Marius Mihai Cazacu | "Gheorghe Asachi" Tehnical University of Iasi (original) (raw)

Papers by Marius Mihai Cazacu

Research paper thumbnail of LIDAR Measurements Comparison Of Two Volcanic Eruptions: Environmental Influences Upon The Romanian Territory

Annals of West University of Timisoara - Physics, 2012

The eruption of both the Eyjafjallajokull (April 2010) and Grimsvotn (May 2011) volcanoes cumulat... more The eruption of both the Eyjafjallajokull (April 2010) and Grimsvotn (May 2011) volcanoes cumulated with two moments that gave headaches to the authorities and air traffic, and their impact on the environment upon Iasi region have been studied by means of different tools evidencing the complexity of the phenomena. In order to evidence the intrusion of pollutants in the cloud systems and to obtain additional data on the intrusion when the ash cloud was over our country, LIDAR measurements, meteorological (NMA), Satellite data (EUMETSAT), and various forecasting models (ECMWF, VAAC-Met Office, HYSPLIT) have been used. The new 3D Atmospheric Observatory Site of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, as part of RADO (Romanian Atmospheric 3D Observatory) is presented, too.

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Research paper thumbnail of Long Range Transport Analysis Based on Eastern Atmospheric Circulation and Its Impact to the Dust Event over Moldavia, Romania in August 2022

During the second half of August 2022, a dust intrusion event occurred, when dust that originated... more During the second half of August 2022, a dust intrusion event occurred, when dust that originated from the dry regions of Kalmyk steppe and the Precaspian plain was transported over the eastern region of Romania. The dry soil in these regions was the result of the severe drought over a long period of time, accentuated by early heat waves in May and June 2022. The dust event was captured by MODIS images. Smoke trains originating from fires in the north of the Azov were also detected, but these did not reach Romania. Optical parametres from AERONET was used to confirm the dust event. To determine the trajectory of the particles, the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model was used in this paper. The Ensemble median model was used to highlight the presence and concentration of dust in eastern part of Romania. Aerosols were detected between 0 and 4 km, according to radar and ceilometer data of the REXDAN cloud remote sensing facility in Galați, Romania. T...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Description of Important Historical Moments in Terms of Meteorological Aspects

BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IAȘI. Secția Matematica. Mecanică Teoretică. Fizică

The purpose of this paper is to present the role of meteorology in certain important historical m... more The purpose of this paper is to present the role of meteorology in certain important historical moments both from the last century and from the present one. To investigate these cases from a meteorological point of view, we used reanalysis data, from some climatological databases, for the events of the last Century and for the events of the 21st Century, we relied on various information that allowed us investigation of the atmosphere, at all levels (synoptic maps at different levels, satellite imaging, backward trajectories, radioactivity data, etc.). Although during the First World War, the investigation of meteorological parameters was limited only to the ground level, in critical moments, the weather forecast decided the fate of some missions carried out on the front during that period. Over time, technology has advanced and the investigation of the atmosphere is carried out on a multitude of levels, using modern investigation technology, with active or passive sensors, located o...

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing Virtual Tools to Complement Experiments in the Physics Laboratory

INTED2021 Proceedings

The worldwide COVID-19 situation forced a switch towards working online more than before. The edu... more The worldwide COVID-19 situation forced a switch towards working online more than before. The educational system was not spared and people involved in the teaching process were required, sometimes on short notice, to come up with alternative ways of carrying out their duties. While some activities are better suited to be conducted online, this is not the case of practical work. In this particular situations, traditional teaching methods have to be supplemented or even replaced with something adequate. For first year students of the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University, which are all required to take up a course in physics, we have created a series of simulations meant to assist them with the practical side of physics. The simulations were developed in LabVIEW, which is a decent platform even if it was not developed to be used for simulating purposes. Each simulation is intended to be run as an actual experiment and was built to accurately replicate the real-life apparatus available in the laboratory. For this reason, in addition to the required modelling of the physical phenomena, the virtual experiment also recreates the look and way of operation of controls and gauges. While simulations have existed for some time and many are available for free in the online medium, the elements of realism we have added to our virtual laboratory are intended to help our students familiarize themselves with the workings of the experimental setup prior to entering the physical laboratory. Over the long term, this is intended to be used in preparation for the actual assignment. In the immediate future, the virtual laboratory will offer students at home a chance to actively take part when classes are held in a mixed online-on-site system and may even serve as a backup solution when the safety measures dictate that activities should be held entirely online.

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Research paper thumbnail of Usage of Atmospheric Sounding to Characterize the Meteorological Events on the Night of 23/24 August, 2022

BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IAȘI. Secția Matematica. Mecanică Teoretică. Fizică

At the end of summer, the episode of atmospheric instability in the Moldavia region, is attribute... more At the end of summer, the episode of atmospheric instability in the Moldavia region, is attributed to the predominantly eastern circulation, which directed air masses from the Asian continent to Romania. This context is the result of the presence of a high-pressure area, located in northern Siberia and extended to north-eastern Europe. Romania was located in the flow of the eastern circulation, behind the warm front. The emersion of unforeseen factors, as was the case with the transport of dust from the dry regions of Asia, due to background of a circulation from the east, or the specificities of the relief, make it difficult to forecast the phenomena associated with instability. In this sense, atmospheric soundings are among the most used tools in forecasting atmospheric instability. In this sense, we used atmospheric soundings estimated by the GFS and ECMWF numerical forecast models to analyze the atmosphere vertically. Also, the cross-section profiles drawn in the EUMeTrain appli...

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Research paper thumbnail of Case Study of the Evidence of PM1& PM2.5 Contribution on PM10 from Podul De Piatra– Iasi City

BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IAȘI. Secția Matematica. Mecanică Teoretică. Fizică

The importance of air quality monitoring has been strongly demonstrated in numerous scientific st... more The importance of air quality monitoring has been strongly demonstrated in numerous scientific studies. This study, carried out in an intense circular intersection, brings additional arguments that the monitoring of the fine particles like PM1 and PM2.5 that influence in more than 80% the concentration of PM10 particles must be measured at several points. Few were the cases [approx. 20%] in which the increase of PM10 concentrations is given by particles with diameters from 2.5 to 10 μm, most likely caused by the re-suspension of dust particles. Grimm Aerosol Technik Germany and SC INOESY SRL conducted a campaign for monitoring the air quality [PM1, PM2.5, PM10] in Iasi, Stone Bridge area, from 8 to 22 February 2018. The monitoring point was located close (150 m) to the APMIS-01 station of the National Environmental Protection Agency.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of the Use of Computer Simulations and Virtual Physics Laboratory in Gender Performance of Physics Learning

ICERI2018 Proceedings, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Radiotherapy challenges in COVID era

Biomedical Engineering Tools for Management for Patients with COVID-19, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Strategy Based on Interactive Use of Computer Simulations During COVID-19 Pandemic

INTED2021 Proceedings, 2021

Computer-assisted teaching and learning have expanded greatly in the last few years. They have al... more Computer-assisted teaching and learning have expanded greatly in the last few years. They have also been implemented very efficiently in our Physics course and laboratories, alongside the use of Internet. We have developed our own strategy to conduct laboratory work and study physics phenomena and laws based on the use of Adobe Flash and JavaScript programs. The computer simulations have been developed for our first-year students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services within the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania whose teaching languages are Romanian and English (RO+EN) and proved especially useful during the Covid-19 pandemic. These physics computer simulations turned out to be attractive for our students and enabled them to improve their skills when working in the physics laboratory and, they have been very effective tools for online learning, as they livened up the whole experience thanks to their friendly interfaces. Although all our teaching activities were transferred online during the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020, more precisely at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, our students worked efficiently for their laboratory activities due to the inclusion of seven computer simulations of laboratory works in the first-year undergraduate Physics curricula. Our students had at their disposal a virtual environment, the Virtual Physics Laboratory (VPL), that managed to replace quite successfully, though not optimally, the real work environment of the physics laboratory. We made a statistical analysis of how performing teaching exclusively in the online environment influenced students' performance. The usefulness of the Virtual Physics Laboratory (VPL) and of the online teaching method was reflected by our students' final exam achievements, as 32 % of them improved their laboratory work grades compared to the previous academic year. This improvement was achieved even though the students had to carry out their activity exclusively online on virtual platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams, and collect experimental data, perform calculations and work in laboratory teams that did not interact physically and directly in the physics lab. As far as exam grades are concerned, this year's results are comparable to those of the previous academic year, although there is a slight increase in the percentage of 7, 8 and 9 grades by 9 %, 12 % and 17 %, respectively. Moreover, during the entire semester, a number of 269 students were asked after each physics course if they preferred the online teaching method to the face-to-face one. On a scale of 1 to 5 (considering 1 for online courses and 5 for face-to-face courses) the analysis of the answers collected from students provided an average of the answers equal to (3.25±0.05), the percentage distribution of the answers being: 10.8% for 1, 9.9% for 2, 41.1% for 3, 19.6% for 4 and 18.6% for 5.

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Research paper thumbnail of Javascript Computer Simulation for Damped Oscillations in a Series RLC Circuit, a Tool to Improve Students’ Learning

EDULEARN Proceedings, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Maple Program for Studying Physics Phenomena with Applications in Civil Engineering

Nowadays, students need adequate software to study Physics in universities and to have high level... more Nowadays, students need adequate software to study Physics in universities and to have high levels of educational achievement and decent test scores. As our experience has demonstrated along the years, the combination of the experimental physics and computational methods motivates students to explore deeper the world of physics phenomena in a modern way. Also, they test their knowledge showing what they have learned. This paper presents how physics phenomena are really well understood by the students because of using of a powerful algebra system like Maple 17. Also, the Maple 17 program it is a useful tool for solving physics problems. The Graphics package of Maple 17 program has been used for the applications at the laboratories and the seminars of the Physics I and Physics II courses that are designated to the first and second semesters, respectively at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services of “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University. The versatility and the wid...

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Research paper thumbnail of In-person versus virtual activities: Assessing the usefulness and impact of simulated experiments, a case study

In recent years, interactive computer simulations and virtual laboratories have proven to be the ... more In recent years, interactive computer simulations and virtual laboratories have proven to be the best alternative to conventional physics laboratories. Online physics simulations have significant educational advantages and are powerful tools that enable students to easily handle and interpret experimental data. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted, more than ever, the advantages of having some forms of virtual alternatives to certain everyday activities like work and commerce. However, not everything is well suited to being adapted into digital form, so devising methods that can adequately substitute the original can often become a challenge. In Romania education was one key activity that was not interrupted. However, the entire academic process was relocated online, and this created a sudden need for solutions, most notably in areas that relied heavily on hands-on experience. For students of technical universities, traditional laboratory work had to be replaced with something else. In the case of physics classes, the way to go was to move all activities into a virtual laboratory. The simulated experiments have been a great solution for this specific period. The computer simulations can be accessed in the Virtual Physics Laboratory on the webpage At the end of the semester, the feedback received from the students was used to assess the success of the initiative and to establish if it should be used in the future as part of the regular educational process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Survey of the Outcome of Effective Use of Computer Simulations in Students’ Learning

Computer simulations are designed for our 1st year students who study physics during the second s... more Computer simulations are designed for our 1st year students who study physics during the second semester and aim at enhancing students' understanding of physics phenomena and laws, and their practical laboratory skills. In order to enhance self-learning and group-learning activities we created a virtual physics laboratory where computer simulations are being used. Over the last decade, we have developed several computer simulations using Adobe Flash, HTML5 and JavaScript technologies. We reported considerable progress in students' ability to work in the physics laboratory and a significant increase of their scores at lab tests and final exams. This paper describes a statistical survey conducted to analyze the improvement of students' scores at their lab tests and in final physics exams in the last five academic years. Our statistical study collected descriptive statistical data from students studying both in Romanian (RO) and in English (EN) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services of ``Gheorghe Asachi{''} Technical University, Iasi (Romania) and contains inferential statistical results. Statistical analysis was performed for a total of 753 students including 534 students who study in Romanian (RO) and 219 students who study in English (EN). We noticed a rising tendency of high marks (8-10) and medium marks (5-7) in final exams. Therefore, marks rose by 23.83 \% at courses taught in Romanian and by 9.42 \% at courses taught in English, which means an average rise by 19.06 \% from 2012-2013 to 2016-2017. With regards to laboratory marks, there was a rise by 13.17 \% at laboratories taught in Romanian, by 18.75 \% at laboratories taught in English, namely a general average rise by 14.33 \% (RO) + (EN). Furthermore, two thirds of the students improved their scores because they used the virtual physics laboratory. The findings of the statistical survey prove that learning improved considerably due to the use of computer simulations and virtual physics laboratory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Localization of Energy-Momentum for a Black Hole Spacetime Geometry with Constant Topological Euler Density

Advances in High Energy Physics, 2018

The evaluation of the energy-momentum distribution for a new four-dimensional, spherically symmet... more The evaluation of the energy-momentum distribution for a new four-dimensional, spherically symmetric, static and charged black hole spacetime geometry with constant nonzero topological Euler density is performed by using the energy-momentum complexes of Einstein and Møller. This black hole solution was recently developed in the context of the coupled Einstein–nonlinear electrodynamics of the Born-Infeld type. The energy is found to depend on the mass M and the charge q of the black hole, the cosmological constant Λ, and the radial coordinate r, while in both prescriptions all the momenta vanish. Some limiting and particular cases are analyzed and discussed, illustrating the rather extraordinary character of the spacetime geometry considered.

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Energy of a Non-Singular Black Hole Solution Satisfying the Weak Energy Condition

Universe, 2020

The energy-momentum localization for a new four-dimensional and spherically symmetric, charged bl... more The energy-momentum localization for a new four-dimensional and spherically symmetric, charged black hole solution that through a coupling of general relativity with non-linear electrodynamics is everywhere non-singular while it satisfies the weak energy condition, is investigated. The Einstein and Møller energy-momentum complexes have been employed in order to calculate the energy distribution and the momenta for the aforesaid solution. It is found that the energy distribution depends explicitly on the mass and the charge of the black hole, on two parameters arising from the space-time geometry considered, and on the radial coordinate. Further, in both prescriptions all the momenta vanish. In addition, a comparison of the results obtained by the two energy-momentum complexes is made, whereby some limiting and particular cases are pointed out.

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Research paper thumbnail of Localization of Energy and Momentum in an Asymptotically Reissner-Nordström Non-Singular Black Hole Space-Time Geometry

Universe, 2020

The space-time geometry exterior to a new four-dimensional, spherically symmetric and charged bla... more The space-time geometry exterior to a new four-dimensional, spherically symmetric and charged black hole solution that, through a coupling of general relativity with a non-linear electrodynamics, is non-singular everywhere, for small r it behaves as a de Sitter metric, and asymptotically it behaves as the Reissner-Nordström metric, is considered in order to study energy-momentum localization. For the calculation of the energy and momentum distributions, the Einstein, Landau-Lifshitz, Weinberg and Møller energy-momentum complexes were applied. The results obtained show that in all prescriptions the energy depends on the mass M of the black hole, the charge q, two parameters a ∈ Z + and γ ∈ R + , and on the radial coordinate r. The calculations performed in each prescription show that all the momenta vanish. Additionally, some limiting and particular cases for r and q are studied, and a possible connection with strong gravitational lensing and microlensing is attempted.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tropospheric Dust and Associated Atmospheric Circulations over the Mediterranean Region with Focus on Romania’s Territory

Atmosphere, 2020

The aim of this study is to assess the distribution of dust over the Mediterranean region, with a... more The aim of this study is to assess the distribution of dust over the Mediterranean region, with a special focus on the territory of Romania. Two parameters are analyzed—Dust Load (DL) and Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), the data is obtained from the dust forecast model BSC-DREAM8b v2.0, for the period between December 2015 and February 2019. The main geographical features of dust occurrence in the Mediterranean region are presented at the monthly and annual scale. The results show that, for Romania, the dust load is high from February to June, when it reaches its annual maximum. The atmospheric circulation inducing intense dust events over Romania have also been assessed using an objective classification method. A key element for the dust transport from the Sahara toward South-Eastern Europe is represented by the development of a deep cyclone South of Italy, following thereafter a North-East path towards the Balkan peninsula. The results at the regional scale are analyzed in connection...

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Evaluation of Coating Hydrophobization of Natural Stone from Repedea - Iasi area (Romania)

Revista de Chimie, 2020

Given the need for the development of interdisciplinary studies and research, including in the En... more Given the need for the development of interdisciplinary studies and research, including in the Engineering field and in the Building sector, this paper suggests a multidisciplinary approach to the maintenance of lithic surfaces, by analyzing some high-performance building materials and products, such as hydrophobization coating films. As it has been determined and acknowledged by the scientific community worldwide, the main aggression factor affecting the geomaterials used in the construction of heritage assets is represented by water and/or excessive humidity, especially in the case of the use of porous limestone, such as those available in the Repedea - Iasi area (Romania). Therefore, in order to ensure better maintenance of a lithic calcareous material of this type, it is necessary to use a hydrophobic preventive treatment. The findings of the research conducted and described in this paper represent one of the first steps on the path to standardization regarding the confirmation ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Assessment of Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution in Iasi City, Romania

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Hydrophobic Coating on Porous Calcareous Rocks Surface Exposed in Urban Ambient Air Pollution

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018

\textcopyright} Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Urban air quality has changed rapi... more \textcopyright} Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Urban air quality has changed rapidly in recent years, that requiring new research focused on the effects of pollution, both on the environment and on human health, as well as on apparent changes in building surfaces, including historical ones. As is known, permanent exposure to the atmosphere in the urban environment causes degradation processes on the surfaces of natural stone monuments, especially on porous stone surfaces. In these investigations were used samples of porous calcareous rocks similar to the natural stone from the many historical monuments of the Iasi city - Romania. These samples were coating with various commercially hydrophobic solutions. Further, these samples were exposed in the immediate vicinity of a historical monument and an intense road traffic junction. After about six months of exposure, apparent changes in the treated surfaces were compared with untreated control surfaces but subjected to the same environmental conditions over the same time period in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the hydrophobic treatment.

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Research paper thumbnail of LIDAR Measurements Comparison Of Two Volcanic Eruptions: Environmental Influences Upon The Romanian Territory

Annals of West University of Timisoara - Physics, 2012

The eruption of both the Eyjafjallajokull (April 2010) and Grimsvotn (May 2011) volcanoes cumulat... more The eruption of both the Eyjafjallajokull (April 2010) and Grimsvotn (May 2011) volcanoes cumulated with two moments that gave headaches to the authorities and air traffic, and their impact on the environment upon Iasi region have been studied by means of different tools evidencing the complexity of the phenomena. In order to evidence the intrusion of pollutants in the cloud systems and to obtain additional data on the intrusion when the ash cloud was over our country, LIDAR measurements, meteorological (NMA), Satellite data (EUMETSAT), and various forecasting models (ECMWF, VAAC-Met Office, HYSPLIT) have been used. The new 3D Atmospheric Observatory Site of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, as part of RADO (Romanian Atmospheric 3D Observatory) is presented, too.

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Research paper thumbnail of Long Range Transport Analysis Based on Eastern Atmospheric Circulation and Its Impact to the Dust Event over Moldavia, Romania in August 2022

During the second half of August 2022, a dust intrusion event occurred, when dust that originated... more During the second half of August 2022, a dust intrusion event occurred, when dust that originated from the dry regions of Kalmyk steppe and the Precaspian plain was transported over the eastern region of Romania. The dry soil in these regions was the result of the severe drought over a long period of time, accentuated by early heat waves in May and June 2022. The dust event was captured by MODIS images. Smoke trains originating from fires in the north of the Azov were also detected, but these did not reach Romania. Optical parametres from AERONET was used to confirm the dust event. To determine the trajectory of the particles, the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model was used in this paper. The Ensemble median model was used to highlight the presence and concentration of dust in eastern part of Romania. Aerosols were detected between 0 and 4 km, according to radar and ceilometer data of the REXDAN cloud remote sensing facility in Galați, Romania. T...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Description of Important Historical Moments in Terms of Meteorological Aspects

BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IAȘI. Secția Matematica. Mecanică Teoretică. Fizică

The purpose of this paper is to present the role of meteorology in certain important historical m... more The purpose of this paper is to present the role of meteorology in certain important historical moments both from the last century and from the present one. To investigate these cases from a meteorological point of view, we used reanalysis data, from some climatological databases, for the events of the last Century and for the events of the 21st Century, we relied on various information that allowed us investigation of the atmosphere, at all levels (synoptic maps at different levels, satellite imaging, backward trajectories, radioactivity data, etc.). Although during the First World War, the investigation of meteorological parameters was limited only to the ground level, in critical moments, the weather forecast decided the fate of some missions carried out on the front during that period. Over time, technology has advanced and the investigation of the atmosphere is carried out on a multitude of levels, using modern investigation technology, with active or passive sensors, located o...

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing Virtual Tools to Complement Experiments in the Physics Laboratory

INTED2021 Proceedings

The worldwide COVID-19 situation forced a switch towards working online more than before. The edu... more The worldwide COVID-19 situation forced a switch towards working online more than before. The educational system was not spared and people involved in the teaching process were required, sometimes on short notice, to come up with alternative ways of carrying out their duties. While some activities are better suited to be conducted online, this is not the case of practical work. In this particular situations, traditional teaching methods have to be supplemented or even replaced with something adequate. For first year students of the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University, which are all required to take up a course in physics, we have created a series of simulations meant to assist them with the practical side of physics. The simulations were developed in LabVIEW, which is a decent platform even if it was not developed to be used for simulating purposes. Each simulation is intended to be run as an actual experiment and was built to accurately replicate the real-life apparatus available in the laboratory. For this reason, in addition to the required modelling of the physical phenomena, the virtual experiment also recreates the look and way of operation of controls and gauges. While simulations have existed for some time and many are available for free in the online medium, the elements of realism we have added to our virtual laboratory are intended to help our students familiarize themselves with the workings of the experimental setup prior to entering the physical laboratory. Over the long term, this is intended to be used in preparation for the actual assignment. In the immediate future, the virtual laboratory will offer students at home a chance to actively take part when classes are held in a mixed online-on-site system and may even serve as a backup solution when the safety measures dictate that activities should be held entirely online.

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Research paper thumbnail of Usage of Atmospheric Sounding to Characterize the Meteorological Events on the Night of 23/24 August, 2022

BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IAȘI. Secția Matematica. Mecanică Teoretică. Fizică

At the end of summer, the episode of atmospheric instability in the Moldavia region, is attribute... more At the end of summer, the episode of atmospheric instability in the Moldavia region, is attributed to the predominantly eastern circulation, which directed air masses from the Asian continent to Romania. This context is the result of the presence of a high-pressure area, located in northern Siberia and extended to north-eastern Europe. Romania was located in the flow of the eastern circulation, behind the warm front. The emersion of unforeseen factors, as was the case with the transport of dust from the dry regions of Asia, due to background of a circulation from the east, or the specificities of the relief, make it difficult to forecast the phenomena associated with instability. In this sense, atmospheric soundings are among the most used tools in forecasting atmospheric instability. In this sense, we used atmospheric soundings estimated by the GFS and ECMWF numerical forecast models to analyze the atmosphere vertically. Also, the cross-section profiles drawn in the EUMeTrain appli...

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Research paper thumbnail of Case Study of the Evidence of PM1& PM2.5 Contribution on PM10 from Podul De Piatra– Iasi City

BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IAȘI. Secția Matematica. Mecanică Teoretică. Fizică

The importance of air quality monitoring has been strongly demonstrated in numerous scientific st... more The importance of air quality monitoring has been strongly demonstrated in numerous scientific studies. This study, carried out in an intense circular intersection, brings additional arguments that the monitoring of the fine particles like PM1 and PM2.5 that influence in more than 80% the concentration of PM10 particles must be measured at several points. Few were the cases [approx. 20%] in which the increase of PM10 concentrations is given by particles with diameters from 2.5 to 10 μm, most likely caused by the re-suspension of dust particles. Grimm Aerosol Technik Germany and SC INOESY SRL conducted a campaign for monitoring the air quality [PM1, PM2.5, PM10] in Iasi, Stone Bridge area, from 8 to 22 February 2018. The monitoring point was located close (150 m) to the APMIS-01 station of the National Environmental Protection Agency.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of the Use of Computer Simulations and Virtual Physics Laboratory in Gender Performance of Physics Learning

ICERI2018 Proceedings, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Radiotherapy challenges in COVID era

Biomedical Engineering Tools for Management for Patients with COVID-19, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Strategy Based on Interactive Use of Computer Simulations During COVID-19 Pandemic

INTED2021 Proceedings, 2021

Computer-assisted teaching and learning have expanded greatly in the last few years. They have al... more Computer-assisted teaching and learning have expanded greatly in the last few years. They have also been implemented very efficiently in our Physics course and laboratories, alongside the use of Internet. We have developed our own strategy to conduct laboratory work and study physics phenomena and laws based on the use of Adobe Flash and JavaScript programs. The computer simulations have been developed for our first-year students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services within the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania whose teaching languages are Romanian and English (RO+EN) and proved especially useful during the Covid-19 pandemic. These physics computer simulations turned out to be attractive for our students and enabled them to improve their skills when working in the physics laboratory and, they have been very effective tools for online learning, as they livened up the whole experience thanks to their friendly interfaces. Although all our teaching activities were transferred online during the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020, more precisely at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, our students worked efficiently for their laboratory activities due to the inclusion of seven computer simulations of laboratory works in the first-year undergraduate Physics curricula. Our students had at their disposal a virtual environment, the Virtual Physics Laboratory (VPL), that managed to replace quite successfully, though not optimally, the real work environment of the physics laboratory. We made a statistical analysis of how performing teaching exclusively in the online environment influenced students' performance. The usefulness of the Virtual Physics Laboratory (VPL) and of the online teaching method was reflected by our students' final exam achievements, as 32 % of them improved their laboratory work grades compared to the previous academic year. This improvement was achieved even though the students had to carry out their activity exclusively online on virtual platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams, and collect experimental data, perform calculations and work in laboratory teams that did not interact physically and directly in the physics lab. As far as exam grades are concerned, this year's results are comparable to those of the previous academic year, although there is a slight increase in the percentage of 7, 8 and 9 grades by 9 %, 12 % and 17 %, respectively. Moreover, during the entire semester, a number of 269 students were asked after each physics course if they preferred the online teaching method to the face-to-face one. On a scale of 1 to 5 (considering 1 for online courses and 5 for face-to-face courses) the analysis of the answers collected from students provided an average of the answers equal to (3.25±0.05), the percentage distribution of the answers being: 10.8% for 1, 9.9% for 2, 41.1% for 3, 19.6% for 4 and 18.6% for 5.

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Research paper thumbnail of Javascript Computer Simulation for Damped Oscillations in a Series RLC Circuit, a Tool to Improve Students’ Learning

EDULEARN Proceedings, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Maple Program for Studying Physics Phenomena with Applications in Civil Engineering

Nowadays, students need adequate software to study Physics in universities and to have high level... more Nowadays, students need adequate software to study Physics in universities and to have high levels of educational achievement and decent test scores. As our experience has demonstrated along the years, the combination of the experimental physics and computational methods motivates students to explore deeper the world of physics phenomena in a modern way. Also, they test their knowledge showing what they have learned. This paper presents how physics phenomena are really well understood by the students because of using of a powerful algebra system like Maple 17. Also, the Maple 17 program it is a useful tool for solving physics problems. The Graphics package of Maple 17 program has been used for the applications at the laboratories and the seminars of the Physics I and Physics II courses that are designated to the first and second semesters, respectively at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services of “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University. The versatility and the wid...

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Research paper thumbnail of In-person versus virtual activities: Assessing the usefulness and impact of simulated experiments, a case study

In recent years, interactive computer simulations and virtual laboratories have proven to be the ... more In recent years, interactive computer simulations and virtual laboratories have proven to be the best alternative to conventional physics laboratories. Online physics simulations have significant educational advantages and are powerful tools that enable students to easily handle and interpret experimental data. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted, more than ever, the advantages of having some forms of virtual alternatives to certain everyday activities like work and commerce. However, not everything is well suited to being adapted into digital form, so devising methods that can adequately substitute the original can often become a challenge. In Romania education was one key activity that was not interrupted. However, the entire academic process was relocated online, and this created a sudden need for solutions, most notably in areas that relied heavily on hands-on experience. For students of technical universities, traditional laboratory work had to be replaced with something else. In the case of physics classes, the way to go was to move all activities into a virtual laboratory. The simulated experiments have been a great solution for this specific period. The computer simulations can be accessed in the Virtual Physics Laboratory on the webpage At the end of the semester, the feedback received from the students was used to assess the success of the initiative and to establish if it should be used in the future as part of the regular educational process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Survey of the Outcome of Effective Use of Computer Simulations in Students’ Learning

Computer simulations are designed for our 1st year students who study physics during the second s... more Computer simulations are designed for our 1st year students who study physics during the second semester and aim at enhancing students' understanding of physics phenomena and laws, and their practical laboratory skills. In order to enhance self-learning and group-learning activities we created a virtual physics laboratory where computer simulations are being used. Over the last decade, we have developed several computer simulations using Adobe Flash, HTML5 and JavaScript technologies. We reported considerable progress in students' ability to work in the physics laboratory and a significant increase of their scores at lab tests and final exams. This paper describes a statistical survey conducted to analyze the improvement of students' scores at their lab tests and in final physics exams in the last five academic years. Our statistical study collected descriptive statistical data from students studying both in Romanian (RO) and in English (EN) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services of ``Gheorghe Asachi{''} Technical University, Iasi (Romania) and contains inferential statistical results. Statistical analysis was performed for a total of 753 students including 534 students who study in Romanian (RO) and 219 students who study in English (EN). We noticed a rising tendency of high marks (8-10) and medium marks (5-7) in final exams. Therefore, marks rose by 23.83 \% at courses taught in Romanian and by 9.42 \% at courses taught in English, which means an average rise by 19.06 \% from 2012-2013 to 2016-2017. With regards to laboratory marks, there was a rise by 13.17 \% at laboratories taught in Romanian, by 18.75 \% at laboratories taught in English, namely a general average rise by 14.33 \% (RO) + (EN). Furthermore, two thirds of the students improved their scores because they used the virtual physics laboratory. The findings of the statistical survey prove that learning improved considerably due to the use of computer simulations and virtual physics laboratory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Localization of Energy-Momentum for a Black Hole Spacetime Geometry with Constant Topological Euler Density

Advances in High Energy Physics, 2018

The evaluation of the energy-momentum distribution for a new four-dimensional, spherically symmet... more The evaluation of the energy-momentum distribution for a new four-dimensional, spherically symmetric, static and charged black hole spacetime geometry with constant nonzero topological Euler density is performed by using the energy-momentum complexes of Einstein and Møller. This black hole solution was recently developed in the context of the coupled Einstein–nonlinear electrodynamics of the Born-Infeld type. The energy is found to depend on the mass M and the charge q of the black hole, the cosmological constant Λ, and the radial coordinate r, while in both prescriptions all the momenta vanish. Some limiting and particular cases are analyzed and discussed, illustrating the rather extraordinary character of the spacetime geometry considered.

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Energy of a Non-Singular Black Hole Solution Satisfying the Weak Energy Condition

Universe, 2020

The energy-momentum localization for a new four-dimensional and spherically symmetric, charged bl... more The energy-momentum localization for a new four-dimensional and spherically symmetric, charged black hole solution that through a coupling of general relativity with non-linear electrodynamics is everywhere non-singular while it satisfies the weak energy condition, is investigated. The Einstein and Møller energy-momentum complexes have been employed in order to calculate the energy distribution and the momenta for the aforesaid solution. It is found that the energy distribution depends explicitly on the mass and the charge of the black hole, on two parameters arising from the space-time geometry considered, and on the radial coordinate. Further, in both prescriptions all the momenta vanish. In addition, a comparison of the results obtained by the two energy-momentum complexes is made, whereby some limiting and particular cases are pointed out.

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Research paper thumbnail of Localization of Energy and Momentum in an Asymptotically Reissner-Nordström Non-Singular Black Hole Space-Time Geometry

Universe, 2020

The space-time geometry exterior to a new four-dimensional, spherically symmetric and charged bla... more The space-time geometry exterior to a new four-dimensional, spherically symmetric and charged black hole solution that, through a coupling of general relativity with a non-linear electrodynamics, is non-singular everywhere, for small r it behaves as a de Sitter metric, and asymptotically it behaves as the Reissner-Nordström metric, is considered in order to study energy-momentum localization. For the calculation of the energy and momentum distributions, the Einstein, Landau-Lifshitz, Weinberg and Møller energy-momentum complexes were applied. The results obtained show that in all prescriptions the energy depends on the mass M of the black hole, the charge q, two parameters a ∈ Z + and γ ∈ R + , and on the radial coordinate r. The calculations performed in each prescription show that all the momenta vanish. Additionally, some limiting and particular cases for r and q are studied, and a possible connection with strong gravitational lensing and microlensing is attempted.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tropospheric Dust and Associated Atmospheric Circulations over the Mediterranean Region with Focus on Romania’s Territory

Atmosphere, 2020

The aim of this study is to assess the distribution of dust over the Mediterranean region, with a... more The aim of this study is to assess the distribution of dust over the Mediterranean region, with a special focus on the territory of Romania. Two parameters are analyzed—Dust Load (DL) and Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), the data is obtained from the dust forecast model BSC-DREAM8b v2.0, for the period between December 2015 and February 2019. The main geographical features of dust occurrence in the Mediterranean region are presented at the monthly and annual scale. The results show that, for Romania, the dust load is high from February to June, when it reaches its annual maximum. The atmospheric circulation inducing intense dust events over Romania have also been assessed using an objective classification method. A key element for the dust transport from the Sahara toward South-Eastern Europe is represented by the development of a deep cyclone South of Italy, following thereafter a North-East path towards the Balkan peninsula. The results at the regional scale are analyzed in connection...

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Evaluation of Coating Hydrophobization of Natural Stone from Repedea - Iasi area (Romania)

Revista de Chimie, 2020

Given the need for the development of interdisciplinary studies and research, including in the En... more Given the need for the development of interdisciplinary studies and research, including in the Engineering field and in the Building sector, this paper suggests a multidisciplinary approach to the maintenance of lithic surfaces, by analyzing some high-performance building materials and products, such as hydrophobization coating films. As it has been determined and acknowledged by the scientific community worldwide, the main aggression factor affecting the geomaterials used in the construction of heritage assets is represented by water and/or excessive humidity, especially in the case of the use of porous limestone, such as those available in the Repedea - Iasi area (Romania). Therefore, in order to ensure better maintenance of a lithic calcareous material of this type, it is necessary to use a hydrophobic preventive treatment. The findings of the research conducted and described in this paper represent one of the first steps on the path to standardization regarding the confirmation ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Assessment of Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution in Iasi City, Romania

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Hydrophobic Coating on Porous Calcareous Rocks Surface Exposed in Urban Ambient Air Pollution

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018

\textcopyright} Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Urban air quality has changed rapi... more \textcopyright} Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Urban air quality has changed rapidly in recent years, that requiring new research focused on the effects of pollution, both on the environment and on human health, as well as on apparent changes in building surfaces, including historical ones. As is known, permanent exposure to the atmosphere in the urban environment causes degradation processes on the surfaces of natural stone monuments, especially on porous stone surfaces. In these investigations were used samples of porous calcareous rocks similar to the natural stone from the many historical monuments of the Iasi city - Romania. These samples were coating with various commercially hydrophobic solutions. Further, these samples were exposed in the immediate vicinity of a historical monument and an intense road traffic junction. After about six months of exposure, apparent changes in the treated surfaces were compared with untreated control surfaces but subjected to the same environmental conditions over the same time period in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the hydrophobic treatment.

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Research paper thumbnail of R.E.E.L.D. (Economical and Ecological Reconstruction of the Danube Flood Plain) Campaign: airborne LIDAR data and GIS technique outputs

The study is the synthesis of the REELD (Economical and Ecological Reconstruction of the Danube F... more The study is the synthesis of the REELD (Economical and Ecological Reconstruction of the Danube Flood Plain)
2007 campaign and its applications, but also resenting the final results of the project. This unique work, by resolution
and surface covering, performed in 2007 over the whole Romanian Danube plain resulted in a high resolute
digital terrain and digital surface models covering over 700.000 ha. Using this extremely accurate terrain model,
derivate applications were performed such as analyze of the actual geomorphologic processes (gullies, landslides,
etc.), land cover dynamics, urban development indicators and also hydrological modeling for forecast and risk

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Proceedings of INTED2021 Conference, 2021

The worldwide COVID-19 situation forced a switch towards working online more than before. The edu... more The worldwide COVID-19 situation forced a switch towards working online more than before. The educational system was not spared and people involved in the teaching process were required, sometimes on short notice, to come up with alternative ways of carrying out their duties. While some activities are better suited to be conducted online, this is not the case of practical work. In this particular situations, traditional teaching methods have to be supplemented or even replaced with something adequate. For first year students of the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University, which are all required to take up a course in physics, we have created a series of simulations meant to assist them with the practical side of physics. The simulations were developed in LabVIEW, which is a decent platform even if it was not developed to be used for simulating purposes. Each simulation is intended to be run as an actual experiment and was built to accurately replicate the real-life apparatus available in the laboratory. For this reason, in addition to the required modelling of the physical phenomena, the virtual experiment also recreates the look and way of operation of controls and gauges. While simulations have existed for some time and many are available for free in the online medium, the elements of realism we have added to our virtual laboratory are intended to help our students familiarize themselves with the workings of the experimental setup prior to entering the physical laboratory. Over the long term, this is intended to be used in preparation for the actual assignment. In the immediate future, the virtual laboratory will offer students at home a chance to actively take part when classes are held in a mixed online-on-site system and may even serve as a backup solution when the safety measures dictate that activities should be held entirely online.

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Proceedings of INTED2021 Conference, 2021

Computer-assisted teaching and learning have expanded greatly in the last few years. They have al... more Computer-assisted teaching and learning have expanded greatly in the last few years. They have also been implemented very efficiently in our Physics course and laboratories, alongside the use of Internet. We have developed our own strategy to conduct laboratory work and study physics phenomena and laws based on the use of Adobe Flash and JavaScript programs. The computer simulations have been developed for our first-year students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services within the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania whose teaching languages are Romanian and English (RO+EN) and proved especially useful during the Covid-19 pandemic. These physics computer simulations turned out to be attractive for our students and enabled them to improve their skills when working in the physics laboratory and, they have been very effective tools for online learning, as they livened up the whole experience thanks to their friendly interfaces. Although all our teaching activities were transferred online during the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020, more precisely at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, our students worked efficiently for their laboratory activities due to the inclusion of seven computer simulations of laboratory works in the first-year undergraduate Physics curricula. Our students had at their disposal a virtual environment, the Virtual Physics Laboratory (VPL), that managed to replace quite successfully, though not optimally, the real work environment of the physics laboratory. We made a statistical analysis of how performing teaching exclusively in the online environment influenced students' performance. The usefulness of the Virtual Physics Laboratory (VPL) and of the online teaching method was reflected by our students' final exam achievements, as 32 % of them improved their laboratory work grades compared to the previous academic year. This improvement was achieved even though the students had to carry out their activity exclusively online on virtual platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams, and collect experimental data, perform calculations and work in laboratory teams that did not interact physically and directly in the physics lab. As far as exam grades are concerned, this year's results are comparable to those of the previous academic year, although there is a slight increase in the percentage of 7, 8 and 9 grades by 9 %, 12 % and 17 %, respectively. Moreover, during the entire semester, a number of 269 students were asked after each physics course if they preferred the online teaching method to the face-to-face one. On a scale of 1 to 5 (considering 1 for online courses and 5 for face-to-face courses) the analysis of the answers collected from students provided an average of the answers equal to (3.25±0.05), the percentage distribution of the answers being: 10.8% for 1, 9.9% for 2, 41.1% for 3, 19.6% for 4 and 18.6% for 5.

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EPJ Web of Conferences - ILRC28, 2018

DARLIOES-the advanced LIDAR is based on space-and time-resolved RAMAN and breakdown spectroscopy,... more DARLIOES-the advanced LIDAR is based on space-and time-resolved RAMAN and breakdown spectroscopy, to investigate chemical and toxic compounds, their kinetics and physical properties at high temporal (2 ns) and spatial (1 cm) resolution. The high spatial and temporal resolution are needed to resolve a large variety of chemical troposphere compounds, emissions from aircraft, the self-organization space charges induced light phenomena, temperature and humidity profiles, ice nucleation, etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of Innovative Internet of Things Healthcare Applications based on Green Power Energy

International Conference on Sensing and Instrumentation in IoT Era (ISSI), 2019

Application and implementation of Internet of Things principles promise to radically change our r... more Application and implementation of Internet of
Things principles promise to radically change our regular
lifestyle. Beyond the tempting facilities offered by smart home
appliances, this work proposes some innovative medical
applications of Internet of Things Relevant aspects related to
the structure of a system based on brainwave interfaces, the
results obtained so far, as well as the high complexity of these
systems were analyzed. Besides, in the current and especially
the future technological context, a new challenge – independent
green energy, was introduced. Capturing and recovering the
energy from ambient EMF will be the "zero-power" solution of
sensor networks, already recognized as one of the most
important technologies for real-world deployment of Internet
of Things systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of (ESYRO)LIDAR system developments for troposphere monitoring of aerosols and clouds properties

Proc. of SPIE - Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XVI, 2011

Aiming the remote sensing low cost, up-gradable and modular tools development for monitoring rele... more Aiming the remote sensing low cost, up-gradable and modular tools development for monitoring relevant atmospheric parameters and processes in the whole troposphere (from 250 m to 12-15 Km altitude), a new configuration LIDAR system, i.e. (ESYRO)LIDAR, dedicated for tropospheric aerosols and clouds high temporal (minutes) and spatial resolutions (meters) monitoring have been developed and tested. This extremely up-gradable configuration of (ESYRO)LIDAR is based on: a multi -wavelengths (1064, 532 and 355 nm) powerful (200, 100 and 45 mJ/pulse) and relatively high variable repetition rate (up to 30 Hz) Nd:YAG pulsed laser, a large Newtonian telescope (40 cm diameter of collector mirror) and a new opto-mechanics detection module built in an original ``eye geometry{''} consideration. The firsts tests and measurements were performed at the site of Science and Technology Park TehnopolIS (Iasi city located on the northeastern region of Romania), using a basic configuration with a 532 nm elastic detection with depolarization study module. Different types of clouds up to 12 km in daylight are highlighted from this first measurement. Measurements and tests made in other recent campaigns for 355 nm elastic channel are also presented. The ability of the new LIDAR system to determine the height of planetary boundary layer (PBL) determined from the LIDAR signals, as well as the aerosols load and optical parameters (extinction and backscatter) and the evaluation of atmospheric dynamics at high spatial-temporal resolutions are clearly confirmed. This paper presents the (ESYRO)LIDAR basic configuration with its two VIS elastic channels (532 nm, parallel and cross). The first measurements made with the UV (355 nm - interchangeable channel) and VIS (532 nm) elastic channels are illustrated by typical examples. The quality of (ESYRO)LIDAR atmospheric profiles is based on advantages of low divergence (0.15 mrad), relatively high repetition rate (30 Hz) and the coaxial UV-VIS-NIR. The present challenges are first a new robust more automatized alignment system and second the integration of more Raman detection channels ie. Raman H2O water vapor at 407 nm. This system is the base of the ROmanian LIdar NETwork (ROLINET).

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Research paper thumbnail of Python Utility: Laser-atmosphere interaction extended to Network Data Management

In order to improve the infrastructure collecting data, enhance both meteorological modeling capa... more In order to improve the infrastructure collecting data, enhance both meteorological modeling capabilities, study the air pollution and dispersion at national level, preliminary results are evidenced using a test source code written in the Python programing language

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Research paper thumbnail of Studies of Planetary Boundary Layer by Infrared Thermal Imagery

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2014

The IR camera is a relatively novel device for remote sensing of atmospheric thermal processes fr... more The IR camera is a relatively novel device for remote sensing of atmospheric thermal processes from the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) based on measurements of the infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is energy radiated by the motion of atoms and molecules on the surface of aerosols, when their temperature is more than absolute zero. The IR camera measures directly the intensity of radiation emitted by aerosols which is converted by an imaging sensor into an electric signal, resulting a thermal image. Every image pixel that corresponds to a specific radiance is pre-processed to identify the brightness temperature. The thermal infrared imaging radiometer used in this study, NicAir, is a precision radiometer developed by Prata et al. The device was calibrated for the temperature range of 270-320 K and using a calibration table along with image processing software, important information about variations in temperature can be extracted from acquired IR images. The PBL is the lowest layer of the troposphere where the atmosphere interacts with the ground surfaces. The importance of PBL lies in the fact that it provides a finite but varying volume in which pollutants can disperse. The aim of this paper is to analyze the PBL altitude and thickness variations over Iasi region using the IR imaging camera as well as its behavior from day to night and thermal processes occurring in PBL.

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EDULEARN17 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 2017

Computer simulations are designed for our 1st year students who study physics during the second s... more Computer simulations are designed for our 1st year students who study physics during the second semester and aim at enhancing students' understanding of physics phenomena and laws, and their practical laboratory skills. In order to enhance self-learning and group-learning activities we created a virtual physics laboratory where computer simulations are being used. Over the last decade, we have developed several computer simulations using Adobe Flash, HTML5 and JavaScript technologies. We reported considerable progress in students' ability to work in the physics laboratory and a significant increase of their scores at lab tests and final exams. This paper describes a statistical survey conducted to analyze the improvement of students' scores at their lab tests and in final physics exams in the last five academic years. Our statistical study collected descriptive statistical data from students studying both in Romanian (RO) and in English (EN) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services of ``Gheorghe Asachi{''} Technical University, Iasi (Romania) and contains inferential statistical results. Statistical analysis was performed for a total of 753 students including 534 students who study in Romanian (RO) and 219 students who study in English (EN). We noticed a rising tendency of high marks (8-10) and medium marks (5-7) in final exams. Therefore, marks rose by 23.83 \% at courses taught in Romanian and by 9.42 \% at courses taught in English, which means an average rise by 19.06 \% from 2012-2013 to 2016-2017. With regards to laboratory marks, there was a rise by 13.17 \% at laboratories taught in Romanian, by 18.75 \% at laboratories taught in English, namely a general average rise by 14.33 \% (RO) + (EN). Furthermore, two thirds of the students improved their scores because they used the virtual physics laboratory. The findings of the statistical survey prove that learning improved considerably due to the use of computer simulations and virtual physics laboratory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Approaching on Colorimetric Change of Porous Calcareous Rocks Exposed in Urban Environmental Conditions from Iasi - Romania

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017

According to the scientific literature, the pollution phenomenon is strongly related by the urban... more According to the scientific literature, the pollution phenomenon is strongly related by the urban activity from the last decades, with direct effects on the state of conservation of the stone constructions also. This paper presents a preliminary study on the colorimetric evolution of the lithic surfaces exposed under strongly traffic influence from the urban microclimate conditions. The analysed lithic surfaces are similar with the building stone from the structure of an historical monument (from 19 th century), such as the Stone Bridge in Iasi Romania, located in the immediate vicinity of the roadside loop with the same name. The colour change monitoring for the above-mentioned geomaterials aims at anticipating the effects of postponing the decongestion of car traffic and implicitly initiating the assessment of the effects of pollution over this historic monument, which is in an advanced state of deterioration and degradation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Research and development of commercial lidar systems in Romania: Critical review of the ESYRO lidar systems developed by sc enviroscopy SRL (ESYRO)

EPJ Web of Conferences - ILRC28, 2018

This paper is shortly presenting the two basic lidar system configurations respectively a micro-l... more This paper is shortly presenting the two basic lidar system configurations respectively a micro-lidar and a multi-wavelength lidar systems developed by SC EnviroScopY SRL (ESYRO) from Iasi Romania in the last decade. Furthermore in addition to the comparative analysis of the two technical configurations the examples of various tests and the capability of the two systems to perform are here presented. Measurements samples of aerosols, clouds, PBL, depolarization and Saharan dust are also illustrated.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Hydrophobic Coating on Porous Calcareous Rocks Surface Exposed in Urban Ambient Air Pollution

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 374 (2018) 012091, 2018

Urban air quality has changed rapidly in recent years, that requiring new research focused on the... more Urban air quality has changed rapidly in recent years, that requiring new research focused on the effects of pollution, both on the environment and on human health, as well as on apparent changes in building surfaces, including historical ones. As is known, permanent exposure to the atmosphere in the urban environment causes degradation processes on the surfaces of natural stone monuments, especially on porous stone surfaces. In these investigations were used samples of porous calcareous rocks similar to the natural stone from the many historical monuments of the Iasi city - Romania. These samples were coating with various commercially hydrophobic solutions. Further, these samples were exposed in the immediate vicinity of a historical monument and an intense road traffic junction. After about six months of exposure, apparent changes in the treated surfaces were compared with untreated control surfaces but subjected to the same environmental conditions over the same time period in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the hydrophobic treatment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Call For Papers:  Recent Advances in Atmospheric Optics: From Advanced Instrumentation and Techniques to Applications in Aerosol Monitoring

Atmosphere, 2024

Atmospheric optics is an interdisciplinary field that studies the interaction of light with the E... more Atmospheric optics is an interdisciplinary field that studies the interaction of light with the Earth's atmosphere. It has wide applications in fields such as air pollution, meteorology, climatology, astronomy, and telecommunications. Recent years have seen significant progress in atmospheric optics due to the development of new instruments and observation techniques.

This Special Issue presents the latest advances in atmospheric optics, with a focus on applications in aerosol monitoring. The topics covered will address the impact of atmospheric aerosols on air quality, human health, climate, and visibility, as well as their sources and monitoring methods. It will include a variety of articles, from literature reviews and case studies to presentations of advanced tools and techniques, covering the following areas of interest:

- Technological breakthroughs and advances
(* Development of advanced optical instruments and new and improved techniques for investigating atmospheric aerosols;
* Advanced modelling and simulation of light propagation in complex aerosol environments.)

- Applications and impact
(* Air quality monitoring and air pollution;
* Detection and characterisation of aerosol emissions from natural and anthropogenic sources; * Contributions to climate and climate change; * Applications in meteorology, telecommunications, and other related fields.)

- Machine learning technologies for analysing atmospheric data
(* Machine learning algorithms for processing and interpreting data from atmospheric optical instruments; * Development of predictive models to determine trends in atmospheric parameters; * Identifying complex patterns in atmospheric data using deep learning techniques; * Improving data quality and correcting measurement errors; * Automatic classification of aerosol types and identification of their sources; * Forecasting air quality and extreme weather events; * Development of early warning systems for air pollution.)

Case studies (examples)
( * Presentation of practical examples of the use of new optical instruments and techniques for the study of aerosols in different environments and regions; * Analysis of the impact of these studies on understanding the atmosphere and addressing issues of air quality and climate change; * Use of machine learning to analyse atmospheric data and identify trends in global aerosol concentrations for the development of prediction models.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue "Effects and Relations of Atmospheric Circulation on Remote Sensing Data"

Atmopshere, 2021

Dear Colleagues, Atmospheric pollution has become an increasing problem worldwide and is associa... more Dear Colleagues,

Atmospheric pollution has become an increasing problem worldwide and is associated with urbanization. Efforts of scientists are needed to help improve our ability to predict, at local and regional scales, pollution events and their impacts, especially in the context of the increasingly important smart city concept.

Modern and improved remote sensing techniques have great potential to gather information on atmospheric pollution. One important driver of atmospheric pollution is represented by the weather conditions, which represent the effect of atmospheric circulation. These contributions include recent experimental and modeling works, techniques and developments designed for the assessment of atmospheric circulation and long-range transport of aerosols and pollutants. We are also interested in reviews with possible future lines of investigations. Both observational and modeling approaches are welcomed.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

Remote sensing observations of atmospheric optical properties
Classification of atmospheric circulation applied to atmospheric pollution
Influence of atmospheric circulation on aerosol optical characteristics
Atmospheric circulation patterns associated with air quality/pollution
Long-range transport of radioactive particles
Implementation of air pollution forecast for smart city concept
Case studies of pollution events in relation with atmospheric circulation

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