intends to be a global forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent ideas about engine room simulators as well as solutions to problems that showcases new development on ERS in all forms whether it be full mission, full task, part-task or desk-top PC based. The aim of ICERS 12 is to provide a venue and opportunity for the Engine Room Simulator (ERS) community including developers, manufacturers, providers, educators, trainers, publishers and everybody with keen interest on ERS to present their knowledge, experiences, views, research results, and products in a global forum with cross-disciplinary interests to bridge the knowledge gap and promote research esteem. The ICERS12 will provide an international forum to address all major topics of current and prospective interest in Engine Room Simulator Research and Development. In addition to scientific seminars, a wide range of social programs including city tours and visits to historical places will be available.
The Local Organizing Committee also encourages companies and institutions to showcase their modern products and equipment in the conference area.