Francisco Estrada-Belli | Tulane University (original) (raw)


Books by Francisco Estrada-Belli


Art for archaeology's sake : material culture and style across the disciplines : proceedings of the Thirty-third Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of The Maya In Millennial Perspective

An overview of Lowland Maya Civilization in celebration of the 2012 Baktun event. This ebook acco... more An overview of Lowland Maya Civilization in celebration of the 2012 Baktun event. This ebook accompanies an exhibit funded by the IDB of Washington D.C. that includes several archaeological objects from Guatemala.

Research paper thumbnail of The First Maya Civilization

A new perpective on the beginnings of Maya Civilization based on research at the sites of Holmul ... more A new perpective on the beginnings of Maya Civilization based on research at the sites of Holmul and Cival, Peten, Guatemala

Research paper thumbnail of The First Maya Civilization: Ritual and Power before the Classic period

The First Maya Civilization discusses the most recent advances in our knowledge of the Preclassic... more The First Maya Civilization discusses the most recent advances in our knowledge of the Preclassic Maya and the emergence of their rainforest civilization, with new data on settlement, political organization, architecture, iconography and epigraphy supporting a contemporary theoretical perspective that challenges prior assumptions.

Papers by Francisco Estrada-Belli

Research paper thumbnail of Holmul lidar report

Report on 2015 lidar survey of Holmul, Cival and nearby ancient Maya settlement by National Cente... more Report on 2015 lidar survey of Holmul, Cival and nearby ancient Maya settlement by National Center for Aerial Lidar Mapping

Research paper thumbnail of Late Preclassic ceramic industries of pacific Guatemala and El Salvador: The pacific coast as core, not periphery

Journal of field …, 1999

... In fact, the sites ofNueve Cerros in the Rio Esclavos drainage and Ujuxte in the Piedmont zon... more ... In fact, the sites ofNueve Cerros in the Rio Esclavos drainage and Ujuxte in the Piedmont zone appear to be major Late Pre-classic centers, ,vhile there is also evidence of prominent Late Preclassic occupation at Bonete, CantarranajLa Maquina (which includes the small site of ...


3 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................... more 3 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................... 4

Research paper thumbnail of Nested Hegemonies in the Holmul Region

Research paper thumbnail of Holmul y la hegemonia del reino Kaanul en el este de Peten

En los últimos 15 años se han logrado contestar algunas de las interrogantes principales sobre Ho... more En los últimos 15 años se han logrado contestar algunas de las interrogantes principales sobre Holmul: cuál era la extensión real de la ciudad, cuáles sus antecedentes en el Preclásico y sus relaciones externas en el Clásico. Por su parte Cival fue una ciudad de entre 5 000 y 10 000 habitantes durente el Preclásico Tardío, y es una de las verdaderas ciudades perdidas de la selva maya

Research paper thumbnail of Discovery of two predicted Ancient Maya sites in Belize

Research paper thumbnail of Los Mayas en una perspectiva milenaria

Los Mayas en una Perspectiva Milenaria presenta la larga historia de la cultura maya, tal y como ... more Los Mayas en una Perspectiva Milenaria presenta la larga historia de la cultura maya, tal y como tomo forma en las tierras bajas. Examina lo que los mayas pensaron acerca del mundo que los rodeaba y como dieron forma a una economia floreciente que abastecio las grandes ciudades cortesanas que dominaron el mundo maya del periodo Clasico (250-800 d.C.)

Research paper thumbnail of The Real Business of Ancient Maya Economies: From Farmers' Fields to Rulers’ Realms. MARILYN A. MASSON, DAVID A. FREIDEL, AND ARTHUR A. DEMAREST, editors. 2020. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. xx + 634 pp. $125.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-81306-629-5

Research paper thumbnail of 6. Regional and Interregional Interactions and the Preclassic Maya

Research paper thumbnail of Ritual and Political Landscapes of the Preclassic Maya: A View from the Cival Region

Research paper thumbnail of Patterns of Early Urbanism in the Southern Maya Lowlands

Early Mesoamerican Cities: Urbanism and Urbanization in the Formative Period, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Fire on the Mountain: Total War in the Maya Lowlands

Research paper thumbnail of The evolution of complex societies in southeastern Pacific Coastal Guatemala : a regional GIS archaeological approach

Research paper thumbnail of The Maya in a Millenial Perspective

The Maya in a Millennial Perspective looks at the deep history of the lowland Maya. It examines w... more The Maya in a Millennial Perspective looks at the deep history of the lowland Maya. It examines what the Maya thought about the world around them and how they crafted nature into a flourishing economy that supported the grand, courtly cities that dominated the Maya world during the Classic Period (250-800 CE).

Research paper thumbnail of Holmul y la hegemonía del reino Kaanul en el este de Petén

Arqueología Mexicana, 2016

En los ultimos 15 anos se han logrado contestar algunas de las interrogantes principales sobre Ho... more En los ultimos 15 anos se han logrado contestar algunas de las interrogantes principales sobre Holmul: cual era la extension real de la ciudad, cuales sus antecedentes en el Preclasico y sus relaciones externas en el Clasico. Por su parte, Cival fue una ciudad de entre 5 000 a 10 000 habitantes durante el Preclasico Tardio, y es una de las verdaderas ciudades perdidas de la selva maya.

Research paper thumbnail of The nature of interaction at La Sufricaya, Guatemala: Evidence from stable isotope analysis of human tooth enamel


Art for archaeology's sake : material culture and style across the disciplines : proceedings of the Thirty-third Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of The Maya In Millennial Perspective

An overview of Lowland Maya Civilization in celebration of the 2012 Baktun event. This ebook acco... more An overview of Lowland Maya Civilization in celebration of the 2012 Baktun event. This ebook accompanies an exhibit funded by the IDB of Washington D.C. that includes several archaeological objects from Guatemala.

Research paper thumbnail of The First Maya Civilization

A new perpective on the beginnings of Maya Civilization based on research at the sites of Holmul ... more A new perpective on the beginnings of Maya Civilization based on research at the sites of Holmul and Cival, Peten, Guatemala

Research paper thumbnail of The First Maya Civilization: Ritual and Power before the Classic period

The First Maya Civilization discusses the most recent advances in our knowledge of the Preclassic... more The First Maya Civilization discusses the most recent advances in our knowledge of the Preclassic Maya and the emergence of their rainforest civilization, with new data on settlement, political organization, architecture, iconography and epigraphy supporting a contemporary theoretical perspective that challenges prior assumptions.

Research paper thumbnail of Holmul lidar report

Report on 2015 lidar survey of Holmul, Cival and nearby ancient Maya settlement by National Cente... more Report on 2015 lidar survey of Holmul, Cival and nearby ancient Maya settlement by National Center for Aerial Lidar Mapping

Research paper thumbnail of Late Preclassic ceramic industries of pacific Guatemala and El Salvador: The pacific coast as core, not periphery

Journal of field …, 1999

... In fact, the sites ofNueve Cerros in the Rio Esclavos drainage and Ujuxte in the Piedmont zon... more ... In fact, the sites ofNueve Cerros in the Rio Esclavos drainage and Ujuxte in the Piedmont zone appear to be major Late Pre-classic centers, ,vhile there is also evidence of prominent Late Preclassic occupation at Bonete, CantarranajLa Maquina (which includes the small site of ...


3 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................... more 3 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................... 4

Research paper thumbnail of Nested Hegemonies in the Holmul Region

Research paper thumbnail of Holmul y la hegemonia del reino Kaanul en el este de Peten

En los últimos 15 años se han logrado contestar algunas de las interrogantes principales sobre Ho... more En los últimos 15 años se han logrado contestar algunas de las interrogantes principales sobre Holmul: cuál era la extensión real de la ciudad, cuáles sus antecedentes en el Preclásico y sus relaciones externas en el Clásico. Por su parte Cival fue una ciudad de entre 5 000 y 10 000 habitantes durente el Preclásico Tardío, y es una de las verdaderas ciudades perdidas de la selva maya

Research paper thumbnail of Discovery of two predicted Ancient Maya sites in Belize

Research paper thumbnail of Los Mayas en una perspectiva milenaria

Los Mayas en una Perspectiva Milenaria presenta la larga historia de la cultura maya, tal y como ... more Los Mayas en una Perspectiva Milenaria presenta la larga historia de la cultura maya, tal y como tomo forma en las tierras bajas. Examina lo que los mayas pensaron acerca del mundo que los rodeaba y como dieron forma a una economia floreciente que abastecio las grandes ciudades cortesanas que dominaron el mundo maya del periodo Clasico (250-800 d.C.)

Research paper thumbnail of The Real Business of Ancient Maya Economies: From Farmers' Fields to Rulers’ Realms. MARILYN A. MASSON, DAVID A. FREIDEL, AND ARTHUR A. DEMAREST, editors. 2020. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. xx + 634 pp. $125.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-81306-629-5

Research paper thumbnail of 6. Regional and Interregional Interactions and the Preclassic Maya

Research paper thumbnail of Ritual and Political Landscapes of the Preclassic Maya: A View from the Cival Region

Research paper thumbnail of Patterns of Early Urbanism in the Southern Maya Lowlands

Early Mesoamerican Cities: Urbanism and Urbanization in the Formative Period, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Fire on the Mountain: Total War in the Maya Lowlands

Research paper thumbnail of The evolution of complex societies in southeastern Pacific Coastal Guatemala : a regional GIS archaeological approach

Research paper thumbnail of The Maya in a Millenial Perspective

The Maya in a Millennial Perspective looks at the deep history of the lowland Maya. It examines w... more The Maya in a Millennial Perspective looks at the deep history of the lowland Maya. It examines what the Maya thought about the world around them and how they crafted nature into a flourishing economy that supported the grand, courtly cities that dominated the Maya world during the Classic Period (250-800 CE).

Research paper thumbnail of Holmul y la hegemonía del reino Kaanul en el este de Petén

Arqueología Mexicana, 2016

En los ultimos 15 anos se han logrado contestar algunas de las interrogantes principales sobre Ho... more En los ultimos 15 anos se han logrado contestar algunas de las interrogantes principales sobre Holmul: cual era la extension real de la ciudad, cuales sus antecedentes en el Preclasico y sus relaciones externas en el Clasico. Por su parte, Cival fue una ciudad de entre 5 000 a 10 000 habitantes durante el Preclasico Tardio, y es una de las verdaderas ciudades perdidas de la selva maya.

Research paper thumbnail of The nature of interaction at La Sufricaya, Guatemala: Evidence from stable isotope analysis of human tooth enamel

Research paper thumbnail of Maya Civilization in Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Regional Diversity and Population Migration of the Classic Maya: Stable Isotope Analysis of Individuals from the Holmul Region, Guatemala

Research paper thumbnail of Accelerating the "Maddeningly Slow Work of Archaeology" in the Forested Maya Lowlands

Research paper thumbnail of The History, Function, and Meaning of Preclassic E Groups in the Cival Region