Rodrigo Browne | Universidad Austral de Chile (original) (raw)

Papers by Rodrigo Browne

Research paper thumbnail of Propuesta para un análisis crítico del cuerpo versus la ciudad en obras coreográficas del Chile postdictadura

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis Del Movimiento Feminista Estudiantil Del 2018 en La Prensa Chilena y De La Región De Los Ríos

Asparkía. Investigació feminista

Esta investigación analizó la cobertura y la representación que se le dio al movimiento estudiant... more Esta investigación analizó la cobertura y la representación que se le dio al movimiento estudiantil feminista chileno del 2018 en la prensa de carácter nacional, centrándose en los cuatro diarios más importantes del país: El Mercurio, La Tercera, La Cuarta y Las Últimas Noticias, así como también en el estudio de dos medios digitales: y Además, se estudió localmente esta movilización a través del Diario Austral Región de Los Ríos, ubicado en Valdivia, ciudad donde comenzaron las demandas estudiantiles de carácter feminista, al alero de la Universidad Austral de Chile. El interés radicó en comprender cómo los medios están enfrentando estas movilizaciones sociales, y conocer si están entregando una mirada pluralista sobre el tema y los actores involucrados o si, más bien, estuvieron entregando una visión sexista, estereotipada y discriminadora a la ciudadanía a través sus publicaciones noticiosas. Para ello, se recurrió a la metodología de los estudios del dis...

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Sentiment Analysis in Understanding the Information and Political Pluralism under the Chilean New Constitution Discussion

Social Sciences

There is evidence of constitutional rank in Chile, not only a sectoral rank, to estimate that the... more There is evidence of constitutional rank in Chile, not only a sectoral rank, to estimate that the regulation of digital media is in an initial phase and thus insufficient to properly protect information pluralism such as political pluralism. This study aims to investigate forms of concentration, such as the communicational flow of digital media, to determine the opportunities and information defects of these media due to regulatory deficiencies in this sector. Data collection was carried out through a qualitative and quantitative methodology. The prospect of the imminent constituent process in Chile provides the opportunity to evaluate possibilities and propose changes not only at the legislative level but also at the constitutional level, which are likely to provide benefits such as freedom of expression, with greater guarantees toward the pluralism of digital media. The latter also means assessing the relevance of enshrining the right to communication in the future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Sentiment Analysis in Understanding the Information and Political Pluralism under the Chilean New Constitution Discussion

Social Sciences, 2023

Abstract: There is evidence of constitutional rank in Chile, not only a sectoral rank, to estimat... more Abstract: There is evidence of constitutional rank in Chile, not only a sectoral rank, to estimate that the
regulation of digital media is in an initial phase and thus insufficient to properly protect information
pluralism such as political pluralism. This study aims to investigate forms of concentration, such as
the communicational flow of digital media, to determine the opportunities and information defects
of these media due to regulatory deficiencies in this sector. Data collection was carried out through a
qualitative and quantitative methodology. The prospect of the imminent constituent process in Chile
provides the opportunity to evaluate possibilities and propose changes not only at the legislative level
but also at the constitutional level, which are likely to provide benefits such as freedom of expression,
with greater guarantees toward the pluralism of digital media. The latter also means assessing the
relevance of enshrining the right to communication in the future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical Discourse Analysis of intercultural representation in Chilean press

Convergencia, Aug 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Pandemia y comunicación : cambio epocal, iconofagia y la zoomización de nuestras vidas

Iberoamérica en pospandemia : diálogos desde la comunicación y la cultura

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Research paper thumbnail of Terrorismo, pánico y locura en los trailers de Hollywood. Negación, apertura y explotación después del 11-S

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Research paper thumbnail of El cuerpo proscrito en Gabriela Mistral: (escapes para múltiples desemplazamientos)

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultural anthropophagy as a from of cannibalism based on the phenomenon of iconophagy

About culture, 2004

Información del artículo Cultural anthropophagy as a from of cannibalism based on the phenomenon ... more Información del artículo Cultural anthropophagy as a from of cannibalism based on the phenomenon of iconophagy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis Crítico del Discurso de la representación intercultural en la prensa chilena


This paper has, as its main goal, to analyse the presentation and re-presentation of the Mapuche,... more This paper has, as its main goal, to analyse the presentation and re-presentation of the Mapuche, Peruvian and Bolivian difference in the Chilean press. The media which will be the object of the study —selected because of its periodicity and extensive coverage— are the tabloid press "La Cuarta" and "Las Últimas Noticias" which in turn and respectively belong to the consortia which duopolise the informative issue at a national level: Copesa and El Mercurio S.A.P. In order to carry out this analysis a methodological matrix has been projected, and which is derived from the proposal by Teun van Dijk, the so called Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This will allow the reader to understand the social construction of reality based on the news treatment in and of the possible intercultural-migratory relationships inside (Mapuche) and outside (Peruvian-Bolivian) the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular em crianças e adolescentes da rede de ensino da cidade de Maceió

Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Repercusiones del pensamiento de Michel Foucault

Utopía y praxis latinoamericana: revista internacional de filosofía iberoamericana y teoría social, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Comunicación Infinita: Biopolítica y Neoliberalismo

De los estados larvales a las mariposas: Escenarios de la Razón Neoliberal en América, 2018, ISBN 978-958-8721-88-0, págs. 43-70, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Cuerpo Anormal-Cuerpo Proscrito: Genealogía Contra La Dignidad Del Poder

Revista Internacional de Culturas y Literaturas, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Jóvenes y patriarcado en la sociedad TIC: Una reflexión desde la violencia simbólica de género en redes sociales

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Research paper thumbnail of Lacarrieu, Mónica y Alvarez, Marcelo (comp.) (2002) : La (indi) gestión cultural. Una cartografía de los procesos culturales contemporáneos

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Research paper thumbnail of Comunicación, violencia y poder simbólico en la sociología de Pierre Bourdieu

Nómadas: Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Sciences, 2008

Pierre Bourdieu dialogued with and wandered around different disciplines defending the transverse... more Pierre Bourdieu dialogued with and wandered around different disciplines defending the transverse nature of the Social Sciences. His permanent concern over the place of the “sociology of sciences” led him to develop a theoretical programme of study that will suppose the “autonomy” of the “scientific field”. Starting from his works about “the distinction” and the tastes focused from the constitution of the habitus (as structurant structures that dismantle the structured structures), passing through his studies in the scientific field, and arriving at his last concerns about the communication media –mainly the journalistic function of television-, Bourdieu pointed out the importance of the intellectuals’ role, considering a rethinking of the notions exposed in relation to the symbolic issue, in which some specific concepts appear as example, as those of power and symbolic violence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interfaces university - society in the transdisciplinary prospective: Social Communication and Institutional-web Discourse associated with the organization of knowledge in Universities in Chile

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Research paper thumbnail of Falogocentrismo: "Ella, es decir, lo otro": "Ella, es decir, lo otro "Apuntes para una escritura matrística

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Research paper thumbnail of Comunicación y literatura como resistencia cultural en la época de la revolución neotecnológica

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Research paper thumbnail of Propuesta para un análisis crítico del cuerpo versus la ciudad en obras coreográficas del Chile postdictadura

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis Del Movimiento Feminista Estudiantil Del 2018 en La Prensa Chilena y De La Región De Los Ríos

Asparkía. Investigació feminista

Esta investigación analizó la cobertura y la representación que se le dio al movimiento estudiant... more Esta investigación analizó la cobertura y la representación que se le dio al movimiento estudiantil feminista chileno del 2018 en la prensa de carácter nacional, centrándose en los cuatro diarios más importantes del país: El Mercurio, La Tercera, La Cuarta y Las Últimas Noticias, así como también en el estudio de dos medios digitales: y Además, se estudió localmente esta movilización a través del Diario Austral Región de Los Ríos, ubicado en Valdivia, ciudad donde comenzaron las demandas estudiantiles de carácter feminista, al alero de la Universidad Austral de Chile. El interés radicó en comprender cómo los medios están enfrentando estas movilizaciones sociales, y conocer si están entregando una mirada pluralista sobre el tema y los actores involucrados o si, más bien, estuvieron entregando una visión sexista, estereotipada y discriminadora a la ciudadanía a través sus publicaciones noticiosas. Para ello, se recurrió a la metodología de los estudios del dis...

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Sentiment Analysis in Understanding the Information and Political Pluralism under the Chilean New Constitution Discussion

Social Sciences

There is evidence of constitutional rank in Chile, not only a sectoral rank, to estimate that the... more There is evidence of constitutional rank in Chile, not only a sectoral rank, to estimate that the regulation of digital media is in an initial phase and thus insufficient to properly protect information pluralism such as political pluralism. This study aims to investigate forms of concentration, such as the communicational flow of digital media, to determine the opportunities and information defects of these media due to regulatory deficiencies in this sector. Data collection was carried out through a qualitative and quantitative methodology. The prospect of the imminent constituent process in Chile provides the opportunity to evaluate possibilities and propose changes not only at the legislative level but also at the constitutional level, which are likely to provide benefits such as freedom of expression, with greater guarantees toward the pluralism of digital media. The latter also means assessing the relevance of enshrining the right to communication in the future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Sentiment Analysis in Understanding the Information and Political Pluralism under the Chilean New Constitution Discussion

Social Sciences, 2023

Abstract: There is evidence of constitutional rank in Chile, not only a sectoral rank, to estimat... more Abstract: There is evidence of constitutional rank in Chile, not only a sectoral rank, to estimate that the
regulation of digital media is in an initial phase and thus insufficient to properly protect information
pluralism such as political pluralism. This study aims to investigate forms of concentration, such as
the communicational flow of digital media, to determine the opportunities and information defects
of these media due to regulatory deficiencies in this sector. Data collection was carried out through a
qualitative and quantitative methodology. The prospect of the imminent constituent process in Chile
provides the opportunity to evaluate possibilities and propose changes not only at the legislative level
but also at the constitutional level, which are likely to provide benefits such as freedom of expression,
with greater guarantees toward the pluralism of digital media. The latter also means assessing the
relevance of enshrining the right to communication in the future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical Discourse Analysis of intercultural representation in Chilean press

Convergencia, Aug 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Pandemia y comunicación : cambio epocal, iconofagia y la zoomización de nuestras vidas

Iberoamérica en pospandemia : diálogos desde la comunicación y la cultura

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Research paper thumbnail of Terrorismo, pánico y locura en los trailers de Hollywood. Negación, apertura y explotación después del 11-S

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Research paper thumbnail of El cuerpo proscrito en Gabriela Mistral: (escapes para múltiples desemplazamientos)

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultural anthropophagy as a from of cannibalism based on the phenomenon of iconophagy

About culture, 2004

Información del artículo Cultural anthropophagy as a from of cannibalism based on the phenomenon ... more Información del artículo Cultural anthropophagy as a from of cannibalism based on the phenomenon of iconophagy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis Crítico del Discurso de la representación intercultural en la prensa chilena


This paper has, as its main goal, to analyse the presentation and re-presentation of the Mapuche,... more This paper has, as its main goal, to analyse the presentation and re-presentation of the Mapuche, Peruvian and Bolivian difference in the Chilean press. The media which will be the object of the study —selected because of its periodicity and extensive coverage— are the tabloid press "La Cuarta" and "Las Últimas Noticias" which in turn and respectively belong to the consortia which duopolise the informative issue at a national level: Copesa and El Mercurio S.A.P. In order to carry out this analysis a methodological matrix has been projected, and which is derived from the proposal by Teun van Dijk, the so called Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This will allow the reader to understand the social construction of reality based on the news treatment in and of the possible intercultural-migratory relationships inside (Mapuche) and outside (Peruvian-Bolivian) the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular em crianças e adolescentes da rede de ensino da cidade de Maceió

Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Repercusiones del pensamiento de Michel Foucault

Utopía y praxis latinoamericana: revista internacional de filosofía iberoamericana y teoría social, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Comunicación Infinita: Biopolítica y Neoliberalismo

De los estados larvales a las mariposas: Escenarios de la Razón Neoliberal en América, 2018, ISBN 978-958-8721-88-0, págs. 43-70, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Cuerpo Anormal-Cuerpo Proscrito: Genealogía Contra La Dignidad Del Poder

Revista Internacional de Culturas y Literaturas, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Jóvenes y patriarcado en la sociedad TIC: Una reflexión desde la violencia simbólica de género en redes sociales

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Research paper thumbnail of Lacarrieu, Mónica y Alvarez, Marcelo (comp.) (2002) : La (indi) gestión cultural. Una cartografía de los procesos culturales contemporáneos

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Research paper thumbnail of Comunicación, violencia y poder simbólico en la sociología de Pierre Bourdieu

Nómadas: Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Sciences, 2008

Pierre Bourdieu dialogued with and wandered around different disciplines defending the transverse... more Pierre Bourdieu dialogued with and wandered around different disciplines defending the transverse nature of the Social Sciences. His permanent concern over the place of the “sociology of sciences” led him to develop a theoretical programme of study that will suppose the “autonomy” of the “scientific field”. Starting from his works about “the distinction” and the tastes focused from the constitution of the habitus (as structurant structures that dismantle the structured structures), passing through his studies in the scientific field, and arriving at his last concerns about the communication media –mainly the journalistic function of television-, Bourdieu pointed out the importance of the intellectuals’ role, considering a rethinking of the notions exposed in relation to the symbolic issue, in which some specific concepts appear as example, as those of power and symbolic violence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interfaces university - society in the transdisciplinary prospective: Social Communication and Institutional-web Discourse associated with the organization of knowledge in Universities in Chile

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Research paper thumbnail of Falogocentrismo: "Ella, es decir, lo otro": "Ella, es decir, lo otro "Apuntes para una escritura matrística

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Research paper thumbnail of Comunicación y literatura como resistencia cultural en la época de la revolución neotecnológica

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