Thieme A Hennis | Delft University of Technology (original) (raw)
Papers by Thieme A Hennis
Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 2017
ABSTRACT The large number of young people in Europe who lack formal qualifications constitutes a ... more ABSTRACT The large number of young people in Europe who lack formal qualifications constitutes a considerable concern in terms of individual, social and economic consequences. The influx of young migrants into Europe is making this issue even more significant. To avoid social exclusion and youth unemployment, and to ensure economic progress, the European Union (EU) and national governments are providing a variety of educational opportunities for these young people. As traditional approaches have not proved particularly successful, an alternative approach has been developed that seems to overcome previous limitations. This approach is characterized by a focus on learners' agency and identity, and offers young at-risk learners a different, more intrinsically motivating learning experience. The approach was implemented in 12 pilots in six different European countries, including several with migrant youth from different regions of the world. The main result presented here is a comprehensive design framework developed on the basis of a cross-case analysis. The framework includes design principles concerning the organization, as well as the pedagogy, of engaging at-risk youth. SOMMARIO In Europa, il considerevole numero di giovani sprovvisti di qualifiche formali sta destando notevole preoccupazione a causa delle possibili conseguenze individuali, economiche e sociali. L'afflusso di giovani immigrati in Europa rende il problema ancor più pressante. Al fine di evitare l'esclusione sociale, la disoccupazione giovanile e garantire il progresso economico, l'Unione Europea e i governi delle sue nazioni offrono a questi giovani una varietà di opportunità di istruzione/educative. Gli approcci fin qui adottati non hanno dato esito positivo e per questa ragione ne è stato sviluppato uno alternativo, che sembra meglio affrontare gli aspetti critici del tradizionale modo di operare. Questo approccio è caratterizzato da una particolare attenzione all'iniziativa e all'identità dello studente, e offre ai giovani studenti a rischio una esperienza di apprendimento differente, più intrinsecamente motivante. L'approccio in esame è stato adottato in 12 sperimentazioni pilota, in sei differenti paesi europei, coinvolgendo diversi giovani migranti provenienti da differenti parti del mondo. Il risultato principale qui presentato è un quadro progettuale completo, sviluppato sulla base di una analisi incrociata dei casi. Il quadro include i principi di progettazione in materia di organizzazione, così come i criteri pedagogici da impiegarsi con i giovani a rischio.
Hoe breng je bij tamelijk geïsoleerd werkende professionals de onderlinge informatie-en kennisuit... more Hoe breng je bij tamelijk geïsoleerd werkende professionals de onderlinge informatie-en kennisuitwisseling op gang? De oplossing lijkt simpel: bouw een online sociaal netwerk. Thieme Hennis (TU Delft) ontwierp een platform voor promovendi, maar succes bleek niet gegarandeerd. Een tweeluik over het belang van weldoordachte ontwikkeling. Tekst: Ongeveer een jaar geleden ontstond het idee voor het ontwikkelen van een online platform voor promovendi. Het inzetten van online sociale netwerken in organisaties niet alleen voor sociale, maar ook voor professionele doeleinden, kreeg meer en meer bekendheid. De inzet van sociale software en
If we consider knowledge to be the result of a negotiation process about references and meaning b... more If we consider knowledge to be the result of a negotiation process about references and meaning between individuals, then, we should consider it also a collective or social property. This view underlies numerous initiatives worldwide providing unrestricted online access to educational content, software tools, and implementation resources, commonly referred to as Open Educational Resources (OER). In earlier research on the use of Open Educational Resources at the organization, we addressed the issue of sustainability of OER projects in terms of organization, motivation, types of resources, types of reuse, and funding and revenue models. In this paper, we focus on how social mechanisms can contribute to increase motivation amongst stakeholders to maintain and create useful content, and engage in meaningful interactions within learning communities.
De TU Delft Is dit academisch jaar (2013/14) begonnen met het aanbieden van massive open online c... more De TU Delft Is dit academisch jaar (2013/14) begonnen met het aanbieden van massive open online courses (moocs) via edX; een open source leerplatform ontwikkeld door MIT en Harvard, waarvan intussen de TU, maar ook Stanford en een veertigtal andere universiteiten wereldwijd gebruik maken. Dit artiltel gaat over de vraag wat een mooc is, waarom de TU deze aanbiedt, wat voor inspanningen het kost om zo'n mooc te maken en welke ervaringen zijn opgedaan. Voor een deel komt die kennis uit de analyse van de grote hoeveelheid data, die de vele gebruikers van zo'n mooc genereren, in dit geval twee TU-moocs, die in november 2013 zijn afgerond. Er is veel discussie en beweging rond open onderwijs en de uitkomst is nog moeilijk te voorspellen. In deze situatie is het devies van de TU 'Learn and lead'.
Delft University of Technology started publishing some of her course materials online from Septem... more Delft University of Technology started publishing some of her course materials online from September 2007 in a project called Delft Open Courseware (OCW). This report discusses the future of this project, describes important issues that should be addressed in order to become sustainable, and ends with an advice on how this can be done.
In October 2007, TU Delft (Netherlands) launched it s Open Course Ware website (http://ocw.tudelf...[ more ](;)In October 2007, TU Delft (Netherlands) launched it s Open Course Ware website ( and became a member of the world-wide OpenCourseWare consortium ( From this date, educational resources used for the MSc programmes in Civil engineering, Electrical engineering and Offshore engineering have been made available to the public. In 2005, TU Delft signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to knowledge in t he science and humanities. In accordance with the Declaration free access to course content is being supported by the university. The goal of the OpenCourseWare initiative is to build and expand knowledge networks, to increase collaboration with society and to attract (PhD) students and life long learners. Since the TU Delft OpenCourseWare website is its pilot phase, it needed to be evaluated. Upcomin g courses on sustainable development, applied physi cs and biomedical engineering should benefit from the evaluation results. In this pa...
@com:opmaken volgens opmaakformat naar eigen keuze (format masterclass is ws al in gebruik) @kop:... more @com:opmaken volgens opmaakformat naar eigen keuze (format masterclass is ws al in gebruik) @kop:Platform voor promovendi @okop:Lessons learned leiden tot achtstappenplan @auteur:Thieme Hennis @intro:Hoe breng je bij tamelijk geïsoleerd werkende professionals de onderlinge informatie-en kennisuitwisseling op gang? Thieme Hennis (TU Delft) ontwierp een online sociaal netwerk voor promovendi, maar succes bleek niet gegarandeerd. Tweede deel van een tweeluik over het belang
This paper describes the reAct project in which an innovative learning approach is developed and ... more This paper describes the reAct project in which an innovative learning approach is developed and used to re-motivate the disengaged from education and learning to connect to lifelong learning practices. These youngsters constitute a considerable social problem in Europe and the aim of the project is to find ways to recover the intrinsic motivation to learn and thereby improve the opportunities for participation. Essential is the development of an innovative learning strategy in which the learner is in control of the learning process. The paper starts with an introduction on the challenge these dropouts pose to the society at large and the learning strategy developed to cope with this matter. ICT plays a key role in the methodology and links to a virtual environment similar to social networks, which is user-configurable and based on the concept of the Personal Learning Environment (PLE). The main research issues are: can reAct change the attitude, what are the benefits and drawbacks ...
Presentation:[ more ](;)Presentation: Delft University of Technology (TUD) is the largest university of engineering sciences in the Netherlands. TUD has been an active member of the Open Resources Movement since 2007 and in 2012 it has joined the EdX consortium. Openness in research and education is central in the TUD mission. It was the first edX partner to issue all its MOOCs under a creative commons license. In this presentation, we present our open research approach and toolbox. This toolbox facilitates sharing of data and the process of collaborative research in the context of MOOCs/online education. The presentation explains our rationale for open research, and our experiences with the toolbox, including research highlights.
The course was designed as a foundation course in Solar Energy, requiring basic knowledge of phys... more The course was designed as a foundation course in Solar Energy, requiring basic knowledge of physics and some mathematical skills. It consisted of 7 modules and an introductory week. The course was at a bachelor- level, designed for a broad range of students. Basic knowledge in physics and such mathematical skills as integration and differentiation were required. In the course video lectures were used, convergent exercises, tests, and animations for illustrating relevant engineering and physical phenomena. It was frequent feedback on the forum from.the news and announcements, included two feedback videos from the teacher and high feedback from the teacher, staff, and selected teacher assistants. The course had a flexible assessment strategy, i.e. the student had a selective choice of which exams to take and still allow a student to successfully complete the course. The most common reason to subscribe to the course was ‘To increase my knowledge and skills’. The median student age was...
The Credit MOOC (CRMOOC) was a highly structured course in the area of applied non-life soft disc... more The Credit MOOC (CRMOOC) was a highly structured course in the area of applied non-life soft discipline. An important characteristic was the student-centered approach with frequent asynchronous student-teacher interactions. There was a significant number of supporting materials easing students way into understanding the core course content. The weekly course structure had a conventional format of short videos (under 10 min), few unassessed close-ended questions testing general comprehension, and extra reading or video resources reaching beyond the basics to present the diversity of opinions around the issue at the heart of the module. The highly structured instructionist principles with objectives and an emphasis on learning support with for example the use of twitter for addressing urgent needs. The complex financial concepts were recorded using simple everyday materials, in a playful and creative way (e.g. see Figure 2). By using those in combination with the use of color, simple ...
The course was designed as an introduction to water treatment systems on a bachelor’s level with ... more The course was designed as an introduction to water treatment systems on a bachelor’s level with a focus on basic drinking water and wastewater treatment technologies for urban water services. It was structured in two long-lasting modules: drinking water and waste water. The course contained video lectures, convergent exercises, tests, and animations illustrating relevant engineering and physical phenomena. The assessment was focused on graded homework assignments and exams for corresponding modules. The materials were regularly updated. The forum showed heavy use at the start, but low participation in the remaining period. Students were quite satisfied with the overall quality, the pace of the course and the edX platform and would recommend the course to others. They would have liked some more collaboration and worked examples, but in general this course worked out well inspiring 88% of the completers to continue studying in this field. The decrease in the number of participants es...
This paper looks at the perceived value students adhere to the DelftX MOOC engineering courses th... more This paper looks at the perceived value students adhere to the DelftX MOOC engineering courses they have taken, in other words what is the course worth in the context of their learning needs? Are you doing the course because you are curious, you want to get more knowledgeable on the topic, you need to know something related to your work, you do it for other professional reasons. This research will not cover all arguments as it is a first endeavor to get to know the learner better from the value perspective.
The course is highly structured and teacher-controlled with frequent asynchronous student-teacher... more The course is highly structured and teacher-controlled with frequent asynchronous student-teacher interaction. It followed a conventional format of several short video segment sandwiched with tasks comprising homework assignments. A separate communication space was dedicated for each task and lecture segment, providing easy structural access to ask a question or make a comment related to particular content. The assignments focused on engaging the students steadily and early on. Individual differences of the students are accommo- dated through materials that help student organize learning offline. From the completers (578 students) 89% were male and 50% 21-35 years old. Most had a background in Aer- ospace (70%) and 64% hoped to enhance their career with this course. The intention for enrolment was rather diverse: a majority wanted to increase their knowledge and skills or found it an interesting topic or wanted to challenge oneself. Most of the students were opting out during the fi...
The reAct project is an innovative learning approach developed and used to re-motivate the diseng... more The reAct project is an innovative learning approach developed and used to re-motivate the disengaged from education and learning to connect to lifelong learning practices. These youngsters constitute a considerable social problem in Europe and the aim of the project is to find ways to recover the intrinsic motivation to learn and thereby improve the opportunities for participation. Key in this innovative strategy is self-organized learning, the learner in control of the learning process. The usage of media in the methodology is crucial and links to the concept of a user-configurable Personal Learning Environment (PLE). The main issues are: can reAct change the attitude, what are the benefits and drawbacks of this self-organized learning approach and do the ICT tools support these processes? Research shows that more flexible education and training systems with a variety of recognized learning pathways and combined with individual and school-level support offer more educational oppor...
The course originated from the encompassing 10 year THE research program on New Generation Infras... more The course originated from the encompassing 10 year THE research program on New Generation Infrastruc- tures, and covered the general discussion on infrastructural systems in the world with the purpose to develop a broad understanding. Most assignments revolved around authentic world-problems to provide a good balance between theory and examples. One of the achievements was the collective development of a World map on infrastructures, where students contributed with an array of materials. The course was intended as highly collaborative, and as an opportunity for crowd-sourced knowledge about the world infra-systems. The design of the course showed a constructivist orientation, was learner oriented and had a certain degree of student autonomy. This is slightly different from the regular xMOOC, which use in most instances a more instructionist approach focusing on knowledge transfer. The different pedagogy put pressure on the appropriate handling of feedback, assessment, and peer revi...
The Delft University of Technology (TUD) deployed her first generation of massive open online cou... more The Delft University of Technology (TUD) deployed her first generation of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in 2013-2014 delivered through the edX platform. These DelftX MOOCs were engineering courses designed at the level equivalent to that of a bachelor-program entry level. Almost 140 thousand students registered, around 3,7% received certificates of completion, and the rest participated to a degree reflective of their needs. To better understand and ultimately enhance the MOOCs, TUD conducted the collection and analysis of data about learners and their contexts. This exploratory paper focuses on the specific analyses pertinent to describing the demographics of an Engineering MOOC participant, as observed in the first generation of TUD MOOCs. The implications of the observed participant demographics are analysed and discussed.
Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 2017
ABSTRACT The large number of young people in Europe who lack formal qualifications constitutes a ... more ABSTRACT The large number of young people in Europe who lack formal qualifications constitutes a considerable concern in terms of individual, social and economic consequences. The influx of young migrants into Europe is making this issue even more significant. To avoid social exclusion and youth unemployment, and to ensure economic progress, the European Union (EU) and national governments are providing a variety of educational opportunities for these young people. As traditional approaches have not proved particularly successful, an alternative approach has been developed that seems to overcome previous limitations. This approach is characterized by a focus on learners' agency and identity, and offers young at-risk learners a different, more intrinsically motivating learning experience. The approach was implemented in 12 pilots in six different European countries, including several with migrant youth from different regions of the world. The main result presented here is a comprehensive design framework developed on the basis of a cross-case analysis. The framework includes design principles concerning the organization, as well as the pedagogy, of engaging at-risk youth. SOMMARIO In Europa, il considerevole numero di giovani sprovvisti di qualifiche formali sta destando notevole preoccupazione a causa delle possibili conseguenze individuali, economiche e sociali. L'afflusso di giovani immigrati in Europa rende il problema ancor più pressante. Al fine di evitare l'esclusione sociale, la disoccupazione giovanile e garantire il progresso economico, l'Unione Europea e i governi delle sue nazioni offrono a questi giovani una varietà di opportunità di istruzione/educative. Gli approcci fin qui adottati non hanno dato esito positivo e per questa ragione ne è stato sviluppato uno alternativo, che sembra meglio affrontare gli aspetti critici del tradizionale modo di operare. Questo approccio è caratterizzato da una particolare attenzione all'iniziativa e all'identità dello studente, e offre ai giovani studenti a rischio una esperienza di apprendimento differente, più intrinsecamente motivante. L'approccio in esame è stato adottato in 12 sperimentazioni pilota, in sei differenti paesi europei, coinvolgendo diversi giovani migranti provenienti da differenti parti del mondo. Il risultato principale qui presentato è un quadro progettuale completo, sviluppato sulla base di una analisi incrociata dei casi. Il quadro include i principi di progettazione in materia di organizzazione, così come i criteri pedagogici da impiegarsi con i giovani a rischio.
Hoe breng je bij tamelijk geïsoleerd werkende professionals de onderlinge informatie-en kennisuit... more Hoe breng je bij tamelijk geïsoleerd werkende professionals de onderlinge informatie-en kennisuitwisseling op gang? De oplossing lijkt simpel: bouw een online sociaal netwerk. Thieme Hennis (TU Delft) ontwierp een platform voor promovendi, maar succes bleek niet gegarandeerd. Een tweeluik over het belang van weldoordachte ontwikkeling. Tekst: Ongeveer een jaar geleden ontstond het idee voor het ontwikkelen van een online platform voor promovendi. Het inzetten van online sociale netwerken in organisaties niet alleen voor sociale, maar ook voor professionele doeleinden, kreeg meer en meer bekendheid. De inzet van sociale software en
If we consider knowledge to be the result of a negotiation process about references and meaning b... more If we consider knowledge to be the result of a negotiation process about references and meaning between individuals, then, we should consider it also a collective or social property. This view underlies numerous initiatives worldwide providing unrestricted online access to educational content, software tools, and implementation resources, commonly referred to as Open Educational Resources (OER). In earlier research on the use of Open Educational Resources at the organization, we addressed the issue of sustainability of OER projects in terms of organization, motivation, types of resources, types of reuse, and funding and revenue models. In this paper, we focus on how social mechanisms can contribute to increase motivation amongst stakeholders to maintain and create useful content, and engage in meaningful interactions within learning communities.
De TU Delft Is dit academisch jaar (2013/14) begonnen met het aanbieden van massive open online c... more De TU Delft Is dit academisch jaar (2013/14) begonnen met het aanbieden van massive open online courses (moocs) via edX; een open source leerplatform ontwikkeld door MIT en Harvard, waarvan intussen de TU, maar ook Stanford en een veertigtal andere universiteiten wereldwijd gebruik maken. Dit artiltel gaat over de vraag wat een mooc is, waarom de TU deze aanbiedt, wat voor inspanningen het kost om zo'n mooc te maken en welke ervaringen zijn opgedaan. Voor een deel komt die kennis uit de analyse van de grote hoeveelheid data, die de vele gebruikers van zo'n mooc genereren, in dit geval twee TU-moocs, die in november 2013 zijn afgerond. Er is veel discussie en beweging rond open onderwijs en de uitkomst is nog moeilijk te voorspellen. In deze situatie is het devies van de TU 'Learn and lead'.
Delft University of Technology started publishing some of her course materials online from Septem... more Delft University of Technology started publishing some of her course materials online from September 2007 in a project called Delft Open Courseware (OCW). This report discusses the future of this project, describes important issues that should be addressed in order to become sustainable, and ends with an advice on how this can be done.
In October 2007, TU Delft (Netherlands) launched it s Open Course Ware website (http://ocw.tudelf...[ more ](;)In October 2007, TU Delft (Netherlands) launched it s Open Course Ware website ( and became a member of the world-wide OpenCourseWare consortium ( From this date, educational resources used for the MSc programmes in Civil engineering, Electrical engineering and Offshore engineering have been made available to the public. In 2005, TU Delft signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to knowledge in t he science and humanities. In accordance with the Declaration free access to course content is being supported by the university. The goal of the OpenCourseWare initiative is to build and expand knowledge networks, to increase collaboration with society and to attract (PhD) students and life long learners. Since the TU Delft OpenCourseWare website is its pilot phase, it needed to be evaluated. Upcomin g courses on sustainable development, applied physi cs and biomedical engineering should benefit from the evaluation results. In this pa...
@com:opmaken volgens opmaakformat naar eigen keuze (format masterclass is ws al in gebruik) @kop:... more @com:opmaken volgens opmaakformat naar eigen keuze (format masterclass is ws al in gebruik) @kop:Platform voor promovendi @okop:Lessons learned leiden tot achtstappenplan @auteur:Thieme Hennis @intro:Hoe breng je bij tamelijk geïsoleerd werkende professionals de onderlinge informatie-en kennisuitwisseling op gang? Thieme Hennis (TU Delft) ontwierp een online sociaal netwerk voor promovendi, maar succes bleek niet gegarandeerd. Tweede deel van een tweeluik over het belang
This paper describes the reAct project in which an innovative learning approach is developed and ... more This paper describes the reAct project in which an innovative learning approach is developed and used to re-motivate the disengaged from education and learning to connect to lifelong learning practices. These youngsters constitute a considerable social problem in Europe and the aim of the project is to find ways to recover the intrinsic motivation to learn and thereby improve the opportunities for participation. Essential is the development of an innovative learning strategy in which the learner is in control of the learning process. The paper starts with an introduction on the challenge these dropouts pose to the society at large and the learning strategy developed to cope with this matter. ICT plays a key role in the methodology and links to a virtual environment similar to social networks, which is user-configurable and based on the concept of the Personal Learning Environment (PLE). The main research issues are: can reAct change the attitude, what are the benefits and drawbacks ...
Presentation:[ more ](;)Presentation: Delft University of Technology (TUD) is the largest university of engineering sciences in the Netherlands. TUD has been an active member of the Open Resources Movement since 2007 and in 2012 it has joined the EdX consortium. Openness in research and education is central in the TUD mission. It was the first edX partner to issue all its MOOCs under a creative commons license. In this presentation, we present our open research approach and toolbox. This toolbox facilitates sharing of data and the process of collaborative research in the context of MOOCs/online education. The presentation explains our rationale for open research, and our experiences with the toolbox, including research highlights.
The course was designed as a foundation course in Solar Energy, requiring basic knowledge of phys... more The course was designed as a foundation course in Solar Energy, requiring basic knowledge of physics and some mathematical skills. It consisted of 7 modules and an introductory week. The course was at a bachelor- level, designed for a broad range of students. Basic knowledge in physics and such mathematical skills as integration and differentiation were required. In the course video lectures were used, convergent exercises, tests, and animations for illustrating relevant engineering and physical phenomena. It was frequent feedback on the forum from.the news and announcements, included two feedback videos from the teacher and high feedback from the teacher, staff, and selected teacher assistants. The course had a flexible assessment strategy, i.e. the student had a selective choice of which exams to take and still allow a student to successfully complete the course. The most common reason to subscribe to the course was ‘To increase my knowledge and skills’. The median student age was...
The Credit MOOC (CRMOOC) was a highly structured course in the area of applied non-life soft disc... more The Credit MOOC (CRMOOC) was a highly structured course in the area of applied non-life soft discipline. An important characteristic was the student-centered approach with frequent asynchronous student-teacher interactions. There was a significant number of supporting materials easing students way into understanding the core course content. The weekly course structure had a conventional format of short videos (under 10 min), few unassessed close-ended questions testing general comprehension, and extra reading or video resources reaching beyond the basics to present the diversity of opinions around the issue at the heart of the module. The highly structured instructionist principles with objectives and an emphasis on learning support with for example the use of twitter for addressing urgent needs. The complex financial concepts were recorded using simple everyday materials, in a playful and creative way (e.g. see Figure 2). By using those in combination with the use of color, simple ...
The course was designed as an introduction to water treatment systems on a bachelor’s level with ... more The course was designed as an introduction to water treatment systems on a bachelor’s level with a focus on basic drinking water and wastewater treatment technologies for urban water services. It was structured in two long-lasting modules: drinking water and waste water. The course contained video lectures, convergent exercises, tests, and animations illustrating relevant engineering and physical phenomena. The assessment was focused on graded homework assignments and exams for corresponding modules. The materials were regularly updated. The forum showed heavy use at the start, but low participation in the remaining period. Students were quite satisfied with the overall quality, the pace of the course and the edX platform and would recommend the course to others. They would have liked some more collaboration and worked examples, but in general this course worked out well inspiring 88% of the completers to continue studying in this field. The decrease in the number of participants es...
This paper looks at the perceived value students adhere to the DelftX MOOC engineering courses th... more This paper looks at the perceived value students adhere to the DelftX MOOC engineering courses they have taken, in other words what is the course worth in the context of their learning needs? Are you doing the course because you are curious, you want to get more knowledgeable on the topic, you need to know something related to your work, you do it for other professional reasons. This research will not cover all arguments as it is a first endeavor to get to know the learner better from the value perspective.
The course is highly structured and teacher-controlled with frequent asynchronous student-teacher... more The course is highly structured and teacher-controlled with frequent asynchronous student-teacher interaction. It followed a conventional format of several short video segment sandwiched with tasks comprising homework assignments. A separate communication space was dedicated for each task and lecture segment, providing easy structural access to ask a question or make a comment related to particular content. The assignments focused on engaging the students steadily and early on. Individual differences of the students are accommo- dated through materials that help student organize learning offline. From the completers (578 students) 89% were male and 50% 21-35 years old. Most had a background in Aer- ospace (70%) and 64% hoped to enhance their career with this course. The intention for enrolment was rather diverse: a majority wanted to increase their knowledge and skills or found it an interesting topic or wanted to challenge oneself. Most of the students were opting out during the fi...
The reAct project is an innovative learning approach developed and used to re-motivate the diseng... more The reAct project is an innovative learning approach developed and used to re-motivate the disengaged from education and learning to connect to lifelong learning practices. These youngsters constitute a considerable social problem in Europe and the aim of the project is to find ways to recover the intrinsic motivation to learn and thereby improve the opportunities for participation. Key in this innovative strategy is self-organized learning, the learner in control of the learning process. The usage of media in the methodology is crucial and links to the concept of a user-configurable Personal Learning Environment (PLE). The main issues are: can reAct change the attitude, what are the benefits and drawbacks of this self-organized learning approach and do the ICT tools support these processes? Research shows that more flexible education and training systems with a variety of recognized learning pathways and combined with individual and school-level support offer more educational oppor...
The course originated from the encompassing 10 year THE research program on New Generation Infras... more The course originated from the encompassing 10 year THE research program on New Generation Infrastruc- tures, and covered the general discussion on infrastructural systems in the world with the purpose to develop a broad understanding. Most assignments revolved around authentic world-problems to provide a good balance between theory and examples. One of the achievements was the collective development of a World map on infrastructures, where students contributed with an array of materials. The course was intended as highly collaborative, and as an opportunity for crowd-sourced knowledge about the world infra-systems. The design of the course showed a constructivist orientation, was learner oriented and had a certain degree of student autonomy. This is slightly different from the regular xMOOC, which use in most instances a more instructionist approach focusing on knowledge transfer. The different pedagogy put pressure on the appropriate handling of feedback, assessment, and peer revi...
The Delft University of Technology (TUD) deployed her first generation of massive open online cou... more The Delft University of Technology (TUD) deployed her first generation of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in 2013-2014 delivered through the edX platform. These DelftX MOOCs were engineering courses designed at the level equivalent to that of a bachelor-program entry level. Almost 140 thousand students registered, around 3,7% received certificates of completion, and the rest participated to a degree reflective of their needs. To better understand and ultimately enhance the MOOCs, TUD conducted the collection and analysis of data about learners and their contexts. This exploratory paper focuses on the specific analyses pertinent to describing the demographics of an Engineering MOOC participant, as observed in the first generation of TUD MOOCs. The implications of the observed participant demographics are analysed and discussed.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK'17), 2017
In this poster, we present the results of the study which examined the relationship between stude... more In this poster, we present the results of the study which examined the relationship between student differences in their use of the available technology and their perceived levels of cognitive presence within the MOOC context. The cognitive presence is a construct used to measure the level of practical inquiry in the Communities of Inquiry model. Our results revealed the existence of three clusters based on student technology use. The clusters significantly differed in terms of their levels of cognitive presence, most notably they differed on the levels of problem resolution.