Nicola Zannone | Eindhoven University of Technology (original) (raw)

Papers by Nicola Zannone

Research paper thumbnail of An Anomaly Analysis Framework for Database Systems

Anomaly detection systems are usually employed to monitor database activities in order to detect... more Anomaly detection systems are usually employed to monitor database activities
in order to detect security incidents. These systems raise alerts when anomalous
activities are detected. The alerts raised have to be analyzed to timely respond
to the security incidents. Their analysis, however, is time-consuming and costly.
This problem increases with the large number of alerts often raised by anomaly detection
systems. To timely and effectively handle security incidents, alerts should
be accompanied by information which allows the understanding of incidents and
their context (e.g., root causes, attack type) and their prioritization (e.g., criticality
level). Unfortunately, the current state of affairs regarding the information about
alerts provided by existing anomaly detection systems is not very satisfactory. This
work presents an anomaly analysis framework that facilitates the analysis of alerts
raised by an anomaly detection system monitoring a database system. The framework
provides an approach to assess the criticality of alerts with respect to the
disclosure of sensitive information and a feature-based approach for the classification
of alerts with respect to database attacks. The framework has been deployed as
a web-based alert audit tool that provides alert classification and risk-based ranking
capabilities, significantly easing the analysis of alerts. We validate the classification
and ranking approaches using synthetic data generated through an existing
healthcare management system.

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Leakage Quantification

DBSec 2014, 2014

""The detection and handling of data leakages is becoming a critical issue for organizations. To... more ""The detection and handling of data leakages is becoming a critical issue
for organizations. To this end, data leakage solutions are usually employed by
organizations to monitor network traffic and the use of portable storage devices.
These solutions often produce a large number of alerts, whose analysis is timeconsuming
and costly for organizations. To effectively handle leakage incidents,
organizations should be able to focus on the most severe incidents. Therefore,
alerts need to be prioritized with respect to their severity. This work presents
a novel approach for the quantification of data leakages based on their severity.
The approach quantifies leakages with respect to the amount and sensitivity of the
leaked information as well as the ability to identify the data subjects of the leaked
information. To specify and reason on data sensitivity in an application domain,
we propose a data model representing the knowledge in the domain. We validate
our approach by analyzing data leakages within a healthcare environment.""

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Research paper thumbnail of A Reference Model for Reputation Systems

A Reference Model for Reputation Systems, 2014

Recent advances in ICT have led to a vast and expeditious development of e-services and technolog... more Recent advances in ICT have led to a vast and expeditious development of e-services and technology. Trust is a fundamental aspect for the acceptance and adoption of these new services. Reputation is commonly employed as the measure of the trustworthiness of users in on-line communities. However, to facilitate their acceptance, reputation systems should be able to deal with the trust challenges and needs of those services.

The aim of this survey is to propose a framework for the analysis of reputation systems. We elicit the requirements for reputations metrics along with the features necessary to achieve such requirements. The identified requirements and features form a reference framework which allows an objective evaluation and comparison of reputation systems. We demonstrate its applicability by analyzing and classifying a number of existing reputation systems. Our framework can serve as a reference model for the analysis of reputation systems. It is also helpful for the design of new reputation systems as it provides an analysis of the implications of design choices.

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Reliability in Home Healthcare Services

CBMS 2013, 2013

"Home healthcare services are emerging as a new frontier in healthcare practices. Data reliabili... more "Home healthcare services are emerging as a new frontier
in healthcare practices. Data reliability, however, is
crucial for the acceptance of these new services. This work
presents a semi-automated system to evaluate the quality
of medical measurements taken by patients. The system relies
on data qualifiers to evaluate various quality aspects
of measurements. The overall quality of measurements is
determined on the basis of these qualifiers enhanced with
a troubleshooting mechanism. Namely, the troubleshooting
mechanism guides healthcare professionals in the investigation
of the root causes of low quality values."

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of ICT on Home Healthcare

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Research paper thumbnail of Database Anomalous Activities: Detection and Quantification

SECRYPT 2013, 2013

The disclosure of sensitive data to unauthorized entities is a critical issue for organizations. ... more The disclosure of sensitive data to unauthorized entities is a critical issue for organizations. Timely detection
of data leakage is crucial to reduce possible damages. Therefore, breaches should be detected as early as
possible, e.g., when data are leaving the database. In this paper, we focus on data leakage detection by
monitoring database activities. We present a framework that automatically learns normal user behavior, in
terms of database activities, and detects anomalies as deviation from such behavior. In addition, our approach
explicitly indicates the root cause of an anomaly. Finally, the framework assesses the severity of data leakages
based on the sensitivity of the disclosed data.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of ICT on Home Healthcare

IFIP HCC 10, 2012

Innovation in information and communication technology has a great potential to create large impa... more Innovation in information and communication technology has a great potential to create large impact on modern healthcare. However, for the new technologies to be adopted, the innovations have to be meaningful and timely, taking into account user needs and addressing societal and ethical concerns. In this paper, we focus on ICT innovations related to home healthcare domain, in which patient safety and security, but also trust and privacy are of utmost im-portance. To ensure the adoption of new healthcare services, the new innovative technologies need to be complemented with new methods that can help patients to establish trust in healthcare service providers in terms of privacy, reliability, integrity of the data chain and techniques that help service providers to assess the reliability of information and data contributed by patients. This paper sketches various lines of research for the development of trusted healthcare ser-vices namely, patient compliance, reliability of information in healthcare, and user-friendly access control.

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Research paper thumbnail of Flow-based reputation: more than just ranking

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Minimisation in Communication Protocols: A Formal Analysis Framework and Application to Identity Management

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Research paper thumbnail of GEM: a Distributed Goal Evaluation Algorithm for Trust Management

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Research paper thumbnail of An evaluation of business solutions in manufacturing enterprises

International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A vulnerability-centric requirements engineering framework: analyzing security attacks, countermeasures, and requirements based on vulnerabilities

Requirements Engineering, 2010

Many security breaches occur because of exploitation of vulnerabilities within the system. Vulner... more Many security breaches occur because of exploitation of vulnerabilities within the system. Vulnerabilities are weaknesses in the requirements, design, and implementation, which attackers exploit to compromise the system. This paper proposes a methodological framework for security requirements elicitation and analysis centered on vulnerabilities. The framework offers modeling and analysis facilities to assist system designers in analyzing vulnerabilities and their effects on the system; identifying potential attackers and analyzing their behavior for compromising the system; and identifying and analyzing the countermeasures to protect the system. The framework proposes a qualitative goal model evaluation analysis for assessing the risks of vulnerabilities exploitation and analyzing the impact of countermeasures on such risks.

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Research paper thumbnail of POLIPO: Policies & OntoLogies for Interoperability, Portability, and autOnomy

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Research paper thumbnail of Formal Analysis of BPMN Via a Translation into COWS

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Research paper thumbnail of An enhanced CFA for security policies

... by Chiara Bodei , Pierpaolo Degano , Corrado Priami , Nicola Zannone. Add To MetaCart. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards the development of privacy-aware systems

Information & Software Technology, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk as Dependability Metrics for the Evaluation of Business Solutions: A Model-driven Approach

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Research paper thumbnail of Privacy Is Linking Permission to Purpose

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling security and trust with Secure Tropos

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Research paper thumbnail of Why Eliciting and Managing Legal Requirements Is Hard

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Research paper thumbnail of An Anomaly Analysis Framework for Database Systems

Anomaly detection systems are usually employed to monitor database activities in order to detect... more Anomaly detection systems are usually employed to monitor database activities
in order to detect security incidents. These systems raise alerts when anomalous
activities are detected. The alerts raised have to be analyzed to timely respond
to the security incidents. Their analysis, however, is time-consuming and costly.
This problem increases with the large number of alerts often raised by anomaly detection
systems. To timely and effectively handle security incidents, alerts should
be accompanied by information which allows the understanding of incidents and
their context (e.g., root causes, attack type) and their prioritization (e.g., criticality
level). Unfortunately, the current state of affairs regarding the information about
alerts provided by existing anomaly detection systems is not very satisfactory. This
work presents an anomaly analysis framework that facilitates the analysis of alerts
raised by an anomaly detection system monitoring a database system. The framework
provides an approach to assess the criticality of alerts with respect to the
disclosure of sensitive information and a feature-based approach for the classification
of alerts with respect to database attacks. The framework has been deployed as
a web-based alert audit tool that provides alert classification and risk-based ranking
capabilities, significantly easing the analysis of alerts. We validate the classification
and ranking approaches using synthetic data generated through an existing
healthcare management system.

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Leakage Quantification

DBSec 2014, 2014

""The detection and handling of data leakages is becoming a critical issue for organizations. To... more ""The detection and handling of data leakages is becoming a critical issue
for organizations. To this end, data leakage solutions are usually employed by
organizations to monitor network traffic and the use of portable storage devices.
These solutions often produce a large number of alerts, whose analysis is timeconsuming
and costly for organizations. To effectively handle leakage incidents,
organizations should be able to focus on the most severe incidents. Therefore,
alerts need to be prioritized with respect to their severity. This work presents
a novel approach for the quantification of data leakages based on their severity.
The approach quantifies leakages with respect to the amount and sensitivity of the
leaked information as well as the ability to identify the data subjects of the leaked
information. To specify and reason on data sensitivity in an application domain,
we propose a data model representing the knowledge in the domain. We validate
our approach by analyzing data leakages within a healthcare environment.""

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Research paper thumbnail of A Reference Model for Reputation Systems

A Reference Model for Reputation Systems, 2014

Recent advances in ICT have led to a vast and expeditious development of e-services and technolog... more Recent advances in ICT have led to a vast and expeditious development of e-services and technology. Trust is a fundamental aspect for the acceptance and adoption of these new services. Reputation is commonly employed as the measure of the trustworthiness of users in on-line communities. However, to facilitate their acceptance, reputation systems should be able to deal with the trust challenges and needs of those services.

The aim of this survey is to propose a framework for the analysis of reputation systems. We elicit the requirements for reputations metrics along with the features necessary to achieve such requirements. The identified requirements and features form a reference framework which allows an objective evaluation and comparison of reputation systems. We demonstrate its applicability by analyzing and classifying a number of existing reputation systems. Our framework can serve as a reference model for the analysis of reputation systems. It is also helpful for the design of new reputation systems as it provides an analysis of the implications of design choices.

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Reliability in Home Healthcare Services

CBMS 2013, 2013

"Home healthcare services are emerging as a new frontier in healthcare practices. Data reliabili... more "Home healthcare services are emerging as a new frontier
in healthcare practices. Data reliability, however, is
crucial for the acceptance of these new services. This work
presents a semi-automated system to evaluate the quality
of medical measurements taken by patients. The system relies
on data qualifiers to evaluate various quality aspects
of measurements. The overall quality of measurements is
determined on the basis of these qualifiers enhanced with
a troubleshooting mechanism. Namely, the troubleshooting
mechanism guides healthcare professionals in the investigation
of the root causes of low quality values."

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of ICT on Home Healthcare

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Research paper thumbnail of Database Anomalous Activities: Detection and Quantification

SECRYPT 2013, 2013

The disclosure of sensitive data to unauthorized entities is a critical issue for organizations. ... more The disclosure of sensitive data to unauthorized entities is a critical issue for organizations. Timely detection
of data leakage is crucial to reduce possible damages. Therefore, breaches should be detected as early as
possible, e.g., when data are leaving the database. In this paper, we focus on data leakage detection by
monitoring database activities. We present a framework that automatically learns normal user behavior, in
terms of database activities, and detects anomalies as deviation from such behavior. In addition, our approach
explicitly indicates the root cause of an anomaly. Finally, the framework assesses the severity of data leakages
based on the sensitivity of the disclosed data.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of ICT on Home Healthcare

IFIP HCC 10, 2012

Innovation in information and communication technology has a great potential to create large impa... more Innovation in information and communication technology has a great potential to create large impact on modern healthcare. However, for the new technologies to be adopted, the innovations have to be meaningful and timely, taking into account user needs and addressing societal and ethical concerns. In this paper, we focus on ICT innovations related to home healthcare domain, in which patient safety and security, but also trust and privacy are of utmost im-portance. To ensure the adoption of new healthcare services, the new innovative technologies need to be complemented with new methods that can help patients to establish trust in healthcare service providers in terms of privacy, reliability, integrity of the data chain and techniques that help service providers to assess the reliability of information and data contributed by patients. This paper sketches various lines of research for the development of trusted healthcare ser-vices namely, patient compliance, reliability of information in healthcare, and user-friendly access control.

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Research paper thumbnail of Flow-based reputation: more than just ranking

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Minimisation in Communication Protocols: A Formal Analysis Framework and Application to Identity Management

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Research paper thumbnail of GEM: a Distributed Goal Evaluation Algorithm for Trust Management

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Research paper thumbnail of An evaluation of business solutions in manufacturing enterprises

International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A vulnerability-centric requirements engineering framework: analyzing security attacks, countermeasures, and requirements based on vulnerabilities

Requirements Engineering, 2010

Many security breaches occur because of exploitation of vulnerabilities within the system. Vulner... more Many security breaches occur because of exploitation of vulnerabilities within the system. Vulnerabilities are weaknesses in the requirements, design, and implementation, which attackers exploit to compromise the system. This paper proposes a methodological framework for security requirements elicitation and analysis centered on vulnerabilities. The framework offers modeling and analysis facilities to assist system designers in analyzing vulnerabilities and their effects on the system; identifying potential attackers and analyzing their behavior for compromising the system; and identifying and analyzing the countermeasures to protect the system. The framework proposes a qualitative goal model evaluation analysis for assessing the risks of vulnerabilities exploitation and analyzing the impact of countermeasures on such risks.

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Research paper thumbnail of POLIPO: Policies & OntoLogies for Interoperability, Portability, and autOnomy

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Research paper thumbnail of Formal Analysis of BPMN Via a Translation into COWS

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Research paper thumbnail of An enhanced CFA for security policies

... by Chiara Bodei , Pierpaolo Degano , Corrado Priami , Nicola Zannone. Add To MetaCart. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards the development of privacy-aware systems

Information & Software Technology, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk as Dependability Metrics for the Evaluation of Business Solutions: A Model-driven Approach

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Research paper thumbnail of Privacy Is Linking Permission to Purpose

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling security and trust with Secure Tropos

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Research paper thumbnail of Why Eliciting and Managing Legal Requirements Is Hard

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