Lucas Baqué-Manzano | Universitat de Barcelona (original) (raw)
Papers by Lucas Baqué-Manzano
Göttinger Miszellen 269, p. 85-94, 2023
The earliest known representations of ancient Egyptian god Min are the three fragmentary colossal... more The earliest known representations of ancient Egyptian god Min are the three fragmentary colossal statues discovered in the premises of the temple of Coptos by W.M.F. Petrie in the year 1894 . This relevant sculptural set, besides being an indicator of work modelling ability and execution of artisans from Nagada II-III, must be considered also the reflection of the historical and cultural situation at the end of the Predynastic period . Through a recognizable archaic style, similar —not equal— in form, of course also in technique, to the small statuettes and some carvings of the same period, the Coptos colossi, however, exhibit the complexity of a new conception concerning the model, by employing a large scale of a human being , which seems a priori to be an indicator of the political position, as well as the sacred dimension, of the overlordship of the Coptos territory.
In addition to our previous iconological analysis on the predynastic colossi of god Min , the present article will try to argumentatively progress in aspects such as: 1) the process of anthropomorphization and how it may have affected the development of the image of the god into a genetic model of patrilocality and patrilineality; 2) the religious conception about the deity, as a local patron-god, and how it may have been influential in the sacred territorial prerogatives of the early dynastic kingship, before the Unification and 3) Coptos and the role that this cultural-political nucleus might have played in the area of influence of the Upper Egyptian proto-kingdoms.
Égypte, Afrique & Orient, 2023
Le but de cet article est de fournir une analyse des statues colossales découvertes dans les ruin... more Le but de cet article est de fournir une analyse des statues colossales découvertes dans les ruines du temple de Coptos, ainsi que mettre en évidence certains faits qui permettent de comprendre le contexte dans lequel s'est effectuée la trouvaille de ces statues.
Archéo-Nil, 2021
Abstract: The present article analyses the decoration of a unique White Cross-Lined bowl at the M... more Abstract: The present article analyses the decoration of a unique White Cross-Lined bowl at the Museo Egizio, Turin. The iconography represented on the interior is of exceptional interest and value in the approach to the mentalities and cultural changes of the first communities of the Nile Valley in the Predynastic Period.
The scene depicted on this bowl should be considered relevant iconological evidence of animal symbolism associated with the human domination of the riverine
environment in the transition to Naqada II period. The control of hostile aquatic animals, such as hippopotami, concerns not only the conflict for territorial domain but the confrontation with a supernatural power that those human
groups would try to restrain and submit.
Résumé: Le présent article analyse la décoration tout à fait exceptionnelle d’un bol classe C (white cross-lined), qui se trouve au Museo Egizio de Turin. L’iconographie de sa face interne présente un très grand intérêt pour mieux comprendre les mentalités et les changements culturels des premières communautés de la vallée
du Nil pendant la période prédynastique. La scène représentée dans ce bol
doit être considérée comme une preuve, iconologiquement pertinente, du symbolisme animal associé à la domination de l’homme sur l’environnement du Nil, pendant la période de transition vers Nagada II. Le contrôle des animaux
aquatiques hostiles, comme l’hippopotame, au-delà du conflit pour le contrôle du territoire, relève également de la confrontation avec un pouvoir surnaturel que ces groupes humains tentent de dominer et de soumettre.
Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 2021
The present article analyses different elements in the process of conceptualization of the centip... more The present article analyses different elements in the process of conceptualization of the centipede (Scolopendromorpha) as a relevant entity of ancient Egyptian religion. We start analysing the morphology and certain behavioural features of chilopoda in order to consider them as potential ingredients in the mental representation of a supernatural entity that the Egyptians called Sepa. This work examines also physical or biological characteristics of the centipede as generative of different linguistic and ontological categories, which endow it with a mysterious fascination (fascinans), causing an intense feeling of fear and majesty in the Egyptian mentality. Finally, we suggest that god Sepa exhibited — as a result of naturalistic experience and observation — a combination of (biological, ecological) qualities that could help us understand his religious significance within the Osirian cycle, and particularly his role as announcer of the flooding of the northern Nile.
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (SAK), 46, 2017
The divine role of Thoth in the Pyramid Texts (PT) as a mediator, between the two contendents, Ho... more The divine role of Thoth in the Pyramid Texts (PT) as a mediator, between the two contendents, Horus and Seth, has contributed to build an image of this god as a „peace-maker“. To broaden this aspect, the religious literature shows him as assistant, advocate, judge or even legislator. He will be the consort of Maat (order, justice) and in this manner will contribute to cosmic order and also to the sacralisation of the royal figure as its preserver and perpetuator. However, behind such an honourable image this god hides a more troubled and notorious one. The present article tries to analyse it from a sequence of events related to the Osirian drama and alluded in a veiled way through two paragraphs of the Pyramid Texts: PT [218] 163d and PT [219] 175a.
Aula Orientalis. Revista de estudios del Próximo Oriente Antiguo, Sabadell (Barcelona), 32, 2014
This article is focused on three apparently related formulae included within the apotropaia of th... more This article is focused on three apparently related formulae included within the apotropaia of the Pyramid Texts: PT 379, PT 392 and PT 399, where the treatment of the prepositional phrases and the idiomatic use of certain ambiguous expressions have made it difficult to interpret and give sense to the meanings involved and also to establish connections with the cultural or religious context.
Lingua Aegyptia. Journal of Egyptian Language Studies, Hamburg, 20, 2012
The present article analyses spell 551 and its semantic content within the group of apotropaic fo... more The present article analyses spell 551 and its semantic content within the group of apotropaic formulae of the corpus of the Pyramid Texts. The obscure meaning of the discourse is apparently associated with an emotional reaction against menaces that may prevent the way of the deceased king to the Hereafter.
In this hostile context the use of “specialized” terms, far from the stereotyped forms of religious discourse, makes an adequate understanding difficult. After examining literal domain we provide our translation into Catalan and English taking into account the nearest descriptive equivalent words found Sin some Latin locutions.
Studien Zur Altagyptischen Kultur, 2012
The present arlicle analyses Cairo Stela, JE 45626, dated between late Dynasty 11 and early Dynas... more The present arlicle analyses Cairo Stela, JE 45626, dated between late Dynasty 11 and early Dynasty 12. Comparing its iconographic decoration with parallel works included in the so-ca11ed ,,Colorful Theban Group", a new scenic treatment of the secular theme of ,,the presentation of offerings" may be observed. The spatial definition and the interrelation, obviously dramatic, among characters is intimately connected with some funerary textual sources. The exaltation of family encounter in the Netherworld is clearly an exceptional motif of this stela and such content approaches us to the context in which it was produced, providing useful elements for the analysis of the society in Upper Egypt and about the circulation of ideas conceming the funerary world in the early years of the Middle Kingdom.
Poznan Archaeological Museum, Archaeology of Early Northeastern Africa. In Memory of Lech Krzyzaniak, Editors: Karla Kroeper, Marek Chlodnicki, Michal Kobusiewicz, Poznan 2006., 2007
The consolidation of the Egyptian state after the process of political unification at the end of ... more The consolidation of the Egyptian state after the process of political unification at the end of the Predynastic period is, without a doubt, one of the central but more controversial issues in the debate about the origins of ancient Egyptian civilization. Even with the increase of archaeological evidences and inscribed material, our knowledge of the historical process that took place in that remote period is still fragmentary and, as a consequence of it, must be necessarily supported by theoretical approaches. Far from adding fuel to the controversy on the point of departure for state and kingship in Egypt, the present article captures, in this respect, essential aspects of the masterpiece the Muqaddimah (Introduction to History), written by Ibn Khaldûn (1332-1406), one of the most illustrious fourteenth-century Arab authors. In reading deep some of the passages of this excellent work we find a plethora of interesting arguments whose logic and brilliant consistency offer us a valuable, alternative explanation of the origin and development of human societies and the general ideological context leading to state formation and institutions.
Nilus, Revista de la Societat Catalana d'Egiptologia 14, 2005
Reflexionar sobre els fets que envolten els inicis de la História d'Egipte, hem de reconéixer-ho,... more Reflexionar sobre els fets que envolten els inicis de la História d'Egipte, hem de reconéixer-ho, no resulta un exercici gens fácil. A la tasca ja de per si feixuga que és tractar de cercar respostes en un univers deficitari, pel que fa a les fonts escrites, s'ha d'afegir l'esforç, altrament heroic, que suposa enfrontar-se a algunes de les teories globals profundament arrelades en la historiografia d'aquest període. Tenint en compte aixó últim, l'objectiu que ens proposem no és tan el d'exposar de manera ordenada una concatenació de fets, sinó més aviat fer palesa aquesta complexitat de la que en parlávem, tot deixant caure damunt la taula aquells aspectes teòrics, ideològics i fins i tot mitològics que des del nostre punt de vista ofereixen més dificultat a la interpretació. Un treball aquest veritablement apassionant més encara quan l'objectiu és el de tractar de respondre a preguntes com ara: ¿Fins a quin punt resulta encertat plantejar el sorgiment de l'Estat faraónic dins un procés de neolitització creixent fonamentat exclusivament en la sedentarització? O bé, ¿cal considerar la gestió dels excedents agrícoles com l'únic factor propiciatori dels canvis socials pel que fa, per exemple, al desenvolupament d'una societat jerarquitzada o a la consolidació d'unes estructures de poder? Per Últim i en un altre ordre de coses ¿hem d'analitzar el fet de la unificació d'Egipte com un esdeveniment merament sincrònic, és a dir, produït i conclós en un moment o període molt determinat?
Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Egiptología (BASADE 1), 2003
El relato del Náufrago , también conocido entre los egiptólogos como la Isla de la Serpiente, sue... more El relato del Náufrago , también conocido entre los egiptólogos como la Isla de la Serpiente, suele presentarse como un ejemplo notable del auge del género fantástico en la literatura del Imperio Medio en Egipto . Alejado del tono autobiográfico y realista que presenta el que ya en su tiempo fuera considerado el “clásico” por excelencia, la historia de Sinuhé, descubrimos en aquél un desarrollo en apariencia mucho más simple, sin que ello suponga en absoluto menospreciar sus aportes literarios; aportes que en buena medida contribuyeron a la perpetuación de una tradición oral de estilización si se quiere mucho más espontánea, cuyo origen se remontaría al antiquísimo arte de los contadores de historias que tanto ha contribuido en muchas culturas al desarrollo del cuento popular.
(The present article is the author's own version, extracted from computer format).
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (SAK), 30, 2002
The present article analyses a scene located in the so-called „Corridor of the Bull“ in the cenot... more The present article analyses a scene located in the so-called „Corridor of the Bull“ in the cenotaph of king Sethos I in Abydos, in which king Ramesses II and his eldest son, prince Amenhirkhopshef, are represented lassoing a bull. The iconographic treatment of the animal and human figures evidences, in our opinion, two levels of interpretation: 1) religious; from a specific meaning centred on which we believe was a ritualistic Osirian practice, 2) political; revealed through what the figures explain and complement one to another. By using an iconologic approach, we offer an alternative explanation on the valuable information contained in this relief.
Books by Lucas Baqué-Manzano
Egipte, la mirada icònica. Vers una cosmovisió dels Textos de les Piràmides, 2023
The pharaohs of ancient Egypt, mainly from the end of the 5th dynasty until the end of the 6th dy... more The pharaohs of ancient Egypt, mainly from the end of the 5th dynasty until the end of the 6th dynasty of the Old Kingdom, had integrated in the inner structures of their pyramids a significant corpus of inscriptions known among Egyptologists as the Pyramid Texts (PT). This collection of sentences basically concerns the afterlife of the deceased king, who was identified with Osiris, and his aim to dwell in heaven with his considered relatives i.e., the gods. However, beyond these elaborated religious conceptions, mostly inspired by the doctrines of Abydos and Heliopolis, the interest of the present work is to approach those texts taking into account alternative interpretations offered by symbolic messages and the tradition of knowledge, conventions and experiences encrypted in the contents of these formulae.
Along this work, I have tried to unravel alternative information encoded within the semantic sphere of the PT, leading the interested readers through the cosmovision of the corpus: its conception of geographical spaces, different aspects of ancient Egyptian philosophy around religious and ethical concepts, political aspirations... Rather than understanding the PT from a strictly exegetical religious point of view, we propose the anthropological and sociological one. Such an approach thus demands a deeper analysis from the cosmovision which, in our opinion, refers to the ways that culture projects concerning its natural, cultural, social and political environment and how it is expressed in its own terms.
Apotropaic formulae make a significant group within the corpus of the Pyramid Texts. Such protect... more Apotropaic formulae make a significant group within the corpus of the Pyramid Texts. Such protective spells and incantations are addressed to elements able to cause evil or threaten royal possessions and control the spaces through which the king proceeds in his way to the hereafter. Among the wide variety of recognized menaces we have to distinguish those represented by dangerous animals: snakes, scorpions, centipedes..., creatures of an underworld against which the deceased king demands protection or tries to enervate their potential capacity to provoke harm or disease, and which consequently could prevent the king’s access to heavenly cycles and rebirth.
From the point of view of the magical discourse, the sense of these formulae is often obscure both for the structure of the sentences as for the meaning of the words they contain.
In this book each one of these formulae is translated and analysed in detail, paying attention to their symbolic meaning. The semantic study is completed with interpretative comments in order to comprehend the rich universe of this ancient repertoire whose tradition will progress far beyond the Old Kingdom.
Els Textos de les Piràmides de l'antic Egipte, Aula Orientalis - Supplementa, 28, Barcelona 2012., 2012
Els Textos de les Piràmides (TP), inscrits ara fa uns quaranta-tres segles, constitueixen el corp... more Els Textos de les Piràmides (TP), inscrits ara fa uns quaranta-tres segles, constitueixen el corpus literari religiós més antic de la civilització egípcia i, sens dubte, un dels més antics de la humanitat. Bona part de les fórmules que l’integren van ésser tretes a la llum l’any 1881 per l’egiptòleg francès Gaston Maspero, successor d’Auguste Mariette al front del Servei d’Antiguitats d’Egipte. El lloc de la descoberta se situava a Saqqara, a uns 17 km al sud de la ciutat del Caire. Considerada aquesta una de les més antigues i la més extensa necròpolis d’Egipte (entre 7 km i 8 km de llargada i una amplada que varia entre els 800 m i 1.800 m), Saqqara fou escollida, a les acaballes de la dinastia V i subsegüent dinastia VI, com a lloc d’enterrament dels sobirans egipcis d’aquest període del Regne Antic.
Els criteris amb què ha estat feta aquesta primera traducció al català dels TP es fonamenten, no cal dir, en l’observació fidel al contingut original en llengua egípcia, sense renunciar al seu esperit.
Hom trobarà traduïts en el present volum el conjunt dels textos corresponents a sis piràmides, les dels reis Unis, Teti, Pepi I, Merenre i Pepi II, més la de la reina Neit, esposa d’aquest darrer.
En el seu conjunt, la present traducció del corpus dels TP ha estat dividida en tres grans blocs. El primer bloc el constitueix el grup de fórmules numerades per Sethe, més els afegits i subdivisions de fórmules aportats per la recerca posterior. En el segon bloc, hom trobarà sota l’epígraf “Fórmules MAFS” (sèrie 1000) aquelles que han estat tretes a la llum recentment per l’equip de la Missió Arqueològica Francesa a Saqqara durant els treballs de restauració de la piràmide de Pepi I. Un tercer i darrer bloc és distingit amb l’encapçalament “Fragments i Fórmules Sense Numeració (S/N)”. Es tracta, com ens indica el títol, de fórmules o fragments de fórmula que no han estat numerades i que, per tant, restarien fora de les dues sèries anteriors. Tant a les Fórmules MAFS com a les Fórmules S/N hem aplicat un sistema de numeració provisional de paràgraf per tal de facilitar-ne el seguiment o localització.
Thesis Aegyptiaca II, Librería Mizar, Barcelona, 2004
The discovery of the Coptos colossi in the Ptolemaic temple of Coptos in 1894 by W.M.F. Petrie op... more The discovery of the Coptos colossi in the Ptolemaic temple of Coptos in 1894 by W.M.F. Petrie opened new paths for the knowlegde of primeval artistic manifestations concerning ancient Egypt as a vehicle for ideological and cult expressions on a large scale.
Whether these statues belong to the Egyptian artistic environment or not has been the starting point of the formal and comparative study developed along the first part of this book. Within the iconographic field we have evaluated, in the second part, every one of the motifs inscribed in these sculptures.
But the importance of such a discovery not only concerns History of Art. On a cultural level, the iconographic and iconologic information has proved also to be essential to understand the social and mental antecedents of the emerging societies in the Nile Valley towards the beginning of the 4th millennium BC. In this context, the figure of an ithyphallic god leads us to the formative process of certain concepts of abstract origin which remain as an ideal of fertility and of the regeneration of cosmic cycles in ancient Egypt.
Through the results provided by evidence, we have concluded that the Coptos colossi were early representations of god Min. Early because they belong to a chronological period situated between the end of Naqada II and the beginning of Naqada III, not beyond the First Dynasty. Thus, the differences in content with historical images of god Min arise from representing an entity that ruled over the desert and the sea; a different Min, pertaining to the so-called “Preformal tradition”, that must be considered a former variety of the same ideological, religious principle.
The aims of the present study have been developed around three aspects which have provided their three parts:
—A) First Part. Artistic environment: the Coptos Colossi and the representation of human figure within Preformal tradition in Egypt (description, formal and comparative analysis)
—B) Second Part. Chronological environment and identity of the depicted character: the Coptos Colossi. Identification of images (iconographic identification, chronology)
—C) Third Part. Cultural and social environment: the colossi of god Min in the temple of Coptos (iconologic approach)
Cuadernos de Egiptología Mizar, 1, 1996
The pyramids are, undoubtedly the most famous monuments of the pharaohs civilization. Scarcely kn... more The pyramids are, undoubtedly the most famous monuments of the pharaohs civilization. Scarcely known are, however, the village settlements established around such outstanding constructions. Village settlements that the Egyptians themselves called “pyramid towns”. Some written sources refer to them telling us about, for instance, every tasks performed there; thanks to these documents we can also known something about their inhabitants: functionaries, priests, craftsmen, “citizens” in general whose existence was inevitably linked to their king’s tomb.
The “pyramid towns” were not only a reflection of the social, political and economical order at the time, but they also show the practical aspect of deep religious convictions based on the belief in an after-death life.
The importance of these settlements is also obvious from an urban point of view, in spite of the few, often insignificant, remains which have survived the passing of centuries. The present work rescues part of some important material, scattered in more specialized articles and publications, and tries to bring into surface its undoubted historic relevance. In this matter, the “pyramid towns” stand on a privileged position from which we can approach the important changes occured in Egypt throughout the Old Kingdom and the two subsequent periods.
Translation into Spanish:
Las pirámides son sin lugar a dudas los monumentos más famosos de la civilización de los faraones. Poco conocidos son por el contrario los núcleos de población que se establecieron alrededor de tan espectaculares construcciones. Núcleos de población que los propios egipcios denominaron “ciudades de las pirámides”. Algunas fuentes escritas se refieren a ellas para hablarnos, por ejemplo, de las labores cotidianas que allí se llevaban a cabo. También, gracias a estos documentos podemos conocer algo sobre quienes fueron sus habitantes: funcionarios, sacerdotes, artesanos, obreros, “ciudadanos” en general cuya existencia se vio indefectiblemente unida a la tumba de su monarca.
Las “ciudades de las pirámides” como reflejo del orden social -pero también político y económico- imperantes expresarían, por otro lado, la vertiente más utilitaria de unas profundas convicciones religiosas que tuvieron su fundamento en la creencia de una vida ultraterrena.
La importancia de estos asentamientos de población resulta también obvia desde el punto de vista urbanístico a pesar de que sean pocos, a menudo insignificantes, los vestigios que consiguieron superar la barrera de los siglos. El presente trabajo rescatando parte de un preciado material, disperso en artículos y publicaciones más especializados, trata de poner de relieve su indiscutible protagonismo histórico. Desde esta óptica, las ciudades de las pirámides se yerguen como un lugar privilegiado desde el que abordar los importantes cambios que acontecieron en Egipto a lo largo del Imperio Antiguo y los dos períodos subsiguientes.
Göttinger Miszellen 269, p. 85-94, 2023
The earliest known representations of ancient Egyptian god Min are the three fragmentary colossal... more The earliest known representations of ancient Egyptian god Min are the three fragmentary colossal statues discovered in the premises of the temple of Coptos by W.M.F. Petrie in the year 1894 . This relevant sculptural set, besides being an indicator of work modelling ability and execution of artisans from Nagada II-III, must be considered also the reflection of the historical and cultural situation at the end of the Predynastic period . Through a recognizable archaic style, similar —not equal— in form, of course also in technique, to the small statuettes and some carvings of the same period, the Coptos colossi, however, exhibit the complexity of a new conception concerning the model, by employing a large scale of a human being , which seems a priori to be an indicator of the political position, as well as the sacred dimension, of the overlordship of the Coptos territory.
In addition to our previous iconological analysis on the predynastic colossi of god Min , the present article will try to argumentatively progress in aspects such as: 1) the process of anthropomorphization and how it may have affected the development of the image of the god into a genetic model of patrilocality and patrilineality; 2) the religious conception about the deity, as a local patron-god, and how it may have been influential in the sacred territorial prerogatives of the early dynastic kingship, before the Unification and 3) Coptos and the role that this cultural-political nucleus might have played in the area of influence of the Upper Egyptian proto-kingdoms.
Égypte, Afrique & Orient, 2023
Le but de cet article est de fournir une analyse des statues colossales découvertes dans les ruin... more Le but de cet article est de fournir une analyse des statues colossales découvertes dans les ruines du temple de Coptos, ainsi que mettre en évidence certains faits qui permettent de comprendre le contexte dans lequel s'est effectuée la trouvaille de ces statues.
Archéo-Nil, 2021
Abstract: The present article analyses the decoration of a unique White Cross-Lined bowl at the M... more Abstract: The present article analyses the decoration of a unique White Cross-Lined bowl at the Museo Egizio, Turin. The iconography represented on the interior is of exceptional interest and value in the approach to the mentalities and cultural changes of the first communities of the Nile Valley in the Predynastic Period.
The scene depicted on this bowl should be considered relevant iconological evidence of animal symbolism associated with the human domination of the riverine
environment in the transition to Naqada II period. The control of hostile aquatic animals, such as hippopotami, concerns not only the conflict for territorial domain but the confrontation with a supernatural power that those human
groups would try to restrain and submit.
Résumé: Le présent article analyse la décoration tout à fait exceptionnelle d’un bol classe C (white cross-lined), qui se trouve au Museo Egizio de Turin. L’iconographie de sa face interne présente un très grand intérêt pour mieux comprendre les mentalités et les changements culturels des premières communautés de la vallée
du Nil pendant la période prédynastique. La scène représentée dans ce bol
doit être considérée comme une preuve, iconologiquement pertinente, du symbolisme animal associé à la domination de l’homme sur l’environnement du Nil, pendant la période de transition vers Nagada II. Le contrôle des animaux
aquatiques hostiles, comme l’hippopotame, au-delà du conflit pour le contrôle du territoire, relève également de la confrontation avec un pouvoir surnaturel que ces groupes humains tentent de dominer et de soumettre.
Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 2021
The present article analyses different elements in the process of conceptualization of the centip... more The present article analyses different elements in the process of conceptualization of the centipede (Scolopendromorpha) as a relevant entity of ancient Egyptian religion. We start analysing the morphology and certain behavioural features of chilopoda in order to consider them as potential ingredients in the mental representation of a supernatural entity that the Egyptians called Sepa. This work examines also physical or biological characteristics of the centipede as generative of different linguistic and ontological categories, which endow it with a mysterious fascination (fascinans), causing an intense feeling of fear and majesty in the Egyptian mentality. Finally, we suggest that god Sepa exhibited — as a result of naturalistic experience and observation — a combination of (biological, ecological) qualities that could help us understand his religious significance within the Osirian cycle, and particularly his role as announcer of the flooding of the northern Nile.
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (SAK), 46, 2017
The divine role of Thoth in the Pyramid Texts (PT) as a mediator, between the two contendents, Ho... more The divine role of Thoth in the Pyramid Texts (PT) as a mediator, between the two contendents, Horus and Seth, has contributed to build an image of this god as a „peace-maker“. To broaden this aspect, the religious literature shows him as assistant, advocate, judge or even legislator. He will be the consort of Maat (order, justice) and in this manner will contribute to cosmic order and also to the sacralisation of the royal figure as its preserver and perpetuator. However, behind such an honourable image this god hides a more troubled and notorious one. The present article tries to analyse it from a sequence of events related to the Osirian drama and alluded in a veiled way through two paragraphs of the Pyramid Texts: PT [218] 163d and PT [219] 175a.
Aula Orientalis. Revista de estudios del Próximo Oriente Antiguo, Sabadell (Barcelona), 32, 2014
This article is focused on three apparently related formulae included within the apotropaia of th... more This article is focused on three apparently related formulae included within the apotropaia of the Pyramid Texts: PT 379, PT 392 and PT 399, where the treatment of the prepositional phrases and the idiomatic use of certain ambiguous expressions have made it difficult to interpret and give sense to the meanings involved and also to establish connections with the cultural or religious context.
Lingua Aegyptia. Journal of Egyptian Language Studies, Hamburg, 20, 2012
The present article analyses spell 551 and its semantic content within the group of apotropaic fo... more The present article analyses spell 551 and its semantic content within the group of apotropaic formulae of the corpus of the Pyramid Texts. The obscure meaning of the discourse is apparently associated with an emotional reaction against menaces that may prevent the way of the deceased king to the Hereafter.
In this hostile context the use of “specialized” terms, far from the stereotyped forms of religious discourse, makes an adequate understanding difficult. After examining literal domain we provide our translation into Catalan and English taking into account the nearest descriptive equivalent words found Sin some Latin locutions.
Studien Zur Altagyptischen Kultur, 2012
The present arlicle analyses Cairo Stela, JE 45626, dated between late Dynasty 11 and early Dynas... more The present arlicle analyses Cairo Stela, JE 45626, dated between late Dynasty 11 and early Dynasty 12. Comparing its iconographic decoration with parallel works included in the so-ca11ed ,,Colorful Theban Group", a new scenic treatment of the secular theme of ,,the presentation of offerings" may be observed. The spatial definition and the interrelation, obviously dramatic, among characters is intimately connected with some funerary textual sources. The exaltation of family encounter in the Netherworld is clearly an exceptional motif of this stela and such content approaches us to the context in which it was produced, providing useful elements for the analysis of the society in Upper Egypt and about the circulation of ideas conceming the funerary world in the early years of the Middle Kingdom.
Poznan Archaeological Museum, Archaeology of Early Northeastern Africa. In Memory of Lech Krzyzaniak, Editors: Karla Kroeper, Marek Chlodnicki, Michal Kobusiewicz, Poznan 2006., 2007
The consolidation of the Egyptian state after the process of political unification at the end of ... more The consolidation of the Egyptian state after the process of political unification at the end of the Predynastic period is, without a doubt, one of the central but more controversial issues in the debate about the origins of ancient Egyptian civilization. Even with the increase of archaeological evidences and inscribed material, our knowledge of the historical process that took place in that remote period is still fragmentary and, as a consequence of it, must be necessarily supported by theoretical approaches. Far from adding fuel to the controversy on the point of departure for state and kingship in Egypt, the present article captures, in this respect, essential aspects of the masterpiece the Muqaddimah (Introduction to History), written by Ibn Khaldûn (1332-1406), one of the most illustrious fourteenth-century Arab authors. In reading deep some of the passages of this excellent work we find a plethora of interesting arguments whose logic and brilliant consistency offer us a valuable, alternative explanation of the origin and development of human societies and the general ideological context leading to state formation and institutions.
Nilus, Revista de la Societat Catalana d'Egiptologia 14, 2005
Reflexionar sobre els fets que envolten els inicis de la História d'Egipte, hem de reconéixer-ho,... more Reflexionar sobre els fets que envolten els inicis de la História d'Egipte, hem de reconéixer-ho, no resulta un exercici gens fácil. A la tasca ja de per si feixuga que és tractar de cercar respostes en un univers deficitari, pel que fa a les fonts escrites, s'ha d'afegir l'esforç, altrament heroic, que suposa enfrontar-se a algunes de les teories globals profundament arrelades en la historiografia d'aquest període. Tenint en compte aixó últim, l'objectiu que ens proposem no és tan el d'exposar de manera ordenada una concatenació de fets, sinó més aviat fer palesa aquesta complexitat de la que en parlávem, tot deixant caure damunt la taula aquells aspectes teòrics, ideològics i fins i tot mitològics que des del nostre punt de vista ofereixen més dificultat a la interpretació. Un treball aquest veritablement apassionant més encara quan l'objectiu és el de tractar de respondre a preguntes com ara: ¿Fins a quin punt resulta encertat plantejar el sorgiment de l'Estat faraónic dins un procés de neolitització creixent fonamentat exclusivament en la sedentarització? O bé, ¿cal considerar la gestió dels excedents agrícoles com l'únic factor propiciatori dels canvis socials pel que fa, per exemple, al desenvolupament d'una societat jerarquitzada o a la consolidació d'unes estructures de poder? Per Últim i en un altre ordre de coses ¿hem d'analitzar el fet de la unificació d'Egipte com un esdeveniment merament sincrònic, és a dir, produït i conclós en un moment o període molt determinat?
Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Egiptología (BASADE 1), 2003
El relato del Náufrago , también conocido entre los egiptólogos como la Isla de la Serpiente, sue... more El relato del Náufrago , también conocido entre los egiptólogos como la Isla de la Serpiente, suele presentarse como un ejemplo notable del auge del género fantástico en la literatura del Imperio Medio en Egipto . Alejado del tono autobiográfico y realista que presenta el que ya en su tiempo fuera considerado el “clásico” por excelencia, la historia de Sinuhé, descubrimos en aquél un desarrollo en apariencia mucho más simple, sin que ello suponga en absoluto menospreciar sus aportes literarios; aportes que en buena medida contribuyeron a la perpetuación de una tradición oral de estilización si se quiere mucho más espontánea, cuyo origen se remontaría al antiquísimo arte de los contadores de historias que tanto ha contribuido en muchas culturas al desarrollo del cuento popular.
(The present article is the author's own version, extracted from computer format).
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (SAK), 30, 2002
The present article analyses a scene located in the so-called „Corridor of the Bull“ in the cenot... more The present article analyses a scene located in the so-called „Corridor of the Bull“ in the cenotaph of king Sethos I in Abydos, in which king Ramesses II and his eldest son, prince Amenhirkhopshef, are represented lassoing a bull. The iconographic treatment of the animal and human figures evidences, in our opinion, two levels of interpretation: 1) religious; from a specific meaning centred on which we believe was a ritualistic Osirian practice, 2) political; revealed through what the figures explain and complement one to another. By using an iconologic approach, we offer an alternative explanation on the valuable information contained in this relief.
Egipte, la mirada icònica. Vers una cosmovisió dels Textos de les Piràmides, 2023
The pharaohs of ancient Egypt, mainly from the end of the 5th dynasty until the end of the 6th dy... more The pharaohs of ancient Egypt, mainly from the end of the 5th dynasty until the end of the 6th dynasty of the Old Kingdom, had integrated in the inner structures of their pyramids a significant corpus of inscriptions known among Egyptologists as the Pyramid Texts (PT). This collection of sentences basically concerns the afterlife of the deceased king, who was identified with Osiris, and his aim to dwell in heaven with his considered relatives i.e., the gods. However, beyond these elaborated religious conceptions, mostly inspired by the doctrines of Abydos and Heliopolis, the interest of the present work is to approach those texts taking into account alternative interpretations offered by symbolic messages and the tradition of knowledge, conventions and experiences encrypted in the contents of these formulae.
Along this work, I have tried to unravel alternative information encoded within the semantic sphere of the PT, leading the interested readers through the cosmovision of the corpus: its conception of geographical spaces, different aspects of ancient Egyptian philosophy around religious and ethical concepts, political aspirations... Rather than understanding the PT from a strictly exegetical religious point of view, we propose the anthropological and sociological one. Such an approach thus demands a deeper analysis from the cosmovision which, in our opinion, refers to the ways that culture projects concerning its natural, cultural, social and political environment and how it is expressed in its own terms.
Apotropaic formulae make a significant group within the corpus of the Pyramid Texts. Such protect... more Apotropaic formulae make a significant group within the corpus of the Pyramid Texts. Such protective spells and incantations are addressed to elements able to cause evil or threaten royal possessions and control the spaces through which the king proceeds in his way to the hereafter. Among the wide variety of recognized menaces we have to distinguish those represented by dangerous animals: snakes, scorpions, centipedes..., creatures of an underworld against which the deceased king demands protection or tries to enervate their potential capacity to provoke harm or disease, and which consequently could prevent the king’s access to heavenly cycles and rebirth.
From the point of view of the magical discourse, the sense of these formulae is often obscure both for the structure of the sentences as for the meaning of the words they contain.
In this book each one of these formulae is translated and analysed in detail, paying attention to their symbolic meaning. The semantic study is completed with interpretative comments in order to comprehend the rich universe of this ancient repertoire whose tradition will progress far beyond the Old Kingdom.
Els Textos de les Piràmides de l'antic Egipte, Aula Orientalis - Supplementa, 28, Barcelona 2012., 2012
Els Textos de les Piràmides (TP), inscrits ara fa uns quaranta-tres segles, constitueixen el corp... more Els Textos de les Piràmides (TP), inscrits ara fa uns quaranta-tres segles, constitueixen el corpus literari religiós més antic de la civilització egípcia i, sens dubte, un dels més antics de la humanitat. Bona part de les fórmules que l’integren van ésser tretes a la llum l’any 1881 per l’egiptòleg francès Gaston Maspero, successor d’Auguste Mariette al front del Servei d’Antiguitats d’Egipte. El lloc de la descoberta se situava a Saqqara, a uns 17 km al sud de la ciutat del Caire. Considerada aquesta una de les més antigues i la més extensa necròpolis d’Egipte (entre 7 km i 8 km de llargada i una amplada que varia entre els 800 m i 1.800 m), Saqqara fou escollida, a les acaballes de la dinastia V i subsegüent dinastia VI, com a lloc d’enterrament dels sobirans egipcis d’aquest període del Regne Antic.
Els criteris amb què ha estat feta aquesta primera traducció al català dels TP es fonamenten, no cal dir, en l’observació fidel al contingut original en llengua egípcia, sense renunciar al seu esperit.
Hom trobarà traduïts en el present volum el conjunt dels textos corresponents a sis piràmides, les dels reis Unis, Teti, Pepi I, Merenre i Pepi II, més la de la reina Neit, esposa d’aquest darrer.
En el seu conjunt, la present traducció del corpus dels TP ha estat dividida en tres grans blocs. El primer bloc el constitueix el grup de fórmules numerades per Sethe, més els afegits i subdivisions de fórmules aportats per la recerca posterior. En el segon bloc, hom trobarà sota l’epígraf “Fórmules MAFS” (sèrie 1000) aquelles que han estat tretes a la llum recentment per l’equip de la Missió Arqueològica Francesa a Saqqara durant els treballs de restauració de la piràmide de Pepi I. Un tercer i darrer bloc és distingit amb l’encapçalament “Fragments i Fórmules Sense Numeració (S/N)”. Es tracta, com ens indica el títol, de fórmules o fragments de fórmula que no han estat numerades i que, per tant, restarien fora de les dues sèries anteriors. Tant a les Fórmules MAFS com a les Fórmules S/N hem aplicat un sistema de numeració provisional de paràgraf per tal de facilitar-ne el seguiment o localització.
Thesis Aegyptiaca II, Librería Mizar, Barcelona, 2004
The discovery of the Coptos colossi in the Ptolemaic temple of Coptos in 1894 by W.M.F. Petrie op... more The discovery of the Coptos colossi in the Ptolemaic temple of Coptos in 1894 by W.M.F. Petrie opened new paths for the knowlegde of primeval artistic manifestations concerning ancient Egypt as a vehicle for ideological and cult expressions on a large scale.
Whether these statues belong to the Egyptian artistic environment or not has been the starting point of the formal and comparative study developed along the first part of this book. Within the iconographic field we have evaluated, in the second part, every one of the motifs inscribed in these sculptures.
But the importance of such a discovery not only concerns History of Art. On a cultural level, the iconographic and iconologic information has proved also to be essential to understand the social and mental antecedents of the emerging societies in the Nile Valley towards the beginning of the 4th millennium BC. In this context, the figure of an ithyphallic god leads us to the formative process of certain concepts of abstract origin which remain as an ideal of fertility and of the regeneration of cosmic cycles in ancient Egypt.
Through the results provided by evidence, we have concluded that the Coptos colossi were early representations of god Min. Early because they belong to a chronological period situated between the end of Naqada II and the beginning of Naqada III, not beyond the First Dynasty. Thus, the differences in content with historical images of god Min arise from representing an entity that ruled over the desert and the sea; a different Min, pertaining to the so-called “Preformal tradition”, that must be considered a former variety of the same ideological, religious principle.
The aims of the present study have been developed around three aspects which have provided their three parts:
—A) First Part. Artistic environment: the Coptos Colossi and the representation of human figure within Preformal tradition in Egypt (description, formal and comparative analysis)
—B) Second Part. Chronological environment and identity of the depicted character: the Coptos Colossi. Identification of images (iconographic identification, chronology)
—C) Third Part. Cultural and social environment: the colossi of god Min in the temple of Coptos (iconologic approach)
Cuadernos de Egiptología Mizar, 1, 1996
The pyramids are, undoubtedly the most famous monuments of the pharaohs civilization. Scarcely kn... more The pyramids are, undoubtedly the most famous monuments of the pharaohs civilization. Scarcely known are, however, the village settlements established around such outstanding constructions. Village settlements that the Egyptians themselves called “pyramid towns”. Some written sources refer to them telling us about, for instance, every tasks performed there; thanks to these documents we can also known something about their inhabitants: functionaries, priests, craftsmen, “citizens” in general whose existence was inevitably linked to their king’s tomb.
The “pyramid towns” were not only a reflection of the social, political and economical order at the time, but they also show the practical aspect of deep religious convictions based on the belief in an after-death life.
The importance of these settlements is also obvious from an urban point of view, in spite of the few, often insignificant, remains which have survived the passing of centuries. The present work rescues part of some important material, scattered in more specialized articles and publications, and tries to bring into surface its undoubted historic relevance. In this matter, the “pyramid towns” stand on a privileged position from which we can approach the important changes occured in Egypt throughout the Old Kingdom and the two subsequent periods.
Translation into Spanish:
Las pirámides son sin lugar a dudas los monumentos más famosos de la civilización de los faraones. Poco conocidos son por el contrario los núcleos de población que se establecieron alrededor de tan espectaculares construcciones. Núcleos de población que los propios egipcios denominaron “ciudades de las pirámides”. Algunas fuentes escritas se refieren a ellas para hablarnos, por ejemplo, de las labores cotidianas que allí se llevaban a cabo. También, gracias a estos documentos podemos conocer algo sobre quienes fueron sus habitantes: funcionarios, sacerdotes, artesanos, obreros, “ciudadanos” en general cuya existencia se vio indefectiblemente unida a la tumba de su monarca.
Las “ciudades de las pirámides” como reflejo del orden social -pero también político y económico- imperantes expresarían, por otro lado, la vertiente más utilitaria de unas profundas convicciones religiosas que tuvieron su fundamento en la creencia de una vida ultraterrena.
La importancia de estos asentamientos de población resulta también obvia desde el punto de vista urbanístico a pesar de que sean pocos, a menudo insignificantes, los vestigios que consiguieron superar la barrera de los siglos. El presente trabajo rescatando parte de un preciado material, disperso en artículos y publicaciones más especializados, trata de poner de relieve su indiscutible protagonismo histórico. Desde esta óptica, las ciudades de las pirámides se yerguen como un lugar privilegiado desde el que abordar los importantes cambios que acontecieron en Egipto a lo largo del Imperio Antiguo y los dos períodos subsiguientes.