Nurul Hidayati R | Ahmad Dahlan University (original) (raw)
Papers by Nurul Hidayati R
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (ICECCEP 2019), 2020
This study aims to describe the distribution of variations in the types and characteristics of ch... more This study aims to describe the distribution of variations in the types and characteristics of children with special needs in inclusive elementary schools and to find out models of implementation of inclusive education in elementary schools. This study uses mix-method. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis is carried out quantitatively and qualitatively according to the type of data collected. The results of the study show that children with special needs received in inclusive schools are very diverse. The types of children with special needs that are dominantly accepted in inclusive schools are slow learner (86%), blind (1%), deaf (1%), learning disability (5%), and physically disabled (1%). Identification children with special needs are made through the results of the assessment from the institution of psychology, the results of observations, and tests of learning outcomes. Special guiding teacher obtained from the closest segregation school.
IJDS: Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies
One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education syst... more One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education system since 2009. This School has been trying to serve children with special needs hitherto. In one of the inclusive schools in Malang city, the number of students with special needs (the academic year 2017-2018) is recorded in the school document of 9 students with special needs and 37 students with special services (have health problems). However, it is indicated that the learning process in class is not suitable for the type of student needs in the class. This study aims to investigate the learning process in these inclusive schools. The current research is explained in a descriptive qualitative method. As a result, schools do not make curriculum modifications that are compatible with inclusive education. This school only has one special guidance teacher, and only he has attended a training program in inclusive education. In addition, there are indications that the teacher's attitude...
Kisah- kisah dalam Al-Qur‟an menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari isi Al-Qur‟an yang menjadi refer... more Kisah- kisah dalam Al-Qur‟an menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari isi Al-Qur‟an yang menjadi referensi utama bagi umat manusia. Kisah- kisah Al-Qur‟an bermanfaat dalam rangka pembentukan karakter manusia yang berbudi luhur dan memiliki aqidah tauhid. Dalam dunia pendidikan, pola pendidikan yang hanya menggunakan metode ceramah secara monolog tentu sangat membosankan bagi peserta didik, terlebih di kalangan peserta didik pemula pada tingkat SD/MI. Kisah-kisah AL-Qur‟an menjadi bagian dari metode pendidikan yang efektif bagi pembentukan jiwa yang mentaukhidkan Allah SWT. Karena itu ditegaskan Allah SWT “ faqshush alqashash la‟allahum yatafakkarun”, maka kisahkanlah kisah-kisah agar mereka berpikir. Seorang pendidik harus mampu memberikan variasi metode pembelajaran dengan menyisipi berbagai kisah dan cerita yang relevan dengan kompetensi dan materi pembelajaran. Kisah juga menjadi media yang efektif untuk memberikan peringatan kepada peserta didik agar tidak terjerumus dalam berbagai k...
TRIHAYU: Jurnal Pendidikan Ke-SD-an, 2019
This study intends to develop the potential of digital-based learning resources. This research ai... more This study intends to develop the potential of digital-based learning resources. This research aims to: a) Knowing the process of developing E-learning content course of Media and Learning Resources based on Problem Based Learning, b) Knowing the appropriateness of E-learning content course of Media and Learning Resources based on Problem Based Learning. This research is research and development. The object of this research is media and learning resources course based on problem based learning. The data collection method used was an assessment sheet, supported by the results of interviews with education experts and practitioners. The data in this study are the results of assessments from experts. The results of the research data were processed using descriptive statistical data. The results are: a) E-learning content development procedures through four stages: preliminary study, development of learning design, product development and product evaluation. b) Assessment results by mate...
Teacher’s pedagogical competence can be developed and the quality can be increased through the ap... more Teacher’s pedagogical competence can be developed and the quality can be increased through the application of cooperative learning model. By using this model, a teacher could use many interesting methods to improve the students’ interest, motivation and achievement. By this strategy, the learning interaction will be more “many-direction” and learning source diversification. The cooperative learning strategy was directed to develop the students’ cognitive ability as well as their interpersonal competence. Cooperative learning strategy is one of the alternatives can be used in Islamic Education for effective and efficient learning to achieve the determined learning goals. Cooperative learning strategy is psychologically suitable with the students’ social development in their age of SD/MI and suitable with their characteristic that is to enjoy working in groups. Cooperative learning strategy is also a reflection of the Indonesian character namely mutual cooperation. Therefore, the lear...
Muatan lokal merupakan bahan kajian pada satuan pendidikan yang berisi muatan dan proses pembelaj... more Muatan lokal merupakan bahan kajian pada satuan pendidikan yang berisi muatan dan proses pembelajaran tentang potensi dan keunikan lokal yang dimaksudkan untuk membentuk pemahaman peserta didik terhadap potensi di daerah tempat tinggalnya. Penerapan muatan lokal di Sekolah Dasar dalam Kurikulum 2013 dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam mata pelajaran lainnya seperti seni budaya dan prakarya, pendidikan jasmani dan kesehatan. Muatan lokal juga dapat berdiri menjadi mata pelajaran sendiri yang membutuhkan alokasi waktu tersendiri. Kata kunci: muatan lokal, kurikulum 2013, sekolah dasar
Disleksia adalah bentuk kesulitan belajar spesifik yang paling sering ditemukan. Disleksia bukan ... more Disleksia adalah bentuk kesulitan belajar spesifik yang paling sering ditemukan. Disleksia bukan disebabkan karena kebodohan atau kesalahan metode pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru. Bagi guru atau orang yang tidak mengetahui mengenai disleksia, mereka akan memberi label/ cap kepada anak tersebut sebagai anak yang bodoh. Padahal, penyandang disleksia inteligensinya dalam tingkat yang normal atau bahkan di atas normal. Mereka hanya mengalami kesulitan berbahasa, baik itu menulis, mengeja, membaca, maupun menghitung. Metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan untuk anak disleksia diantaranya dapat menggunakan metode multisensori, metode fonik (bunyi), dan metode linguistik. Kata Kunci: Metode Pembelajaran, Disleksia
International Journal of Educational Research Review, 2020
This study aims to describe the acceptability component of people with disabilities in higher edu... more This study aims to describe the acceptability component of people with disabilities in higher education. The type of study is field research with a qualitative approach. This research is a case study at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Data were taken by interview, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed using descriptive-analytic data analysis that is by describing, interpreting, and describing data collected systematically. The results showed that Universitas Ahmad Dahlan tried to accept people with disabilities even though the campus realized its services were still not optimal at some points. This can be seen from the policy of admission of new students, the competence of educators about special education, which is still minimal, infrastructure, support from various parties. Determinants of college admission to students with special needs who want to enroll in the school. Some of these components include campus disability-friendly policies, accessible facilities, and educators. With ethical acceptability, it creates a friendly and accessible higher education for persons with disabilities.
Edutainment terdiri atas dua kata, yaitu education dan entertainment. Education artinya pendidika... more Edutainment terdiri atas dua kata, yaitu education dan entertainment. Education artinya pendidikan dan entertainment artinya hiburan. Dengan demikian, ada upaya untuk menciptakan suasana dan proses pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dalam dunia pendidikan dengan memadukan antara dua aktivitas, yaitu pendidikan dan hiburan. Jadi, edutainment bisa di definisikan sebagai proses pembelajaran yang didesain dengan memadukan antara muatan pendidikan dan hiburan secara harmonis sehingga aktivitas pembelajaran yang berlangsung menyenangkan. Pembelajaran akan dapat berlangsung dengan baik hingga mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang diharapkan, haruslah memperhatikan beberapa aspek yang akan mendukung keberhasilannya yaitu proses pembelajaran yang terjadi interaksi langsung antara guru, peserta didik materi dan media pembelajaran. Sedangkan ketentuan keberhasilan dari sebuah pembelajaran tidaklah diukur dari hasil akhir yang berupa ujian, melainkan bagaimana guru dapat memberikan motivasi penuh terhada...
Latar belakang penelitian tngginya angka putus sekolah pada jenjang sekolah menengah, Implementa... more Latar belakang penelitian tngginya angka putus sekolah pada jenjang sekolah menengah, Implementasi wajib belajar 12 tahun yang masih mengalami beberapa kendala, Wajib belajar 12 tahun merupakan hak Anak berkebutuhan khusus, masih ada anak berkebutuhan khusus yang belum mendapatkan akses pendidikan, dan fenomena anak berkebutuhan khusus setiap tahunnya menunjukkan atau mengalami peningkatan jumlah. Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) untuk mengetahui kesiapan guru dalam pelaksanaan wajib belajar 12 tahun. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru SD N taman Sari, Guru SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta , dan SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Yogykarta. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil menunjukkan guru memiliki kesiapan yang cukup dalam pembelajaran anak berkebutuhan khusus Hal ini terlihat dari kemauan , kemampuan, dan motivasi guru dalam menghadapi anak berkebutuhan khusus di sekolah inklusi.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Science, Technology and Multicultural Education, ICOCIT-MUDA, July 25th-26th, 2019, Sorong, Indonesia, 2020
One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education syst... more One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education system since 2009. This School has been trying to serve children with special needs hitherto. In one of the inclusive schools in Malang city, the number of students with special needs (the academic year 2017-2018) is recorded in the school document of 9 students with special needs and 37 students with special services (have health problems). However, it is indicated that the learning process in class is not suitable for the type of student needs in the class. This study aims to investigate the learning process in these inclusive schools. The current research is explained in a descriptive qualitative method. As a result, schools do not make curriculum modifications that are compatible with inclusive education. This school only has one special guidance teacher, and only he has attended a training program in inclusive education. In addition, there are indications that the teacher's attitude...
International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation
Many children with special needs do not have access to education. The number of children with spe... more Many children with special needs do not have access to education. The number of children with special needs who have to attend primary school is still very minimal. Most schools only provide regular education, while students are ordinary children who do not need special needs in their education. This study aims to describe the model of implementing inclusive education in Tamansari Elementary Schools and find problems in implementing inclusive education. The research method is qualitative interactive. Data collection use interviews, observation, and documentation methods. Data analysis uses interactive analysis. The results showed that Tamansari Elementary School used a full class model. Identification and assessment are carried out before accepting students with special needs. This is done to gather information before preparing a learning program for students with special needs according to their learning needs. The curriculum is modified to suit the children’s needs. The special te...
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)
The main obstacle of children with special needs to advance is access to education as high as pos... more The main obstacle of children with special needs to advance is access to education as high as possible not to the disability, but to social acceptance of the community. This study aims 1) To determine the acceptability of children with special needs in the inclusive elementary school environment. It includes principals, teachers, learners, and parents. 2) To determine the factors those influence the acceptance of children with special needs in the inclusive elementary school environment. This is an interactive qualitative research. The research site is Wirosaban Elementary School, Yogyakarta City. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique is analytic descriptive data analysis. The results show: 1) Acceptability of children with special needs in inclusive school environment is quite good after going through various processes. School trying to accept children with special needs even though the school realized its service on some ...
One of the common and yet not well understood learning difficulties is dyslexia. Most teachers in... more One of the common and yet not well understood learning difficulties is dyslexia. Most teachers in Indonesia are still not equipped with enough information or knowledge to enable them to identify this learning difficulty. As such, most students with dyslexia are undiagnosed and as a resulttheir learning needs are not properly met. This paper argues that identification and assessment are important steps to developingan appropriate learning plan for a student with dyslexia. The identification process can be done by teachers through careful and systematic observation. Further, steps of identification can be done through in depth interviews with both students and parents as well as other means of assessment such as assignment or standardized psychological testing.This paper also argues that in the case of dyslexia,early intervention will minimize children’s social and emotional challenges. At the elementary school level the psychological challenges can include low self-esteem, feelings o...
Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of multisensory-based SAKURA media. Th... more The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of multisensory-based SAKURA media. The research method used was a single subject type experimental method with the A-B-A research design. The instrument used was a matter of dyslexic children's reading ability test. The subject in this study was a dyslexic child in Sempu Public Elementary School. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics, analysis of conditions, and analysis of conditions. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that SAKURA media is effective in increasing the reading ability of GAS subjects. This can be proven by an increase in the percentage of subject achievement at the time of the intervention. In this study, subjects (GAS) got mean levels increasing from 75.2 under baseline 1 (A1) to 88.9 under intervention (B), and 99.3 under baseline 2 (A2). A low percentage of overlap supports this. The percentage overlap between baseline one condition and intervention...
Aqidah akhlak is one of the topics of Islamic education study program which is urgently and funda... more Aqidah akhlak is one of the topics of Islamic education study program which is urgently and fundamentally importance since it explains and study the values of iman and akhlak. The values of iman and akhlak are fundamental values for student so that she/he could implement the appropriate good religious value and social value. The discussion of aqidah and akhlak becomes important in emerging the knowledge and understanding the iman, meanwhile at the same time the student enables to implement the iman values in his/her real life in the form of good akhlak. This is one of the urgencies of aqidah akhlak education which has a goal to collaborate the concept and the implementation of hablumminallah and hablum minannas fair and well. The pattern of the design and the development of aqidah akhlak teaching should be prepared and implemented well so that the teaching of it will be effective and efficient. By doing so, the goal of teaching will be achieved well.
Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar), Mar 17, 2018
Inclusive learning is to provide a service system for children with special needs to be served in... more Inclusive learning is to provide a service system for children with special needs to be served in the nearest school or regular school with their peers. In the implementation of inclusive learning in schools requires serious handling from related parties, especially parents, the school, government and the community. Therefore, researchers want to know how the role of educators in the inclusive learning process in SD Muhammadiyah Dadapan Sleman District. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive approach of case study. The subject of this research is principal, classroom teacher, subject teacher, special tutor and student. Target object in this research is the role of educator (classroom teacher, special tutor, and children with special needs) in inclusive learning at SD Muhammadiyah Dadapan, Sleman District. Based on the research results obtained conclusions as follows: (1) Educators referred to in this study are classroom teachers, special tutors and subject teachers. The role of special mentor teachers is only as a consultant if the class teacher has difficulty in guiding students with special needs during the learning process in the classroom. The role of classroom teachers and subject teachers is crucial in the inclusive learning process, in schools because students with special needs are more often guided by classroom teachers and subject teachers. (2) Competent educators will be better able to create an effective, enjoyable learning environment, and will be better able to manage the class, so that learning can run optimally. To create a conducive learning atmosphere the educator must have 4 competencies, namely pedagogic competence, personality competence, social competence, and professionalism.
Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)
This study aims to answer: 1) the implementation of the CIBI program in developing academic and n... more This study aims to answer: 1) the implementation of the CIBI program in developing academic and non-academic achievements at SD Muhammadiyah Condongcatur, 2) supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of the CIBI program in developing academic and non-academic achievements at SD Muhammadiyah Condongcatur.This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this study was a team of coordinators and students who participated in the CIBI program. Data collection techniques use triangulation techniques and sources. The data analysis technique uses interactive data models of Miles and Huberman.The results of the study are as follows: 1) Implementation of the CIBI program in developing academic and non-academic achievements at SD Muhammadiyah Condongcatur through 3 stages, namely the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. Planning for the CIBI program includes determining objectives, stages of the program, preparation of teaching staff, stude...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (ICECCEP 2019), 2020
This study aims to describe the distribution of variations in the types and characteristics of ch... more This study aims to describe the distribution of variations in the types and characteristics of children with special needs in inclusive elementary schools and to find out models of implementation of inclusive education in elementary schools. This study uses mix-method. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis is carried out quantitatively and qualitatively according to the type of data collected. The results of the study show that children with special needs received in inclusive schools are very diverse. The types of children with special needs that are dominantly accepted in inclusive schools are slow learner (86%), blind (1%), deaf (1%), learning disability (5%), and physically disabled (1%). Identification children with special needs are made through the results of the assessment from the institution of psychology, the results of observations, and tests of learning outcomes. Special guiding teacher obtained from the closest segregation school.
IJDS: Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies
One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education syst... more One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education system since 2009. This School has been trying to serve children with special needs hitherto. In one of the inclusive schools in Malang city, the number of students with special needs (the academic year 2017-2018) is recorded in the school document of 9 students with special needs and 37 students with special services (have health problems). However, it is indicated that the learning process in class is not suitable for the type of student needs in the class. This study aims to investigate the learning process in these inclusive schools. The current research is explained in a descriptive qualitative method. As a result, schools do not make curriculum modifications that are compatible with inclusive education. This school only has one special guidance teacher, and only he has attended a training program in inclusive education. In addition, there are indications that the teacher's attitude...
Kisah- kisah dalam Al-Qur‟an menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari isi Al-Qur‟an yang menjadi refer... more Kisah- kisah dalam Al-Qur‟an menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari isi Al-Qur‟an yang menjadi referensi utama bagi umat manusia. Kisah- kisah Al-Qur‟an bermanfaat dalam rangka pembentukan karakter manusia yang berbudi luhur dan memiliki aqidah tauhid. Dalam dunia pendidikan, pola pendidikan yang hanya menggunakan metode ceramah secara monolog tentu sangat membosankan bagi peserta didik, terlebih di kalangan peserta didik pemula pada tingkat SD/MI. Kisah-kisah AL-Qur‟an menjadi bagian dari metode pendidikan yang efektif bagi pembentukan jiwa yang mentaukhidkan Allah SWT. Karena itu ditegaskan Allah SWT “ faqshush alqashash la‟allahum yatafakkarun”, maka kisahkanlah kisah-kisah agar mereka berpikir. Seorang pendidik harus mampu memberikan variasi metode pembelajaran dengan menyisipi berbagai kisah dan cerita yang relevan dengan kompetensi dan materi pembelajaran. Kisah juga menjadi media yang efektif untuk memberikan peringatan kepada peserta didik agar tidak terjerumus dalam berbagai k...
TRIHAYU: Jurnal Pendidikan Ke-SD-an, 2019
This study intends to develop the potential of digital-based learning resources. This research ai... more This study intends to develop the potential of digital-based learning resources. This research aims to: a) Knowing the process of developing E-learning content course of Media and Learning Resources based on Problem Based Learning, b) Knowing the appropriateness of E-learning content course of Media and Learning Resources based on Problem Based Learning. This research is research and development. The object of this research is media and learning resources course based on problem based learning. The data collection method used was an assessment sheet, supported by the results of interviews with education experts and practitioners. The data in this study are the results of assessments from experts. The results of the research data were processed using descriptive statistical data. The results are: a) E-learning content development procedures through four stages: preliminary study, development of learning design, product development and product evaluation. b) Assessment results by mate...
Teacher’s pedagogical competence can be developed and the quality can be increased through the ap... more Teacher’s pedagogical competence can be developed and the quality can be increased through the application of cooperative learning model. By using this model, a teacher could use many interesting methods to improve the students’ interest, motivation and achievement. By this strategy, the learning interaction will be more “many-direction” and learning source diversification. The cooperative learning strategy was directed to develop the students’ cognitive ability as well as their interpersonal competence. Cooperative learning strategy is one of the alternatives can be used in Islamic Education for effective and efficient learning to achieve the determined learning goals. Cooperative learning strategy is psychologically suitable with the students’ social development in their age of SD/MI and suitable with their characteristic that is to enjoy working in groups. Cooperative learning strategy is also a reflection of the Indonesian character namely mutual cooperation. Therefore, the lear...
Muatan lokal merupakan bahan kajian pada satuan pendidikan yang berisi muatan dan proses pembelaj... more Muatan lokal merupakan bahan kajian pada satuan pendidikan yang berisi muatan dan proses pembelajaran tentang potensi dan keunikan lokal yang dimaksudkan untuk membentuk pemahaman peserta didik terhadap potensi di daerah tempat tinggalnya. Penerapan muatan lokal di Sekolah Dasar dalam Kurikulum 2013 dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam mata pelajaran lainnya seperti seni budaya dan prakarya, pendidikan jasmani dan kesehatan. Muatan lokal juga dapat berdiri menjadi mata pelajaran sendiri yang membutuhkan alokasi waktu tersendiri. Kata kunci: muatan lokal, kurikulum 2013, sekolah dasar
Disleksia adalah bentuk kesulitan belajar spesifik yang paling sering ditemukan. Disleksia bukan ... more Disleksia adalah bentuk kesulitan belajar spesifik yang paling sering ditemukan. Disleksia bukan disebabkan karena kebodohan atau kesalahan metode pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru. Bagi guru atau orang yang tidak mengetahui mengenai disleksia, mereka akan memberi label/ cap kepada anak tersebut sebagai anak yang bodoh. Padahal, penyandang disleksia inteligensinya dalam tingkat yang normal atau bahkan di atas normal. Mereka hanya mengalami kesulitan berbahasa, baik itu menulis, mengeja, membaca, maupun menghitung. Metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan untuk anak disleksia diantaranya dapat menggunakan metode multisensori, metode fonik (bunyi), dan metode linguistik. Kata Kunci: Metode Pembelajaran, Disleksia
International Journal of Educational Research Review, 2020
This study aims to describe the acceptability component of people with disabilities in higher edu... more This study aims to describe the acceptability component of people with disabilities in higher education. The type of study is field research with a qualitative approach. This research is a case study at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Data were taken by interview, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed using descriptive-analytic data analysis that is by describing, interpreting, and describing data collected systematically. The results showed that Universitas Ahmad Dahlan tried to accept people with disabilities even though the campus realized its services were still not optimal at some points. This can be seen from the policy of admission of new students, the competence of educators about special education, which is still minimal, infrastructure, support from various parties. Determinants of college admission to students with special needs who want to enroll in the school. Some of these components include campus disability-friendly policies, accessible facilities, and educators. With ethical acceptability, it creates a friendly and accessible higher education for persons with disabilities.
Edutainment terdiri atas dua kata, yaitu education dan entertainment. Education artinya pendidika... more Edutainment terdiri atas dua kata, yaitu education dan entertainment. Education artinya pendidikan dan entertainment artinya hiburan. Dengan demikian, ada upaya untuk menciptakan suasana dan proses pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dalam dunia pendidikan dengan memadukan antara dua aktivitas, yaitu pendidikan dan hiburan. Jadi, edutainment bisa di definisikan sebagai proses pembelajaran yang didesain dengan memadukan antara muatan pendidikan dan hiburan secara harmonis sehingga aktivitas pembelajaran yang berlangsung menyenangkan. Pembelajaran akan dapat berlangsung dengan baik hingga mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang diharapkan, haruslah memperhatikan beberapa aspek yang akan mendukung keberhasilannya yaitu proses pembelajaran yang terjadi interaksi langsung antara guru, peserta didik materi dan media pembelajaran. Sedangkan ketentuan keberhasilan dari sebuah pembelajaran tidaklah diukur dari hasil akhir yang berupa ujian, melainkan bagaimana guru dapat memberikan motivasi penuh terhada...
Latar belakang penelitian tngginya angka putus sekolah pada jenjang sekolah menengah, Implementa... more Latar belakang penelitian tngginya angka putus sekolah pada jenjang sekolah menengah, Implementasi wajib belajar 12 tahun yang masih mengalami beberapa kendala, Wajib belajar 12 tahun merupakan hak Anak berkebutuhan khusus, masih ada anak berkebutuhan khusus yang belum mendapatkan akses pendidikan, dan fenomena anak berkebutuhan khusus setiap tahunnya menunjukkan atau mengalami peningkatan jumlah. Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) untuk mengetahui kesiapan guru dalam pelaksanaan wajib belajar 12 tahun. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru SD N taman Sari, Guru SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta , dan SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Yogykarta. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil menunjukkan guru memiliki kesiapan yang cukup dalam pembelajaran anak berkebutuhan khusus Hal ini terlihat dari kemauan , kemampuan, dan motivasi guru dalam menghadapi anak berkebutuhan khusus di sekolah inklusi.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Science, Technology and Multicultural Education, ICOCIT-MUDA, July 25th-26th, 2019, Sorong, Indonesia, 2020
One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education syst... more One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education system since 2009. This School has been trying to serve children with special needs hitherto. In one of the inclusive schools in Malang city, the number of students with special needs (the academic year 2017-2018) is recorded in the school document of 9 students with special needs and 37 students with special services (have health problems). However, it is indicated that the learning process in class is not suitable for the type of student needs in the class. This study aims to investigate the learning process in these inclusive schools. The current research is explained in a descriptive qualitative method. As a result, schools do not make curriculum modifications that are compatible with inclusive education. This school only has one special guidance teacher, and only he has attended a training program in inclusive education. In addition, there are indications that the teacher's attitude...
International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation
Many children with special needs do not have access to education. The number of children with spe... more Many children with special needs do not have access to education. The number of children with special needs who have to attend primary school is still very minimal. Most schools only provide regular education, while students are ordinary children who do not need special needs in their education. This study aims to describe the model of implementing inclusive education in Tamansari Elementary Schools and find problems in implementing inclusive education. The research method is qualitative interactive. Data collection use interviews, observation, and documentation methods. Data analysis uses interactive analysis. The results showed that Tamansari Elementary School used a full class model. Identification and assessment are carried out before accepting students with special needs. This is done to gather information before preparing a learning program for students with special needs according to their learning needs. The curriculum is modified to suit the children’s needs. The special te...
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)
The main obstacle of children with special needs to advance is access to education as high as pos... more The main obstacle of children with special needs to advance is access to education as high as possible not to the disability, but to social acceptance of the community. This study aims 1) To determine the acceptability of children with special needs in the inclusive elementary school environment. It includes principals, teachers, learners, and parents. 2) To determine the factors those influence the acceptance of children with special needs in the inclusive elementary school environment. This is an interactive qualitative research. The research site is Wirosaban Elementary School, Yogyakarta City. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique is analytic descriptive data analysis. The results show: 1) Acceptability of children with special needs in inclusive school environment is quite good after going through various processes. School trying to accept children with special needs even though the school realized its service on some ...
One of the common and yet not well understood learning difficulties is dyslexia. Most teachers in... more One of the common and yet not well understood learning difficulties is dyslexia. Most teachers in Indonesia are still not equipped with enough information or knowledge to enable them to identify this learning difficulty. As such, most students with dyslexia are undiagnosed and as a resulttheir learning needs are not properly met. This paper argues that identification and assessment are important steps to developingan appropriate learning plan for a student with dyslexia. The identification process can be done by teachers through careful and systematic observation. Further, steps of identification can be done through in depth interviews with both students and parents as well as other means of assessment such as assignment or standardized psychological testing.This paper also argues that in the case of dyslexia,early intervention will minimize children’s social and emotional challenges. At the elementary school level the psychological challenges can include low self-esteem, feelings o...
Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of multisensory-based SAKURA media. Th... more The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of multisensory-based SAKURA media. The research method used was a single subject type experimental method with the A-B-A research design. The instrument used was a matter of dyslexic children's reading ability test. The subject in this study was a dyslexic child in Sempu Public Elementary School. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics, analysis of conditions, and analysis of conditions. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that SAKURA media is effective in increasing the reading ability of GAS subjects. This can be proven by an increase in the percentage of subject achievement at the time of the intervention. In this study, subjects (GAS) got mean levels increasing from 75.2 under baseline 1 (A1) to 88.9 under intervention (B), and 99.3 under baseline 2 (A2). A low percentage of overlap supports this. The percentage overlap between baseline one condition and intervention...
Aqidah akhlak is one of the topics of Islamic education study program which is urgently and funda... more Aqidah akhlak is one of the topics of Islamic education study program which is urgently and fundamentally importance since it explains and study the values of iman and akhlak. The values of iman and akhlak are fundamental values for student so that she/he could implement the appropriate good religious value and social value. The discussion of aqidah and akhlak becomes important in emerging the knowledge and understanding the iman, meanwhile at the same time the student enables to implement the iman values in his/her real life in the form of good akhlak. This is one of the urgencies of aqidah akhlak education which has a goal to collaborate the concept and the implementation of hablumminallah and hablum minannas fair and well. The pattern of the design and the development of aqidah akhlak teaching should be prepared and implemented well so that the teaching of it will be effective and efficient. By doing so, the goal of teaching will be achieved well.
Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar), Mar 17, 2018
Inclusive learning is to provide a service system for children with special needs to be served in... more Inclusive learning is to provide a service system for children with special needs to be served in the nearest school or regular school with their peers. In the implementation of inclusive learning in schools requires serious handling from related parties, especially parents, the school, government and the community. Therefore, researchers want to know how the role of educators in the inclusive learning process in SD Muhammadiyah Dadapan Sleman District. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive approach of case study. The subject of this research is principal, classroom teacher, subject teacher, special tutor and student. Target object in this research is the role of educator (classroom teacher, special tutor, and children with special needs) in inclusive learning at SD Muhammadiyah Dadapan, Sleman District. Based on the research results obtained conclusions as follows: (1) Educators referred to in this study are classroom teachers, special tutors and subject teachers. The role of special mentor teachers is only as a consultant if the class teacher has difficulty in guiding students with special needs during the learning process in the classroom. The role of classroom teachers and subject teachers is crucial in the inclusive learning process, in schools because students with special needs are more often guided by classroom teachers and subject teachers. (2) Competent educators will be better able to create an effective, enjoyable learning environment, and will be better able to manage the class, so that learning can run optimally. To create a conducive learning atmosphere the educator must have 4 competencies, namely pedagogic competence, personality competence, social competence, and professionalism.
Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar)
This study aims to answer: 1) the implementation of the CIBI program in developing academic and n... more This study aims to answer: 1) the implementation of the CIBI program in developing academic and non-academic achievements at SD Muhammadiyah Condongcatur, 2) supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of the CIBI program in developing academic and non-academic achievements at SD Muhammadiyah Condongcatur.This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this study was a team of coordinators and students who participated in the CIBI program. Data collection techniques use triangulation techniques and sources. The data analysis technique uses interactive data models of Miles and Huberman.The results of the study are as follows: 1) Implementation of the CIBI program in developing academic and non-academic achievements at SD Muhammadiyah Condongcatur through 3 stages, namely the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. Planning for the CIBI program includes determining objectives, stages of the program, preparation of teaching staff, stude...