// Th3 Whit3 Strip3s // (original) (raw)

Friends Only [08 Dec 2004|11:44pm]
I decided to make this community Friends Only again.Seeing your icons and that of other members floating around the internet without any credit given, isn't very nice.This is a community to share your White Stripes icons/graphics with other White Stripes fans.If you want to join please read the rules carefully, and when your added back please make all your entries in this community Friends Only.Thank You♥♥♥
2 deaths| Red Death at 6:14?
[26 Aug 2004|12:15pm]
Hey I'm new here. I love the White Stripes and I just figured out how to make animated icons. This was my first icon.if you are gonna take it, comment. credit if you want to, it doesnt really matter.
3 deaths| Red Death at 6:14?
[15 Aug 2004|08:27pm]
just a reminder about the fine online establishment that is CCC.CCC
Red Death at 6:14?
[06 Aug 2004|10:57pm]
[ mood** | chipper ] Whow this place was dead for a long time hehe.. lol But not anymore people.. I will update again more often and I think I'm gonna give the community a whole make-over some of these days.. when I feel like doing it because I'm lazy.. yeah. I'm going to see The Stripes on August 21 in Belgium so my White Stripes obsession is back out of it's sleep hehe.. Where all all my candycanekids? C'mon were back in business so rock it! To celebrate were back here are 4 icons of the glorious duo.( Were back.. and HOW!Collapse )**
2 deaths| Red Death at 6:14?
[10 Jun 2004|04:47pm]
hi caners! I'd be much grateful if someone could make me an icon out of **( this picture.Collapse )**It doesn't need to be fancy or anything, and crop it how you like as long as both of them are in it. Please tell me how to credit you and I'll do so. =)thanks, Pigeon x
2 deaths| Red Death at 6:14?
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