Badass Decay (original) (raw)

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Badass Decay (trope)

1989: strong, and on a quest to save his daughter.
1999: weaker, and on a quest to buy baby items.

"I was once a badass vampire. But love, and a pesky curse, defanged me. Now I'm just a big fluffy puppy with bad teeth."

The process by which a badass becomes less of a badass. This can result in them simply losing more times than they win, being overshadowed by other characters who were once weaker than them, or having fewer and fewer opportunities to display their powers due to the changing nature and circumstances of the story, perhaps placing them in situations where their strengths are of little to no use.

Compare with Menace Decay, Motive Decay, Not Badass Enough for Fans, Villain Decay, and The Worf Effect. Compare and contrast Bait the Dog and Moral Event Horizon, where a Badass character loses their cool as a result of dog kicking.

Chickification is a gender-specific variant. Ukefication is a Yaoi Genre and Slash specific variant. Someone who undergoes physical Badass Decay may become a Perilous Old Fool. Nerf is when this happens due to changes in gameplay mechanics.

Also note that this trope applies when a badass decays within a single continuity. If an absolute badass in your favorite book is portrayed as somewhat less awesome in The Film of the Book, that's not this trope, it's Adaptational Wimp.

This is a YMMV item for subjective examples of when a character comes across as less "badass" due to Character Development (or Derailment). When it's an explicit plot point that a character becomes weaker than they were, you're looking at an inversion of Took a Level in Badass. See also The Taming of the Grue.


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Mudkip and Swampert

Mudkip can crush Boulders by standing on them, its final evolution as Swampert is able to drag a Boulder weighing more than a ton.

Alternative Title(s): Spikeification, Took A Level In Sadass