Heel–Face Turn (original) (raw)


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Heel–Face Turn (trope)

"And what happened then? Well, in Whoville, they say, The Grinch's small heart Grew three sizes that day."

When a bad guy turns good. This usually makes for a good plot, for three reasons:

  1. It lets the writer reintroduce the villain as a "darker, edgier" hero.
  2. It reinforces a desired notion of the inherent goodness within people.
  3. It prevents the Worthy Opponent from falling victim to What a Senseless Waste of Human Life.

There are also various in-story motivations for the bad guy to make the turn:

  1. An encounter with an All-Loving Hero or gaining a Morality Pet.
  2. Discovering that Being Evil Sucks or possibly that Good Feels Good.
  3. An Enemy Mine situation leading to Fire Forged Friendship or The Power of Love in the form of Deliver Us from Evil or Love Redeems changing their priorities. Conversely mistreatment by their boss or their fellow villains makes them rethink their loyalties.
  4. Realizing that they are a Noble Demon.
  5. A Heel Realization, if they had never considered their actions evil or wrong in the first place.
  6. They become friends with a hero after fighting them.
  7. A case of Even Evil Has Standards, Evil Versus Oblivion, and/or Pragmatic Villainy being taken to their extremes: A more sensible, honorable villain becomes a good guy to stop another, much worse villain from doing something so horrible that they just cannot allow it.
  8. A Sealed Evil in a Can has spent so long imprisoned that they come to realize that Being Evil Sucks and become Evil Redeemed in a Can.
  9. The Token Good Teammate in a group of villains has had enough and just decides to become a more straightforward and "official" good guy.
  10. A villainous mole is sent to infiltrate the heroes, but then they become the mask, turn into a hero themselves, and abandon evil altogether.
  11. Someone refers to Thirty Pieces of Silver, causing the villain to realize that they crossed a line and try to set things right.

By definition, a villain who has genuinely undergone a Heel-Face Turn cannot be a Complete Monster, since a Complete Monster cannot show any remorse for their crimes nor can they seek redemption.

Sadly, it sometimes leads to Redemption Equals Death, and when it doesn't, someone still needs to draw their "Get Out of Jail Free" Card. Otherwise they may find the good guys unwilling to believe them; their conversion met with a Heel–Face Door-Slam (or they may "merely" find themselves Reformed, but Rejected). On the other hand, the bad guy may reject their chance at turning over a new leaf altogether, in which case it's Redemption Rejection.

The many reasons and the probability for a turn are listed in the Sorting Algorithm of Face-Heel Turning; probability is directly proportional to popularity. A very common act for the lone female character in any evil group, sometimes by a Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal. Beware, some authors know the stereotypes of Heel Face Turning and will play with it accordingly.

The term "Heel Face Turn" comes from Professional Wrestling, in which an evil wrestler (a "heel") sometimes has a change of heart and becomes good, thereby becoming a "babyface". Magazines and other promotional material from the various wrestling leagues comment on various wrestlers' changes in alignment nearly as frequently as they cover events in the ring themselves.

Compare The Mole, who is secretly working for the other team all along. May be the result of a person that was Good All Along. When someone who doesn't care one way or the other is forced to fight they become Neutral No Longer. Also, to Personal Hate Before Common Goals, when the alignment changes, but previous rivalries remain.

This is the opposite of a Face–Heel Turn and is generally found in stories with Black-and-White Morality. It has two subtropes: Heel–Face Brainwashing, more or less the opposite of Brainwashed and Crazy, and High-Heel–Face Turn. See also Mook–Face Turn when the bad guy doing it is a Mook, and Heel–Race Turn when an entire faction does it. If a character keeps switching from one side to the other and back, they're in a Heel–Face Revolving Door. If they turn face, but still act like a heel, they're Reformed, but Not Tamed. If a character pretends to reform, only to be revealed as Evil All Along, they're a Fake Defector. If someone reforms because of faith, they're in a Heel–Faith Turn. Compare and contrast, also, with Hazy-Feel Turn, when is unclear and/or ambiguous the sincerity and/or the extension of the Heel-Face Turn of the character.

In Real Life, the nature of Heel-Face Turn and Face–Heel Turn is subjective (one person's "seeing the light" is another person's "heartless betrayal or fall" depending on what group the individual is going to or leaving). Therefore, No Real Life Examples, Please!


As this is a Betrayal Trope, unmarked spoilers abound. Beware.

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Joker Scout join the RED Team

Joker Scout join the RED Team after being mistreated by the BLU Team. BLU Medic, who is watching the event from the CCTV can only scream in absolute pure rage from the outcome.

Example of:
Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal

Alternative Title(s): Face Turn, Turn To The Light Side, Evil Turns Good, Bad Guy Turns Good