tw_epicontest - Profile (original) (raw)

tw_epicontest is an icon challenge based on the BBC TV show Torchwood. The challenges will focus on the episodes of Torchwood, with special challenges in between each series.

You must be a member to participate in the challenges
Only the pictures provided may be used
Blending, textures, brushes, etc are allowed unless otherwise specified
Your icons must be new, never before used or posted, and they can't be posted anywhere before the winners of that challenge have been announced
Entries must meet LJ requirements: 100x100 pixels, no bigger than 40KB
You may not vote for yourself, and please don't ask others to vote for you

Please submit your icons in this format:

Monday: new challenge posted
Monday-Sunday night: submissions
Sunday night (10:00 p.m. EST): voting goes up
Sunday night-Wednesday night: voting
Wednesday night: winners announced (banners usually posted by the following Sunday)

Header: Made by our S3 header challenge winner seether_79!
Layout CSS: appleleaf
Images: Challenge caps: Disparue

If you would like to affiliate, comment on this post
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