Non Sequitur (original) (raw)

Non Sequitur (trope)

In other news, mustache growth is up 12%!

"I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!"

A Non Sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow") in fiction is an event or line of dialogue which comes out of nowhere and—PUPPIES! Ahem... and bears no relevance to the subject at hand. It is a staple of surrealism and humor, and often establishes a character as The Ditz or a Cloudcuckoolander. I like bananas anyways.

Can also refer to a type of logical fallacy.

The newspaper daily strip of the same name is here.

Compare Red Herring, when a distraction is used to divert attention; related to Insane Troll Logic.

Sub-Tropes include:

Related to Word-Salad Humor and, when applied to the Rule of Scary, Word-Salad Horror.

Examples. Gubernatorial:

open/close all folders

Anime & Manga. Watermelons!

Fan Works. OUCH!

Films — Live-Action. MONKEYS!

Literature. I'm sure you like it.

Live-Action TV. Dancing horsies!

Music. Has anyone seen my suitcase?

Podcasts. Breastfeed me, mommy!

Professional Wrestling. Stay away or I'll punch you in the mouth!

Video Games. My brother's name is Timmy.


Web Original. I want cheesecake.

Western Animation. I'm an idiot.

Other. Mailboxes.