Parama kartika dewa | Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University (original) (raw)

Papers by Parama kartika dewa

Research paper thumbnail of An improvement of suppliermanufacture inventory system integrated with stochastic periodic review modeling for SMEs in Indonesia

Ekonomìčnij časopis-XXI, Aug 20, 2022

SME LCR is one of the handicrafts SME in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This SME produces several handicr... more SME LCR is one of the handicrafts SME in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This SME produces several handicraft products such as storage baskets with various variants, and furniture. The process of ordering raw materials for SMEs is carried out when there is a demand for incoming products with the order quantity based on the raw material needs in meeting product demand. This study intends to provide recommendations for improving raw material governance to overcome demand fluctuations during the lead time and reduce the total cost of supply chain inventory by implementing an integrated inventory system. To meet the study aim, the EOQ Probabilistic P system (Period Review Method) is utilized. The P inventory model is distinguished into two models namely model P with backorder and model P with lost sales. Next, the Purchase Cost (Ob) and Procurement Costs are applied to the P model. The research method comprises through 3 stages: the pre-field stage, field stage, and the advanced stage (laboratory analysis, data analysis, and reporting). Given the results regarding banana and mendong raw materials supply, it can be observed that for banana raw materials, the reorder time interval that can generate the minimum total inventory cost for banana raw materials is 0.1470 years or 53 days with a total cost of IDR 263,721,081.72. Moreover, it is seen that the suggested model generates the minimum total cost of supply chain inventory compared to the SME policy and the individual model, which justifies the economic feasibility of this model.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of Auxiliary Facilities to Reduce Potential Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Product Packaging Process

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

The manufacturing sector continues to grow after the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the competitivenes... more The manufacturing sector continues to grow after the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the competitiveness that supports the development of this sector is a business engaged in the packaging process. Several research studies show that packaging has a major influence on product marketability. However, not all packaging processes are managed by the product manufacturers themselves, but are left to other organizational partners. PBX is one of the organizations engaged in product packaging management. When carrying out the production process, operators experience complaints of musculoskeletal disorders, which have an impact on decreased performance and the risk of injury to operators. This is certainly a bad impact for the PBX. The REBA method is used to carry out analysis and efforts to improve work methods. This method was chosen because this method can help analyze potential injuries based on the operator's body when carrying out a work operation. The results obtained in the initial cond...

Research paper thumbnail of Customer Loyalty in Coffee Shop: Literature Review and Condition for The Future

International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2020

The Corona Virus 2019 or Covid-19 outbreak has caused a global panic that is fatal. Various secto... more The Corona Virus 2019 or Covid-19 outbreak has caused a global panic that is fatal. Various sectors have been affected. The coffee industry sector has also been affected by Covid-19. Losing customer loyalty is a threat to coffee industry entrepreneurs. This study has the purpose of measuring Customer Loyalty and a way to prevent the coffee shops from losing customers during the Covid-19 pandemic. This purpose is divided into two-stage. The first stage is to identify what factors affect customer loyalty and the relationship before the pandemic. The second stage is to test these factors during the Covid-19 pandemic in the context of the coffee shop business area. The second stage will be done for future study purposes. To support the first stage, the author divided it into two steps. First: summarize the factors that affect customer loyalty in the coffee shop business area. The second: is to build a relationship of the factors that affected customer loyalty based on the summarized fac...

Research paper thumbnail of An improvement of suppliermanufacture inventory system integrated with stochastic periodic review modeling for SMEs in Indonesia

Economic Annals-ХХI

SME LCR is one of the handicrafts SME in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This SME produces several handicr... more SME LCR is one of the handicrafts SME in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This SME produces several handicraft products such as storage baskets with various variants, and furniture. The process of ordering raw materials for SMEs is carried out when there is a demand for incoming products with the order quantity based on the raw material needs in meeting product demand. This study intends to provide recommendations for improving raw material governance to overcome demand fluctuations during the lead time and reduce the total cost of supply chain inventory by implementing an integrated inventory system. To meet the study aim, the EOQ Probabilistic P system (Period Review Method) is utilized. The P inventory model is distinguished into two models namely model P with backorder and model P with lost sales. Next, the Purchase Cost (Ob) and Procurement Costs are applied to the P model. The research method comprises through 3 stages: the pre-field stage, field stage, and the advanced stage (laborator...

Research paper thumbnail of Perbaikan Rute Distribusi Bahan Baku untuk Minimasi Jarak Tempuh dan Beban Kerja pada UKM Kuliner Mie


Delivery activities have a great role for a business actor. However, delivery issues are there al... more Delivery activities have a great role for a business actor. However, delivery issues are there all the time. This was experienced by a noodle culinary SME that experienced delays in the delivery of various noodle raw materials and noodle toppings which caused noodle sales activities to be disrupted. In addition, these raw materials have a lifespan (without preservatives) so they must be delivered according to a predetermined schedule and hours. This research will solve this problem by minimizing delays through finding the shortest mileage delivery route. Because each delivery location has its own schedule and time window, the Nearest Neighbor method by paying attention to the time window is used. Based on the calculation results, each distribution route with the shortest distance was obtained, as evidenced by a reduction in the middle route by 0.23 km and the northern route by 5.88 km. In addition, this proposed delivery route was able to save fuel consumption on the middle route by...

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Data Mining untuk Klasifikasi Kompleksitas Part Di Industri Manufaktur

Research paper thumbnail of Penentuan Kebijakan Pengadaan Bahan Pendukung Produksi Berbasis Multi Kriteria Dan Aspek Manusia

J@ti Undip: Jurnal Teknik Industri

Kinerja rantai pasok dalam memenuhi pesanan konsumen dipengaruhi oleh relasi antara supplier deng... more Kinerja rantai pasok dalam memenuhi pesanan konsumen dipengaruhi oleh relasi antara supplier dengan departemen pengadaan pada organisasi manufaktur. Persaingan dunia bisnis di bidang elektronik semakin ketat. Kondisi ini menyebabkan perusahaan elektronik harus lebih memperhatikan kinerja pada bagian pengadaan. PT ABC sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi produk elektronik di Indonesia menghadapi permasalahan dalam tata kelola penentuan kebijakan pengadaan bahan pendukung produksinya. Kinerja di departemen pengadaan dinilai belum memiliki pengelolaan yang baik dan konsistensi dalam proses pemilihan supplier sehingga apabila hal tersebut dibiarkan maka peluang untuk memperoleh harga terbaik dari supplier menjadi hilang. Solusi yang diharapkan adalah untuk memberi usulan pengelolaan dalam proses pembelian barang agar terdapat konsistensi dalam proses pemilihan supplier dan memperbesar peluang memperoleh harga terbaik. Manusia memiliki peran dalam setiap tahap...

Research paper thumbnail of Revenue optimization strategy through digitizing retribution parking in Kota Batu

Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management

This study analyzes the right strategy to increase local revenue in Batu City, especially optimiz... more This study analyzes the right strategy to increase local revenue in Batu City, especially optimizing revenue by digitizing parking fees. This study used a mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative) approach. The parking potential in Batu City in one year can reach Rp. 6,266,646,500—from a parking point that can accommodate 1780 motorbikes (R2) and 257 cars (R4). The business center accounted for the largest parking fee revenue with the amount of Rp. 3,371,111,600. Parking efforts must be optimized with standardized parking rates and upgrade parking attendants in parking withdrawal methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Perbaikan Sistem Kerja Untuk Mengurangi Waste Pada Produksi Alat Rumah Tangga Berbasis Aluminium

Perusahaan dalam penelitian ini memproduksi peralatan rumah tangga berbasis aluminium. Produk yan... more Perusahaan dalam penelitian ini memproduksi peralatan rumah tangga berbasis aluminium. Produk yang dihasilkan antara lain berupa wajan, ketel, dan panci. Proses produksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan cetakan dan teknik cor aluminium. Permintaan produk saat ini mengalami peningkatan dari 1 ton/hari menjadi 3 ton/hari. Peningkatan permintaan ini belum dapat direspon dengan baik karena waktu penyelesaian order konsumen (lead time) masih dipersepsikan terlalu lama oleh konsumen. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan beragamnya jumlah varian produk menunjukkan bahwa kemungkinan terdapat “waste” dalam sistem kerja pada perusahaan ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan perbaikan sistem kerja yang berdampak pada penurunan jumlah “waste”, sehingga waktu penyelesaian order konsumen menjadi semakin cepat. Teknik analisis yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini adalah value stream mapping. Hasil identifikasi kondisi sistem kerja saat ini menunjukkan “waste” menyebabkan waktu tung...

Research paper thumbnail of Perbaikan Tata Letak Penyimpanan Barang Jadi DI PT Abc Untuk Meningkatkat “Kemudahan” Pencarian Produk


Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of Innovation Features in Mobile-Based Attendance Application

Management Systems in Production Engineering, 2022

Improved Human Resources Performance can be realized in the employee’s absence. The sophisticatio... more Improved Human Resources Performance can be realized in the employee’s absence. The sophistication of technology to accommodate the absence is the use of a Mobile-Based Attendance Application. Attendance can be used to measure employee performance. One of the measuring tools in measuring performance is the Key Performance Indicator (KPI). KPI values can be obtained from the Mobile-based Attendance Application, as currently implemented by an IT Company. But in its development, there is a shortage on the application features of Daily Attendance, Leave, Report Recaps Attendance and Report Recaps Leave. The value engineering method with the Analytical Hierarchy Process is used in this paper to obtain prioritized alternatives in the development of application feature updates. The results of the research show that the alternative with the largest percentage is owned by Alternative IV (45.6%). These results indicate that this alternative can be used as a recommendation for renewal of atten...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Sistem Informasi Untuk Pengendalian Pelayanan Di Balai Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna Yogyakarta

JIE Scientific Journal on Research and Application of Industrial System, 2021

Pada paper ini dibahas solusi rekapitulasi data berbasis digital yang diterapkan pada Balai Penge... more Pada paper ini dibahas solusi rekapitulasi data berbasis digital yang diterapkan pada Balai Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna (BPTTG) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). BPTTG DIY merupakan sebuah sebuah instansi pembina teknis yang bergerak di bidang teknologi rekayasa yang berada di bawah Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Pemda DIY. Beberapa layanan yang diberikan oleh lembaga ini antara lain: layanan konsultasi & informasi Alat Tepat Guna (ATG), layanan rekayasa & produksi ATG, layanan perbengkelan, dan layanan Common Fasilities Small and Medium Industry (CFSMI) kemasan. Lembaga ini juga memiliki dua seksi yaitu seksi rekayasa dan produksi dan seksi pengembangan dan layanan kemasan dan produk kulit. Kedua seksi ini memiliki kantor dan workshop yang terpisah secara geografis. Kondisi ini menimbulkan dampak negatif pada proses dokumentasi kegiatan yang masih dilakukan secara manual, diantaranya adalah lambatnya proses dokumentasi, potensi kehilangan dokumen, dan kesalahan pencata...

Research paper thumbnail of Low-Carbon Supply Chain Model under a Vendor-Managed Inventory Partnership and Carbon Cap-and-Trade Policy

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 2022

Nowadays, companies are collaborating and forming supply chain partnerships under a certain schem... more Nowadays, companies are collaborating and forming supply chain partnerships under a certain scheme, such as a vendor-managed inventory scheme. The collaboration increases the supply chain’s visibility, which leads to cost efficiency. It may also contribute to enhancing the supply chain’s green performance. This paper presents a supply chain inventory model to guide managers in making optimal inventory decisions considering the logistics cost and carbon emissions. A vendor supplies products under a vendor-managed inventory; hence, it is responsible for the logistics activities. The effect of product deterioration and quality problems are also considered, in which the vendor performs a 100% quality inspection. A carbon price is imposed on total emissions from production and logistics activities under a cap-and-trade regulation. The result is inventory decisions regarding the optimal delivery quantity as well as the delivery frequencies that minimize the total costs. The reduction in t...

Research paper thumbnail of Human Aspect on Chain of Custody (CoC) System Performance

The tropical forests cover 24% of tropical land area. They are the most productive terrestrial ec... more The tropical forests cover 24% of tropical land area. They are the most productive terrestrial ecosystems on earth with high priorities for biodiversity conservation. These forests store a substantial amount of carbon in biomass and soil, and they also regulate the transfer of carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2). Indonesia is having the third tropical forest area in the world after Brazil and Congo. Over 50 years forest has been felled both legally as well as illegally. High rate of forest degradation resulted from unsustainable forest management, rampant illegal logging, forest area encroachment, conversion and natural disaster. All urges rapid improvement of management system of Indonesia’s forest resources (Holmes, 2002). Forest certification is one tool that can support the achievement of sustainable forest management goal. Under current operation of join certification protocol between the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute ...

Research paper thumbnail of Proposed Modified Clarke-Wright Saving Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2019

A multi-objective distribution routing algorithm by using modified Clarke and Wright Saving algor... more A multi-objective distribution routing algorithm by using modified Clarke and Wright Saving algorithm is presented. The problem to solve is to deliver loads to a number of outlets based load requirement. The objective function to minimize is the distance saving and traveling time of the resulted route started from depot to the outlets and return to the original depot. Problem to solve is generating a distribution route in a week considering traffic condition for each day. The original Clarke and Wright saving algorithm is modified such that the resulted routes (from a depot to some outlets) accommodates some constraints such as the maximum allowable traveling time, maximum number of delivery shifts, and maximum number of vehicles. The algorithm is applied to a distributor company with nine outlets, two vehicles, and two delivery shifts. In addition, the traffic condition on the outlet-to-outlet and the depot-to-outlet routes is considered. The simulation of the proposed algorithm sh...

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction To Operations Research Eight Edition (Pending)HIlang)

Materi yang dikemukakan : Penelitian Organisasi, Pendekatan Model Penelitian Operasional, Teori M... more Materi yang dikemukakan : Penelitian Organisasi, Pendekatan Model Penelitian Operasional, Teori Metode Simplex, dll

Research paper thumbnail of Revenue optimization strategy through digitizing retribution parking in Kota Batu

This study analyzes the right strategy to increase local revenue in Batu City, especially optimiz... more This study analyzes the right strategy to increase local revenue in Batu City, especially optimizing revenue by digitizing parking fees. This study used a mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative) approach. The parking potential in Batu City in one year can reach Rp. 6,266,646,500—from a parking point that can accommodate 1780 motorbikes (R2) and 257 cars (R4). The business center accounted for the largest parking fee revenue with the amount of Rp. 3,371,111,600. Parking efforts must be optimized with standardized parking rates and upgrade parking attendants in parking withdrawal methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengambilan Keputusan Sub Kontrak Atau Beli Mesin Rol Plat Besi DI Bengkel Bubut Karya Teknik

PLTU Bukit Asam Tanjung Enim adalah pembangkit listrik tenaga uap yang menggunakan batu bara seba... more PLTU Bukit Asam Tanjung Enim adalah pembangkit listrik tenaga uap yang menggunakan batu bara sebagai bahan bakarnya. Seiring berjalannya kegiatan operasional PLTU, komponen-komponen mesin yang bertugas menggiling batubara akan mengalami kerusakan secara berkala. Untuk memperbaiki komponen yang rusak tersebut, PLTU Bukit Asam menyerahkan pekerjaan tersebut kepada Bengkel Bubut Karya Teknik sebagai rekanan. Bagian-bagian yang diperbaiki beragam, berupa barang pengerolan, barang bubutan, dan lain sebagainya. Khusus untuk barang pengerolan bengkel mengalami kesulitan, dikarenakan bengkel tidak punya mesin rol, sehingga selama ini bengkel melakukan sub kontrak pekerjaan pengerolan di Bogor. Alternatif sub kontrak selama ini bukan tanpa kendala. Kendala utama yaitu biaya yang besar dan lamanya durasi pengerjaan dan transport. Alternatif pembelian mesin juga perlu didukung dengan jaminan keberlangsungan pesanan perbaikan komponen. Pengelola bengkel ragu untuk menentukan apakah akan tetap m...

Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Human Error pada Rantai Pasok Industri Kreatif: Adopsi Model SCOR

Perkembangan industri kreatif di Indonesia mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Kebijakan pemerinta... more Perkembangan industri kreatif di Indonesia mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia menjadi pendorong akselerasi pertumbuhan industri kreatif. Beberapa tujuan yang dapat dicapai dengan pertumbuhan industri kreatif ini adalah pertumbuhan kinerja produksi produk berbasis budaya lokal dengan proses pertambahan nilai ekonomi yang mampu mendukung kesejahteraan masyarakat. Industri kreatif yang terus bertumbuh ini berdampak pada perubahan organisasi pelaku produksi berkembang membentuk ranta pasok yang lebih baik. Peran manusia dalam rantai pasok ini cenderung dominan menentukan kualitas dan kinerja produk yang dihasilkan. Proses yang dominan dilakukan oleh manusia memiliki potensi terjadinya kesalahan dalam melakukan proses. Hal ini disebut sebagai human error. Potensi human error menjadi hal yang perlu dikelola dalam rantai pasok. Terdapat kendala dalam melakukan perencanaan dan tata kelola human error dalam rantai pasok, terkait dengan bagaimana menentukan klasifikasi human error dalam varian operasi yang banyak dalam suatu rantai pasok. Penelitian ini mengusulkan adopsi model SCOR sebagai solusi untuk melakukan identifikasi human error yang lebih sistematis dan efektif.

Research paper thumbnail of Proceeding 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (AN INTEGRATED MODELING OF HUMAN, MACHINE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS IN SUPPLY CHAIN PLANNING AND OPERATIONS USING FUZZY LOGIC )

Supply chain planning and operations is deeply dependent on human endeavor. The performance of a ... more Supply chain planning and operations is deeply dependent on human endeavor. The performance of a supply chain is determined by the human that is involved in the process of planning and operation. Supply chain planning involves activities such as demand forecasting, developing various plans that includes production plan, procurement plan, and distribution plan. Supply chain operations are essentially executing such supply chain processes such as procurement, production, transportation, and warehousing. In all of the above processes, the roles of human are critical, although the specific roles played from one process to another are different. Human performance problems identified in real operational events often involve operators performing actions that are not required for accident response. Analyses of the major failure/accidents during recent decades have concluded that human errors on part of operators, designers or managers have played a major role. On the other hand, the effecti...

Research paper thumbnail of An improvement of suppliermanufacture inventory system integrated with stochastic periodic review modeling for SMEs in Indonesia

Ekonomìčnij časopis-XXI, Aug 20, 2022

SME LCR is one of the handicrafts SME in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This SME produces several handicr... more SME LCR is one of the handicrafts SME in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This SME produces several handicraft products such as storage baskets with various variants, and furniture. The process of ordering raw materials for SMEs is carried out when there is a demand for incoming products with the order quantity based on the raw material needs in meeting product demand. This study intends to provide recommendations for improving raw material governance to overcome demand fluctuations during the lead time and reduce the total cost of supply chain inventory by implementing an integrated inventory system. To meet the study aim, the EOQ Probabilistic P system (Period Review Method) is utilized. The P inventory model is distinguished into two models namely model P with backorder and model P with lost sales. Next, the Purchase Cost (Ob) and Procurement Costs are applied to the P model. The research method comprises through 3 stages: the pre-field stage, field stage, and the advanced stage (laboratory analysis, data analysis, and reporting). Given the results regarding banana and mendong raw materials supply, it can be observed that for banana raw materials, the reorder time interval that can generate the minimum total inventory cost for banana raw materials is 0.1470 years or 53 days with a total cost of IDR 263,721,081.72. Moreover, it is seen that the suggested model generates the minimum total cost of supply chain inventory compared to the SME policy and the individual model, which justifies the economic feasibility of this model.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of Auxiliary Facilities to Reduce Potential Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Product Packaging Process

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

The manufacturing sector continues to grow after the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the competitivenes... more The manufacturing sector continues to grow after the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the competitiveness that supports the development of this sector is a business engaged in the packaging process. Several research studies show that packaging has a major influence on product marketability. However, not all packaging processes are managed by the product manufacturers themselves, but are left to other organizational partners. PBX is one of the organizations engaged in product packaging management. When carrying out the production process, operators experience complaints of musculoskeletal disorders, which have an impact on decreased performance and the risk of injury to operators. This is certainly a bad impact for the PBX. The REBA method is used to carry out analysis and efforts to improve work methods. This method was chosen because this method can help analyze potential injuries based on the operator's body when carrying out a work operation. The results obtained in the initial cond...

Research paper thumbnail of Customer Loyalty in Coffee Shop: Literature Review and Condition for The Future

International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2020

The Corona Virus 2019 or Covid-19 outbreak has caused a global panic that is fatal. Various secto... more The Corona Virus 2019 or Covid-19 outbreak has caused a global panic that is fatal. Various sectors have been affected. The coffee industry sector has also been affected by Covid-19. Losing customer loyalty is a threat to coffee industry entrepreneurs. This study has the purpose of measuring Customer Loyalty and a way to prevent the coffee shops from losing customers during the Covid-19 pandemic. This purpose is divided into two-stage. The first stage is to identify what factors affect customer loyalty and the relationship before the pandemic. The second stage is to test these factors during the Covid-19 pandemic in the context of the coffee shop business area. The second stage will be done for future study purposes. To support the first stage, the author divided it into two steps. First: summarize the factors that affect customer loyalty in the coffee shop business area. The second: is to build a relationship of the factors that affected customer loyalty based on the summarized fac...

Research paper thumbnail of An improvement of suppliermanufacture inventory system integrated with stochastic periodic review modeling for SMEs in Indonesia

Economic Annals-ХХI

SME LCR is one of the handicrafts SME in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This SME produces several handicr... more SME LCR is one of the handicrafts SME in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This SME produces several handicraft products such as storage baskets with various variants, and furniture. The process of ordering raw materials for SMEs is carried out when there is a demand for incoming products with the order quantity based on the raw material needs in meeting product demand. This study intends to provide recommendations for improving raw material governance to overcome demand fluctuations during the lead time and reduce the total cost of supply chain inventory by implementing an integrated inventory system. To meet the study aim, the EOQ Probabilistic P system (Period Review Method) is utilized. The P inventory model is distinguished into two models namely model P with backorder and model P with lost sales. Next, the Purchase Cost (Ob) and Procurement Costs are applied to the P model. The research method comprises through 3 stages: the pre-field stage, field stage, and the advanced stage (laborator...

Research paper thumbnail of Perbaikan Rute Distribusi Bahan Baku untuk Minimasi Jarak Tempuh dan Beban Kerja pada UKM Kuliner Mie


Delivery activities have a great role for a business actor. However, delivery issues are there al... more Delivery activities have a great role for a business actor. However, delivery issues are there all the time. This was experienced by a noodle culinary SME that experienced delays in the delivery of various noodle raw materials and noodle toppings which caused noodle sales activities to be disrupted. In addition, these raw materials have a lifespan (without preservatives) so they must be delivered according to a predetermined schedule and hours. This research will solve this problem by minimizing delays through finding the shortest mileage delivery route. Because each delivery location has its own schedule and time window, the Nearest Neighbor method by paying attention to the time window is used. Based on the calculation results, each distribution route with the shortest distance was obtained, as evidenced by a reduction in the middle route by 0.23 km and the northern route by 5.88 km. In addition, this proposed delivery route was able to save fuel consumption on the middle route by...

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Data Mining untuk Klasifikasi Kompleksitas Part Di Industri Manufaktur

Research paper thumbnail of Penentuan Kebijakan Pengadaan Bahan Pendukung Produksi Berbasis Multi Kriteria Dan Aspek Manusia

J@ti Undip: Jurnal Teknik Industri

Kinerja rantai pasok dalam memenuhi pesanan konsumen dipengaruhi oleh relasi antara supplier deng... more Kinerja rantai pasok dalam memenuhi pesanan konsumen dipengaruhi oleh relasi antara supplier dengan departemen pengadaan pada organisasi manufaktur. Persaingan dunia bisnis di bidang elektronik semakin ketat. Kondisi ini menyebabkan perusahaan elektronik harus lebih memperhatikan kinerja pada bagian pengadaan. PT ABC sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi produk elektronik di Indonesia menghadapi permasalahan dalam tata kelola penentuan kebijakan pengadaan bahan pendukung produksinya. Kinerja di departemen pengadaan dinilai belum memiliki pengelolaan yang baik dan konsistensi dalam proses pemilihan supplier sehingga apabila hal tersebut dibiarkan maka peluang untuk memperoleh harga terbaik dari supplier menjadi hilang. Solusi yang diharapkan adalah untuk memberi usulan pengelolaan dalam proses pembelian barang agar terdapat konsistensi dalam proses pemilihan supplier dan memperbesar peluang memperoleh harga terbaik. Manusia memiliki peran dalam setiap tahap...

Research paper thumbnail of Revenue optimization strategy through digitizing retribution parking in Kota Batu

Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management

This study analyzes the right strategy to increase local revenue in Batu City, especially optimiz... more This study analyzes the right strategy to increase local revenue in Batu City, especially optimizing revenue by digitizing parking fees. This study used a mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative) approach. The parking potential in Batu City in one year can reach Rp. 6,266,646,500—from a parking point that can accommodate 1780 motorbikes (R2) and 257 cars (R4). The business center accounted for the largest parking fee revenue with the amount of Rp. 3,371,111,600. Parking efforts must be optimized with standardized parking rates and upgrade parking attendants in parking withdrawal methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Perbaikan Sistem Kerja Untuk Mengurangi Waste Pada Produksi Alat Rumah Tangga Berbasis Aluminium

Perusahaan dalam penelitian ini memproduksi peralatan rumah tangga berbasis aluminium. Produk yan... more Perusahaan dalam penelitian ini memproduksi peralatan rumah tangga berbasis aluminium. Produk yang dihasilkan antara lain berupa wajan, ketel, dan panci. Proses produksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan cetakan dan teknik cor aluminium. Permintaan produk saat ini mengalami peningkatan dari 1 ton/hari menjadi 3 ton/hari. Peningkatan permintaan ini belum dapat direspon dengan baik karena waktu penyelesaian order konsumen (lead time) masih dipersepsikan terlalu lama oleh konsumen. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan beragamnya jumlah varian produk menunjukkan bahwa kemungkinan terdapat “waste” dalam sistem kerja pada perusahaan ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan perbaikan sistem kerja yang berdampak pada penurunan jumlah “waste”, sehingga waktu penyelesaian order konsumen menjadi semakin cepat. Teknik analisis yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini adalah value stream mapping. Hasil identifikasi kondisi sistem kerja saat ini menunjukkan “waste” menyebabkan waktu tung...

Research paper thumbnail of Perbaikan Tata Letak Penyimpanan Barang Jadi DI PT Abc Untuk Meningkatkat “Kemudahan” Pencarian Produk


Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of Innovation Features in Mobile-Based Attendance Application

Management Systems in Production Engineering, 2022

Improved Human Resources Performance can be realized in the employee’s absence. The sophisticatio... more Improved Human Resources Performance can be realized in the employee’s absence. The sophistication of technology to accommodate the absence is the use of a Mobile-Based Attendance Application. Attendance can be used to measure employee performance. One of the measuring tools in measuring performance is the Key Performance Indicator (KPI). KPI values can be obtained from the Mobile-based Attendance Application, as currently implemented by an IT Company. But in its development, there is a shortage on the application features of Daily Attendance, Leave, Report Recaps Attendance and Report Recaps Leave. The value engineering method with the Analytical Hierarchy Process is used in this paper to obtain prioritized alternatives in the development of application feature updates. The results of the research show that the alternative with the largest percentage is owned by Alternative IV (45.6%). These results indicate that this alternative can be used as a recommendation for renewal of atten...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Sistem Informasi Untuk Pengendalian Pelayanan Di Balai Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna Yogyakarta

JIE Scientific Journal on Research and Application of Industrial System, 2021

Pada paper ini dibahas solusi rekapitulasi data berbasis digital yang diterapkan pada Balai Penge... more Pada paper ini dibahas solusi rekapitulasi data berbasis digital yang diterapkan pada Balai Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna (BPTTG) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). BPTTG DIY merupakan sebuah sebuah instansi pembina teknis yang bergerak di bidang teknologi rekayasa yang berada di bawah Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Pemda DIY. Beberapa layanan yang diberikan oleh lembaga ini antara lain: layanan konsultasi & informasi Alat Tepat Guna (ATG), layanan rekayasa & produksi ATG, layanan perbengkelan, dan layanan Common Fasilities Small and Medium Industry (CFSMI) kemasan. Lembaga ini juga memiliki dua seksi yaitu seksi rekayasa dan produksi dan seksi pengembangan dan layanan kemasan dan produk kulit. Kedua seksi ini memiliki kantor dan workshop yang terpisah secara geografis. Kondisi ini menimbulkan dampak negatif pada proses dokumentasi kegiatan yang masih dilakukan secara manual, diantaranya adalah lambatnya proses dokumentasi, potensi kehilangan dokumen, dan kesalahan pencata...

Research paper thumbnail of Low-Carbon Supply Chain Model under a Vendor-Managed Inventory Partnership and Carbon Cap-and-Trade Policy

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 2022

Nowadays, companies are collaborating and forming supply chain partnerships under a certain schem... more Nowadays, companies are collaborating and forming supply chain partnerships under a certain scheme, such as a vendor-managed inventory scheme. The collaboration increases the supply chain’s visibility, which leads to cost efficiency. It may also contribute to enhancing the supply chain’s green performance. This paper presents a supply chain inventory model to guide managers in making optimal inventory decisions considering the logistics cost and carbon emissions. A vendor supplies products under a vendor-managed inventory; hence, it is responsible for the logistics activities. The effect of product deterioration and quality problems are also considered, in which the vendor performs a 100% quality inspection. A carbon price is imposed on total emissions from production and logistics activities under a cap-and-trade regulation. The result is inventory decisions regarding the optimal delivery quantity as well as the delivery frequencies that minimize the total costs. The reduction in t...

Research paper thumbnail of Human Aspect on Chain of Custody (CoC) System Performance

The tropical forests cover 24% of tropical land area. They are the most productive terrestrial ec... more The tropical forests cover 24% of tropical land area. They are the most productive terrestrial ecosystems on earth with high priorities for biodiversity conservation. These forests store a substantial amount of carbon in biomass and soil, and they also regulate the transfer of carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2). Indonesia is having the third tropical forest area in the world after Brazil and Congo. Over 50 years forest has been felled both legally as well as illegally. High rate of forest degradation resulted from unsustainable forest management, rampant illegal logging, forest area encroachment, conversion and natural disaster. All urges rapid improvement of management system of Indonesia’s forest resources (Holmes, 2002). Forest certification is one tool that can support the achievement of sustainable forest management goal. Under current operation of join certification protocol between the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute ...

Research paper thumbnail of Proposed Modified Clarke-Wright Saving Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2019

A multi-objective distribution routing algorithm by using modified Clarke and Wright Saving algor... more A multi-objective distribution routing algorithm by using modified Clarke and Wright Saving algorithm is presented. The problem to solve is to deliver loads to a number of outlets based load requirement. The objective function to minimize is the distance saving and traveling time of the resulted route started from depot to the outlets and return to the original depot. Problem to solve is generating a distribution route in a week considering traffic condition for each day. The original Clarke and Wright saving algorithm is modified such that the resulted routes (from a depot to some outlets) accommodates some constraints such as the maximum allowable traveling time, maximum number of delivery shifts, and maximum number of vehicles. The algorithm is applied to a distributor company with nine outlets, two vehicles, and two delivery shifts. In addition, the traffic condition on the outlet-to-outlet and the depot-to-outlet routes is considered. The simulation of the proposed algorithm sh...

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction To Operations Research Eight Edition (Pending)HIlang)

Materi yang dikemukakan : Penelitian Organisasi, Pendekatan Model Penelitian Operasional, Teori M... more Materi yang dikemukakan : Penelitian Organisasi, Pendekatan Model Penelitian Operasional, Teori Metode Simplex, dll

Research paper thumbnail of Revenue optimization strategy through digitizing retribution parking in Kota Batu

This study analyzes the right strategy to increase local revenue in Batu City, especially optimiz... more This study analyzes the right strategy to increase local revenue in Batu City, especially optimizing revenue by digitizing parking fees. This study used a mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative) approach. The parking potential in Batu City in one year can reach Rp. 6,266,646,500—from a parking point that can accommodate 1780 motorbikes (R2) and 257 cars (R4). The business center accounted for the largest parking fee revenue with the amount of Rp. 3,371,111,600. Parking efforts must be optimized with standardized parking rates and upgrade parking attendants in parking withdrawal methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengambilan Keputusan Sub Kontrak Atau Beli Mesin Rol Plat Besi DI Bengkel Bubut Karya Teknik

PLTU Bukit Asam Tanjung Enim adalah pembangkit listrik tenaga uap yang menggunakan batu bara seba... more PLTU Bukit Asam Tanjung Enim adalah pembangkit listrik tenaga uap yang menggunakan batu bara sebagai bahan bakarnya. Seiring berjalannya kegiatan operasional PLTU, komponen-komponen mesin yang bertugas menggiling batubara akan mengalami kerusakan secara berkala. Untuk memperbaiki komponen yang rusak tersebut, PLTU Bukit Asam menyerahkan pekerjaan tersebut kepada Bengkel Bubut Karya Teknik sebagai rekanan. Bagian-bagian yang diperbaiki beragam, berupa barang pengerolan, barang bubutan, dan lain sebagainya. Khusus untuk barang pengerolan bengkel mengalami kesulitan, dikarenakan bengkel tidak punya mesin rol, sehingga selama ini bengkel melakukan sub kontrak pekerjaan pengerolan di Bogor. Alternatif sub kontrak selama ini bukan tanpa kendala. Kendala utama yaitu biaya yang besar dan lamanya durasi pengerjaan dan transport. Alternatif pembelian mesin juga perlu didukung dengan jaminan keberlangsungan pesanan perbaikan komponen. Pengelola bengkel ragu untuk menentukan apakah akan tetap m...

Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Human Error pada Rantai Pasok Industri Kreatif: Adopsi Model SCOR

Perkembangan industri kreatif di Indonesia mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Kebijakan pemerinta... more Perkembangan industri kreatif di Indonesia mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia menjadi pendorong akselerasi pertumbuhan industri kreatif. Beberapa tujuan yang dapat dicapai dengan pertumbuhan industri kreatif ini adalah pertumbuhan kinerja produksi produk berbasis budaya lokal dengan proses pertambahan nilai ekonomi yang mampu mendukung kesejahteraan masyarakat. Industri kreatif yang terus bertumbuh ini berdampak pada perubahan organisasi pelaku produksi berkembang membentuk ranta pasok yang lebih baik. Peran manusia dalam rantai pasok ini cenderung dominan menentukan kualitas dan kinerja produk yang dihasilkan. Proses yang dominan dilakukan oleh manusia memiliki potensi terjadinya kesalahan dalam melakukan proses. Hal ini disebut sebagai human error. Potensi human error menjadi hal yang perlu dikelola dalam rantai pasok. Terdapat kendala dalam melakukan perencanaan dan tata kelola human error dalam rantai pasok, terkait dengan bagaimana menentukan klasifikasi human error dalam varian operasi yang banyak dalam suatu rantai pasok. Penelitian ini mengusulkan adopsi model SCOR sebagai solusi untuk melakukan identifikasi human error yang lebih sistematis dan efektif.

Research paper thumbnail of Proceeding 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (AN INTEGRATED MODELING OF HUMAN, MACHINE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS IN SUPPLY CHAIN PLANNING AND OPERATIONS USING FUZZY LOGIC )

Supply chain planning and operations is deeply dependent on human endeavor. The performance of a ... more Supply chain planning and operations is deeply dependent on human endeavor. The performance of a supply chain is determined by the human that is involved in the process of planning and operation. Supply chain planning involves activities such as demand forecasting, developing various plans that includes production plan, procurement plan, and distribution plan. Supply chain operations are essentially executing such supply chain processes such as procurement, production, transportation, and warehousing. In all of the above processes, the roles of human are critical, although the specific roles played from one process to another are different. Human performance problems identified in real operational events often involve operators performing actions that are not required for accident response. Analyses of the major failure/accidents during recent decades have concluded that human errors on part of operators, designers or managers have played a major role. On the other hand, the effecti...