António Teixeira | Universidade Aberta (original) (raw)
Papers by António Teixeira
Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2016
Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessibl... more Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal.
… Universitarios: Revista de …, 2011
Información del artículo El-gate's university international cooperation model: promoting the... more Información del artículo El-gate's university international cooperation model: promoting the globalization of latin american universities.
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2018
Resumo Os Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) são cursos abertos disponibilizados online, sem cust... more Resumo Os Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) são cursos abertos disponibilizados online, sem custos para o utilizador e desenhados de forma a poderem ser escalados, permitindo um grande número de participantes. Neste âmbito, uma equipa de investigadores da UAb desenvolveu um modelo pedagógico que tem vindo a ser testado, debatido e aprofundado, o qual assenta em pressupostos socioconstrutivistas que combinam a dimensão da autoaprendizagem com a dimensão social. Neste artigo analisa-se e discute-se em que medida a aplicação e aprofundamento deste modelo pedagógico no MOOC Competências Digitais para Professores promove a apropriação de conhecimento e partilha de experiências, bem como o desenvolvimento de competências digitais. Considerando que a aprendizagem se desenvolve através da interação com os materiais, os facilitadores e entre os participantes, procedeu-se à análise das interações ocorridas no espaço virtual; numa segunda fase, realizou-se uma análise de conteúdo das diferentes produções dos participantes. Em conclusão, o artigo evidencia a contribuição deste modelo pedagógico inovador para a apropriação de novos conhecimentos e a reflexão sobre as práticas, destacando a possibilidade destes cursos se constituírem como um instrumento poderoso na formação de professores e outros profissionais, proporcionando pontos de reflexão sobre as novas abordagens pedagógicas que emergem a partir dos MOOCs.
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2019
La necesidad de aumentar la escalabilidad, la interoperabilidad, y la flexibilidad de la oferta e... more La necesidad de aumentar la escalabilidad, la interoperabilidad, y la flexibilidad de la oferta educativa está impulsando la expansión del aprendizaje digital y abierto en la educación superior. A medida que este movimiento se expande por todo el mundo, las universidades de educación a distancia entran en una crisis. El aprendizaje potenciado por la tecnología está ahora diseminado por todas las instituciones y la mayoría también ha adoptado prácticas educativas abiertas cómo consecuencia del gran impacto de los MOOC. En este nuevo contexto de rápido crecimiento, caótico e inestable, detener expertise basada en la investigación, una infraestructura dedicada y personal especialmente capacitado podrá ya no ser considerado cómo necesario para que las instituciones puedan ofertar educación a distancia o en línea. Además, van surgiendo nuevos proveedores no institucionales de educación superior no formal, ofertando cursos y programas de aprendizaje abierto en línea o semi-presencial. Lej...
For guidance on citations see FAQs.
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2019
The need for increased scalability, interoperability and flexibility of educational provision is ... more The need for increased scalability, interoperability and flexibility of educational provision is driving the expansion of digital and open learning in higher education. As this movement spreads across institutions worldwide, distance education universities find themselves in a crisis. Technology-enhanced learning is now mainstream in higher education institutions and
most have embraced open educational practices as well due to the great impact of MOOCs. In this new fast-growing, chaotic and unstable context, research-based expertise, a dedicated infrastructure and specially-trained staff may no longer seem required for institutions to provide distance and eLearning. Furthermore, new non-institutional non-formal higher education providers of open online or blended learning courses and programmes are emerging as a result of community or special interest group-led initiatives. Far from the days when they stood alone as unique institutions with the unique mission to provide an innovative kind of education, distance education universities are now competing openly with other conventional universities and other educational players. In a time of continuous reduction of public expenditure in higher education, a debate has emerged on the sustainability ofthese institutions, especially in Europe. In this paper we analyse the new social, economical and technological challenges and opportunities which distance education universities are faced with and discuss the reinterpretation of their typical mission. We also explore existing
organisational models and propose a new one based on an open network approach.
EDEN Conference Proceedings, 2020
This report presents a review of the accessibility models in Learning Resources and MOOCs with th... more This report presents a review of the accessibility models in Learning Resources and MOOCs with the aim of establishing common terms in the research of the EduTech project and other projects associated with virtual accessibility in member HEIs. This study is based on the search and analysis of articles and publications related to the subject following the MLR format. The results showed a lack of applicability and data that support the current situation in Latin America, however, the experiences of European projects and regulations that support their sustainability, establish guidelines that could guide implementation processes in higher education institutions in partner countries
A introducao de uma educacao online aberta e massiva trouxe um novo espectro de possibilidades de... more A introducao de uma educacao online aberta e massiva trouxe um novo espectro de possibilidades desafiantes para ampliar o acesso a uma educacao de qualidade. No entanto, a maioria dos MOOCs oferecidos atualmente nao sao desenhados para capacitar e favorecer experiencias de aprendizagem colaborativas de qualidade, nao sendo, portanto, adequados para serem implementados num ambiente institucional formal. Neste artigo, apresentamos o modelo pedagogico iMOOC desenvolvido na Universidade Aberta portuguesa (Universidade Aberta, UAb). Demonstramos como a sintese entre uma abordagem conectivista e uma abordagem mais estruturada permite ultrapassar o fosso entre oportunidades de aprendizagem massivas nao-formais e o ensino superior formal. Palavras-chave : MOOC, Modelo Pedagogico Virtual, iMOOC, Educacao Aberta, Pedagogia Online. iMOOC: An Institutional Pedagogical Model for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Abstract : The emergence of a massive open online education brought about a new se...
Societal, educational and personal changes have brought Open (Online) Education in the forefront ... more Societal, educational and personal changes have brought Open (Online) Education in the forefront of the global learning setting. One of the most significant challenges behind the EU Modernization Agenda is for education to respond to the characteristics of future students and to new needs in society. According to the Europe 2020 agenda, 40% of young people should complete higher education studies by 2020. The entire European university sector witnesses an increase of student numbers. Conventional learning methods are suboptimal solutions for these massive student numbers. Thus, important questions and issues arise: How can we anticipate increasing student numbers combined with the likelihood of lower funding? How should we combine online and traditional formats to devise sustainable university business-models? In order to address these challenges Europe is investing in flexible educational solutions as this is embraced by the EC in its Open Educational Resource (OER) agenda. During ...
Iii Coloquio Luso Brasileiro De Educacao a Distância E Elearning, Dec 1, 2013
Capaz de espelhar a realidade social, a web 2.0 trouxe a dimensao da abertura, da partilha e da c... more Capaz de espelhar a realidade social, a web 2.0 trouxe a dimensao da abertura, da partilha e da cooperacao dai fazendo emergir novas formas de conhecimento e de educacao; a web 3.0 traz a capacidade de ser uma extensao ou mesmo de aumentar as capacidades humanas substituindo o Homem em diversas tarefas, nomeadamente por ser capaz de desempenhar funcoes mais especializadas e de fazer um trabalho de maior qualidade. O que aqui se vem apresentar pretende mostrar, por um lado, que a web 2.0 foi, essencialmente, um instrumento de desenvolvimento social capaz de colocar a sociedade em rede, mas que, ao mesmo tempo, deixou de lado a dimensao tecnologica e as suas potencialidades. Por isso a web 3.0, nas suas diferentes dimensoes, representa uma viragem civilizacional capaz de um fazer tecnologico que leva ao situar do Homem no seu mundo de forma cada vez mais personalizada. A web 3.0 traz consigo diferentes dimensoes de integracao tecnologica (desde meros aplicativos de inteligencia semântica ate a Internet das Coisas), sendo que na percecao das mesmas a analise conceptual se mostra como o desbravar caminho na compreensao ora da continuidade ora da rutura relativamente ao que ate agora tem sido feito na e com a web. Assim falar de web semântica implica a analise de conceitos como Big Data (a insercao de dados na web) e a formacao de uma nuvem (Cloud) de dados abertos (Open Data) com o poder da interligacao (Linked Data) o que tem fortes repercussoes na aprendizagem, que agora passa a ser, cada vez mais, em ambientes (online) personalizados. O GPS e o Motor de Busca, interligados e integrados com outras utilizacoes, possibilitam usos educacionais como com Recursos Educacionais Abertos que levam ao âmago da analise: a crescente personalizacao em ambiente cada vez mais abertos proporcionada por dispositivos da web semântica. Assim o processo de aprendizagem que passa pelo desaparecimento dos sistemas fechados de aprendizagem e vai dando lugar a ambientes cada vez mais abertos e personalizados traz consigo uma aprendizagem rizomatica e analitica, ambas sediadas numa epistemologia conectivista. “A web social e semântica podem ser abordagens complementares na pesquisa de recursos. Esta abordagem cooperativa permite ativar um mecanismo de busca semântica para encontrar resultados precisos e fazer anotacoes de recursos da web.” [1] Serendipity (criado por um grupo dirigido por Nelson Piedra na Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja no Equador) e um motor de busca Social-Semântico de Recursos Educacionais Abertos que permite “ criar, gerir e partilhar informacao combinando as tecnologias e aproximando a Web 2.0 da Web Semântica” (Torniai et al. citado em [1]) sendo que a combinacao ou fusao entre o melhor de ambas pode desempenhar um papel crucial na pesquisa de REAs possibilitando o enriquecimento semântico de etiquetas ou de conteudos criados pelos utilizadores atraves de ferramentas sociais, por um lado, e a utilizacao de anotacoes sociais na recomendacao de sistemas sociais e folksonomias (indexacao de informacao atraves da linguagem natural das pessoas - folks -) para o preenchimento de uma ontologia, por outro [1]. A automatizacao de processos e tarefas possibilitado pela web semântica que aliada a uma pesquisa refinada encontra a nocao de instrumentalidade e utilidade para o utilizador parece estar na base de uma viragem paradigmatica em relacao a educacao. Quando fala da aplicacao das tecnologias semânticas a ambientes (personalizados) de aprendizagem, Piedra diz que “os utilizadores podem experimentar caracteristicas especiais de acesso personalizado a ambientes e recursos educativos quando a informacao relacionada com o conteudo, preferencias e necessidades e moldada mediante esquemas consensuais e tecnologias semânticas.” (Piedra, Abril 2013, Entrevista Assincrona). A tonica e precisamente colocada na ‘necessidade’ do utilizador e, assim, o sentido de utilidade e redescoberto pelos dominios de aplicabilidade da tecnologia semântica. [1] PIEDRA, Nelson. CHICAIZA, Janneth. LOPEZ, Jorge. TOVAR, Edmundo. and MARTINEZ, Oscar (2011 ). FINDING OERS WITH SOCIAL-SEMANTIC SEARCH IN GLOBAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION CONFERENCE . EDUCON – "Learning Environments and Ecosystems in Engineering Education". PP. 1195-1200. IEEE. Spain.
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2015
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement is the latest ‘big thing’ in Open and Distance Lea... more The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement is the latest ‘big thing’ in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) which threatens to transform Higher Education. Both opportunities and threats are extensively discussed in literature, comprising issues on opening up education for the whole world, pedagogy and online versus campus education. Most of the literature focus on the origin of the MOOC movement in the US. The specific context of Europe with on the one hand autonomous countries and educational systems and on the other hand cross-border cooperation and regulations through the European Union differs from the US context. This specific context can influence the way in which the MOOC movement affect education in Europe, both reusing MOOCs from other continents (US) as publishing MOOCs, on a European platform or outside of Europe. In the context of the EU funded HOME project, a research was conducted to identify opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement on the European institutions ...
Red Revista De Educacion a Distancia, 2012
Neste paper analisam-se as consequências do ponto de vista organizacional da adoção generalizada ... more Neste paper analisam-se as consequências do ponto de vista organizacional da adoção generalizada de práticas educacionais abertas nas instituições de educação superior. Partindo da análise crítica do modelo de Wiley e Hilton, exploram-se as implicações que a educação aberta comporta nos modelos de negócio e de governança institucional. Por fim, propõe-se um novo tipo de modelo organizacional de tipo desconstrutivo, o qual permita uma maior flexibilidade institucional aos desafios externos e mais preparada para uma cultura de inovação aberta.
In view of the absence of a regulatory and normative framework in Portugal, in the context of Ope... more In view of the absence of a regulatory and normative framework in Portugal, in the context of Open and Distance Education (ODE) in Higher Education (HE), and in view of the emphasis that international guidelines have placed on this domain, it was considered important to create a quality reference framework that supports the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and all those involved in the creation and monitoring of open and distance courses in HE. The purpose of this paper is to describe the process of creating a quality reference for ODE, carried out within the scope of the PhD in Education at the Open University of Portugal. Here are described the process of identifying and analysing 40 international quality models in the area of ODE, which led to the preliminary version of the framework; and the Delphi study that was carried out with a panel of ODE specialists, in order to validate the preliminary version. The results of the first Round of the Delphi Study are presented and som...
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2015
Much of the literature and the academic discussion about the impact of Massive Open Online Course... more Much of the literature and the academic discussion about the impact of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) in institutional strategic planning has been centred on the US context. However, data shows that although the US are responsible for the largest MOOC platforms and the most successful course provision, it is the European region which accounts for the highest percentage of global MOOC participation. Differently from the US Higher Education system framework, however, in Europe public policy and in particular the European Commission is now driving MOOC institutional uptake.Given the very different institutional, political and cultural contexts, it is interesting to analyse how in these two different regions Higher Education institutions are responding to the challenges of the MOOC phenomena and are integrating it in their own strategic planning.The current research presents the first attempt to conduct a benchmarking study of institutional MOOC strategies in Europe and the US. It&#...
Numero especial "Aprendizagem Aberta e Escalavel: A Emergencia de um Novo Paradigma Educacio... more Numero especial "Aprendizagem Aberta e Escalavel: A Emergencia de um Novo Paradigma Educacional"
The Erasmusfunded Lived experience of climate change: elearning and virtual mobility (LECHe) proj... more The Erasmusfunded Lived experience of climate change: elearning and virtual mobility (LECHe) project is developing learning resources on the topic of climate change that will be openly accessible on the web for higher education institutions and the wider world public to use and adapt. Institutions are free to integrate the resources into their formal programs and nonformal courses. A description of the project is provided in a short prologue. In this paper we depict the open learning strategy implemented by the LECHe partnership and how it can contribute to widening participation in environmental, and specifically climate change, education. Prologue-The LECH-e project: the lived experience of climate change The LECHe project is an interdisciplinary emodule development and virtual mobility project which concerns education and lifelong learning in relation to climate change, aiming to contribute to an informed and active European citizenry and to inform EU policy on this major current challenge. The project involves collaboration of nine European institutional partners led by The Open University (UK) and funded by the European Union Erasmus Programme.
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2015
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a disruptive new development in higher education which co... more Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a disruptive new development in higher education which combines openness and scalability in a most powerful way. They have the potential to widen participation in higher education. Thus, they contribute to social inclusion, the dissemination of knowledge and pedagogical innovation and also the internationalization of higher education institutions. However, one of the critical elements for a massive open language learning experience to be successful is to empower learners and to facilitate networked learning experiences. In fact, MOOCs are designed for an undefined number of participants thus serving a high heterogeneity of profiles, with diverse learning styles and prior knowledge, and also contexts of participation and diversity of online platforms. Personalization can play a key role in this process. The iMOOC pedagogical model introduced the principle of diversity to MOOC design, allowing for a clear differentiation of learning paths and also virtual environments. In this article the authors present a proposal based on the iMOOC approach for a new framework for personalizing and adapting MOOCs designed in a collaborative, networked pedagogical approach by identifying each participant's competence profile and prior knowledge as well as the respective mobile communication device used and to generate matching personalized learning. This paper also shows the results obtained in a laboratory environment after an experiment has been performed with a prototype of the framework. It can be observed that creating personalized learning paths is possible and the next step is to test this framework with real experimental groups.
One of the major goals of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is to facilitate the mobility... more One of the major goals of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is to facilitate the mobility of citizens, assuring the transparency and competitiveness of qualifications across Europe. The formal adoption of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) represented an important step in that direction, contributing to achieve mobility in higher and continuing education. However, the full engagement of European institutions and students in this process, can only be possible through the wide-spread use of e-learning. Yet, institutions and students struggle with the lack of a clear theoretical framework and a set of tools that enable virtual mobility of students, guaranteeing EQF implementation through e-learning. One of the critical issues being the transferability of credits, since there isn't a common understanding or any European standards on how to calculate credit units in e-learning courses. In this paper, we present a possible solution for transferability of credits in e-...
Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2016
Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessibl... more Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal.
… Universitarios: Revista de …, 2011
Información del artículo El-gate's university international cooperation model: promoting the... more Información del artículo El-gate's university international cooperation model: promoting the globalization of latin american universities.
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2018
Resumo Os Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) são cursos abertos disponibilizados online, sem cust... more Resumo Os Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) são cursos abertos disponibilizados online, sem custos para o utilizador e desenhados de forma a poderem ser escalados, permitindo um grande número de participantes. Neste âmbito, uma equipa de investigadores da UAb desenvolveu um modelo pedagógico que tem vindo a ser testado, debatido e aprofundado, o qual assenta em pressupostos socioconstrutivistas que combinam a dimensão da autoaprendizagem com a dimensão social. Neste artigo analisa-se e discute-se em que medida a aplicação e aprofundamento deste modelo pedagógico no MOOC Competências Digitais para Professores promove a apropriação de conhecimento e partilha de experiências, bem como o desenvolvimento de competências digitais. Considerando que a aprendizagem se desenvolve através da interação com os materiais, os facilitadores e entre os participantes, procedeu-se à análise das interações ocorridas no espaço virtual; numa segunda fase, realizou-se uma análise de conteúdo das diferentes produções dos participantes. Em conclusão, o artigo evidencia a contribuição deste modelo pedagógico inovador para a apropriação de novos conhecimentos e a reflexão sobre as práticas, destacando a possibilidade destes cursos se constituírem como um instrumento poderoso na formação de professores e outros profissionais, proporcionando pontos de reflexão sobre as novas abordagens pedagógicas que emergem a partir dos MOOCs.
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2019
La necesidad de aumentar la escalabilidad, la interoperabilidad, y la flexibilidad de la oferta e... more La necesidad de aumentar la escalabilidad, la interoperabilidad, y la flexibilidad de la oferta educativa está impulsando la expansión del aprendizaje digital y abierto en la educación superior. A medida que este movimiento se expande por todo el mundo, las universidades de educación a distancia entran en una crisis. El aprendizaje potenciado por la tecnología está ahora diseminado por todas las instituciones y la mayoría también ha adoptado prácticas educativas abiertas cómo consecuencia del gran impacto de los MOOC. En este nuevo contexto de rápido crecimiento, caótico e inestable, detener expertise basada en la investigación, una infraestructura dedicada y personal especialmente capacitado podrá ya no ser considerado cómo necesario para que las instituciones puedan ofertar educación a distancia o en línea. Además, van surgiendo nuevos proveedores no institucionales de educación superior no formal, ofertando cursos y programas de aprendizaje abierto en línea o semi-presencial. Lej...
For guidance on citations see FAQs.
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2019
The need for increased scalability, interoperability and flexibility of educational provision is ... more The need for increased scalability, interoperability and flexibility of educational provision is driving the expansion of digital and open learning in higher education. As this movement spreads across institutions worldwide, distance education universities find themselves in a crisis. Technology-enhanced learning is now mainstream in higher education institutions and
most have embraced open educational practices as well due to the great impact of MOOCs. In this new fast-growing, chaotic and unstable context, research-based expertise, a dedicated infrastructure and specially-trained staff may no longer seem required for institutions to provide distance and eLearning. Furthermore, new non-institutional non-formal higher education providers of open online or blended learning courses and programmes are emerging as a result of community or special interest group-led initiatives. Far from the days when they stood alone as unique institutions with the unique mission to provide an innovative kind of education, distance education universities are now competing openly with other conventional universities and other educational players. In a time of continuous reduction of public expenditure in higher education, a debate has emerged on the sustainability ofthese institutions, especially in Europe. In this paper we analyse the new social, economical and technological challenges and opportunities which distance education universities are faced with and discuss the reinterpretation of their typical mission. We also explore existing
organisational models and propose a new one based on an open network approach.
EDEN Conference Proceedings, 2020
This report presents a review of the accessibility models in Learning Resources and MOOCs with th... more This report presents a review of the accessibility models in Learning Resources and MOOCs with the aim of establishing common terms in the research of the EduTech project and other projects associated with virtual accessibility in member HEIs. This study is based on the search and analysis of articles and publications related to the subject following the MLR format. The results showed a lack of applicability and data that support the current situation in Latin America, however, the experiences of European projects and regulations that support their sustainability, establish guidelines that could guide implementation processes in higher education institutions in partner countries
A introducao de uma educacao online aberta e massiva trouxe um novo espectro de possibilidades de... more A introducao de uma educacao online aberta e massiva trouxe um novo espectro de possibilidades desafiantes para ampliar o acesso a uma educacao de qualidade. No entanto, a maioria dos MOOCs oferecidos atualmente nao sao desenhados para capacitar e favorecer experiencias de aprendizagem colaborativas de qualidade, nao sendo, portanto, adequados para serem implementados num ambiente institucional formal. Neste artigo, apresentamos o modelo pedagogico iMOOC desenvolvido na Universidade Aberta portuguesa (Universidade Aberta, UAb). Demonstramos como a sintese entre uma abordagem conectivista e uma abordagem mais estruturada permite ultrapassar o fosso entre oportunidades de aprendizagem massivas nao-formais e o ensino superior formal. Palavras-chave : MOOC, Modelo Pedagogico Virtual, iMOOC, Educacao Aberta, Pedagogia Online. iMOOC: An Institutional Pedagogical Model for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Abstract : The emergence of a massive open online education brought about a new se...
Societal, educational and personal changes have brought Open (Online) Education in the forefront ... more Societal, educational and personal changes have brought Open (Online) Education in the forefront of the global learning setting. One of the most significant challenges behind the EU Modernization Agenda is for education to respond to the characteristics of future students and to new needs in society. According to the Europe 2020 agenda, 40% of young people should complete higher education studies by 2020. The entire European university sector witnesses an increase of student numbers. Conventional learning methods are suboptimal solutions for these massive student numbers. Thus, important questions and issues arise: How can we anticipate increasing student numbers combined with the likelihood of lower funding? How should we combine online and traditional formats to devise sustainable university business-models? In order to address these challenges Europe is investing in flexible educational solutions as this is embraced by the EC in its Open Educational Resource (OER) agenda. During ...
Iii Coloquio Luso Brasileiro De Educacao a Distância E Elearning, Dec 1, 2013
Capaz de espelhar a realidade social, a web 2.0 trouxe a dimensao da abertura, da partilha e da c... more Capaz de espelhar a realidade social, a web 2.0 trouxe a dimensao da abertura, da partilha e da cooperacao dai fazendo emergir novas formas de conhecimento e de educacao; a web 3.0 traz a capacidade de ser uma extensao ou mesmo de aumentar as capacidades humanas substituindo o Homem em diversas tarefas, nomeadamente por ser capaz de desempenhar funcoes mais especializadas e de fazer um trabalho de maior qualidade. O que aqui se vem apresentar pretende mostrar, por um lado, que a web 2.0 foi, essencialmente, um instrumento de desenvolvimento social capaz de colocar a sociedade em rede, mas que, ao mesmo tempo, deixou de lado a dimensao tecnologica e as suas potencialidades. Por isso a web 3.0, nas suas diferentes dimensoes, representa uma viragem civilizacional capaz de um fazer tecnologico que leva ao situar do Homem no seu mundo de forma cada vez mais personalizada. A web 3.0 traz consigo diferentes dimensoes de integracao tecnologica (desde meros aplicativos de inteligencia semântica ate a Internet das Coisas), sendo que na percecao das mesmas a analise conceptual se mostra como o desbravar caminho na compreensao ora da continuidade ora da rutura relativamente ao que ate agora tem sido feito na e com a web. Assim falar de web semântica implica a analise de conceitos como Big Data (a insercao de dados na web) e a formacao de uma nuvem (Cloud) de dados abertos (Open Data) com o poder da interligacao (Linked Data) o que tem fortes repercussoes na aprendizagem, que agora passa a ser, cada vez mais, em ambientes (online) personalizados. O GPS e o Motor de Busca, interligados e integrados com outras utilizacoes, possibilitam usos educacionais como com Recursos Educacionais Abertos que levam ao âmago da analise: a crescente personalizacao em ambiente cada vez mais abertos proporcionada por dispositivos da web semântica. Assim o processo de aprendizagem que passa pelo desaparecimento dos sistemas fechados de aprendizagem e vai dando lugar a ambientes cada vez mais abertos e personalizados traz consigo uma aprendizagem rizomatica e analitica, ambas sediadas numa epistemologia conectivista. “A web social e semântica podem ser abordagens complementares na pesquisa de recursos. Esta abordagem cooperativa permite ativar um mecanismo de busca semântica para encontrar resultados precisos e fazer anotacoes de recursos da web.” [1] Serendipity (criado por um grupo dirigido por Nelson Piedra na Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja no Equador) e um motor de busca Social-Semântico de Recursos Educacionais Abertos que permite “ criar, gerir e partilhar informacao combinando as tecnologias e aproximando a Web 2.0 da Web Semântica” (Torniai et al. citado em [1]) sendo que a combinacao ou fusao entre o melhor de ambas pode desempenhar um papel crucial na pesquisa de REAs possibilitando o enriquecimento semântico de etiquetas ou de conteudos criados pelos utilizadores atraves de ferramentas sociais, por um lado, e a utilizacao de anotacoes sociais na recomendacao de sistemas sociais e folksonomias (indexacao de informacao atraves da linguagem natural das pessoas - folks -) para o preenchimento de uma ontologia, por outro [1]. A automatizacao de processos e tarefas possibilitado pela web semântica que aliada a uma pesquisa refinada encontra a nocao de instrumentalidade e utilidade para o utilizador parece estar na base de uma viragem paradigmatica em relacao a educacao. Quando fala da aplicacao das tecnologias semânticas a ambientes (personalizados) de aprendizagem, Piedra diz que “os utilizadores podem experimentar caracteristicas especiais de acesso personalizado a ambientes e recursos educativos quando a informacao relacionada com o conteudo, preferencias e necessidades e moldada mediante esquemas consensuais e tecnologias semânticas.” (Piedra, Abril 2013, Entrevista Assincrona). A tonica e precisamente colocada na ‘necessidade’ do utilizador e, assim, o sentido de utilidade e redescoberto pelos dominios de aplicabilidade da tecnologia semântica. [1] PIEDRA, Nelson. CHICAIZA, Janneth. LOPEZ, Jorge. TOVAR, Edmundo. and MARTINEZ, Oscar (2011 ). FINDING OERS WITH SOCIAL-SEMANTIC SEARCH IN GLOBAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION CONFERENCE . EDUCON – "Learning Environments and Ecosystems in Engineering Education". PP. 1195-1200. IEEE. Spain.
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2015
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement is the latest ‘big thing’ in Open and Distance Lea... more The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement is the latest ‘big thing’ in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) which threatens to transform Higher Education. Both opportunities and threats are extensively discussed in literature, comprising issues on opening up education for the whole world, pedagogy and online versus campus education. Most of the literature focus on the origin of the MOOC movement in the US. The specific context of Europe with on the one hand autonomous countries and educational systems and on the other hand cross-border cooperation and regulations through the European Union differs from the US context. This specific context can influence the way in which the MOOC movement affect education in Europe, both reusing MOOCs from other continents (US) as publishing MOOCs, on a European platform or outside of Europe. In the context of the EU funded HOME project, a research was conducted to identify opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement on the European institutions ...
Red Revista De Educacion a Distancia, 2012
Neste paper analisam-se as consequências do ponto de vista organizacional da adoção generalizada ... more Neste paper analisam-se as consequências do ponto de vista organizacional da adoção generalizada de práticas educacionais abertas nas instituições de educação superior. Partindo da análise crítica do modelo de Wiley e Hilton, exploram-se as implicações que a educação aberta comporta nos modelos de negócio e de governança institucional. Por fim, propõe-se um novo tipo de modelo organizacional de tipo desconstrutivo, o qual permita uma maior flexibilidade institucional aos desafios externos e mais preparada para uma cultura de inovação aberta.
In view of the absence of a regulatory and normative framework in Portugal, in the context of Ope... more In view of the absence of a regulatory and normative framework in Portugal, in the context of Open and Distance Education (ODE) in Higher Education (HE), and in view of the emphasis that international guidelines have placed on this domain, it was considered important to create a quality reference framework that supports the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and all those involved in the creation and monitoring of open and distance courses in HE. The purpose of this paper is to describe the process of creating a quality reference for ODE, carried out within the scope of the PhD in Education at the Open University of Portugal. Here are described the process of identifying and analysing 40 international quality models in the area of ODE, which led to the preliminary version of the framework; and the Delphi study that was carried out with a panel of ODE specialists, in order to validate the preliminary version. The results of the first Round of the Delphi Study are presented and som...
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2015
Much of the literature and the academic discussion about the impact of Massive Open Online Course... more Much of the literature and the academic discussion about the impact of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) in institutional strategic planning has been centred on the US context. However, data shows that although the US are responsible for the largest MOOC platforms and the most successful course provision, it is the European region which accounts for the highest percentage of global MOOC participation. Differently from the US Higher Education system framework, however, in Europe public policy and in particular the European Commission is now driving MOOC institutional uptake.Given the very different institutional, political and cultural contexts, it is interesting to analyse how in these two different regions Higher Education institutions are responding to the challenges of the MOOC phenomena and are integrating it in their own strategic planning.The current research presents the first attempt to conduct a benchmarking study of institutional MOOC strategies in Europe and the US. It&#...
Numero especial "Aprendizagem Aberta e Escalavel: A Emergencia de um Novo Paradigma Educacio... more Numero especial "Aprendizagem Aberta e Escalavel: A Emergencia de um Novo Paradigma Educacional"
The Erasmusfunded Lived experience of climate change: elearning and virtual mobility (LECHe) proj... more The Erasmusfunded Lived experience of climate change: elearning and virtual mobility (LECHe) project is developing learning resources on the topic of climate change that will be openly accessible on the web for higher education institutions and the wider world public to use and adapt. Institutions are free to integrate the resources into their formal programs and nonformal courses. A description of the project is provided in a short prologue. In this paper we depict the open learning strategy implemented by the LECHe partnership and how it can contribute to widening participation in environmental, and specifically climate change, education. Prologue-The LECH-e project: the lived experience of climate change The LECHe project is an interdisciplinary emodule development and virtual mobility project which concerns education and lifelong learning in relation to climate change, aiming to contribute to an informed and active European citizenry and to inform EU policy on this major current challenge. The project involves collaboration of nine European institutional partners led by The Open University (UK) and funded by the European Union Erasmus Programme.
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2015
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a disruptive new development in higher education which co... more Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a disruptive new development in higher education which combines openness and scalability in a most powerful way. They have the potential to widen participation in higher education. Thus, they contribute to social inclusion, the dissemination of knowledge and pedagogical innovation and also the internationalization of higher education institutions. However, one of the critical elements for a massive open language learning experience to be successful is to empower learners and to facilitate networked learning experiences. In fact, MOOCs are designed for an undefined number of participants thus serving a high heterogeneity of profiles, with diverse learning styles and prior knowledge, and also contexts of participation and diversity of online platforms. Personalization can play a key role in this process. The iMOOC pedagogical model introduced the principle of diversity to MOOC design, allowing for a clear differentiation of learning paths and also virtual environments. In this article the authors present a proposal based on the iMOOC approach for a new framework for personalizing and adapting MOOCs designed in a collaborative, networked pedagogical approach by identifying each participant's competence profile and prior knowledge as well as the respective mobile communication device used and to generate matching personalized learning. This paper also shows the results obtained in a laboratory environment after an experiment has been performed with a prototype of the framework. It can be observed that creating personalized learning paths is possible and the next step is to test this framework with real experimental groups.
One of the major goals of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is to facilitate the mobility... more One of the major goals of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is to facilitate the mobility of citizens, assuring the transparency and competitiveness of qualifications across Europe. The formal adoption of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) represented an important step in that direction, contributing to achieve mobility in higher and continuing education. However, the full engagement of European institutions and students in this process, can only be possible through the wide-spread use of e-learning. Yet, institutions and students struggle with the lack of a clear theoretical framework and a set of tools that enable virtual mobility of students, guaranteeing EQF implementation through e-learning. One of the critical issues being the transferability of credits, since there isn't a common understanding or any European standards on how to calculate credit units in e-learning courses. In this paper, we present a possible solution for transferability of credits in e-...
Visiones en educación sin barreras ni fronteras: Un homenaje al Maestro Lorenzo García Aretio, 2021
Las giga-universidades: un nuevo modelo para las instituciones de educación superior abierta y a ... more Las giga-universidades: un nuevo modelo para las instituciones de educación superior abierta y a distancia
O presente livro COMO ENSINAR FILOSOFIA NUM MUNDO DIGITAL? é o último dos quatro volumes que o pr... more O presente livro COMO ENSINAR FILOSOFIA NUM MUNDO DIGITAL? é o último dos quatro volumes que o projecto PTDC/FILFIL/102893/2008 "Ensino/Aprendizagem da Filosofia" se propôs publicar. A obra apresenta um conjunto de reflexões sobre os desafios provenientes do uso da Internet no ensino/aprendizagem, particularmente no caso da Filosofia. O trabalho foi realizado por uma equipa de investigadores/as e colaboradores/as do Projecto, bem como por vários especialistas convidados.
The introduction of massive open online education has offered a new range of exciting possibiliti... more The introduction of massive open online education has offered a new range of exciting possibilities for the development of language learning. By opening up access to language education for all who are digitally connected, it contributes to increase the speed and outreach of the dissemination of one of the key transversal competences. Additionally, it allows also for the acceleration of the language learning processes through the use of very large communities of practice. However, most of the MOOCs in offer today are not designed in such a way as to empower learners and favour collaborative learning experiences. In this chapter we explore how the massive open education movement has been evolving and discuss what the design elements favouring massive collaborative language learning experiences should be. We present a methodological proposal for collaborative language MOOCs based on the iMOOC model, developed by a team of the Open University of Portugal (Universidade Aberta –