Being Tortured Makes You Evil (original) (raw)

"No one walks away from torture unchanged; not the victim, nor the torturer himself. Never found torture worth the price, myself."

Zaeed Massani, summing this trope up for both sides, Mass Effect 2

Need someone to Face–Heel Turn, but the individual is uncooperative? No worries, just strap them to a table and go to town for a while. That's right, if you inflict enough pain on someone, they WILL be consumed by hatred and turn evil. Somehow. Sometimes handwaved by throwing the word 'brainwashing' around, but more often than not, it comes down to this simple theory: Pain is bad, so if you add enough pain to someone, they become bad!

Though you have to wonder...why does it tend to make them loyal as well? You'd think the newly evil victim might turn their newfound lack of morality toward the guy that did this to them, preferably in a manner similar to what the villain did to them. Stockholm Syndrome might factor in depending on how the torture was inflicted. In some cases the torture was so horrific as to give the torturer a psychological hold on the victim, terrifying them into obedience. Also, sometimes the newly-evil victim isn't loyal to their torturer, but their ordeal has "opened their eyes" to the wretchedness of existence, birthing a Straw Nihilist. However it works, you've now got a baddie with a grudge, lashing out at everyone near (especially if the "good" guys left them to be tortured in the first place).

Still, sometimes, the victim goes further than becoming a Straw Nihilist: feeling disappointed — betrayed even — not only by the "good" guys but by the very ideals they followed earlier, the newly-evil victim may come to respect the views of a torturer. Especially if the torturer points out that he had the same story earlier, and the sole reason for the torture was exactly the "opening of their eyes" to the "true nature of the world." Especially if the torturer suddenly starts showing sympathy precisely at that moment!

As a literary device, it has two handy uses: It counts as a severe Kick the Dog (or worse) for the original villain and creates a tear-jerking Tragic Villain.

Related to Teach Him Anger, Beware the Nice Ones, Break the Cutie, I Control My Minions Through..., Rape Leads to Insanity, and possibly Who's Laughing Now?. Can often be a Start of Darkness or Freudian Excuse. It can also result in the creation of a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds if done too seriously. A character who is The Incorruptible is resistant to this. Rape Portrayed as Redemption is roughly the inverse trope. See also Torture Always Works and its opposite Torture Is Ineffective. Contrast with Reforged into a Minion, which is similar to this trope, but instead of involving torture, revolves around physically modifying a character (heroic, neutral, or otherwise) into a new form so they can serve the antagonist.


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