Cristina Enríquez | Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (original) (raw)

Papers by Cristina Enríquez

Research paper thumbnail of Beneficios, barreras y apoyo social para el ejercicio: diferencias por grado escolar

During late adolescence and youth, physical exercise (PE) could support the formation of a stable... more During late adolescence and youth, physical exercise (PE) could support the formation of a stable personality. However, it has reported a 7% annual decline in the practice of PE for boys and girls, beginning in childhood and continuing through adolescence and youth. The study examined differences by level of education among the benefits, barriers and social support for exercise in university. Based on the Health Promotion Model of Pender. Descriptive comparative design. A sample of 928 young people aged 15 to 26 years stratified by university level. The average years of education was higher among those who reported no exercise practice (t = -3.28, p = .001). Differences between education level were found for exercise benefits (z = 4.955, p .05) regarding barriers to the option "not wanting to do" (z = 2498, p < 0.05) and for "not having adequate clothing or shoes "(z = 1,978, p < .05). The study results allow us to conclude that most young people who study ...

Research paper thumbnail of Psychometric properties of the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale in Mexican elderly women

Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2017

Objective: analyze and assess the psychometric properties of the subscales in the Spanish version... more Objective: analyze and assess the psychometric properties of the subscales in the Spanish version of the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale in an elderly population in the Northeast of Mexico. Method: methodological study. The sample consisted of 329 elderly associated with one of the five public centers for senior citizens in the metropolitan area of Northeast Mexico. The psychometric properties included the assessment of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the Kaiser Meyer Olkin coefficient, the inter-item correlation, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: in the principal components analysis, two components were identified based on the 43 items in the scale. The item-total correlation coefficient of the exercise benefits subscale was good. Nevertheless, the coefficient for the exercise barriers subscale revealed inconsistencies. The reliability and validity were acceptable. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the elimination of items improved the goodn...

Research paper thumbnail of Nivel de conocimientos y autocuidado de adultos con asma de la consulta de neumología. Monterrey - México

Revista Enfermeria Herediana, 2017

El asma es una enfermedad crónica, su tratamiento es complejo y su adecuado manejo depende en gra... more El asma es una enfermedad crónica, su tratamiento es complejo y su adecuado manejo depende en gran parte del nivel conocimientos, destrezas y capacidad de autocuidado del paciente. Objetivos: evaluar la relación entre el nivel de conocimientos y las capacidades de autocuidado de pacientes con asma. Material y Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal dentro de los meses de septiembre a noviembre en pacientes con diagnóstico de asma que acudieron a la consulta externa del servicio de Neumología en el Hospital General de Zona No. 33 de Monterrey Nuevo León. México. La muestra estuvo constituida por 174 pacientes. Se firmó consentimiento informado y se aplicaron el

Research paper thumbnail of Nivel de Actividad Física, Autoeficacia, Beneficios y Barreras Percibidas en Mujeres Mayores Mexicanas Independientes (Physical Activity Level, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Benefits and Perceived Barriers of Independent Mexican Older Women)

Hispanic Health Care International, 2016

This descriptive comparative study examined differences in personal characteristics, exercise sel... more This descriptive comparative study examined differences in personal characteristics, exercise self-efficacy, benefits and barriers of independent elderly women to perform physical activity (PA) according with the PA level. Two hundred three women older than 60 years of age, from a community located in Nuevo Leon, Mexico participated in the study. Data was collected using: a) A personal data questionnaire, b) Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale, c) Exercise Benefits/ Barriers Scale and d) Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly were completed. Age was similar in participants with low and acceptable PA level. Participants with lower levels of PA reported consuming more medications, fewer years of education and lower values of exercise self-efficacy, benefits and barriers. In this sample, exercise self-efficacy and benefits were positively associated with the PA level.

Research paper thumbnail of A Physical-Cognitive Intervention to Enhance Gait Speed in Older Mexican Adults

American Journal of Health Promotion, 2015

Purpose. To test the effects of a physical-cognitive exercise intervention on gait parameters und... more Purpose. To test the effects of a physical-cognitive exercise intervention on gait parameters under dual-task conditions in community-dwelling older adults. Design. A repeated-measures quasi-experimental design, with control and exercise groups, was used. Setting. Study participants consist of a convenience sample recruited from senior citizens' centers in Monterrey, Mexico. Subjects. A total of 143 sedentary participants ages 65 to 92 years per group participated. Intervention. A combined 45- to 60-minute program of physical and cognitive exercises was conducted in three weekly sessions during 12 weeks for the exercise group. Measures. The spatial gait parameters of speed (cm/s), step width, and stride length (cm); and the temporal parameters of single and double support time, cadence (steps per minute), and swing time(s) were measured using the GaitRite. Counting backwards or naming animals represented cognitive performance. Analysis. Two (groups: exercise group vs. control gr...

Research paper thumbnail of Artículo Original Cómo citar este artículo

Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Beneficios/Barreras para el Ejercicio en ancianas mexicana... more Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Beneficios/Barreras para el Ejercicio en ancianas mexicanas Objetivo: analizar y evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de las subescalas que componen la versión en español de la Escala Beneficios/Barreras para el Ejercicio en población anciana del noreste de México. Método: estudio metodológico. La muestra estuvo constituida por 329 ancianas adscritas a alguna de cinco casas-club públicas del área metropolitana del noreste de México. Las propiedades psicométricas incluyeron la evaluación del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, el coeficiente Kaiser Meyer Olkin, la correlación inter-ítem, análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. Resultados: en el análisis de componentes principales se identificaron dos componentes a partir de los 43 ítems de la escala. El coeficiente de correlación ítem-total de la subescala beneficios del ejercicio fue bueno. Sin embargo, el de barreras para el ejercicio mostró inconsistencias. La confiabilidad y validez fueron aceptables. Con el análisis factorial confirmatorio se identificó que la eliminación de ítems mejoraba la calidad de ajuste del modelo basal de la escala sin afectar su validez ni confiabilidad. Conclusión: la Escala Beneficios/Barreras para el Ejercicio presenta parámetros psicométricos satisfactorios para el contexto mexicano. Se presenta una versión corta de 15 ítems con estructura factorial, validez y confiabilidad similares a los de la escala completa.

Research paper thumbnail of Artigo Original Propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Benefícios/Barreiras para o Exercício em idosas mexicanas Como citar este artigo

Objetivo: analisar e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas das subescalas que compõem a versão em... more Objetivo: analisar e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas das subescalas que compõem a versão em espanhol da Escala de Benefícios/Barreiras para o Exercício em uma população idosa do nordeste do México. Método: estudo metodológico. A amostra abrangeu 329 idosas adstritas a uma das cinco casas de convivência públicas da área metropolitana do Nordeste mexicano. As propriedades psicométricas incluíram a avaliação do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, o coeficiente Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin, a correlação inter-itens, análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória. Resultados: na análise de componentes principais, foram identificados dois componentes a partir dos 43 itens da escala. O coeficiente de correlação item-total da subescala benefícios do exercício foi adequado. Porém, o coeficiente da subescala barreiras para o exercício mostrou inconsistências. A confiabilidade e validade foram aceitáveis. A análise fatorial confirmatória revelou que a eliminação de itens melhorava a qualidade de ajuste do modelo basal da escala sem afetar sua validade ou confiabilidade. Conclusão: a Escala de Benefícios/Barreiras para o Exercício apresenta parâmetros psicométricos satisfatórios para o contexto mexicano. Apresenta-se uma versão reduzida de 15 itens com estrutura fatorial, validade e confiabilidade similares aos da escala completa.

Research paper thumbnail of Psychometric properties of the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale in Mexican elderly women How to cite this article

Objective: analyze and assess the psychometric properties of the subscales in the Spanish version... more Objective: analyze and assess the psychometric properties of the subscales in the Spanish version of the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale in an elderly population in the Northeast of Mexico. Method: methodological study. The sample consisted of 329 elderly associated with one of the five public centers for senior citizens in the metropolitan area of Northeast Mexico. The psychometric properties included the assessment of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the Kaiser Meyer Olkin coefficient, the inter-item correlation, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: in the principal components analysis, two components were identified based on the 43 items in the scale. The item-total correlation coefficient of the exercise benefits subscale was good. Nevertheless, the coefficient for the exercise barriers subscale revealed inconsistencies. The reliability and validity were acceptable. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the elimination of items improved the goodness of fit of the baseline scale, without affecting its validity or reliability. Conclusion: the Exercise Benefits/Barriers subscale presented satisfactory psychometric properties for the Mexican context. A 15-item short version is presented with factorial structure, validity and reliability similar to the complete scale.

Research paper thumbnail of 2017_Riesgo de alteraciones musculo esqueleticas en cuidadores informales de personas con PC.pdf

This paper analyzes musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) of informal caregivers of people with cerebra... more This paper analyzes musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) of informal caregivers of people with cerebral palsy. Most of these informal caregivers present MSD arising from the combination of multiple intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Emphasis is then placed on the sociodemographic characteristics of the informal caregiver and their main MSD. An analysis of risk factors is established that gives special importance to the role of physical exercise in the presence of pain.

Research paper thumbnail of Enfermería Global Estudio en familias: factores ambientales y culturales asociados al sobrepeso y obesidad Study of families: Environmental and Cultural Factors associated with Overweight and Obesity

Research paper thumbnail of 2017_Mejora en el conocimiento y la ansiedad de los cuidadores de paciente con traqueostomia.pdf

Introducción: debido a su estado, el paciente traqueostomizado requiere el apoyo de un cuidador q... more Introducción: debido a su estado, el paciente traqueostomizado requiere el apoyo de un cuidador que deberá ser capacitado para enfrentar la situación. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la asesoría personalizada en el nivel de conocimientos y el grado de ansiedad de los cuidadores de pacientes con traqueostomía. Metodología: estudio preexperimental en doce cuidadores, a los cuales se les impartió la asesoría personalizada con cinco sesiones a disponibilidad del tiempo del cuidador. Se aplicó un cuestionario de conocimientos y la escala de ansiedad Hamilton. Resultados: el promedio de edad de los cuidadores fue de 51.2 ± 16.5 años; el 66.7% fueron mujeres. Con la asesoría personalizada, hubo cambios en la ansiedad (t = 4.659, p = .001) y en el nivel de conocimientos (z = 3.074, p = .002). Conclusiones: la asesoría personalizada ayudó a mejorar el nivel de conocimientos y disminuyó el grado de ansiedad de los cuidadores de pacientes con traqueotomía.

Research paper thumbnail of Beneficios, barreras y apoyo social para el ejercicio: diferencias por grado escolar

During late adolescence and youth, physical exercise (PE) could support the formation of a stable... more During late adolescence and youth, physical exercise (PE) could support the formation of a stable personality. However, it has reported a 7% annual decline in the practice of PE for boys and girls, beginning in childhood and continuing through adolescence and youth. The study examined differences by level of education among the benefits, barriers and social support for exercise in university. Based on the Health Promotion Model of Pender. Descriptive comparative design. A sample of 928 young people aged 15 to 26 years stratified by university level. The average years of education was higher among those who reported no exercise practice (t =-3.28, p = .001). Differences between education level were found for exercise benefits (z = 4.955, p <.05) and exercise barriers (z =-2.388, p < .05). The analysis of the items on the scales showed significant differences by level of education among autonomous benefits (z =-. 960, p > .05) regarding barriers to the option "not wanting to do" (z = 2498, p < 0.05) and for "not having adequate clothing or shoes "(z = 1,978, p < .05). The study results allow us to conclude that most young people who study not perform PE and more scholarship youth report lower PE. The young college perceives more benefits and influence of friends but also more barriers to the practice of PE.

Research paper thumbnail of 2016_Revistas indizadas_ Int educativa multidisciplinaria favorece el autocuidado en px con epoc.pdf

Intervención educativa multidisciplinaria favorece el autocuidado en pacientes con enfermedad pul... more Intervención educativa multidisciplinaria favorece el autocuidado en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica Education increases self-care in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Resumen Los conocimientos sobre las enfermedades crónicas como la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) inciden directamente sobre el autocuidado de los pacientes y sus familias. Objetivo. Se propuso evaluar el alcance de una in-tervención educativa multidisciplinaria sobre el nivel de conocimientos y autocuidado de pacientes con EPOC. Material y métodos. Estudio cuasiexperimental prospectivo con grupo experimental y de control. El grupo experimental acudió a una intervención educativa multidisciplinaria de seis sesiones. El grupo de control sólo recibió trípticos informativos. Se firmó el consentimiento informado y se aplicaron un cuestionario de Conocimientos sobre EPOC y la Escala de Valoración de Agencia de Autocuidado. Los datos se analizaron con estadística descriptiva y pruebas de Wilcoxon con el software SPSS versión 21.0. Resultados. Ambos grupos estuvieron conformados por 44 participantes. Los participantes que acu-dieron a la intervención educativa mostraron mayor incremento del nivel de conocimientos que quienes sólo recibieron la información por escrito (p<0.01). Al respecto del autocuidado, se observaron diferencias mayores entre los participantes del grupo experimental (p<0.001) sin embargo, ambos grupos mostraron cambios significativos. Conclusiones. Una in-tervención educativa multidisciplinaria de seis sesiones puede promover cambios positivos en el nivel de conocimientos y autocuidado de los pacientes con EPOC. Abstract Knowledge of chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) directly affects patients selfcare. Objective. It was proposed to assess the scope of a multidisciplinary educational intervention on the level of knowledge and self-care of patients with COPD. Material and methods. Prospective quasi-experimental study with experimental group and control group. The experimental group attended the multidisciplinary educational intervention. The control group only received information about the six sessions. Informed consent was signed and then a questionnaire about COPD Knowledge and the Rating Scale Self Care Agency. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon test using SPSS version 21.0 software. Results. Both groups had 44 participants. Participants attending classroom multidisciplinary educational intervention showed greater increase in the level of knowledge than those who only received information leaflets (p<0.01). About self-care, both groups showed significant changes, but the significance was higher for the experimental group (p<0.001). Conclusions. A multidisciplinary educational intervention of six sessions can promote positive change in the level of knowledge and self-care of patients with COPD.

Research paper thumbnail of Nivel de conocimientos y autocuidado de adultos con asma de la consulta de neumología. Monterrey -México. Level of knowledge and self-care of adults with asthma in pneumology consultation. Monterrey -México

RESUMEN El asma es una enfermedad crónica, su tratamiento es complejo y su adecuado manejo depend... more RESUMEN El asma es una enfermedad crónica, su tratamiento es complejo y su adecuado manejo depende en gran parte del nivel conocimientos, destrezas y capacidad de autocuidado del paciente. Objetivos: evaluar la relación entre el nivel de conocimientos y las capacidades de autocuidado de pacientes con asma. Material y Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal dentro de los meses de septiembre a noviembre en pacientes con diagnóstico de asma que acudieron a la consulta externa del servicio de Neumología en el Hospital General de Zona No. 33 de Monterrey Nuevo León. México. La muestra estuvo constituida por 174 pacientes. Se firmó consentimiento informado y se aplicaron el Cuestionario de conocimientos acerca de Asma y la Escala de Valoración de la Capacidad de Agencia de Autocuidado. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva, se utilizaron pruebas de correlación de Spearman considerando un nivel de significancia de .05. Resultados: los participantes tuvieron 40.2 años (DE=16,04) con escolaridad de 11.49 años (DE=3,72) en promedio. A medida que se incrementó la edad, disminuyeron el nivel de conocimientos y el de autocuidado (valores de r=-0,338 y-0,218 respectivamente, p<,01). La escolaridad de asoció de manera directa con el nivel de conocimientos (r=0,220, p<,01) y el de autocuidado (r=0,193, p<,05). Conclusiones: se corroboró la relación directa y positiva entre el nivel de conocimientos y la capacidad de autocuidado en los pacientes con asma participantes del estudio. SUMMARY Asthma is a chronic disease, its treatment is complex and its proper management depends largely on the level of knowledge, skills and self-care ability of the patient. Objectives: to evaluate the relationship between level of knowledge and self-care capabilities of patients with asthma. Material and Methods: cross-sectional study in the months of September to November in patients diagnosed with asthma who attended the outpatient service of Pneumology at the General Hospital No. 33 in Monterrey Nuevo Leon, México. Sample of 174 patients. It was signed informed consent and knowledge questionnaire about asthma and Rating Scale Capacity Self Care Agency

Research paper thumbnail of 2015_ Revistas indizadas_Puntos de corte y validación de una ecuación antropométrica para estimar....pdf

Research paper thumbnail of 2015_ Revistas indizadas_Intervencion no farmacologica para mejorar la calidad del sueño de adultos con....pdf

Intervención no farmacológica para mejorar la calidad del sueño de adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad

Research paper thumbnail of A Physical-Cognitive Intervention to Enhance Gait Speed in Older Mexican Adults

Purpose. To test the effects of a physical-cognitive exercise intervention on gait parameters und... more Purpose. To test the effects of a physical-cognitive exercise intervention on gait parameters under dual-task conditions in community-dwelling older adults. Design. A repeated-measures quasi-experimental design, with control and exercise groups, was used. Setting. Study participants consist of a convenience sample recruited from senior citizens' centers in Monterrey, Mexico. Subjects. A total of 143 sedentary participants ages 65 to 92 years per group participated. Intervention. A combined 45-to 60-minute program of physical and cognitive exercises was conducted in three weekly sessions during 12 weeks for the exercise group. Measures. The spatial gait parameters of speed (cm/s), step width, and stride length (cm); and the temporal parameters of single and double support time, cadence (steps per minute), and swing time (s) were measured using the GaitRite. Counting backwards or naming animals represented cognitive performance. Analysis. Two (groups: exercise group vs. control group) by three (time: baseline, week 6, and week 12) repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was applied. Results. Repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance revealed a significant group effect (Wilks lambda F 4,279 ¼ 6.78, p , .001); univariate analysis showed significant differences for gait speed (m/s), stride length, cadence, step width, and double support time. Time-by-group interaction showed significance in gait speed and stride length. Conclusion. The exercise group participants showed increased gait speed, cadence, and stride length, and reduced their step width and time spent with both feet on the ground. Walking while simultaneously performing a cognitive task might prepare older adults for competing/interfering demands from their environments. The protective health benefits of this intervention remain to be investigated. (Am J Health Promot 0000;00[0]:000–000.)

Research paper thumbnail of 2013_ Revistas indizadas_Función ejecutiva, velocidad de marcha y tarea doble en adultos mayores mexicanos.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Nivel de Actividad Física, Autoeficacia, Beneficios y Barreras Percibidas en Mujeres Mayores Mexicanas Independientes (Physical Activity Level, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Benefits and Perceived Barriers of Independent Mexican Older Women)

Hispanic Health Care International, 2016

This descriptive comparative study examined differences in personal characteristics, exercise sel... more This descriptive comparative study examined differences in personal characteristics, exercise self-efficacy, benefits and barriers of independent elderly women to perform physical activity (PA) according with the PA level. Two hundred three women older than 60 years of age, from a community located in Nuevo Leon, Mexico participated in the study. Data was collected using: a) A personal data questionnaire, b) Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale, c) Exercise Benefits/ Barriers Scale and d) Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly were completed. Age was similar in participants with low and acceptable PA level. Participants with lower levels of PA reported consuming more medications, fewer years of education and lower values of exercise self-efficacy, benefits and barriers. In this sample, exercise self-efficacy and benefits were positively associated with the PA level.

Research paper thumbnail of Beneficios, barreras y apoyo social para el ejercicio: diferencias por grado escolar

During late adolescence and youth, physical exercise (PE) could support the formation of a stable... more During late adolescence and youth, physical exercise (PE) could support the formation of a stable personality. However, it has reported a 7% annual decline in the practice of PE for boys and girls, beginning in childhood and continuing through adolescence and youth. The study examined differences by level of education among the benefits, barriers and social support for exercise in university. Based on the Health Promotion Model of Pender. Descriptive comparative design. A sample of 928 young people aged 15 to 26 years stratified by university level. The average years of education was higher among those who reported no exercise practice (t = -3.28, p = .001). Differences between education level were found for exercise benefits (z = 4.955, p .05) regarding barriers to the option "not wanting to do" (z = 2498, p < 0.05) and for "not having adequate clothing or shoes "(z = 1,978, p < .05). The study results allow us to conclude that most young people who study ...

Research paper thumbnail of Psychometric properties of the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale in Mexican elderly women

Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2017

Objective: analyze and assess the psychometric properties of the subscales in the Spanish version... more Objective: analyze and assess the psychometric properties of the subscales in the Spanish version of the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale in an elderly population in the Northeast of Mexico. Method: methodological study. The sample consisted of 329 elderly associated with one of the five public centers for senior citizens in the metropolitan area of Northeast Mexico. The psychometric properties included the assessment of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the Kaiser Meyer Olkin coefficient, the inter-item correlation, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: in the principal components analysis, two components were identified based on the 43 items in the scale. The item-total correlation coefficient of the exercise benefits subscale was good. Nevertheless, the coefficient for the exercise barriers subscale revealed inconsistencies. The reliability and validity were acceptable. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the elimination of items improved the goodn...

Research paper thumbnail of Nivel de conocimientos y autocuidado de adultos con asma de la consulta de neumología. Monterrey - México

Revista Enfermeria Herediana, 2017

El asma es una enfermedad crónica, su tratamiento es complejo y su adecuado manejo depende en gra... more El asma es una enfermedad crónica, su tratamiento es complejo y su adecuado manejo depende en gran parte del nivel conocimientos, destrezas y capacidad de autocuidado del paciente. Objetivos: evaluar la relación entre el nivel de conocimientos y las capacidades de autocuidado de pacientes con asma. Material y Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal dentro de los meses de septiembre a noviembre en pacientes con diagnóstico de asma que acudieron a la consulta externa del servicio de Neumología en el Hospital General de Zona No. 33 de Monterrey Nuevo León. México. La muestra estuvo constituida por 174 pacientes. Se firmó consentimiento informado y se aplicaron el

Research paper thumbnail of Nivel de Actividad Física, Autoeficacia, Beneficios y Barreras Percibidas en Mujeres Mayores Mexicanas Independientes (Physical Activity Level, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Benefits and Perceived Barriers of Independent Mexican Older Women)

Hispanic Health Care International, 2016

This descriptive comparative study examined differences in personal characteristics, exercise sel... more This descriptive comparative study examined differences in personal characteristics, exercise self-efficacy, benefits and barriers of independent elderly women to perform physical activity (PA) according with the PA level. Two hundred three women older than 60 years of age, from a community located in Nuevo Leon, Mexico participated in the study. Data was collected using: a) A personal data questionnaire, b) Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale, c) Exercise Benefits/ Barriers Scale and d) Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly were completed. Age was similar in participants with low and acceptable PA level. Participants with lower levels of PA reported consuming more medications, fewer years of education and lower values of exercise self-efficacy, benefits and barriers. In this sample, exercise self-efficacy and benefits were positively associated with the PA level.

Research paper thumbnail of A Physical-Cognitive Intervention to Enhance Gait Speed in Older Mexican Adults

American Journal of Health Promotion, 2015

Purpose. To test the effects of a physical-cognitive exercise intervention on gait parameters und... more Purpose. To test the effects of a physical-cognitive exercise intervention on gait parameters under dual-task conditions in community-dwelling older adults. Design. A repeated-measures quasi-experimental design, with control and exercise groups, was used. Setting. Study participants consist of a convenience sample recruited from senior citizens' centers in Monterrey, Mexico. Subjects. A total of 143 sedentary participants ages 65 to 92 years per group participated. Intervention. A combined 45- to 60-minute program of physical and cognitive exercises was conducted in three weekly sessions during 12 weeks for the exercise group. Measures. The spatial gait parameters of speed (cm/s), step width, and stride length (cm); and the temporal parameters of single and double support time, cadence (steps per minute), and swing time(s) were measured using the GaitRite. Counting backwards or naming animals represented cognitive performance. Analysis. Two (groups: exercise group vs. control gr...

Research paper thumbnail of Artículo Original Cómo citar este artículo

Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Beneficios/Barreras para el Ejercicio en ancianas mexicana... more Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Beneficios/Barreras para el Ejercicio en ancianas mexicanas Objetivo: analizar y evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de las subescalas que componen la versión en español de la Escala Beneficios/Barreras para el Ejercicio en población anciana del noreste de México. Método: estudio metodológico. La muestra estuvo constituida por 329 ancianas adscritas a alguna de cinco casas-club públicas del área metropolitana del noreste de México. Las propiedades psicométricas incluyeron la evaluación del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, el coeficiente Kaiser Meyer Olkin, la correlación inter-ítem, análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. Resultados: en el análisis de componentes principales se identificaron dos componentes a partir de los 43 ítems de la escala. El coeficiente de correlación ítem-total de la subescala beneficios del ejercicio fue bueno. Sin embargo, el de barreras para el ejercicio mostró inconsistencias. La confiabilidad y validez fueron aceptables. Con el análisis factorial confirmatorio se identificó que la eliminación de ítems mejoraba la calidad de ajuste del modelo basal de la escala sin afectar su validez ni confiabilidad. Conclusión: la Escala Beneficios/Barreras para el Ejercicio presenta parámetros psicométricos satisfactorios para el contexto mexicano. Se presenta una versión corta de 15 ítems con estructura factorial, validez y confiabilidad similares a los de la escala completa.

Research paper thumbnail of Artigo Original Propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Benefícios/Barreiras para o Exercício em idosas mexicanas Como citar este artigo

Objetivo: analisar e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas das subescalas que compõem a versão em... more Objetivo: analisar e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas das subescalas que compõem a versão em espanhol da Escala de Benefícios/Barreiras para o Exercício em uma população idosa do nordeste do México. Método: estudo metodológico. A amostra abrangeu 329 idosas adstritas a uma das cinco casas de convivência públicas da área metropolitana do Nordeste mexicano. As propriedades psicométricas incluíram a avaliação do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, o coeficiente Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin, a correlação inter-itens, análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória. Resultados: na análise de componentes principais, foram identificados dois componentes a partir dos 43 itens da escala. O coeficiente de correlação item-total da subescala benefícios do exercício foi adequado. Porém, o coeficiente da subescala barreiras para o exercício mostrou inconsistências. A confiabilidade e validade foram aceitáveis. A análise fatorial confirmatória revelou que a eliminação de itens melhorava a qualidade de ajuste do modelo basal da escala sem afetar sua validade ou confiabilidade. Conclusão: a Escala de Benefícios/Barreiras para o Exercício apresenta parâmetros psicométricos satisfatórios para o contexto mexicano. Apresenta-se uma versão reduzida de 15 itens com estrutura fatorial, validade e confiabilidade similares aos da escala completa.

Research paper thumbnail of Psychometric properties of the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale in Mexican elderly women How to cite this article

Objective: analyze and assess the psychometric properties of the subscales in the Spanish version... more Objective: analyze and assess the psychometric properties of the subscales in the Spanish version of the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale in an elderly population in the Northeast of Mexico. Method: methodological study. The sample consisted of 329 elderly associated with one of the five public centers for senior citizens in the metropolitan area of Northeast Mexico. The psychometric properties included the assessment of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the Kaiser Meyer Olkin coefficient, the inter-item correlation, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: in the principal components analysis, two components were identified based on the 43 items in the scale. The item-total correlation coefficient of the exercise benefits subscale was good. Nevertheless, the coefficient for the exercise barriers subscale revealed inconsistencies. The reliability and validity were acceptable. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the elimination of items improved the goodness of fit of the baseline scale, without affecting its validity or reliability. Conclusion: the Exercise Benefits/Barriers subscale presented satisfactory psychometric properties for the Mexican context. A 15-item short version is presented with factorial structure, validity and reliability similar to the complete scale.

Research paper thumbnail of 2017_Riesgo de alteraciones musculo esqueleticas en cuidadores informales de personas con PC.pdf

This paper analyzes musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) of informal caregivers of people with cerebra... more This paper analyzes musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) of informal caregivers of people with cerebral palsy. Most of these informal caregivers present MSD arising from the combination of multiple intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Emphasis is then placed on the sociodemographic characteristics of the informal caregiver and their main MSD. An analysis of risk factors is established that gives special importance to the role of physical exercise in the presence of pain.

Research paper thumbnail of Enfermería Global Estudio en familias: factores ambientales y culturales asociados al sobrepeso y obesidad Study of families: Environmental and Cultural Factors associated with Overweight and Obesity

Research paper thumbnail of 2017_Mejora en el conocimiento y la ansiedad de los cuidadores de paciente con traqueostomia.pdf

Introducción: debido a su estado, el paciente traqueostomizado requiere el apoyo de un cuidador q... more Introducción: debido a su estado, el paciente traqueostomizado requiere el apoyo de un cuidador que deberá ser capacitado para enfrentar la situación. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la asesoría personalizada en el nivel de conocimientos y el grado de ansiedad de los cuidadores de pacientes con traqueostomía. Metodología: estudio preexperimental en doce cuidadores, a los cuales se les impartió la asesoría personalizada con cinco sesiones a disponibilidad del tiempo del cuidador. Se aplicó un cuestionario de conocimientos y la escala de ansiedad Hamilton. Resultados: el promedio de edad de los cuidadores fue de 51.2 ± 16.5 años; el 66.7% fueron mujeres. Con la asesoría personalizada, hubo cambios en la ansiedad (t = 4.659, p = .001) y en el nivel de conocimientos (z = 3.074, p = .002). Conclusiones: la asesoría personalizada ayudó a mejorar el nivel de conocimientos y disminuyó el grado de ansiedad de los cuidadores de pacientes con traqueotomía.

Research paper thumbnail of Beneficios, barreras y apoyo social para el ejercicio: diferencias por grado escolar

During late adolescence and youth, physical exercise (PE) could support the formation of a stable... more During late adolescence and youth, physical exercise (PE) could support the formation of a stable personality. However, it has reported a 7% annual decline in the practice of PE for boys and girls, beginning in childhood and continuing through adolescence and youth. The study examined differences by level of education among the benefits, barriers and social support for exercise in university. Based on the Health Promotion Model of Pender. Descriptive comparative design. A sample of 928 young people aged 15 to 26 years stratified by university level. The average years of education was higher among those who reported no exercise practice (t =-3.28, p = .001). Differences between education level were found for exercise benefits (z = 4.955, p <.05) and exercise barriers (z =-2.388, p < .05). The analysis of the items on the scales showed significant differences by level of education among autonomous benefits (z =-. 960, p > .05) regarding barriers to the option "not wanting to do" (z = 2498, p < 0.05) and for "not having adequate clothing or shoes "(z = 1,978, p < .05). The study results allow us to conclude that most young people who study not perform PE and more scholarship youth report lower PE. The young college perceives more benefits and influence of friends but also more barriers to the practice of PE.

Research paper thumbnail of 2016_Revistas indizadas_ Int educativa multidisciplinaria favorece el autocuidado en px con epoc.pdf

Intervención educativa multidisciplinaria favorece el autocuidado en pacientes con enfermedad pul... more Intervención educativa multidisciplinaria favorece el autocuidado en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica Education increases self-care in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Resumen Los conocimientos sobre las enfermedades crónicas como la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) inciden directamente sobre el autocuidado de los pacientes y sus familias. Objetivo. Se propuso evaluar el alcance de una in-tervención educativa multidisciplinaria sobre el nivel de conocimientos y autocuidado de pacientes con EPOC. Material y métodos. Estudio cuasiexperimental prospectivo con grupo experimental y de control. El grupo experimental acudió a una intervención educativa multidisciplinaria de seis sesiones. El grupo de control sólo recibió trípticos informativos. Se firmó el consentimiento informado y se aplicaron un cuestionario de Conocimientos sobre EPOC y la Escala de Valoración de Agencia de Autocuidado. Los datos se analizaron con estadística descriptiva y pruebas de Wilcoxon con el software SPSS versión 21.0. Resultados. Ambos grupos estuvieron conformados por 44 participantes. Los participantes que acu-dieron a la intervención educativa mostraron mayor incremento del nivel de conocimientos que quienes sólo recibieron la información por escrito (p<0.01). Al respecto del autocuidado, se observaron diferencias mayores entre los participantes del grupo experimental (p<0.001) sin embargo, ambos grupos mostraron cambios significativos. Conclusiones. Una in-tervención educativa multidisciplinaria de seis sesiones puede promover cambios positivos en el nivel de conocimientos y autocuidado de los pacientes con EPOC. Abstract Knowledge of chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) directly affects patients selfcare. Objective. It was proposed to assess the scope of a multidisciplinary educational intervention on the level of knowledge and self-care of patients with COPD. Material and methods. Prospective quasi-experimental study with experimental group and control group. The experimental group attended the multidisciplinary educational intervention. The control group only received information about the six sessions. Informed consent was signed and then a questionnaire about COPD Knowledge and the Rating Scale Self Care Agency. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon test using SPSS version 21.0 software. Results. Both groups had 44 participants. Participants attending classroom multidisciplinary educational intervention showed greater increase in the level of knowledge than those who only received information leaflets (p<0.01). About self-care, both groups showed significant changes, but the significance was higher for the experimental group (p<0.001). Conclusions. A multidisciplinary educational intervention of six sessions can promote positive change in the level of knowledge and self-care of patients with COPD.

Research paper thumbnail of Nivel de conocimientos y autocuidado de adultos con asma de la consulta de neumología. Monterrey -México. Level of knowledge and self-care of adults with asthma in pneumology consultation. Monterrey -México

RESUMEN El asma es una enfermedad crónica, su tratamiento es complejo y su adecuado manejo depend... more RESUMEN El asma es una enfermedad crónica, su tratamiento es complejo y su adecuado manejo depende en gran parte del nivel conocimientos, destrezas y capacidad de autocuidado del paciente. Objetivos: evaluar la relación entre el nivel de conocimientos y las capacidades de autocuidado de pacientes con asma. Material y Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal dentro de los meses de septiembre a noviembre en pacientes con diagnóstico de asma que acudieron a la consulta externa del servicio de Neumología en el Hospital General de Zona No. 33 de Monterrey Nuevo León. México. La muestra estuvo constituida por 174 pacientes. Se firmó consentimiento informado y se aplicaron el Cuestionario de conocimientos acerca de Asma y la Escala de Valoración de la Capacidad de Agencia de Autocuidado. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva, se utilizaron pruebas de correlación de Spearman considerando un nivel de significancia de .05. Resultados: los participantes tuvieron 40.2 años (DE=16,04) con escolaridad de 11.49 años (DE=3,72) en promedio. A medida que se incrementó la edad, disminuyeron el nivel de conocimientos y el de autocuidado (valores de r=-0,338 y-0,218 respectivamente, p<,01). La escolaridad de asoció de manera directa con el nivel de conocimientos (r=0,220, p<,01) y el de autocuidado (r=0,193, p<,05). Conclusiones: se corroboró la relación directa y positiva entre el nivel de conocimientos y la capacidad de autocuidado en los pacientes con asma participantes del estudio. SUMMARY Asthma is a chronic disease, its treatment is complex and its proper management depends largely on the level of knowledge, skills and self-care ability of the patient. Objectives: to evaluate the relationship between level of knowledge and self-care capabilities of patients with asthma. Material and Methods: cross-sectional study in the months of September to November in patients diagnosed with asthma who attended the outpatient service of Pneumology at the General Hospital No. 33 in Monterrey Nuevo Leon, México. Sample of 174 patients. It was signed informed consent and knowledge questionnaire about asthma and Rating Scale Capacity Self Care Agency

Research paper thumbnail of 2015_ Revistas indizadas_Puntos de corte y validación de una ecuación antropométrica para estimar....pdf

Research paper thumbnail of 2015_ Revistas indizadas_Intervencion no farmacologica para mejorar la calidad del sueño de adultos con....pdf

Intervención no farmacológica para mejorar la calidad del sueño de adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad

Research paper thumbnail of A Physical-Cognitive Intervention to Enhance Gait Speed in Older Mexican Adults

Purpose. To test the effects of a physical-cognitive exercise intervention on gait parameters und... more Purpose. To test the effects of a physical-cognitive exercise intervention on gait parameters under dual-task conditions in community-dwelling older adults. Design. A repeated-measures quasi-experimental design, with control and exercise groups, was used. Setting. Study participants consist of a convenience sample recruited from senior citizens' centers in Monterrey, Mexico. Subjects. A total of 143 sedentary participants ages 65 to 92 years per group participated. Intervention. A combined 45-to 60-minute program of physical and cognitive exercises was conducted in three weekly sessions during 12 weeks for the exercise group. Measures. The spatial gait parameters of speed (cm/s), step width, and stride length (cm); and the temporal parameters of single and double support time, cadence (steps per minute), and swing time (s) were measured using the GaitRite. Counting backwards or naming animals represented cognitive performance. Analysis. Two (groups: exercise group vs. control group) by three (time: baseline, week 6, and week 12) repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was applied. Results. Repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance revealed a significant group effect (Wilks lambda F 4,279 ¼ 6.78, p , .001); univariate analysis showed significant differences for gait speed (m/s), stride length, cadence, step width, and double support time. Time-by-group interaction showed significance in gait speed and stride length. Conclusion. The exercise group participants showed increased gait speed, cadence, and stride length, and reduced their step width and time spent with both feet on the ground. Walking while simultaneously performing a cognitive task might prepare older adults for competing/interfering demands from their environments. The protective health benefits of this intervention remain to be investigated. (Am J Health Promot 0000;00[0]:000–000.)

Research paper thumbnail of 2013_ Revistas indizadas_Función ejecutiva, velocidad de marcha y tarea doble en adultos mayores mexicanos.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Nivel de Actividad Física, Autoeficacia, Beneficios y Barreras Percibidas en Mujeres Mayores Mexicanas Independientes (Physical Activity Level, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Benefits and Perceived Barriers of Independent Mexican Older Women)

Hispanic Health Care International, 2016

This descriptive comparative study examined differences in personal characteristics, exercise sel... more This descriptive comparative study examined differences in personal characteristics, exercise self-efficacy, benefits and barriers of independent elderly women to perform physical activity (PA) according with the PA level. Two hundred three women older than 60 years of age, from a community located in Nuevo Leon, Mexico participated in the study. Data was collected using: a) A personal data questionnaire, b) Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale, c) Exercise Benefits/ Barriers Scale and d) Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly were completed. Age was similar in participants with low and acceptable PA level. Participants with lower levels of PA reported consuming more medications, fewer years of education and lower values of exercise self-efficacy, benefits and barriers. In this sample, exercise self-efficacy and benefits were positively associated with the PA level.