Jesús Manuel Palma-Ruiz | Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua (original) (raw)

I.E. 79 Pedagogías digitales | Digital Pedagogies by Jesús Manuel Palma-Ruiz

Research paper thumbnail of Sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje en dispositivos móviles: evidencia de aceptación en una universidad pública de México | Learning management systems in mobile devices: Evidence of acceptance at a public university in Mexico

Resumen. Los más reconocidos sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje son ahora accesibles a través de... more Resumen. Los más reconocidos sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje son ahora accesibles a través de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles. Estos sistemas representan una herramienta didáctica innovadora que facilita el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la comunicación con estudiantes, principalmente los “nativos digitales,” a través de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). Este estudio se basa en el modelo de la teoría unificada de aceptación y uso de la tecnología (UTAUT2) para explorar los factores que determinan la intención de uso continuado. Se documenta la experiencia de uso de Google Classroom (GC), entre estudiantes de tres grupos de una asignatura de negocios en la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua en México. Se recopilan 72 respuestas a un cuestionario entre los estudiantes que concluyeron la asignatura y utilizaron GC por 16 semanas. Por medio de una modelación de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM-PLS), los resultados muestran que la expectativa de resultados, la expectativa de esfuerzo y la regulación intrínseca influyen positivamente en la intención de comportamiento de los estudiantes por continuar usando Google Classroom.
Abstract. The most recognized learning management systems are now accessible through applications for mobile devices. These systems represent an innovative didactic tool that facilitates the teaching-learning process and the communication with “digital native” students through ICT. This study is based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model (UTAUT2) to explore the factors that determine the behavioral intention. The experience of using Google Classroom (GC) is documented among students of three groups of a business course at the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua in Mexico. 72 responses to a questionnaire were collected among students who completed the course and used GC for 16 weeks. By means of a structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), the results showed that the performance expectancy, the effort expectancy, and intrinsic regulation positively influence the student´s behavioral intention to continue to use Google Classroom.

Books by Jesús Manuel Palma-Ruiz

Research paper thumbnail of Preface to Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses

Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses, 2020

Preface Strategy consists of competitive moves and business approaches to produce successful perf... more Preface Strategy consists of competitive moves and business approaches to produce successful performance. Thus, strategic management is the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives. Strategic management focuses on integrating management, marketing, finance/accounting, production, R&D, and computer information systems to achieve organizational success. In family firms, these business' processes and activities are influenced by the family's involvement in the firm, affecting the behavior and strategic decision-making process in this type of organization. Family businesses are a form of organization that represents an important portion of the business. It is estimated that between 60 percent and 90 percent of firms are family businesses, a portion that varies depending on the different regions in the world. A family business can be recognized theoretically, as a governed and/or managed organization with the intention of shaping and pursuing the business vision in the hands of a dominant coalition controlled by members of the same family or a small number of families in a way that is potentially sustainable between generations of the family or families. Given the complexities of the family business, there is no single definition, which has hindered the study and development of research in this field. In fact, in the development of empirical studies, the researchers adopt an operational definition that covers a wide scope regarding ownership considerations in the hands of the family, or aspects that relate to the intentions of the generational transfer of the firm to the following family generations. However, the development of the literature in family business as a field of research has grown considerably , especially in the context of strategic management. Undoubtedly, what distinguishes family businesses is the influence of the family in the decision-making processes. This familiarity is configured through the unique set of resources and capabilities generated from the interaction of family and business systems. The overlap of family and business systems in the strategic decision-making process would be responsible for the characteristic behavior of these organizations. Research in the field of strategic management in family businesses was initially devoted to studying the differences in behavior between family and nonfamily businesses. However, given the systematic progress of this field of study, in recent times, research has been oriented to the analysis of behavioral differences between family businesses. This has allowed recognizing the heterogeneity of behavior of this type of organization. Specifically, previous research provides evidence that family involvement and influence can affect the firm's performance, signaling the emergence of agency theory and resource-based vision as primary theoretical approaches. Similarly, recent findings suggest that corporate governance, succession, and competitive resources/advantage are the topics that have focused attention on the context of the strategic management of the family business. In this context, new theoretical frameworks have emerged based xxii

Research paper thumbnail of Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses

Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses, 2020

The literature on family business has developed significantly over the last years. However, effor... more The literature on family business has developed significantly over the last years. However, efforts remain to summarize and systematize the main aspects that affect the behavior of this type of company. In this regard, the topic of strategic management has been developed. In this sense, it is especially important to recognize how the family decisively influences the behavior of the company and also to identify how the existence of the company affects family dynamics. Those who manage family businesses, whether family or not, must reconcile both perspectives (business and family) in the definition of strategic objectives, allowing sustainability and continuity in this type of organization. The Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses provides emerging research that covers how strategic management in the family business has been developed and identifies the objectives that sustain this strategic behavior, the main areas of analysis (family and business), the definition of strategies, and their implementation. Also, the authors of this book review the different scenarios for family firms and propose strategies to tackle the challenges and seize the possibilities to grow in a competitive and dynamic environment. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as human capital, organizational leadership, and knowledge creation, this book is ideally designed for family firms, managers, advisors, consultants, policymakers, business professionals, executives, entrepreneurs, researchers, academicians, and students.

Research paper thumbnail of Preface to Handbook of Research on Smart Territories and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Social Innovation and Sustainable Growth

Handbook of Research on Smart Territories and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Social Innovation and Sustainable Growth, 2020

With the rise of information and communication technologies in today’s world, many regions have b... more With the rise of information and communication technologies in today’s world, many regions have begun to adapt to more resource-efficient communities. Integrating technology into a region’s use of resources, also known as smart territories, is becoming a trending topic of research. Understanding the relationship between these innovative techniques and how they impact social innovation is vital when analyzing the sustainable growth of highly populated regions. The Handbook of Research on Smart Territories and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Social Innovation and Sustainable Growth is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research on the global practices and initiatives of smart territories as well as their impact on sustainable development in different communities. While highlighting topics such as waste management, social innovation, and digital optimization, this publication is ideally designed for civil engineers, urban planners, policymakers, economists, administrators, social scientists, business executives, researchers, educators, and students seeking current research on the development of smart territories and entrepreneurship in various environments.

Research paper thumbnail of An Explorative Study on Senior Entrepreneurial Intention in Latin America

Senior Entrepreneurship and Aging in Modern Business, 2020

As the aging population is rapidly increasing and life expectancy rates rise around the world, th... more As the aging population is rapidly increasing and life expectancy rates rise around the world, the different economies are faced with new challenges to provide adequate care for their senior citizens aged 60 and over, including health services and pension options. While retirement age is being increased and pension plans appear insufficient, such uncertainty is driving seniors to uphold an economic activity to pursue a better quality of life. Thus, entrepreneurship is becoming a common practice, and senior entrepreneurs have become one of the fastest-growing groups around the world. Senior entrepreneur-ship is recognized to have the potential to affect economic growth, hence carrying social and economic benefits for the economies. Based on data from the Adult Population Survey 2013-2017 from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the authors of this chapter used binomial logistic regression analysis considering individual factors related to senior entrepreneurial intention in eight countries in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Peru).

Research paper thumbnail of Innovation and Family Firms: Past and Future Research Perspectives

Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Competitive Strategy in Family Business, 2019

This chapter aims to perform a systematic review of the most recent publications in innovation wi... more This chapter aims to perform a systematic review of the most recent publications in innovation within the field of family business. A comprehensive systematic search in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science through December 2017 allowed the authors to retrieve 389 peer-reviewed articles. After careful screening, the final sample was reduced to 152 documents from 72 journals. The characteristics of the scientific journals, the diverse topics currently addressed, and the main lines of research were identified. The results revealed the existence of a highly diversified field of research with a wide variety of topics, receiving a growing interest and not limited to specialized journals nor a reduced number of researchers. All of this is indicative of an advance in the field to consolidate innovation as a high potential area of study. This allows researchers to reflect on the current status and research opportunities to contribute to the development of this field.

Research paper thumbnail of Google Trends Metadata as a Revenue Indicator for Digital Marketing Activities in Spanish Businesses

Handbook of Research on Digital Marketing Innovations in Social Entrepreneurship and Solidarity Economics, 2019

The digital world is changing at an extraordinary phase. The never-ending advances in new informa... more The digital world is changing at an extraordinary phase. The never-ending advances in new information and communication technologies (ICT) have more than ever changed the way in which we live, communicate, and process information. This has reshaped our habits to cope with a world constantly demanding new daily virtual experiences. People of all ages are in need to grip these experiences in one way or another. Regarding the advances in ICT, the internet alongside digital and social media have created whole new possibilities to gather real-time data and store valuable information while being virtually connected at all times. This postulates an evident challenge for companies to capitalize on the possibilities of digital marketing media and an opportunity to reach customers effectively using metadata and other resources virtually available. In this chapter, the authors used OLS regressions using Google Trends query data from 2008 to 2016 to measure the growing interest in digital marketing and other related topics and the monetization of such interest in the Spanish media sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Preface to Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Competitive Strategy in Family Business

Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Competitive Strategy in Family Business, 2019

This reference book is an IGI Global Core Reference for 2019 as it provides trending research on ... more This reference book is an IGI Global Core Reference for 2019 as it provides trending research on family businesses. With the recent boom in entrepreneurship and the maker market, this publication will provide the timeliest research outlining how family businesses can enhance their business practices to ensure sustainability. The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Competitive Strategy in Family Business is a collection of innovative research on business and leadership strategies that can be applied to family firms in order to boost efficiency, competitiveness, and optimal use of resource allocation to compete internationally. While highlighting topics including global leadership, knowledge creation, and market performance, this book is ideally designed for business managers, management professionals, executives, researchers, academicians, and students seeking current research on the entrepreneurship role of family businesses in the modern economic age.

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship and Family Business Vitality: Surviving and Flourishing in the Long Term

Entrepreneurship and Family Business Vitality: Surviving and Flourishing in the Long Term, 2019

In order to respond to economic globalization and increased competitive pressures, companies need... more In order to respond to economic globalization and increased competitive pressures, companies need innovative, efficient and effective management strategies. Accordingly, this book explores various scenarios faced by entrepreneurs and family businesses, and proposes strategies to tackle the challenges and seize opportunities to grow in a highly competitive environment. It underscores the importance of deploying vital strategies to survive and flourish in the long term, overcoming challenges, and capitalizing on opportunities in order to attain / maintain a competitive position. By presenting and integrating the latest insights and case studies on entrepreneurship, family businesses, and strategy research, the book provides concrete recommendations for effective business survival and growth.

Research paper thumbnail of Las empresas familiares en el desarrollo regional: un llamado al reenfoque de la investigación en México

Los retos del cambio económico actual: revisión y aplicaciones para el caso mexicano, 2017

Este capítulo aborda la importancia de estudiar los factores contextuales influyentes en el desa... more Este capítulo aborda la importancia de estudiar los factores contextuales influyentes en el desarrollo de las empresas familiares debido a su incidencia en la utilización estratégica de los recursos y capacidades.
La presencia de las empresas familiares en las estructuras productivas regionales puede afectar las dimensiones de proximidad geográfica, cognitiva, social, organizativa e institu- cional alterando el tipo y grado de integración de la empresa en el contexto geográfico, así como permitir el desarrollo y la interacción de los factores y procesos regionales. Es así que un punto de vista pretendido en este capítulo es considerar y justificar el estudio de factores en el contexto como parte inherente en la estrategia de las empresas familiares mexicanas siguiendo el modelo de Regional Familiness; para lo cual se parte de una definición y una diferenciación de contextos, apoyándose de estudios previos de diversos autores.
Este análisis resulta relevante para los administradores públicos por la preeminencia de las empresas familiares en el grueso del tejido empresarial, además fundamental en el proceso de dirección hacia el crecimiento y consolidación de la empresa, de lo cual la importancia de la inferencia sobre aspectos externos para llevar a cabo una adecuada
estrategia de continuidad y crecimiento.

Papers by Jesús Manuel Palma-Ruiz

Research paper thumbnail of Competitive Advantage Development in Family Firms by Transforming Entrepreneurial Orientation Into CSR

IGI Global eBooks, Mar 4, 2022

The importance of family firms (FF) for industrialized and developing countries is vindicated due... more The importance of family firms (FF) for industrialized and developing countries is vindicated due to their capacity to create employment, the considerable contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP), and their particular ability to create wealth. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are among the topics that have lately aroused the interest of FF related research. EO is considered a significant issue for firms´ survival and growth as it may help businesses to develop competitive advantage and lead to better performance. This chapter aims to shed light on the relationship between the EO of FF and their commitment to CSR as a source of competitive advantage. For this purpose, this chapter analyzes how the CSR concept has evolved and positioned in Spain. Thus, an overview of the EO construct is presented. Finally, an analysis of the EO-CSR interface is described with a particular focus on Spanish FF. Even though the focus in this chapter is on FF, the conclusions could be to some extent generalized to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Transformation of the Quadruple Helix: Technological Management Interrelations for Sustainable Innovation

Research paper thumbnail of Is the Impact of Sustainability Exploration on Firm Economic Return so Obvious? The Case of Internationalized Spanish Firms Operating in High-Tech and Low-Tech Industries

Entrepreneurship as Practice, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing Strategies for Esports

Routledge eBooks, Jul 4, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge Integration and Organisational Performance of Data Analytics in the Family Business

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity

This study addressed the connection between the organisational performance of data analytics and ... more This study addressed the connection between the organisational performance of data analytics and the elements that contribute to knowledge integration (KI) in family businesses under the scope of the knowledge-based view theory. The conceptual model was validated based on the responses of 135 directors of Chilean family firms by using a partial least squares–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) methodology. The results show a relationship between the three components of KI and their impact on the organisational performance of data analytics, in addition to the moderating effects of both the quality of information and the information alignment within the proposed model. Our findings contribute data analytics to the family business literature and support organisational management by encouraging cooperation and the sharing of information and expertise among family members.

Research paper thumbnail of A Review of the Academic Literature on Family Business In Spanish

Research paper thumbnail of Emprendimiento: visión actual como disciplina de investigación. Un análisis de los números especiales publicados durante 2011-2013

Estudios Gerenciales, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Emprendimiento: visión actual como disciplina de investigación. Un análisis de los números especiales publicados durante 2011-2013

Estudios Gerenciales, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Esports and the Media

This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the question of esports and their role in society... more This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the question of esports and their role in society. A diverse group of authors tackle the impact of esports and the ways in which it has grown within the entertainment industry around the world. Chapters offer a coherent response to the following questions: What role do esports play in the entertainment industry? What communication skills can be learned through esports? What do the media gain from broadcasting esports? What is the relationship between social networks and esports? What are the main marketing strategies used in esports? What effect does communicative globalization have on the development of esports? What is the relationship between merchandising and esports? What do communication experts think about esports? Offering clear insights into this rapidly developing area, this volume will be of great interest to scholars, students, and anyone working in game studies, new media, leisure, sport studies, communication studies, transmedia literacy, and digital culture. Angel Torres-Toukoumidis completed his PhD in Communication under the research line 'Media Literacy' at the universities of Huelva,

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of the gaming industry across nations: using analytics with power BI to forecast and identify key influencers

Heliyon, 2022

Esports has seen a phenomenal explosion in popularity in recent years, gaining increasing interes... more Esports has seen a phenomenal explosion in popularity in recent years, gaining increasing interest from the media, sports, and technology industries. The purpose of this study is to show an overview of the recent evolution of the gaming market in representative countries in Eastern Asia, Western Europe, and North America during 2017-2019, and the corresponding growth projections for the next five years. For this purpose, descriptive, correlational, and forecasting analyses were used to assess the relationships among key variables associated with the growth of the gaming industry and to show different possibilities to address the data using data analytics. The games market revenues, total number of players, Google trends data, GDP per capita and online population were studied as possible key influencers to explain the industry's growth. Predictive analytics with MS Power BI revealed a positive correlation between GDP per capita and market revenues and players in European and North American countries, while in Asia was just the opposite. Also, a positive relationship between Google trends in esports and the games market revenues is noted. Forecasts showed significant growth for each region. Practical implications and future research directions are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje en dispositivos móviles: evidencia de aceptación en una universidad pública de México | Learning management systems in mobile devices: Evidence of acceptance at a public university in Mexico

Resumen. Los más reconocidos sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje son ahora accesibles a través de... more Resumen. Los más reconocidos sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje son ahora accesibles a través de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles. Estos sistemas representan una herramienta didáctica innovadora que facilita el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la comunicación con estudiantes, principalmente los “nativos digitales,” a través de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). Este estudio se basa en el modelo de la teoría unificada de aceptación y uso de la tecnología (UTAUT2) para explorar los factores que determinan la intención de uso continuado. Se documenta la experiencia de uso de Google Classroom (GC), entre estudiantes de tres grupos de una asignatura de negocios en la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua en México. Se recopilan 72 respuestas a un cuestionario entre los estudiantes que concluyeron la asignatura y utilizaron GC por 16 semanas. Por medio de una modelación de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM-PLS), los resultados muestran que la expectativa de resultados, la expectativa de esfuerzo y la regulación intrínseca influyen positivamente en la intención de comportamiento de los estudiantes por continuar usando Google Classroom.
Abstract. The most recognized learning management systems are now accessible through applications for mobile devices. These systems represent an innovative didactic tool that facilitates the teaching-learning process and the communication with “digital native” students through ICT. This study is based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model (UTAUT2) to explore the factors that determine the behavioral intention. The experience of using Google Classroom (GC) is documented among students of three groups of a business course at the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua in Mexico. 72 responses to a questionnaire were collected among students who completed the course and used GC for 16 weeks. By means of a structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), the results showed that the performance expectancy, the effort expectancy, and intrinsic regulation positively influence the student´s behavioral intention to continue to use Google Classroom.

Research paper thumbnail of Preface to Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses

Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses, 2020

Preface Strategy consists of competitive moves and business approaches to produce successful perf... more Preface Strategy consists of competitive moves and business approaches to produce successful performance. Thus, strategic management is the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives. Strategic management focuses on integrating management, marketing, finance/accounting, production, R&D, and computer information systems to achieve organizational success. In family firms, these business' processes and activities are influenced by the family's involvement in the firm, affecting the behavior and strategic decision-making process in this type of organization. Family businesses are a form of organization that represents an important portion of the business. It is estimated that between 60 percent and 90 percent of firms are family businesses, a portion that varies depending on the different regions in the world. A family business can be recognized theoretically, as a governed and/or managed organization with the intention of shaping and pursuing the business vision in the hands of a dominant coalition controlled by members of the same family or a small number of families in a way that is potentially sustainable between generations of the family or families. Given the complexities of the family business, there is no single definition, which has hindered the study and development of research in this field. In fact, in the development of empirical studies, the researchers adopt an operational definition that covers a wide scope regarding ownership considerations in the hands of the family, or aspects that relate to the intentions of the generational transfer of the firm to the following family generations. However, the development of the literature in family business as a field of research has grown considerably , especially in the context of strategic management. Undoubtedly, what distinguishes family businesses is the influence of the family in the decision-making processes. This familiarity is configured through the unique set of resources and capabilities generated from the interaction of family and business systems. The overlap of family and business systems in the strategic decision-making process would be responsible for the characteristic behavior of these organizations. Research in the field of strategic management in family businesses was initially devoted to studying the differences in behavior between family and nonfamily businesses. However, given the systematic progress of this field of study, in recent times, research has been oriented to the analysis of behavioral differences between family businesses. This has allowed recognizing the heterogeneity of behavior of this type of organization. Specifically, previous research provides evidence that family involvement and influence can affect the firm's performance, signaling the emergence of agency theory and resource-based vision as primary theoretical approaches. Similarly, recent findings suggest that corporate governance, succession, and competitive resources/advantage are the topics that have focused attention on the context of the strategic management of the family business. In this context, new theoretical frameworks have emerged based xxii

Research paper thumbnail of Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses

Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses, 2020

The literature on family business has developed significantly over the last years. However, effor... more The literature on family business has developed significantly over the last years. However, efforts remain to summarize and systematize the main aspects that affect the behavior of this type of company. In this regard, the topic of strategic management has been developed. In this sense, it is especially important to recognize how the family decisively influences the behavior of the company and also to identify how the existence of the company affects family dynamics. Those who manage family businesses, whether family or not, must reconcile both perspectives (business and family) in the definition of strategic objectives, allowing sustainability and continuity in this type of organization. The Handbook of Research on the Strategic Management of Family Businesses provides emerging research that covers how strategic management in the family business has been developed and identifies the objectives that sustain this strategic behavior, the main areas of analysis (family and business), the definition of strategies, and their implementation. Also, the authors of this book review the different scenarios for family firms and propose strategies to tackle the challenges and seize the possibilities to grow in a competitive and dynamic environment. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as human capital, organizational leadership, and knowledge creation, this book is ideally designed for family firms, managers, advisors, consultants, policymakers, business professionals, executives, entrepreneurs, researchers, academicians, and students.

Research paper thumbnail of Preface to Handbook of Research on Smart Territories and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Social Innovation and Sustainable Growth

Handbook of Research on Smart Territories and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Social Innovation and Sustainable Growth, 2020

With the rise of information and communication technologies in today’s world, many regions have b... more With the rise of information and communication technologies in today’s world, many regions have begun to adapt to more resource-efficient communities. Integrating technology into a region’s use of resources, also known as smart territories, is becoming a trending topic of research. Understanding the relationship between these innovative techniques and how they impact social innovation is vital when analyzing the sustainable growth of highly populated regions. The Handbook of Research on Smart Territories and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Social Innovation and Sustainable Growth is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research on the global practices and initiatives of smart territories as well as their impact on sustainable development in different communities. While highlighting topics such as waste management, social innovation, and digital optimization, this publication is ideally designed for civil engineers, urban planners, policymakers, economists, administrators, social scientists, business executives, researchers, educators, and students seeking current research on the development of smart territories and entrepreneurship in various environments.

Research paper thumbnail of An Explorative Study on Senior Entrepreneurial Intention in Latin America

Senior Entrepreneurship and Aging in Modern Business, 2020

As the aging population is rapidly increasing and life expectancy rates rise around the world, th... more As the aging population is rapidly increasing and life expectancy rates rise around the world, the different economies are faced with new challenges to provide adequate care for their senior citizens aged 60 and over, including health services and pension options. While retirement age is being increased and pension plans appear insufficient, such uncertainty is driving seniors to uphold an economic activity to pursue a better quality of life. Thus, entrepreneurship is becoming a common practice, and senior entrepreneurs have become one of the fastest-growing groups around the world. Senior entrepreneur-ship is recognized to have the potential to affect economic growth, hence carrying social and economic benefits for the economies. Based on data from the Adult Population Survey 2013-2017 from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the authors of this chapter used binomial logistic regression analysis considering individual factors related to senior entrepreneurial intention in eight countries in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Peru).

Research paper thumbnail of Innovation and Family Firms: Past and Future Research Perspectives

Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Competitive Strategy in Family Business, 2019

This chapter aims to perform a systematic review of the most recent publications in innovation wi... more This chapter aims to perform a systematic review of the most recent publications in innovation within the field of family business. A comprehensive systematic search in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science through December 2017 allowed the authors to retrieve 389 peer-reviewed articles. After careful screening, the final sample was reduced to 152 documents from 72 journals. The characteristics of the scientific journals, the diverse topics currently addressed, and the main lines of research were identified. The results revealed the existence of a highly diversified field of research with a wide variety of topics, receiving a growing interest and not limited to specialized journals nor a reduced number of researchers. All of this is indicative of an advance in the field to consolidate innovation as a high potential area of study. This allows researchers to reflect on the current status and research opportunities to contribute to the development of this field.

Research paper thumbnail of Google Trends Metadata as a Revenue Indicator for Digital Marketing Activities in Spanish Businesses

Handbook of Research on Digital Marketing Innovations in Social Entrepreneurship and Solidarity Economics, 2019

The digital world is changing at an extraordinary phase. The never-ending advances in new informa... more The digital world is changing at an extraordinary phase. The never-ending advances in new information and communication technologies (ICT) have more than ever changed the way in which we live, communicate, and process information. This has reshaped our habits to cope with a world constantly demanding new daily virtual experiences. People of all ages are in need to grip these experiences in one way or another. Regarding the advances in ICT, the internet alongside digital and social media have created whole new possibilities to gather real-time data and store valuable information while being virtually connected at all times. This postulates an evident challenge for companies to capitalize on the possibilities of digital marketing media and an opportunity to reach customers effectively using metadata and other resources virtually available. In this chapter, the authors used OLS regressions using Google Trends query data from 2008 to 2016 to measure the growing interest in digital marketing and other related topics and the monetization of such interest in the Spanish media sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Preface to Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Competitive Strategy in Family Business

Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Competitive Strategy in Family Business, 2019

This reference book is an IGI Global Core Reference for 2019 as it provides trending research on ... more This reference book is an IGI Global Core Reference for 2019 as it provides trending research on family businesses. With the recent boom in entrepreneurship and the maker market, this publication will provide the timeliest research outlining how family businesses can enhance their business practices to ensure sustainability. The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Competitive Strategy in Family Business is a collection of innovative research on business and leadership strategies that can be applied to family firms in order to boost efficiency, competitiveness, and optimal use of resource allocation to compete internationally. While highlighting topics including global leadership, knowledge creation, and market performance, this book is ideally designed for business managers, management professionals, executives, researchers, academicians, and students seeking current research on the entrepreneurship role of family businesses in the modern economic age.

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship and Family Business Vitality: Surviving and Flourishing in the Long Term

Entrepreneurship and Family Business Vitality: Surviving and Flourishing in the Long Term, 2019

In order to respond to economic globalization and increased competitive pressures, companies need... more In order to respond to economic globalization and increased competitive pressures, companies need innovative, efficient and effective management strategies. Accordingly, this book explores various scenarios faced by entrepreneurs and family businesses, and proposes strategies to tackle the challenges and seize opportunities to grow in a highly competitive environment. It underscores the importance of deploying vital strategies to survive and flourish in the long term, overcoming challenges, and capitalizing on opportunities in order to attain / maintain a competitive position. By presenting and integrating the latest insights and case studies on entrepreneurship, family businesses, and strategy research, the book provides concrete recommendations for effective business survival and growth.

Research paper thumbnail of Las empresas familiares en el desarrollo regional: un llamado al reenfoque de la investigación en México

Los retos del cambio económico actual: revisión y aplicaciones para el caso mexicano, 2017

Este capítulo aborda la importancia de estudiar los factores contextuales influyentes en el desa... more Este capítulo aborda la importancia de estudiar los factores contextuales influyentes en el desarrollo de las empresas familiares debido a su incidencia en la utilización estratégica de los recursos y capacidades.
La presencia de las empresas familiares en las estructuras productivas regionales puede afectar las dimensiones de proximidad geográfica, cognitiva, social, organizativa e institu- cional alterando el tipo y grado de integración de la empresa en el contexto geográfico, así como permitir el desarrollo y la interacción de los factores y procesos regionales. Es así que un punto de vista pretendido en este capítulo es considerar y justificar el estudio de factores en el contexto como parte inherente en la estrategia de las empresas familiares mexicanas siguiendo el modelo de Regional Familiness; para lo cual se parte de una definición y una diferenciación de contextos, apoyándose de estudios previos de diversos autores.
Este análisis resulta relevante para los administradores públicos por la preeminencia de las empresas familiares en el grueso del tejido empresarial, además fundamental en el proceso de dirección hacia el crecimiento y consolidación de la empresa, de lo cual la importancia de la inferencia sobre aspectos externos para llevar a cabo una adecuada
estrategia de continuidad y crecimiento.

Research paper thumbnail of Competitive Advantage Development in Family Firms by Transforming Entrepreneurial Orientation Into CSR

IGI Global eBooks, Mar 4, 2022

The importance of family firms (FF) for industrialized and developing countries is vindicated due... more The importance of family firms (FF) for industrialized and developing countries is vindicated due to their capacity to create employment, the considerable contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP), and their particular ability to create wealth. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are among the topics that have lately aroused the interest of FF related research. EO is considered a significant issue for firms´ survival and growth as it may help businesses to develop competitive advantage and lead to better performance. This chapter aims to shed light on the relationship between the EO of FF and their commitment to CSR as a source of competitive advantage. For this purpose, this chapter analyzes how the CSR concept has evolved and positioned in Spain. Thus, an overview of the EO construct is presented. Finally, an analysis of the EO-CSR interface is described with a particular focus on Spanish FF. Even though the focus in this chapter is on FF, the conclusions could be to some extent generalized to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Transformation of the Quadruple Helix: Technological Management Interrelations for Sustainable Innovation

Research paper thumbnail of Is the Impact of Sustainability Exploration on Firm Economic Return so Obvious? The Case of Internationalized Spanish Firms Operating in High-Tech and Low-Tech Industries

Entrepreneurship as Practice, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing Strategies for Esports

Routledge eBooks, Jul 4, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge Integration and Organisational Performance of Data Analytics in the Family Business

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity

This study addressed the connection between the organisational performance of data analytics and ... more This study addressed the connection between the organisational performance of data analytics and the elements that contribute to knowledge integration (KI) in family businesses under the scope of the knowledge-based view theory. The conceptual model was validated based on the responses of 135 directors of Chilean family firms by using a partial least squares–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) methodology. The results show a relationship between the three components of KI and their impact on the organisational performance of data analytics, in addition to the moderating effects of both the quality of information and the information alignment within the proposed model. Our findings contribute data analytics to the family business literature and support organisational management by encouraging cooperation and the sharing of information and expertise among family members.

Research paper thumbnail of A Review of the Academic Literature on Family Business In Spanish

Research paper thumbnail of Emprendimiento: visión actual como disciplina de investigación. Un análisis de los números especiales publicados durante 2011-2013

Estudios Gerenciales, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Emprendimiento: visión actual como disciplina de investigación. Un análisis de los números especiales publicados durante 2011-2013

Estudios Gerenciales, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Esports and the Media

This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the question of esports and their role in society... more This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the question of esports and their role in society. A diverse group of authors tackle the impact of esports and the ways in which it has grown within the entertainment industry around the world. Chapters offer a coherent response to the following questions: What role do esports play in the entertainment industry? What communication skills can be learned through esports? What do the media gain from broadcasting esports? What is the relationship between social networks and esports? What are the main marketing strategies used in esports? What effect does communicative globalization have on the development of esports? What is the relationship between merchandising and esports? What do communication experts think about esports? Offering clear insights into this rapidly developing area, this volume will be of great interest to scholars, students, and anyone working in game studies, new media, leisure, sport studies, communication studies, transmedia literacy, and digital culture. Angel Torres-Toukoumidis completed his PhD in Communication under the research line 'Media Literacy' at the universities of Huelva,

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of the gaming industry across nations: using analytics with power BI to forecast and identify key influencers

Heliyon, 2022

Esports has seen a phenomenal explosion in popularity in recent years, gaining increasing interes... more Esports has seen a phenomenal explosion in popularity in recent years, gaining increasing interest from the media, sports, and technology industries. The purpose of this study is to show an overview of the recent evolution of the gaming market in representative countries in Eastern Asia, Western Europe, and North America during 2017-2019, and the corresponding growth projections for the next five years. For this purpose, descriptive, correlational, and forecasting analyses were used to assess the relationships among key variables associated with the growth of the gaming industry and to show different possibilities to address the data using data analytics. The games market revenues, total number of players, Google trends data, GDP per capita and online population were studied as possible key influencers to explain the industry's growth. Predictive analytics with MS Power BI revealed a positive correlation between GDP per capita and market revenues and players in European and North American countries, while in Asia was just the opposite. Also, a positive relationship between Google trends in esports and the games market revenues is noted. Forecasts showed significant growth for each region. Practical implications and future research directions are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Gamification in MOOC Context. Documentary Analysis

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Google Trends Metadata as a Revenue Indicator for Digital Marketing Activities in Spanish Businesses

Handbook of Research on Digital Marketing Innovations in Social Entrepreneurship and Solidarity Economics, 2019

The digital world is changing at an extraordinary phase. The never-ending advances in new informa... more The digital world is changing at an extraordinary phase. The never-ending advances in new information and communication technologies (ICT) have more than ever changed the way in which we live, communicate, and process information. This has reshaped our habits to cope with a world constantly demanding new daily virtual experiences. People of all ages are in need to grip these experiences in one way or another. Regarding the advances in ICT, the internet alongside digital and social media have created whole new possibilities to gather real-time data and store valuable information while being virtually connected at all times. This postulates an evident challenge for companies to capitalize on the possibilities of digital marketing media and an opportunity to reach customers effectively using metadata and other resources virtually available. In this chapter, the authors used OLS regressions using Google Trends query data from 2008 to 2016 to measure the growing interest in digital marke...

Research paper thumbnail of An Explorative Study on Senior Entrepreneurial Intention in Latin America

Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, 2020

As the aging population is rapidly increasing and life expectancy rates rise around the world, th... more As the aging population is rapidly increasing and life expectancy rates rise around the world, the different economies are faced with new challenges to provide adequate care for their senior citizens aged 60 and over, including health services and pension options. While retirement age is being increased and pension plans appear insufficient, such uncertainty is driving seniors to uphold an economic activity to pursue a better quality of life. Thus, entrepreneurship is becoming a common practice, and senior entrepreneurs have become one of the fastest-growing groups around the world. Senior entrepreneurship is recognized to have the potential to affect economic growth, hence carrying social and economic benefits for the economies. Based on data from the Adult Population Survey 2013-2017 from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the authors of this chapter used binomial logistic regression analysis considering individual factors related to senior entrepreneurial intention in eight cou...

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Capabilities for Family Firm Sustainability: The Role of Knowledge Accumulation and Family Essence

Sustainability, 2021

While prior studies recognize the importance of organizational capabilities for family firm susta... more While prior studies recognize the importance of organizational capabilities for family firm sustainability, current research has still failed to empirically identify the role of different types of knowledge accumulation with regard to these organizational capabilities. Based on the dynamic capabilities theory, the main goal of this paper is to address this research gap and to explore the relationships between both internal and external knowledge accumulation, and ordinary organizational capabilities. This research also contributes to analyzing the complex effect of the family firm essence, influenced by both family involvement and generational involvement levels, as an antecedent of internal and external knowledge accumulation. Our analysis of 102 non-listed Spanish family firms shows that the family firm essence, which is influenced by the family involvement, strengthens only the internal knowledge accumulation but not the external one. Furthermore, our study also reveals that both...

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative innovation in the family SME: conceptualization, goals, and success factors

European Journal Of Family Business, 2019

In a constantly changing environment, collaborative innovation enables the knowledge creation and... more In a constantly changing environment, collaborative innovation enables the knowledge creation and new product designs, the improved efficiency of the production process and the reduction of time-to-market. However, the achievement of such results in the family SME depends mainly on the unique characteristics of this type of organization, which in turn represent the most widespread kind of business worldwide. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze how the composition of the management team, and the factors related to the capabilities –cognitive factors, absorptive capacity, and innovative trajectory- and the attitudes –preservation of SEW legacy and intra-organizational behavior- of the decision makers, mediated mainly by the influence of the family, affect when designing and implementing collaborative innovation processes in a successful way.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Capital Multidimensionality as a Determinant of Entrepreneurial Intention: Evidence from Mexico and Spain

International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society, 2019

The assessment of the university and family social environments is relevant due to the influence ... more The assessment of the university and family social environments is relevant due to the influence during the individual's formative years, effecting the individual's development, career and occupational preferences. In an attempt to deepen the understanding of social capital, the authors proposed an examination of its dimensionality. Hypotheses were formulated building upon three dimensions—cognitive, structural, and relational—embedded in both contexts as determinants of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intention. Implications are discussed promoting an appropriate social capital dimension and favorable environment for individuals to access information, resources, and support, with the purpose to foster and motivate their entrepreneurial spirit. Structural equation modeling was used considering 399 undergraduate students from universities in Mexico and Spain.

Research paper thumbnail of Socially Responsible Investing as a Competitive Strategy for Trading Companies in Times of Upheaval Amid COVID-19: Evidence from Spain

International Journal of Financial Studies, 2020

Sustainable and responsible investing (SRI) is a strategy that seeks to combine both financial re... more Sustainable and responsible investing (SRI) is a strategy that seeks to combine both financial return and social good. The need to create and preserve SRI represents a key argument in investment decision-making, which leads other firms and investors to make strategic decisions beyond financial logic, based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. Within this framework, this paper aims to further clarify the understanding of potentially profitable strategies for firms during a global crisis such as a pandemic. Both primary and secondary data were gathered, and descriptive analyses were conducted. In Spain, several IBEX-35 companies announced donations amid the COVID-19 crisis. First, companies were classified into two groups based on donations made. For this, we searched for ESG online news. Then, profitability records amongst companies were identified and compared. In the trading session after the announcements, we found 12 of the 35 companies that made donations had ...

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of the gaming industry across nations: using analytics with power BI to forecast and identify key influencers

Heliyon, 2022

Esports has seen a phenomenal explosion in popularity in recent years, gaining increasing interes... more Esports has seen a phenomenal explosion in popularity in recent years, gaining increasing interest from the media, sports, and technology industries. The purpose of this study is to show an overview of the recent evolution of the gaming market in representative countries in Eastern Asia, Western Europe, and North America during 2017-2019, and the corresponding growth projections for the next five years. For this purpose, descriptive, correlational, and forecasting analyses were used to assess the relationships among key variables associated with the growth of the gaming industry and to show different possibilities to address the data using data analytics. The games market revenues, total number of players, Google trends data, GDP per capita and online population were studied as possible key influencers to explain the industry's growth. Predictive analytics with MS Power BI revealed a positive correlation between GDP per capita and market revenues and players in European and North American countries, while in Asia was just the opposite. Also, a positive relationship between Google trends in esports and the games market revenues is noted. Forecasts showed significant growth for each region. Practical implications and future research directions are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Panorama del sector apícola en México: Análisis estadístico de tendencias para el periodo de 2006 a 2016

Resumen En este trabajo de investigacion se presenta el panorama del sector apicola en Mexico par... more Resumen En este trabajo de investigacion se presenta el panorama del sector apicola en Mexico para el nperiodo de 2006 a 2016, contextualizando al lector acerca de la importancia de las abejas y su situacion contemporanea, con el objetivo de senalar tambien la relevancia de la apicultura para diversos sectores de la economia, y la competitividad del pais a nivel internacional. Asimismo, basado en precedentes de teorias economicas se explican las hipotesis de estudio. Lo anterior justifica el desarrollo de la evaluacion empirica, contrastando los resultados de un analisis estadistico, compuesto por la comparacion de las tendencias de la produccion apicola, el precio total y unitario de la misma, el numero de colmenas, y la rentabilidad y la productividad generada por estas ultimas. Como resultado, se realizan comparaciones estadisticas entre las variables economicas y tecnicas mencionadas, concluyendo que en su mayoria se afectan entre si con base en la teoria economica.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje en dispositivos móviles: evidencia de aceptación en una universidad pública de México

espanolResumen Los mas reconocidos sistemas de gestion del aprendizaje son ahora accesibles a tra... more espanolResumen Los mas reconocidos sistemas de gestion del aprendizaje son ahora accesibles a traves de aplicaciones para dispositivos moviles. Estos sistemas representan una herramienta didactica innovadora que facilita el proceso de ensenanza-aprendizaje y la comunicacion con estudiantes, principalmente los “nativos digitales,” a traves de las tecnologias de la informacion y la comunicacion (TIC). Este estudio se basa en el modelo de la teoria unificada de aceptacion y uso de la tecnologia (UTAUT2) para explorar los factores que determinan la intencion de uso continuado. Se documenta la experiencia de uso de Google Classroom (GC), entre estudiantes de tres grupos de una asignatura de negocios en la Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua en Mexico. Se recopilan 72 respuestas a un cuestionario entre los estudiantes que concluyeron la asignatura y utilizaron GC por 16 semanas. Por medio de una modelacion de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM-PLS), los resultados muestran que la expectativa de ...