Mattia C . Chiriatti | Universidad de Granada (original) (raw)
NEXT PRESENTATIONS and COMING PAPERS by Mattia C . Chiriatti[ more ](;)[](
Babylas of Antioch was the Syrian martyr par excellence and one of the most revered in the East during Late Antiquity. After his death in the middle of the third century under the persecution of Decius, his tomb soon began to be object of veneration, and Constantius Gallus ordered in 351 his translatio to the sanctuary of Daphne to counteract the influence of the oracle of Apollo. The emergence of his cult within the temple of Daphne was so intense that after a few years the Emperor Julian complained about the inconvenience caused by the ad sanctos burials around the second tomb of the Saint, which also, in the words of the Apostate emperor himself, corrupted the Daphne sanctuary.
Due to its great popularity, its relics and its cult expanded through diverse geographies until reaching the confines of the West. In the fifth century there are already relics of the Antiochene in Milan, where in the same century even a church is dedicated under its name. But it is not until the Visigoth and Early medieval centuries when its presence is documented in the Iberian Peninsula, where testimonies of the cult of Babylas are preserved, mainly from monastic environments.
The aim of this presentation is therefore to analyze these testimonies and value their influence and impact on the daily life and the liturgy of the early Hispanic monasteries.
Papers by Mattia C . Chiriatti
Peeters Publishers eBooks, Nov 19, 2021
La tesis contiene una traduccion de 10 discursos del obispo de Gregorio de Nisa del griego al cas... more La tesis contiene una traduccion de 10 discursos del obispo de Gregorio de Nisa del griego al castellano con una introducci6n y una conclusi6n en lengua ita fiana. Cada texto es acompanado par una introduccion historica y un comentario linguistico y exegetico
Collectanea Christiana Orientalia
La tradición hagiográfica transmitida e impulsada a partir del texto de los Hechos de los Apóstol... more La tradición hagiográfica transmitida e impulsada a partir del texto de los Hechos de los Apóstoles sobre el primer héroe del cristianismo primitivo, el protomártir Esteban, encuentra, en uno de los dos βασιλικοὶ λόγοι de Gregorio de Nisa (Gr. Nyss., Steph. I, ed. O Lendle, 1990, 97,4 - 105,21), una de sus más brillantes representaciones literarias. La hagiografía del santo se desarrolla siguiendo las normas del discurso imperial, teorizado en los dos tratados “Sobre los géneros epidícticos” atribuidos a Menandro el Rétor, en los cuales se hace hincapié en los τόποι ἐγκωμιαστικοί respecto al panegírico del personaje alabado. En la primera traducción al castellano, que presentamos a continuación, se pone un particular énfasis en esta innovación: el obispo de Nisa consigue transformar el relato neotestamentario en un discurso de fuertes matices propagandísticos, en el cual los aspectos más corrientes del personaje (patria, educación, actos) se convierten en virtudes y gestas de un arq...
EnglishThe glorification of martyrdom runs parallel to the ideological construction of the Christ... more EnglishThe glorification of martyrdom runs parallel to the ideological construction of the Christian identity, through the theorization of sacrifice as a pillar of Early Christianity. Bloody death reveals, in Christian discipleship, the unbreakable bond existing between life and religious identity. As can be seen from the encomia of Gregory of Nyssa, there is an intrinsic relationship between martyrdom literature and the forging of a Christian identity. As can be seen from the bishop of Nyssa's encomia, the model of "Christian martyrdom identity" is the protomartyr Stephen: in his encomium, citing Paul (I Cor 4,9), he says: "Stephen has become a spectacle to the world, angels and men" (In Sanctum Stephanum, I, 76.3). italianoL'esaltazione del martirio si sviluppa parallelamente alla costruzione ideologica dell'identita cristiana, attraverso la teorizzazione del sacrificio come pilastro del Cristianesimo primitivo. La morte cruenta rivela, nel discepol...
Various scholars have analysed the relationship between Church and Empire at Constantine’s time, ... more Various scholars have analysed the relationship between Church and Empire at Constantine’s time, as well as the bond between the bishop Athanasius and the emperor Constantine. This bond, already inferable from the Apologia contra Arianos, is in this article integrated and compared to its contemporary sources. From these circumstances it emerges that, at the beginning of the 4th century, the relationship between the two institutions was in a transitional phase: Constantine, securing Christianity as a religio licita, encountered severe difficulties in dealing with ecclesiastical and doctrinal disputes as well as religious and socio-political ones. The extreme intolerance of Athanasius would cause countless problems for the emperor, primarily of a social nature, due to the bishop’s strong influence upon administrative and economic matters. The dichotomous relationship between the patriarch and the emperor worsened to such a point as to force bishop Athanasius into exile four times.
Hortus Artium Medievalium, 2017
A typikon, stored in the library of the University of Turin under the signature Graecus 216 (ex-R... more A typikon, stored in the library of the University of Turin under the signature Graecus 216 (ex-Royal Library Codex C III 17), portrays the industrious cultural activity of the monastery of St. Nicholas of Kasoulon, founded in 1098/99 by the monk Joseph, thanks to the patronage of Bohemund, prince of Taranto and Antioch, about a few miles south of Otranto (Lecce), in the southeastern tip of Italy. According to the testimony of the manuscript, it can be given a broad outline of the scriptorium's daily activity as a crucial centre of culture and knowledge's transmission through the manuscripts' copying. This factor allowed a considerable diffusion of texts both in the religious either in the secular milieu, by making the Hydruntine coenobium to become one of the Byzantine culture's most outstanding centres in Southern Italy.
Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales, 2021
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona eBooks, 2020
, del obispo capadocio Gregorio de Nisa, constituye el prototipo de un nuevo género literario cri... more , del obispo capadocio Gregorio de Nisa, constituye el prototipo de un nuevo género literario cristiano, la hagiobiografía. Perfilando a un santo como hagios, el objetivo del encomiasta es presentar el elogiado a los fieles como modelo de virtud, realzado por el relato de sus thaumata (prodigios). La biografía novelada de la vida y los milagros de Gregorio de Neocaesarea (conocido por la tradición posterior como Gregorio el Taumaturgo) pone de manifiesto la evidente deuda de la oratoria cristiana respecto a los recursos retóricos de la Segunda Sofística. Gregorio se convierte, por lo tanto, en un modelo de santo taumatúrgico, un arquetipo de hagios literario durante las épocas bizantina y medieval.
L’ermeneutica nissena si basa essenzialmente su due categorie esegetiche quali lo σκοπός e la ἀκο... more L’ermeneutica nissena si basa essenzialmente su due categorie esegetiche quali lo σκοπός e la ἀκολουθία. Ambedue non costituiscono un’invenzione letteraria del padre cappadoce, bensì rappresentano un’eredità anteriore delle scuole filosofiche, in maggioranza stoiche e neoplatoniche. Questo studio prevede un’analisi letteraria di entrambi i concetti e della loro applicazione ermeneutica nell’esegesi al testo biblico del Cantico dei Cantici. Dallo studio condotto si evince pertanto l’influenza meridiana del patrimonio classico e delle sue risorse scientifiche nei trattati di Gregorio di Nissa e della letteratura cristiana.The hermeneutics of Gregory of Nyssa is essentially based on two exegetical categories: the σκοπός and the ἀκολουθία. Neither one constitutes a literary invention of the Cappadocian priest, but both represent an earlier legacy of the philosophical schools, mostly Stoic and Neo–Platonic. This study provides a literary analysis of both concepts and their hermeneutical ...
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2020
Las maravillas en sus geografías sagradas: efectos de realidad y efectos de presencia, entre sabe... more Las maravillas en sus geografías sagradas: efectos de realidad y efectos de presencia, entre saber y visión, en pinturas catalanas del fin del medioevo * Resumen: Los santos, por su experiencia mística de la luz y vida divina, definen lugares de luz, geografías sagradas, luminosas. Disponen de un principio inmanente de movimiento, así como también disponen los elementos. En la visibilidad de estos lugares de luz, de estas geografías sagradas de montañas, bosques, llanos, ríos, mares, piedras y arena, árboles y flores, etc., la mujer tiene un papel específico, maravilloso, ya sea virgen y madre, virgen o madre, alegoría o símbolo. A partir de obras pictóricas circunscritas en el espacio y tiempo medieval de Cataluña, todas conservadas en el Museu Episcopal de Vic, se presenta una geografía sagrada, la de los lugares de las maravillas divinas, esencial por sus efectos de realidad y presencia, en la perspectiva de la salvación eterna.
HABIS, 2019
Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro pueden reproducirse o trans... more Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro pueden reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación magnética o cualquier almacenamiento de información y sistema de recuperación, sin permiso escrito
EnglishMany are the ancient records regarding Aethiopia, a mythical and remote land where those w... more EnglishMany are the ancient records regarding Aethiopia, a mythical and remote land where those who Homer defines as ἔσχατοι νδρῶν (Hom., Od., 1, 23) dwelled. Both the Greek sources (including the Mycenaean records) as well as the Latin ones, have passed on to the posterity fascinating tales, travel reports, fantastic stories, swinging between utopia and myth. italianoMolte sono le testimonianze antiche riguardanti l’Etiopia, una terra mitica e remota dove abitavano coloro che Omero definisce come ἔσχατοι νδρῶν (Hom., Od., 1, 23). Tanto le fonti greche (includendo anche le micenee) quanto quelle latine, hanno tramandato ai posteri degli affascinanti racconti, resoconti di viaggio, storie fantastiche, a cavallo tra utopia e mito.[ more ](;)[](
Babylas of Antioch was the Syrian martyr par excellence and one of the most revered in the East during Late Antiquity. After his death in the middle of the third century under the persecution of Decius, his tomb soon began to be object of veneration, and Constantius Gallus ordered in 351 his translatio to the sanctuary of Daphne to counteract the influence of the oracle of Apollo. The emergence of his cult within the temple of Daphne was so intense that after a few years the Emperor Julian complained about the inconvenience caused by the ad sanctos burials around the second tomb of the Saint, which also, in the words of the Apostate emperor himself, corrupted the Daphne sanctuary.
Due to its great popularity, its relics and its cult expanded through diverse geographies until reaching the confines of the West. In the fifth century there are already relics of the Antiochene in Milan, where in the same century even a church is dedicated under its name. But it is not until the Visigoth and Early medieval centuries when its presence is documented in the Iberian Peninsula, where testimonies of the cult of Babylas are preserved, mainly from monastic environments.
The aim of this presentation is therefore to analyze these testimonies and value their influence and impact on the daily life and the liturgy of the early Hispanic monasteries.
Peeters Publishers eBooks, Nov 19, 2021
La tesis contiene una traduccion de 10 discursos del obispo de Gregorio de Nisa del griego al cas... more La tesis contiene una traduccion de 10 discursos del obispo de Gregorio de Nisa del griego al castellano con una introducci6n y una conclusi6n en lengua ita fiana. Cada texto es acompanado par una introduccion historica y un comentario linguistico y exegetico
Collectanea Christiana Orientalia
La tradición hagiográfica transmitida e impulsada a partir del texto de los Hechos de los Apóstol... more La tradición hagiográfica transmitida e impulsada a partir del texto de los Hechos de los Apóstoles sobre el primer héroe del cristianismo primitivo, el protomártir Esteban, encuentra, en uno de los dos βασιλικοὶ λόγοι de Gregorio de Nisa (Gr. Nyss., Steph. I, ed. O Lendle, 1990, 97,4 - 105,21), una de sus más brillantes representaciones literarias. La hagiografía del santo se desarrolla siguiendo las normas del discurso imperial, teorizado en los dos tratados “Sobre los géneros epidícticos” atribuidos a Menandro el Rétor, en los cuales se hace hincapié en los τόποι ἐγκωμιαστικοί respecto al panegírico del personaje alabado. En la primera traducción al castellano, que presentamos a continuación, se pone un particular énfasis en esta innovación: el obispo de Nisa consigue transformar el relato neotestamentario en un discurso de fuertes matices propagandísticos, en el cual los aspectos más corrientes del personaje (patria, educación, actos) se convierten en virtudes y gestas de un arq...
EnglishThe glorification of martyrdom runs parallel to the ideological construction of the Christ... more EnglishThe glorification of martyrdom runs parallel to the ideological construction of the Christian identity, through the theorization of sacrifice as a pillar of Early Christianity. Bloody death reveals, in Christian discipleship, the unbreakable bond existing between life and religious identity. As can be seen from the encomia of Gregory of Nyssa, there is an intrinsic relationship between martyrdom literature and the forging of a Christian identity. As can be seen from the bishop of Nyssa's encomia, the model of "Christian martyrdom identity" is the protomartyr Stephen: in his encomium, citing Paul (I Cor 4,9), he says: "Stephen has become a spectacle to the world, angels and men" (In Sanctum Stephanum, I, 76.3). italianoL'esaltazione del martirio si sviluppa parallelamente alla costruzione ideologica dell'identita cristiana, attraverso la teorizzazione del sacrificio come pilastro del Cristianesimo primitivo. La morte cruenta rivela, nel discepol...
Various scholars have analysed the relationship between Church and Empire at Constantine’s time, ... more Various scholars have analysed the relationship between Church and Empire at Constantine’s time, as well as the bond between the bishop Athanasius and the emperor Constantine. This bond, already inferable from the Apologia contra Arianos, is in this article integrated and compared to its contemporary sources. From these circumstances it emerges that, at the beginning of the 4th century, the relationship between the two institutions was in a transitional phase: Constantine, securing Christianity as a religio licita, encountered severe difficulties in dealing with ecclesiastical and doctrinal disputes as well as religious and socio-political ones. The extreme intolerance of Athanasius would cause countless problems for the emperor, primarily of a social nature, due to the bishop’s strong influence upon administrative and economic matters. The dichotomous relationship between the patriarch and the emperor worsened to such a point as to force bishop Athanasius into exile four times.
Hortus Artium Medievalium, 2017
A typikon, stored in the library of the University of Turin under the signature Graecus 216 (ex-R... more A typikon, stored in the library of the University of Turin under the signature Graecus 216 (ex-Royal Library Codex C III 17), portrays the industrious cultural activity of the monastery of St. Nicholas of Kasoulon, founded in 1098/99 by the monk Joseph, thanks to the patronage of Bohemund, prince of Taranto and Antioch, about a few miles south of Otranto (Lecce), in the southeastern tip of Italy. According to the testimony of the manuscript, it can be given a broad outline of the scriptorium's daily activity as a crucial centre of culture and knowledge's transmission through the manuscripts' copying. This factor allowed a considerable diffusion of texts both in the religious either in the secular milieu, by making the Hydruntine coenobium to become one of the Byzantine culture's most outstanding centres in Southern Italy.
Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales, 2021
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona eBooks, 2020
, del obispo capadocio Gregorio de Nisa, constituye el prototipo de un nuevo género literario cri... more , del obispo capadocio Gregorio de Nisa, constituye el prototipo de un nuevo género literario cristiano, la hagiobiografía. Perfilando a un santo como hagios, el objetivo del encomiasta es presentar el elogiado a los fieles como modelo de virtud, realzado por el relato de sus thaumata (prodigios). La biografía novelada de la vida y los milagros de Gregorio de Neocaesarea (conocido por la tradición posterior como Gregorio el Taumaturgo) pone de manifiesto la evidente deuda de la oratoria cristiana respecto a los recursos retóricos de la Segunda Sofística. Gregorio se convierte, por lo tanto, en un modelo de santo taumatúrgico, un arquetipo de hagios literario durante las épocas bizantina y medieval.
L’ermeneutica nissena si basa essenzialmente su due categorie esegetiche quali lo σκοπός e la ἀκο... more L’ermeneutica nissena si basa essenzialmente su due categorie esegetiche quali lo σκοπός e la ἀκολουθία. Ambedue non costituiscono un’invenzione letteraria del padre cappadoce, bensì rappresentano un’eredità anteriore delle scuole filosofiche, in maggioranza stoiche e neoplatoniche. Questo studio prevede un’analisi letteraria di entrambi i concetti e della loro applicazione ermeneutica nell’esegesi al testo biblico del Cantico dei Cantici. Dallo studio condotto si evince pertanto l’influenza meridiana del patrimonio classico e delle sue risorse scientifiche nei trattati di Gregorio di Nissa e della letteratura cristiana.The hermeneutics of Gregory of Nyssa is essentially based on two exegetical categories: the σκοπός and the ἀκολουθία. Neither one constitutes a literary invention of the Cappadocian priest, but both represent an earlier legacy of the philosophical schools, mostly Stoic and Neo–Platonic. This study provides a literary analysis of both concepts and their hermeneutical ...
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2020
Las maravillas en sus geografías sagradas: efectos de realidad y efectos de presencia, entre sabe... more Las maravillas en sus geografías sagradas: efectos de realidad y efectos de presencia, entre saber y visión, en pinturas catalanas del fin del medioevo * Resumen: Los santos, por su experiencia mística de la luz y vida divina, definen lugares de luz, geografías sagradas, luminosas. Disponen de un principio inmanente de movimiento, así como también disponen los elementos. En la visibilidad de estos lugares de luz, de estas geografías sagradas de montañas, bosques, llanos, ríos, mares, piedras y arena, árboles y flores, etc., la mujer tiene un papel específico, maravilloso, ya sea virgen y madre, virgen o madre, alegoría o símbolo. A partir de obras pictóricas circunscritas en el espacio y tiempo medieval de Cataluña, todas conservadas en el Museu Episcopal de Vic, se presenta una geografía sagrada, la de los lugares de las maravillas divinas, esencial por sus efectos de realidad y presencia, en la perspectiva de la salvación eterna.
HABIS, 2019
Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro pueden reproducirse o trans... more Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro pueden reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación magnética o cualquier almacenamiento de información y sistema de recuperación, sin permiso escrito
EnglishMany are the ancient records regarding Aethiopia, a mythical and remote land where those w... more EnglishMany are the ancient records regarding Aethiopia, a mythical and remote land where those who Homer defines as ἔσχατοι νδρῶν (Hom., Od., 1, 23) dwelled. Both the Greek sources (including the Mycenaean records) as well as the Latin ones, have passed on to the posterity fascinating tales, travel reports, fantastic stories, swinging between utopia and myth. italianoMolte sono le testimonianze antiche riguardanti l’Etiopia, una terra mitica e remota dove abitavano coloro che Omero definisce come ἔσχατοι νδρῶν (Hom., Od., 1, 23). Tanto le fonti greche (includendo anche le micenee) quanto quelle latine, hanno tramandato ai posteri degli affascinanti racconti, resoconti di viaggio, storie fantastiche, a cavallo tra utopia e mito.
HABIS, 2019
Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro pueden reproducirse o trans... more Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro pueden reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación magnética o cualquier almacenamiento de información y sistema de recuperación, sin permiso escrito
EnglishMany are the ancient records regarding Aethiopia, a mythical and remote land where those w... more EnglishMany are the ancient records regarding Aethiopia, a mythical and remote land where those who Homer defines as ἔσχατοι νδρῶν (Hom., Od., 1, 23) dwelled. Both the Greek sources (including the Mycenaean records) as well as the Latin ones, have passed on to the posterity fascinating tales, travel reports, fantastic stories, swinging between utopia and myth. italianoMolte sono le testimonianze antiche riguardanti l’Etiopia, una terra mitica e remota dove abitavano coloro che Omero definisce come ἔσχατοι νδρῶν (Hom., Od., 1, 23). Tanto le fonti greche (includendo anche le micenee) quanto quelle latine, hanno tramandato ai posteri degli affascinanti racconti, resoconti di viaggio, storie fantastiche, a cavallo tra utopia e mito.
Exile represented a complex phenomenon in the secular as well as the ecclesiastical sphere throug... more Exile represented a complex phenomenon in the secular as well as the ecclesiastical sphere throughout the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. This colloquium will focus on exile across all of its dimensions, from literary texts to less well-explored historical documents, with a particular attention to the juridical field, which involved a close interaction of religious and political power. Proposed papers may address this subject from any perspective, including but not limited to: Archaeology, History, Law, Literature.
ORGANIZED BY THE BIRKBECK INSTITUTE FOR THE HUMANITIES (BIH), WITH MATTIA CHIRIATTI (UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALÁ DE HENARES*) AND REBECCA DARLEY (BIRKBECK) Workshop for PhD students The Colloquium will also include a workshop for early-career graduate students, as an opportunity to discuss their PhD research with experts in their field.
(Birkbeck, University of London. Room 402, Malet Street Building, London WC1E 7HX. Entrance off Torrington Square)
*15 November 2017*
Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales reúne diversas contribuciones que estudian, desde una perspect... more Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales reúne diversas contribuciones que estudian, desde una perspectiva pluridisciplinar (con enfoques que van de lo literario a lo antropológico, pasando por lo histórico-arqueológico), la evolución del poder femenino y su expresión pública desde la tardoantigüedad hasta el período bizantino tardío.
Los trabajos aquí reunidos consideran tanto la evidencia literaria como la material (pintura y escultura, numismática, epigrafía monumental). Por su carácter interdisciplinar, esta obra permite observar desde diversos ángulos las estrategias que facultaron a estas mujeres para ejercer el poder. Con su liderazgo en las cortes imperiales y reales, las mujeres que transitan por estas páginas consiguieron trascender el papel de meras madres de emperadores y reyes para convertirse en auténticas protagonistas de la política contemporánea.
, "Pelagianesimo e battesimo dei bambini: un aspetto della polemica agostiniana" en la controvers... more , "Pelagianesimo e battesimo dei bambini: un aspetto della polemica agostiniana" en la controversia pelagiana: estudio históricoprosopográfico"