Emilio Chuvieco | Universidad de Alcala (original) (raw)

Papers by Emilio Chuvieco

Research paper thumbnail of Towards an Integrated Approach to Wildfire Risk Assessment: When, Where, What and How May the Landscapes Burn


This paper presents a review of concepts related to wildfire risk assessment, including the deter... more This paper presents a review of concepts related to wildfire risk assessment, including the determination of fire ignition and propagation (fire danger), the extent to which fire may spatially overlap with valued assets (exposure), and the potential losses and resilience to those losses (vulnerability). This is followed by a brief discussion of how these concepts can be integrated and connected to mitigation and adaptation efforts. We then review operational fire risk systems in place in various parts of the world. Finally, we propose an integrated fire risk system being developed under the FirEUrisk European project, as an example of how the different risk components (including danger, exposure and vulnerability) can be generated and combined into synthetic risk indices to provide a more comprehensive wildfire risk assessment, but also to consider where and on what variables reduction efforts should be stressed and to envisage policies to be better adapted to future fire regimes. C...

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Research paper thumbnail of Reply to Giglio et al. Comment on “Otón et al. Analysis of Trends in the FireCCI Global Long Term Burned Area Product (1982–2018). Fire 2021, 4, 74”


First of all, we would like to thank the authors of the comment [...]

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Research paper thumbnail of ESA Climate Change Initiative – Fire_cci D2.1.2 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) – Sentinel-3

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Research paper thumbnail of Forest fires in the european mediterranean region: Mapping and analysis of burned areas

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Religious Affiliation on Ethical Values of Spanish Environmental Activists

Religions, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Human and climate drivers of global biomass burning variability

Science of The Total Environment, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Temporal Anomalies in Burned Area Trends: Satellite Estimations of the Amazonian 2019 Fire Crisis

Remote Sensing, 2020

Tropical forests are known for hosting about half of the global biodiversity, and therefore are c... more Tropical forests are known for hosting about half of the global biodiversity, and therefore are considered to be a fundamental part of the Earth System. However, in the last decades, the anthropogenic pressure over these areas has been continuously increasing, mostly linked to agricultural expansion. This has created great international concern, which has crossed the limits of national policies. A clear example was the last crisis suffered this year (2019) in the Amazon, and in general, in tropical South America (SA), due to the increasing fire activity in the region, which is strongly linked to deforestation and forest degradation. International media extensively informed the world about fire activity based upon active fire data, which provided quick but incomplete information about the actual fire-affected areas. This short paper compares fire occurrence estimations derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data of active fires and from burned area pro...

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Research paper thumbnail of Satellite Remote Sensing Contributions to Wildland Fire Science and Management

Current Forestry Reports, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Generation and analysis of a new global burned area product based on MODIS 250 m reflectance bands and thermal anomalies

Earth System Science Data, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Can We Go Beyond Burned Area in the Assessment of Global Remote Sensing Products with Fire Patch Metrics?

Remote Sensing, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of A new global burned area product for climate assessment of fire impacts

Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Global fire size distribution: from power law to log-normal

International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2016

Wildland fires are one of the main alleged examples of Self-Organised Criticality (SOC), with sim... more Wildland fires are one of the main alleged examples of Self-Organised Criticality (SOC), with simple SOC models resulting in the expectation of a power-law fire size frequency distribution. Here, we test whether fire size distributions systematically follow a power law and analyse their spatial variation for eight distinct areas over the globe. For each of the areas, we examine the fire size frequency distribution using two types of plots, maximum likelihood estimation and chi-square tests. Log-normal emerges as a suitable option to fit the fire size distribution in this variety of environments. In only two of eight areas was the power law (which is a particular case of the log-normal) not rejected. Notably, the two parameters of log-normal are related to each other, displaying a general linear relation, which extends to the sites that can be described with a power law. These results do not necessarily refute the SOC hypothesis, but reveal the presence of other processes that are, a...

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Research paper thumbnail of Generation of a global fuel dataset using the Fuel Characteristic Classification System

Biogeosciences Discussions, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Selección de Zonas Globales de Validación para productos globales de Área Quemada

La quema de biomasa cada vez cobra mayor importancia en los modelos predictivos de cambio climati... more La quema de biomasa cada vez cobra mayor importancia en los modelos predictivos de cambio climatico al ser una de las principales fuentes de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y aerosoles artificiales a la atmosfera, equivalente al 20% de las emisiones anuales. Con la informacion obtenida por teledeteccion se han generado diversos productos de area quemada global como son el L3JRC, GBA2000, GLOBSCAR, GLOBCARBON, MCD45A1, M CD64A1, con diferencias en la deteccion y estimacion de la superficie de area quemada. El objetivo de esta inve stigacion fue generar areas globales de validacion, que permitan, posteriormente, la optima comparacion y validacion espacial de los productos de area que- mada actuales y futuros a nivel de biomas terrestres, generando una fuente de informacion escasa o nula para algunas zonas del planeta. La generacion de las ar eas globales de validacion se realizo a traves de una reclasificacion de los14 biomas existentes en 7 grupos, en los cuales se distribuyeron 100 zonas de validacion en funcion del total de superficie quemada durante el 2008. El bioma con mayor representativi- dad es la sabana tropical con 49 puntos y el menor fue el Bosque Mediterraneo con 7 puntos. En cada una de estas zonas, la cobertura vectorial de area quemada se desarrollo con el programa ABAMS a traves del analisis multitemporal de imagenes Landsat TM y ETM+.

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Research paper thumbnail of Un análisis de los errores de comisión y omisión de los Hotspots de MODIS a partir de datos de área quemada de alta resolución a escala global

Los datos de puntos de calor (HS) MODIS han sido utilizados ampliamente como fuente de datos para... more Los datos de puntos de calor (HS) MODIS han sido utilizados ampliamente como fuente de datos para estudiar la ocurrencia de incendios a escala global. Para mejorar el entendimiento y la caracterizacion de estos datos se ha hecho una co mparacion entre los HS de MODIS y mapas de areas quemadas de alta resolucion para 9 zonas del mundo. Los errores de comision observados son bajos para todas las areas de estudio (<4%), con los valores mayores en areas con alta cobertura de zonas agricolas (6,5%). Los errores de omision son relativamente altos considerando todos los incendios, disminuyendo para incendios mas grandes. Los errores de omision son mas altos para incendios que afectan a pastizales y zonas agricol as. Los resultados presentados en ese estudio ayudan a entender la variabilidad espacial de los errores y contribuyen a un mejor uso de los HS en el futuro.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Fire Risk in Mediterranean Ecosystems of California: Vegetation type, Density, Invasive Species, and Fire Frequency

Earth Observation of Wildland Fires in Mediterranean Ecosystems, 2009

... in Mediterranean Ecosystems of California: Vegetation type, Density, Invasive Species, and Fi... more ... in Mediterranean Ecosystems of California: Vegetation type, Density, Invasive Species, and Fire Frequency Susan L. Ustin, David Riaño, Alexander Koltunov, Dar A ... to have more extreme weather in the future and could face periods of even more extended drought (Hayhoe et al. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Global fire size distribution is driven by human impact and climate

Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Global mapping of burned areas from European satellites: the fire_cci project

Advances in forest fire research, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing the accuracies of remote sensing global burned area products using stratified random sampling and estimation

Remote Sensing of Environment, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Global burned area maps from MERIS

Advances in forest fire research, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards an Integrated Approach to Wildfire Risk Assessment: When, Where, What and How May the Landscapes Burn


This paper presents a review of concepts related to wildfire risk assessment, including the deter... more This paper presents a review of concepts related to wildfire risk assessment, including the determination of fire ignition and propagation (fire danger), the extent to which fire may spatially overlap with valued assets (exposure), and the potential losses and resilience to those losses (vulnerability). This is followed by a brief discussion of how these concepts can be integrated and connected to mitigation and adaptation efforts. We then review operational fire risk systems in place in various parts of the world. Finally, we propose an integrated fire risk system being developed under the FirEUrisk European project, as an example of how the different risk components (including danger, exposure and vulnerability) can be generated and combined into synthetic risk indices to provide a more comprehensive wildfire risk assessment, but also to consider where and on what variables reduction efforts should be stressed and to envisage policies to be better adapted to future fire regimes. C...

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Research paper thumbnail of Reply to Giglio et al. Comment on “Otón et al. Analysis of Trends in the FireCCI Global Long Term Burned Area Product (1982–2018). Fire 2021, 4, 74”


First of all, we would like to thank the authors of the comment [...]

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Research paper thumbnail of ESA Climate Change Initiative – Fire_cci D2.1.2 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) – Sentinel-3

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Research paper thumbnail of Forest fires in the european mediterranean region: Mapping and analysis of burned areas

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Religious Affiliation on Ethical Values of Spanish Environmental Activists

Religions, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Human and climate drivers of global biomass burning variability

Science of The Total Environment, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Temporal Anomalies in Burned Area Trends: Satellite Estimations of the Amazonian 2019 Fire Crisis

Remote Sensing, 2020

Tropical forests are known for hosting about half of the global biodiversity, and therefore are c... more Tropical forests are known for hosting about half of the global biodiversity, and therefore are considered to be a fundamental part of the Earth System. However, in the last decades, the anthropogenic pressure over these areas has been continuously increasing, mostly linked to agricultural expansion. This has created great international concern, which has crossed the limits of national policies. A clear example was the last crisis suffered this year (2019) in the Amazon, and in general, in tropical South America (SA), due to the increasing fire activity in the region, which is strongly linked to deforestation and forest degradation. International media extensively informed the world about fire activity based upon active fire data, which provided quick but incomplete information about the actual fire-affected areas. This short paper compares fire occurrence estimations derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data of active fires and from burned area pro...

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Research paper thumbnail of Satellite Remote Sensing Contributions to Wildland Fire Science and Management

Current Forestry Reports, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Generation and analysis of a new global burned area product based on MODIS 250 m reflectance bands and thermal anomalies

Earth System Science Data, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Can We Go Beyond Burned Area in the Assessment of Global Remote Sensing Products with Fire Patch Metrics?

Remote Sensing, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of A new global burned area product for climate assessment of fire impacts

Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Global fire size distribution: from power law to log-normal

International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2016

Wildland fires are one of the main alleged examples of Self-Organised Criticality (SOC), with sim... more Wildland fires are one of the main alleged examples of Self-Organised Criticality (SOC), with simple SOC models resulting in the expectation of a power-law fire size frequency distribution. Here, we test whether fire size distributions systematically follow a power law and analyse their spatial variation for eight distinct areas over the globe. For each of the areas, we examine the fire size frequency distribution using two types of plots, maximum likelihood estimation and chi-square tests. Log-normal emerges as a suitable option to fit the fire size distribution in this variety of environments. In only two of eight areas was the power law (which is a particular case of the log-normal) not rejected. Notably, the two parameters of log-normal are related to each other, displaying a general linear relation, which extends to the sites that can be described with a power law. These results do not necessarily refute the SOC hypothesis, but reveal the presence of other processes that are, a...

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Research paper thumbnail of Generation of a global fuel dataset using the Fuel Characteristic Classification System

Biogeosciences Discussions, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Selección de Zonas Globales de Validación para productos globales de Área Quemada

La quema de biomasa cada vez cobra mayor importancia en los modelos predictivos de cambio climati... more La quema de biomasa cada vez cobra mayor importancia en los modelos predictivos de cambio climatico al ser una de las principales fuentes de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y aerosoles artificiales a la atmosfera, equivalente al 20% de las emisiones anuales. Con la informacion obtenida por teledeteccion se han generado diversos productos de area quemada global como son el L3JRC, GBA2000, GLOBSCAR, GLOBCARBON, MCD45A1, M CD64A1, con diferencias en la deteccion y estimacion de la superficie de area quemada. El objetivo de esta inve stigacion fue generar areas globales de validacion, que permitan, posteriormente, la optima comparacion y validacion espacial de los productos de area que- mada actuales y futuros a nivel de biomas terrestres, generando una fuente de informacion escasa o nula para algunas zonas del planeta. La generacion de las ar eas globales de validacion se realizo a traves de una reclasificacion de los14 biomas existentes en 7 grupos, en los cuales se distribuyeron 100 zonas de validacion en funcion del total de superficie quemada durante el 2008. El bioma con mayor representativi- dad es la sabana tropical con 49 puntos y el menor fue el Bosque Mediterraneo con 7 puntos. En cada una de estas zonas, la cobertura vectorial de area quemada se desarrollo con el programa ABAMS a traves del analisis multitemporal de imagenes Landsat TM y ETM+.

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Research paper thumbnail of Un análisis de los errores de comisión y omisión de los Hotspots de MODIS a partir de datos de área quemada de alta resolución a escala global

Los datos de puntos de calor (HS) MODIS han sido utilizados ampliamente como fuente de datos para... more Los datos de puntos de calor (HS) MODIS han sido utilizados ampliamente como fuente de datos para estudiar la ocurrencia de incendios a escala global. Para mejorar el entendimiento y la caracterizacion de estos datos se ha hecho una co mparacion entre los HS de MODIS y mapas de areas quemadas de alta resolucion para 9 zonas del mundo. Los errores de comision observados son bajos para todas las areas de estudio (<4%), con los valores mayores en areas con alta cobertura de zonas agricolas (6,5%). Los errores de omision son relativamente altos considerando todos los incendios, disminuyendo para incendios mas grandes. Los errores de omision son mas altos para incendios que afectan a pastizales y zonas agricol as. Los resultados presentados en ese estudio ayudan a entender la variabilidad espacial de los errores y contribuyen a un mejor uso de los HS en el futuro.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Fire Risk in Mediterranean Ecosystems of California: Vegetation type, Density, Invasive Species, and Fire Frequency

Earth Observation of Wildland Fires in Mediterranean Ecosystems, 2009

... in Mediterranean Ecosystems of California: Vegetation type, Density, Invasive Species, and Fi... more ... in Mediterranean Ecosystems of California: Vegetation type, Density, Invasive Species, and Fire Frequency Susan L. Ustin, David Riaño, Alexander Koltunov, Dar A ... to have more extreme weather in the future and could face periods of even more extended drought (Hayhoe et al. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Global fire size distribution is driven by human impact and climate

Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Global mapping of burned areas from European satellites: the fire_cci project

Advances in forest fire research, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing the accuracies of remote sensing global burned area products using stratified random sampling and estimation

Remote Sensing of Environment, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Global burned area maps from MERIS

Advances in forest fire research, 2014

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