TUF LUVS (original) (raw)
27 February 2013 @ 02:59 am
I don't know if a fic request is aloud but I was wondering if anybody was willing to write a Nick Diaz/Nate fic?
19 August 2011 @ 09:08 pm
Here are some random things I've seen around recently.
Also, I just bought tickets to 136 and I'm super excited. Anyone else planning on going to that? There's also a fan expo right before the fights. I went to the one in Boston and it was awesome. =D
Videos of Kenny Florian and Kurt Pellegrino
Picture of BJ Penn and Matt Hughes
( I've been smoking crack... ass crack, for the last three years.Collapse )
Anyone catch last night's episode? It was a
good one!
id like some nick diaz icons plz
it would make war machine very happy.
doesnt have to be fancy either
09 February 2011 @ 02:38 am
Here are pretty much all of the UFC related icons I've ever made. Most of them are animated but a few aren't.
1. Sokoudjou
6. Nick Ring
1. Forrest Griffin
2. Luigi Fioravanti
1. Kenny Florian and Kurt Pellegrino
1. Cole Miller
1. Clayton McKinney
1. ?
1. Mario Yamasaki
1. Vitor Belfort
09 January 2011 @ 03:41 pm
01 November 2010 @ 10:29 pm
If anyone is alive here, tell me who your favorite fighters are, who you think will win, how much Koscheck wants to motorboat GSP's ass, etc.
( I'm a grown man, I don't need protectionCollapse )
31 August 2010 @ 12:37 am
Can we have a discussion post here?
I went to the event in Boston and also to the fan expo and it was amazing. I met a ton of the fighters and they were all extremely nice. I need to fangirl here a bit.
I may or may not have covertly touched their lower backs while posing for pictures with a dorky grin plastered across my face. It was pretty cool. They all smelled nice and were much more handsome in person. =)
I can spill the deets if anyone cares.
Edit: I am disappointed in you guys for not demanding pictures.
15 August 2010 @ 12:10 am
Cast info for season 12 has been released already, so here is a metric ton of pictures