Karl Buchtela | Tu Wien (original) (raw)

Papers by Karl Buchtela

Research paper thumbnail of Gas ionization detectors

Research paper thumbnail of Beyond low-level activity: On a “non-radioactive” gas mantle

Science of The Total Environment, 2007

Gas mantles for camping gas lanterns sometimes contain thorium compounds. During the last years, ... more Gas mantles for camping gas lanterns sometimes contain thorium compounds. During the last years, the use of thorium-free gas mantles has become more and more popular due to the avoidance of a radioactive heavy metal. We investigated a gas mantle type that is declared to be "non-radioactive" and that can be bought in Austria at the moment. Methods used were Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), gamma-spectroscopy, and Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC). We found massive thorium contents of up to 259 mg per gas mantle. Leaching experiments showed that only 0.4% of the Th but approximately 90% of the decay products of (232)Th can be leached under conditions simulating sucking and chewing with human saliva. In this paper, the investigation of these gas mantles including the consideration of the environmental hazard caused by disposed mantles and the health hazard for unsuspecting consumers is presented and legal consequences are discussed for this fraud.

Research paper thumbnail of Residence times of water molecules on stainless steel and aluminum surfaces in vacuum and atmosphere

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 2007

The adsorption and desorption phenomena of water molecules on stainless steel and aluminum surfac... more The adsorption and desorption phenomena of water molecules on stainless steel and aluminum surfaces have been studied by means of tritium tracer technique (TTT) with special emphasis on potential differences in the residence times in atmosphere and vacuum. Samples with a geometrical surface area of about 2cm2 have been exposed in an atmospheric environment loaded with a vapor pressure of HTO (tritium-labeled water) of known specific activity, and the adsorbed amount of water has been determined by liquid-scintillation counting technique. In previous studies it was found that, in atmosphere, adsorbed water quantities and their reproducibility depend significantly on the cleanliness of the surfaces. Furthermore, it was observed that desorption into atmosphere (or exchange with atmospheric humidity) is a rather slow process with a few percent of the adsorbed water molecules staying even for several days and with the water coverage versus time t characterized approximately by a 1∕tα law with α≈0.4. In this wo...

Research paper thumbnail of Trace elements in rock salt and their bioavailability estimated from solubility in acid

Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 2006

In this study, 18 partly commercially available samples of rock salt from Austria, Germany, Pakis... more In this study, 18 partly commercially available samples of rock salt from Austria, Germany, Pakistan, Poland, Switzerland, and Ukraine were investigated with respect to their content of trace elements using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Elements detected were Al, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, and Zn, some of them only in individual cases. An estimation of the bioavailability of these trace elements was performed by dissolving an equivalent of the sodium chloride samples in diluted hydrochloric acid (simulating stomach acid), filtering off the insoluble components, and analyzing the evaporated filtrate. It could be shown that in most cases bioactive trace elements like Fe can be found in rock salt in the form of almost insoluble compounds and are therefore not significantly bioavailable, whereas thorium, for example, was partly bioavailable in two cases. A significant contribution to the recommended daily intake of metal trace elements by using rock salt for nutrition can be excluded.

Research paper thumbnail of Neutron activation analysis of sea-, lake-, and evaporated salt

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2006

Salt is essential for human nutrition. Recently, it has become popular in Europe to rather use ex... more Salt is essential for human nutrition. Recently, it has become popular in Europe to rather use exotic sea salt or lake salt instead of purified evaporated salt, because of an alleged higher content of trace elements. In this study the content of trace elements and their bioavailability of 19 samples of different types of salt and 1 sample of brine purification sludge were investigated using instrumental neutron activation analysis. In general, sea-, lake-, and evaporated salt are quite pure. Trace elements determined in salt were Al, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Rb, Sc, Sr, and Zn; some of them only in individual cases. It was found that, in general, the content of trace elements in sea-or lake salt was higher than in purified salt. Nevertheless, the use of sea-or lake salt does not contribute significantly to the human needs of essential trace elements, because their concentration in salt is too low or their compounds are not bioavailable.

Research paper thumbnail of D�nnschichtchromatographie an Salzen von Heteropolys�uren

Mikrochimica Acta, 1964

ZusammenfassungIn Fortsetzung einer früheren Arbeit wurde die Verwendbarkeit von Ammoniumphosphor... more ZusammenfassungIn Fortsetzung einer früheren Arbeit wurde die Verwendbarkeit von Ammoniumphosphordodekamolybdat (APM), Ammoniumgermanododekamolybdat (AGM), Oxingermanododekamolybdat (OGM), Pyridingermanododekamolybdat (PGM), Oxinsilicododekamolybdat (OSM) und Pyridinsilicododekamolybdat (PSM) für Dünnschichtchromatographie untersucht und die Abhängigkeit derRf-Werte der Alkalimetallionen von der Laufmittelkonzentration (Ammoniumnitrat und Wasser) bestimmt. Gleichzeitig wurden Vorversuche angestellt, eine spezifische Abtrennung des Cäsiums von den Spaltprodukten95Zr/95Nb,106Ru,90Sr/90Y und144Ce durchzuführen.SummaryAs continuation of an earlier study, ammonium phosphododeoa molybdate (APM), ammonium germanododecamolybdate (AGM), oxinegerdodecamolybdate (OGM), pyridinegermanododecamolybdate (PGM), oxininesilicododecamolybdate (OSM), and pyridinesilicododecamolybdate (PSM) were investigated for thin layer chromatography and the relation of theRf-values of the alkali metal ions to the concentration of the carrier concentration (ammonium nitrate and water) was determined. At the same time, preliminary studies were made with respect to a specific separation of cesium from the fission products95Zr/95Nb,106Ru,90Sr/90Y and144Ce.RésuméComme suite à une publication antérieure, on a étudié les possibilités d'application en chromatographie en couche mince du phosphododécamolybdate d'ammonium (APM), du germanidodécamolybdate d'ammonium (AGM), du germanidodécamolybdate d'oxinium (OGM), du germanidodécamolybdate de pyridinium (PGM), du silicomolybdate d'oxinium (OSM) et du silicododécamolybdate de pyridinium, en déterminant la dépendance des valeurs duRf des ions métalliques alcalins avec la concentration de l'éluant (nitrate d'ammonium et eau). On a commencé simultanément l'étude de la séparation spécifique du césium d'avec les produits de fission95Zr/95Nb,106Ru,90Sr/90Y et144Ce.

Research paper thumbnail of �ber den Nachweis von Spaltprodukten in Regenwasser aus der Umgebung von Wien (Mai bis Dezember 1962)

Research paper thumbnail of D�nnschichtchromatographie anorganischer Ionen

Mikrochimica Acta, 1967

In einer frtiheren Arbeit wurde die spezifische Abtrennung des Urans yon 55 anderen Elementen mit... more In einer frtiheren Arbeit wurde die spezifische Abtrennung des Urans yon 55 anderen Elementen mittels Dfinnschichtchromatographie 1 beschrieben. Auch iiber die Abtrennung des Urans aus Mischungen radioaktiver SpMtungsprodukte haben wir berichtet 2. Da sich die diinnschichtchromatographische Trennung rasch und mit geringem Arbeitsaufwand durchfiihren l~l~t, sollte in vorliegender Arbeit die Anwendbarkeit dieses Verfahrens auch fiir quantitative Uranbestimmungen gezeigt werden. Bei der Diinnsehiehtehromatographie setzt man, wie bei allen chromatographisehen Verfahren, nur sehr geringe Substanzmengen ein. Deshalb kommen ffir die Analyse vor Mlem Mikromethoden in Frage. Die Aktivie-rungsanMyse kann zur Bestimmung geringer Mengen yon Uran mit gutem Erfo]g angewendet werden. Es wird dabei die (n,y)-Reaktion des Urans-238 ausgewertet : 2ssu (n,7)-~ 2s9 U-~-_~ 2S~Np-~-_~ ~Sgpu. 2,3 d Mahlman und Leddicotte 3 haben das in der ZerfMlsreihe auftretende Neptunium-239 zum Urannachweis benutzt. Sie trennten dieses Element nach Zugabe yon Lanthan Ms niehtisotopem Tr~ger aus der bestrahlten Probe ab. Reed und Turkevich ~ wendeten dieses Verfahren zur Bestimmung yon Uran in Meteoriten an. Hamaguchi, Reed und Turkevich ~-7 ffigten Neptunium-237 nach der Bestrahlung zu, um die durch die Aufarbeitung bedingten Verluste ermitteln zu kSnnen. Bei allen diesen Verfahren wird das Neptunium nach der Bestrahlung yon den stSrenden radioaktiven Begleitionen abgetrennt und bestimmt. Bei der Neutronen

Research paper thumbnail of Application of high voltage electrophoresis for the separation of radionuclides, VI: Countercurrent electrophoresis for the separation of pure Yttrium-90

Research paper thumbnail of Application of high voltage electrophoresis for the separation of radionuclides: VIII. Aktivierungsanalytische Bestimmung seltener Erden

Research paper thumbnail of Gas Ionization Detectors

Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Gas Ionization Detectors

Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Anwendungsbeispiele der Hochspannungselektrophorese zur Trennung von Radionukliden. IV

Research paper thumbnail of D�nnschichtelektrophorese von Alkalimetallionen an Salzen von Heteropolys�uren

Research paper thumbnail of Gas Ionization Detectors

Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Beyond low-level activity: On a "non-radioactive" gas mantle

Science of the total …, Jan 1, 2007

Gas mantles for camping gas lanterns sometimes contain thorium compounds. During the last years, ... more Gas mantles for camping gas lanterns sometimes contain thorium compounds. During the last years, the use of thorium-free gas mantles has become more and more popular due to the avoidance of a radioactive heavy metal. We investigated a gas mantle type that is declared to be "non-radioactive" and that can be bought in Austria at the moment. Methods used were Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), gamma-spectroscopy, and Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC). We found massive thorium contents of up to 259 mg per gas mantle. Leaching experiments showed that only 0.4% of the Th but approximately 90% of the decay products of (232)Th can be leached under conditions simulating sucking and chewing with human saliva. In this paper, the investigation of these gas mantles including the consideration of the environmental hazard caused by disposed mantles and the health hazard for unsuspecting consumers is presented and legal consequences are discussed for this fraud.

Research paper thumbnail of Trace elements in rock salt and their bioavailability estimated from solubility in acid

Journal of Trace …, Jan 1, 2006

In this study, 18 partly commercially available samples of rock salt from Austria, Germany, Pakis... more In this study, 18 partly commercially available samples of rock salt from Austria, Germany, Pakistan, Poland, Switzerland, and Ukraine were investigated with respect to their content of trace elements using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Elements detected were Al, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, and Zn, some of them only in individual cases. An estimation of the bioavailability of these trace elements was performed by dissolving an equivalent of the sodium chloride samples in diluted hydrochloric acid (simulating stomach acid), filtering off the insoluble components, and analyzing the evaporated filtrate. It could be shown that in most cases bioactive trace elements like Fe can be found in rock salt in the form of almost insoluble compounds and are therefore not significantly bioavailable, whereas thorium, for example, was partly bioavailable in two cases. A significant contribution to the recommended daily intake of metal trace elements by using rock salt for nutrition can be excluded.

Research paper thumbnail of Gas ionization detectors

Research paper thumbnail of Beyond low-level activity: On a “non-radioactive” gas mantle

Science of The Total Environment, 2007

Gas mantles for camping gas lanterns sometimes contain thorium compounds. During the last years, ... more Gas mantles for camping gas lanterns sometimes contain thorium compounds. During the last years, the use of thorium-free gas mantles has become more and more popular due to the avoidance of a radioactive heavy metal. We investigated a gas mantle type that is declared to be "non-radioactive" and that can be bought in Austria at the moment. Methods used were Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), gamma-spectroscopy, and Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC). We found massive thorium contents of up to 259 mg per gas mantle. Leaching experiments showed that only 0.4% of the Th but approximately 90% of the decay products of (232)Th can be leached under conditions simulating sucking and chewing with human saliva. In this paper, the investigation of these gas mantles including the consideration of the environmental hazard caused by disposed mantles and the health hazard for unsuspecting consumers is presented and legal consequences are discussed for this fraud.

Research paper thumbnail of Residence times of water molecules on stainless steel and aluminum surfaces in vacuum and atmosphere

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 2007

The adsorption and desorption phenomena of water molecules on stainless steel and aluminum surfac... more The adsorption and desorption phenomena of water molecules on stainless steel and aluminum surfaces have been studied by means of tritium tracer technique (TTT) with special emphasis on potential differences in the residence times in atmosphere and vacuum. Samples with a geometrical surface area of about 2cm2 have been exposed in an atmospheric environment loaded with a vapor pressure of HTO (tritium-labeled water) of known specific activity, and the adsorbed amount of water has been determined by liquid-scintillation counting technique. In previous studies it was found that, in atmosphere, adsorbed water quantities and their reproducibility depend significantly on the cleanliness of the surfaces. Furthermore, it was observed that desorption into atmosphere (or exchange with atmospheric humidity) is a rather slow process with a few percent of the adsorbed water molecules staying even for several days and with the water coverage versus time t characterized approximately by a 1∕tα law with α≈0.4. In this wo...

Research paper thumbnail of Trace elements in rock salt and their bioavailability estimated from solubility in acid

Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 2006

In this study, 18 partly commercially available samples of rock salt from Austria, Germany, Pakis... more In this study, 18 partly commercially available samples of rock salt from Austria, Germany, Pakistan, Poland, Switzerland, and Ukraine were investigated with respect to their content of trace elements using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Elements detected were Al, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, and Zn, some of them only in individual cases. An estimation of the bioavailability of these trace elements was performed by dissolving an equivalent of the sodium chloride samples in diluted hydrochloric acid (simulating stomach acid), filtering off the insoluble components, and analyzing the evaporated filtrate. It could be shown that in most cases bioactive trace elements like Fe can be found in rock salt in the form of almost insoluble compounds and are therefore not significantly bioavailable, whereas thorium, for example, was partly bioavailable in two cases. A significant contribution to the recommended daily intake of metal trace elements by using rock salt for nutrition can be excluded.

Research paper thumbnail of Neutron activation analysis of sea-, lake-, and evaporated salt

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2006

Salt is essential for human nutrition. Recently, it has become popular in Europe to rather use ex... more Salt is essential for human nutrition. Recently, it has become popular in Europe to rather use exotic sea salt or lake salt instead of purified evaporated salt, because of an alleged higher content of trace elements. In this study the content of trace elements and their bioavailability of 19 samples of different types of salt and 1 sample of brine purification sludge were investigated using instrumental neutron activation analysis. In general, sea-, lake-, and evaporated salt are quite pure. Trace elements determined in salt were Al, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Rb, Sc, Sr, and Zn; some of them only in individual cases. It was found that, in general, the content of trace elements in sea-or lake salt was higher than in purified salt. Nevertheless, the use of sea-or lake salt does not contribute significantly to the human needs of essential trace elements, because their concentration in salt is too low or their compounds are not bioavailable.

Research paper thumbnail of D�nnschichtchromatographie an Salzen von Heteropolys�uren

Mikrochimica Acta, 1964

ZusammenfassungIn Fortsetzung einer früheren Arbeit wurde die Verwendbarkeit von Ammoniumphosphor... more ZusammenfassungIn Fortsetzung einer früheren Arbeit wurde die Verwendbarkeit von Ammoniumphosphordodekamolybdat (APM), Ammoniumgermanododekamolybdat (AGM), Oxingermanododekamolybdat (OGM), Pyridingermanododekamolybdat (PGM), Oxinsilicododekamolybdat (OSM) und Pyridinsilicododekamolybdat (PSM) für Dünnschichtchromatographie untersucht und die Abhängigkeit derRf-Werte der Alkalimetallionen von der Laufmittelkonzentration (Ammoniumnitrat und Wasser) bestimmt. Gleichzeitig wurden Vorversuche angestellt, eine spezifische Abtrennung des Cäsiums von den Spaltprodukten95Zr/95Nb,106Ru,90Sr/90Y und144Ce durchzuführen.SummaryAs continuation of an earlier study, ammonium phosphododeoa molybdate (APM), ammonium germanododecamolybdate (AGM), oxinegerdodecamolybdate (OGM), pyridinegermanododecamolybdate (PGM), oxininesilicododecamolybdate (OSM), and pyridinesilicododecamolybdate (PSM) were investigated for thin layer chromatography and the relation of theRf-values of the alkali metal ions to the concentration of the carrier concentration (ammonium nitrate and water) was determined. At the same time, preliminary studies were made with respect to a specific separation of cesium from the fission products95Zr/95Nb,106Ru,90Sr/90Y and144Ce.RésuméComme suite à une publication antérieure, on a étudié les possibilités d'application en chromatographie en couche mince du phosphododécamolybdate d'ammonium (APM), du germanidodécamolybdate d'ammonium (AGM), du germanidodécamolybdate d'oxinium (OGM), du germanidodécamolybdate de pyridinium (PGM), du silicomolybdate d'oxinium (OSM) et du silicododécamolybdate de pyridinium, en déterminant la dépendance des valeurs duRf des ions métalliques alcalins avec la concentration de l'éluant (nitrate d'ammonium et eau). On a commencé simultanément l'étude de la séparation spécifique du césium d'avec les produits de fission95Zr/95Nb,106Ru,90Sr/90Y et144Ce.

Research paper thumbnail of �ber den Nachweis von Spaltprodukten in Regenwasser aus der Umgebung von Wien (Mai bis Dezember 1962)

Research paper thumbnail of D�nnschichtchromatographie anorganischer Ionen

Mikrochimica Acta, 1967

In einer frtiheren Arbeit wurde die spezifische Abtrennung des Urans yon 55 anderen Elementen mit... more In einer frtiheren Arbeit wurde die spezifische Abtrennung des Urans yon 55 anderen Elementen mittels Dfinnschichtchromatographie 1 beschrieben. Auch iiber die Abtrennung des Urans aus Mischungen radioaktiver SpMtungsprodukte haben wir berichtet 2. Da sich die diinnschichtchromatographische Trennung rasch und mit geringem Arbeitsaufwand durchfiihren l~l~t, sollte in vorliegender Arbeit die Anwendbarkeit dieses Verfahrens auch fiir quantitative Uranbestimmungen gezeigt werden. Bei der Diinnsehiehtehromatographie setzt man, wie bei allen chromatographisehen Verfahren, nur sehr geringe Substanzmengen ein. Deshalb kommen ffir die Analyse vor Mlem Mikromethoden in Frage. Die Aktivie-rungsanMyse kann zur Bestimmung geringer Mengen yon Uran mit gutem Erfo]g angewendet werden. Es wird dabei die (n,y)-Reaktion des Urans-238 ausgewertet : 2ssu (n,7)-~ 2s9 U-~-_~ 2S~Np-~-_~ ~Sgpu. 2,3 d Mahlman und Leddicotte 3 haben das in der ZerfMlsreihe auftretende Neptunium-239 zum Urannachweis benutzt. Sie trennten dieses Element nach Zugabe yon Lanthan Ms niehtisotopem Tr~ger aus der bestrahlten Probe ab. Reed und Turkevich ~ wendeten dieses Verfahren zur Bestimmung yon Uran in Meteoriten an. Hamaguchi, Reed und Turkevich ~-7 ffigten Neptunium-237 nach der Bestrahlung zu, um die durch die Aufarbeitung bedingten Verluste ermitteln zu kSnnen. Bei allen diesen Verfahren wird das Neptunium nach der Bestrahlung yon den stSrenden radioaktiven Begleitionen abgetrennt und bestimmt. Bei der Neutronen

Research paper thumbnail of Application of high voltage electrophoresis for the separation of radionuclides, VI: Countercurrent electrophoresis for the separation of pure Yttrium-90

Research paper thumbnail of Application of high voltage electrophoresis for the separation of radionuclides: VIII. Aktivierungsanalytische Bestimmung seltener Erden

Research paper thumbnail of Gas Ionization Detectors

Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Gas Ionization Detectors

Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Anwendungsbeispiele der Hochspannungselektrophorese zur Trennung von Radionukliden. IV

Research paper thumbnail of D�nnschichtelektrophorese von Alkalimetallionen an Salzen von Heteropolys�uren

Research paper thumbnail of Gas Ionization Detectors

Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Beyond low-level activity: On a "non-radioactive" gas mantle

Science of the total …, Jan 1, 2007

Gas mantles for camping gas lanterns sometimes contain thorium compounds. During the last years, ... more Gas mantles for camping gas lanterns sometimes contain thorium compounds. During the last years, the use of thorium-free gas mantles has become more and more popular due to the avoidance of a radioactive heavy metal. We investigated a gas mantle type that is declared to be "non-radioactive" and that can be bought in Austria at the moment. Methods used were Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), gamma-spectroscopy, and Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC). We found massive thorium contents of up to 259 mg per gas mantle. Leaching experiments showed that only 0.4% of the Th but approximately 90% of the decay products of (232)Th can be leached under conditions simulating sucking and chewing with human saliva. In this paper, the investigation of these gas mantles including the consideration of the environmental hazard caused by disposed mantles and the health hazard for unsuspecting consumers is presented and legal consequences are discussed for this fraud.

Research paper thumbnail of Trace elements in rock salt and their bioavailability estimated from solubility in acid

Journal of Trace …, Jan 1, 2006

In this study, 18 partly commercially available samples of rock salt from Austria, Germany, Pakis... more In this study, 18 partly commercially available samples of rock salt from Austria, Germany, Pakistan, Poland, Switzerland, and Ukraine were investigated with respect to their content of trace elements using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Elements detected were Al, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, and Zn, some of them only in individual cases. An estimation of the bioavailability of these trace elements was performed by dissolving an equivalent of the sodium chloride samples in diluted hydrochloric acid (simulating stomach acid), filtering off the insoluble components, and analyzing the evaporated filtrate. It could be shown that in most cases bioactive trace elements like Fe can be found in rock salt in the form of almost insoluble compounds and are therefore not significantly bioavailable, whereas thorium, for example, was partly bioavailable in two cases. A significant contribution to the recommended daily intake of metal trace elements by using rock salt for nutrition can be excluded.