H. Sazdjian | Paris Sud XI University (original) (raw)

Papers by H. Sazdjian

Research paper thumbnail of Bound states of purely relativistic nature

EPJ Web of Conferences

Two particles interacting by photon exchange, form the bound states predicted by the non-relativi... more Two particles interacting by photon exchange, form the bound states predicted by the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation with the Coulomb potential (Balmer series). More than 60 years ago, in the solutions of relativistic Bethe-Salpeter equation, in addition to the Balmer series, were found another series of energy levels. These new series, appearing when the fine structure constant α is large enough (α > π/4), are not predicted by the Schrödinger equation. However, this new (non-Balmer) states can hardly exist in nature, since in order to create a strong e.m. field with α > π/4 a point-like charge Z > 107 is needed. The nuclei having this charge, though exist starting with bohrium, are far from to be point-like. In the present paper, we analyze the more realistic case of a strong interaction created by exchange of a massive particle. It turns out that in the framework of the Bethe-Salpeter equation this interaction still generates a series of new relativistic states, whi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Quark-antiquark bound state equation in the Wilson loop approach with minimal surfaces

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Аспекты поведения неупругого рассеяния нейтрино нуклонами на световом конусе

Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica A-nuclei Particles and Fields, 1972

Summary The hypothesis of universal light-cone behaviour of current commutators formulated previ... more Summary The hypothesis of universal light-cone behaviour of current commutators formulated previously is applied to the deep inelastic neutrino-nucleon scattering. It is shown that it yields the scaling laws of the parton model and, provided the nonleading light-cone singularities are of certain type, it reproduces the current algebra sum rules for the scaling functions. One new sum rule is obtained relating

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Research paper thumbnail of Pionium lifetime and ππ scattering lengths in generalized chiral perturbation theory

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of The gauge invariant quark Green’s function in two-dimensional QCD

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Research paper thumbnail of Home> Books & Proceedings> Proceedings> Record# 359006

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Research paper thumbnail of Light fermion bound states in two-particle relativistic quantum mechanics

Physical Review D, 1986

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Research paper thumbnail of Supersymmetric Models in Two-Particle Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

Europhysics Letters (EPL), 1988

Supersymmetric models, satisfying the superalgebras S(2) and S(1), are displayed in the framework... more Supersymmetric models, satisfying the superalgebras S(2) and S(1), are displayed in the framework of Poincaré invariant two-particle quantum mechanics. They occur in fermion-antifermion and fermion-boson systems. Supersymmetry is left unbroken in these models.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pionium lifetime and ππ scattering lengths in generalized chiral perturbation theory

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Research paper thumbnail of On the role of dynamical quark mass generation in chiral symmetry breaking in QCD

Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The pionium lifetime in generalized chiral perturbation theory

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Research paper thumbnail of Gauge-invariant approach to quark dynamics

Frontiers of Physics, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Gauge invariant quarkonium bound state equation

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Research paper thumbnail of Strong Coulomb Coupling in Constraint Dynamics

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Research paper thumbnail of Strongly coupled positronium in a chiral phase

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Research paper thumbnail of Strong Coulomb Coupling in the Todorov Equation

International Journal of Modern Physics A, 1996

A positronium-like system with strong Coulomb coupling, considered in its pseudoscalar sector, is... more A positronium-like system with strong Coulomb coupling, considered in its pseudoscalar sector, is studied in the framework of relativistic quantum constraint dynamics with the Todorov choice for the potential. Case's method of self-adjoint extension of singular potentials, which avoids explicit introduction of regularization cut-offs, is adopted. It is found that, as the coupling constant alpha increases, the bound state spectrum undergoes an abrupt change at the critical value alpha=alphac=1/2. For alpha>alphac, the mass spectrum displays, in addition to the existing states for alpha<alphac, a new set of an infinite number of bound states concentrated in a narrow band starting at mass W=0; all the states have indefinitely oscillating wave functions near the origin. In the limit alpha-->alphac from above, the oscillations disappear and the narrow band of low-lying states shrinks to a single massless state with a mass gap with the rest of the spectrum. This state has the required properties to represent a Goldstone boson and to signal spontaneous breakdown of chiral symmetry.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strong Coulomb Coupling in Relativistic Quantum Constraint Dynamics

International Journal of Modern Physics A, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of How to probe the scale of in chiral perturbation theory

Physics Letters B, 1991

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Research paper thumbnail of Light cone mass extrapolation in Kℓ3 theory

Nuclear Physics B, 1973

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Research paper thumbnail of Light-cone aspect of inelastic neutrino scattering

Il Nuovo Cimento A, 1972

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Research paper thumbnail of Bound states of purely relativistic nature

EPJ Web of Conferences

Two particles interacting by photon exchange, form the bound states predicted by the non-relativi... more Two particles interacting by photon exchange, form the bound states predicted by the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation with the Coulomb potential (Balmer series). More than 60 years ago, in the solutions of relativistic Bethe-Salpeter equation, in addition to the Balmer series, were found another series of energy levels. These new series, appearing when the fine structure constant α is large enough (α > π/4), are not predicted by the Schrödinger equation. However, this new (non-Balmer) states can hardly exist in nature, since in order to create a strong e.m. field with α > π/4 a point-like charge Z > 107 is needed. The nuclei having this charge, though exist starting with bohrium, are far from to be point-like. In the present paper, we analyze the more realistic case of a strong interaction created by exchange of a massive particle. It turns out that in the framework of the Bethe-Salpeter equation this interaction still generates a series of new relativistic states, whi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Quark-antiquark bound state equation in the Wilson loop approach with minimal surfaces

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Аспекты поведения неупругого рассеяния нейтрино нуклонами на световом конусе

Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica A-nuclei Particles and Fields, 1972

Summary The hypothesis of universal light-cone behaviour of current commutators formulated previ... more Summary The hypothesis of universal light-cone behaviour of current commutators formulated previously is applied to the deep inelastic neutrino-nucleon scattering. It is shown that it yields the scaling laws of the parton model and, provided the nonleading light-cone singularities are of certain type, it reproduces the current algebra sum rules for the scaling functions. One new sum rule is obtained relating

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Research paper thumbnail of Pionium lifetime and ππ scattering lengths in generalized chiral perturbation theory

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of The gauge invariant quark Green’s function in two-dimensional QCD

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Research paper thumbnail of Home> Books & Proceedings> Proceedings> Record# 359006

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Research paper thumbnail of Light fermion bound states in two-particle relativistic quantum mechanics

Physical Review D, 1986

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Research paper thumbnail of Supersymmetric Models in Two-Particle Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

Europhysics Letters (EPL), 1988

Supersymmetric models, satisfying the superalgebras S(2) and S(1), are displayed in the framework... more Supersymmetric models, satisfying the superalgebras S(2) and S(1), are displayed in the framework of Poincaré invariant two-particle quantum mechanics. They occur in fermion-antifermion and fermion-boson systems. Supersymmetry is left unbroken in these models.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pionium lifetime and ππ scattering lengths in generalized chiral perturbation theory

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Research paper thumbnail of On the role of dynamical quark mass generation in chiral symmetry breaking in QCD

Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The pionium lifetime in generalized chiral perturbation theory

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Research paper thumbnail of Gauge-invariant approach to quark dynamics

Frontiers of Physics, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Gauge invariant quarkonium bound state equation

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Research paper thumbnail of Strong Coulomb Coupling in Constraint Dynamics

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Research paper thumbnail of Strongly coupled positronium in a chiral phase

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Research paper thumbnail of Strong Coulomb Coupling in the Todorov Equation

International Journal of Modern Physics A, 1996

A positronium-like system with strong Coulomb coupling, considered in its pseudoscalar sector, is... more A positronium-like system with strong Coulomb coupling, considered in its pseudoscalar sector, is studied in the framework of relativistic quantum constraint dynamics with the Todorov choice for the potential. Case's method of self-adjoint extension of singular potentials, which avoids explicit introduction of regularization cut-offs, is adopted. It is found that, as the coupling constant alpha increases, the bound state spectrum undergoes an abrupt change at the critical value alpha=alphac=1/2. For alpha>alphac, the mass spectrum displays, in addition to the existing states for alpha<alphac, a new set of an infinite number of bound states concentrated in a narrow band starting at mass W=0; all the states have indefinitely oscillating wave functions near the origin. In the limit alpha-->alphac from above, the oscillations disappear and the narrow band of low-lying states shrinks to a single massless state with a mass gap with the rest of the spectrum. This state has the required properties to represent a Goldstone boson and to signal spontaneous breakdown of chiral symmetry.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strong Coulomb Coupling in Relativistic Quantum Constraint Dynamics

International Journal of Modern Physics A, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of How to probe the scale of in chiral perturbation theory

Physics Letters B, 1991

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Research paper thumbnail of Light cone mass extrapolation in Kℓ3 theory

Nuclear Physics B, 1973

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Research paper thumbnail of Light-cone aspect of inelastic neutrino scattering

Il Nuovo Cimento A, 1972

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