Paolo Pellegrino | Universitat de Barcelona (original) (raw)

Papers by Paolo Pellegrino

Research paper thumbnail of On the Possible Relationship Between Anti-Streptolysin-O Titer and Neuropsychiatric Disorders Other than PANS

Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Non linear optical properties of Silicon nanocrystals for applications in photonic logic gates devices

2008 IEEE/LEOS Winter Topical Meeting Series, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Deep-UV Lithography Fabrication of Slot Waveguides and Sandwiched Waveguides for Nonlinear Applications

2007 4th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of On vaccine's adjuvants and autoimmunity: Current evidence and future perspectives

Autoimmunity reviews, Jan 29, 2015

Adjuvants are compounds incorporated into vaccines to enhance immunogenicity and the development ... more Adjuvants are compounds incorporated into vaccines to enhance immunogenicity and the development of these molecules has become an expanding field of research in the last decades. Adding an adjuvant to a vaccine antigen leads to several advantages, including dose sparing and the induction of a more rapid, broader and strong immune response. Several of these molecules have been approved, including aluminium salts, oil-in-water emulsions (MF59, AS03 and AF03), virosomes and AS04. Adjuvants have recently been implicated in the new syndrome named "ASIA-Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants", which describes an umbrella of clinical conditions including post-vaccination adverse reactions. Recent studies implicate a web of mechanisms in the development of vaccine adjuvant-induced autoimmune diseases, in particular, in those associated with aluminium-based compounds. Fewer and unsystematised data are instead available about other adjuvants, despite recent evidence i...

Research paper thumbnail of Immunogenicity and safety of the human papillomavirus vaccine in patients with autoimmune diseases: A systematic review

Vaccine, Jan 30, 2015

Whereas safety and efficacy of HPV vaccines in healthy women have been shown in several randomise... more Whereas safety and efficacy of HPV vaccines in healthy women have been shown in several randomised controlled clinical trials and in post marketing analyses, only few data exist in patients affected by autoimmune diseases. These issues are significant as autoimmune conditions are recognised as a risk factor for the persistence of HPV infection. Herein we review and systematise the existing literature to assess immunogenicity and safety of HPV vaccination in patients with autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus and juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The results of our literature revision suggest that the HPV vaccines are efficacious and safe in most of the patients affected by autoimmune diseases. Yet, some points of concern remain to be tackled, including the effects of concomitant therapies, the risk of disease exacerbation and the cost-effectiveness of such immunisation programmes in these populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Modulation of Acid Sphingomyelinase in Melanoma Reprogrammes the Tumour Immune Microenvironment

Mediators of Inflammation, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Re: "Postelimination transmission of measles in the US

American journal of epidemiology, Jan 15, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Combined isosorbide dinitrate and ibuprofen as a novel therapy for muscular dystrophies: evidence from Phase I studies in healthy volunteers

Drug design, development and therapy, 2014

We designed two Phase I studies that assessed healthy volunteers in order to evaluate the safety ... more We designed two Phase I studies that assessed healthy volunteers in order to evaluate the safety and to optimize the dosing of the combination of the drugs isosorbide dinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, and ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug. We designed these studies with the aim of designing a Phase II trial to evaluate the drugs' efficacy in patients affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy. For the first trial, ISOFEN1, a single-dose, randomized-sequence, open-label, active control, three-treatment cross-over study, was aimed at comparing the pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen 200 mg and isosorbide dinitrate 20 mg when given alone and concomitantly. The pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen given alone versus ibuprofen given concomitantly with isosorbide dinitrate were similar, as documented by the lack of statistically significant differences in the main drug's pharmacokinetic parameters (time to maximal concentration [Tmax], maximal concentration [Cmax], area under the cur...

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Board

Research paper thumbnail of Skeletal muscle homeostasis in duchenne muscular dystrophy: modulating autophagy as a promising therapeutic strategy

Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 2014

Muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic and heterogeneous neuromuscular disorders characteriz... more Muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic and heterogeneous neuromuscular disorders characterized by the primary wasting of skeletal muscle. In Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the most severe form of these diseases, the mutations in the dystrophin gene lead to muscle weakness and wasting, exhaustion of muscular regenerative capacity, and chronic local inflammation leading to substitution of myofibers by connective and adipose tissue. DMD patients suffer from continuous and progressive skeletal muscle damage followed by complete paralysis and death, usually by respiratory and/or cardiac failure. No cure is yet available, but several therapeutic approaches aiming at reversing the ongoing degeneration have been investigated in preclinical and clinical settings. Autophagy is an important proteolytic system of the cell and has a crucial role in the removal of proteins, aggregates, and organelles. Autophagy is constantly active in skeletal muscle and its role in tissue homeostasis is...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevention of respiratory infections in tracheostomized patients of a pediatric long-term rehabilitation setting

American Journal of Infection Control, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Five-Aminosalicylic Acid: An Update for the Reappraisal of an Old Drug

Gastroenterology Research and Practice, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Optical and Electrical characteristics of LEDs based on a single organic layer

2005 Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, Proceedings, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Linear Optical Properties of Si Nanocrystals

3rd IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 2006., 2006

... Nonlinear Optical Properties of Si Nanocrystals. ... Rita Spano a1 , Massimo Cazzanelli a2 , ... more ... Nonlinear Optical Properties of Si Nanocrystals. ... Rita Spano a1 , Massimo Cazzanelli a2 , Nicola Daldosso a3 , Zeno Gaburro a4 , Luigi Ferraioli a5 , Luca Tartara a6 , Jin Yu a7 , Vittorio Degiorgio a8 , Sergi Hernandez a9 , Youcef Lebour a10 , Paolo Pellegrino a11 , Blas ...

Research paper thumbnail of Deficient nitric oxide signalling impairs skeletal muscle growth and performance: involvement of mitochondrial dysregulation

Skeletal muscle, 2014

Nitric oxide (NO), generated in skeletal muscle mostly by the neuronal NO synthases (nNOSμ), has ... more Nitric oxide (NO), generated in skeletal muscle mostly by the neuronal NO synthases (nNOSμ), has profound effects on both mitochondrial bioenergetics and muscle development and function. The importance of NO for muscle repair emerges from the observation that nNOS signalling is defective in many genetically diverse skeletal muscle diseases in which muscle repair is dysregulated. How the effects of NO/nNOSμ on mitochondria impact on muscle function, however, has not been investigated yet. In this study we have examined the relationship between the NO system, mitochondrial structure/activity and skeletal muscle phenotype/growth/functions using a mouse model in which nNOSμ is absent. Also, NO-induced effects and the NO pathway were dissected in myogenic precursor cells. We show that nNOSμ deficiency in mouse skeletal muscle leads to altered mitochondrial bioenergetics and network remodelling, and increased mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPR(mt)) and autophagy. The absence of ...

Research paper thumbnail of The epidemiological profile of ASIA syndrome after HPV vaccination: an evaluation based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systems

Immunologic Research, 2014

The term &amp... more The term "ASIA-Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants" describes an umbrella of clinical conditions sharing similar signs or symptoms, including post-vaccination phenomena. No information is available on the epidemiology of the ASIA syndrome, especially following HPV vaccination. We carried out an analysis of the VAERS database to retrieve all cases of suspected ASIA syndrome according to the Shoenfeld and Agmon-Levin's guideline for the diagnosis. After causality assessment and case validation, 2,207 cases were considered probably or possibly related to vaccination. These represent the largest ASIA cohort ever reported and allowed us to estimate epidemiological and clinical characteristic of this syndrome. The commonest clinical manifestation observed were pyrexia (58%), myalgia (27%) and arthralgia or arthritis (19%), and the estimated reporting rate was of 3.6 cases per 100,000 doses of HPV vaccine distributed (95% CI 3.4-3.7). This study presents the first systematic estimation of ASIA incidence and expands the knowledge on this pathology. Further analyses are needed to identify genetic and non-genetic risk factors for ASIA syndrome.

Research paper thumbnail of Establishing the correlation between statins and cough: case series report and analysis of adverse drug reactions in the international databases

European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2014

ABSTRACT Dear Editor,Statins are generally well tolerated, even if muscle toxicity and interstiti... more ABSTRACT Dear Editor,Statins are generally well tolerated, even if muscle toxicity and interstitial lung disease (ILD) may occur [1, 2]. The association of cough with statins in the absence of lung injury has been reported only twice in the literature [3, 4]. To define better this association, we carried out an analysis from 2004 to 2012 using the Australian database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN), the Canada Vigilance Adverse Reaction Online Database and the United States Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) databases. We considered reports where statin was the only suspected drug for cough; suspected reports of ‘cough’ were detected using the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities code (MedDRA) at the Preferred Term (PT) level [5].We analysed 995 spontaneous reports of cough induced by statins including rosuvastatin, atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin and pitavastatin (Table 1). Other adverse drug reactions were sometime ...

Research paper thumbnail of Late Onset of Vaccine-associated Measles in Adults

The American Journal of Medicine, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of vaccination against influenza in patients with multiple sclerosis: The role of concomitant therapies

Research paper thumbnail of Low loss silica waveguides containing Si nanocrystals

Research paper thumbnail of On the Possible Relationship Between Anti-Streptolysin-O Titer and Neuropsychiatric Disorders Other than PANS

Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Non linear optical properties of Silicon nanocrystals for applications in photonic logic gates devices

2008 IEEE/LEOS Winter Topical Meeting Series, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Deep-UV Lithography Fabrication of Slot Waveguides and Sandwiched Waveguides for Nonlinear Applications

2007 4th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of On vaccine's adjuvants and autoimmunity: Current evidence and future perspectives

Autoimmunity reviews, Jan 29, 2015

Adjuvants are compounds incorporated into vaccines to enhance immunogenicity and the development ... more Adjuvants are compounds incorporated into vaccines to enhance immunogenicity and the development of these molecules has become an expanding field of research in the last decades. Adding an adjuvant to a vaccine antigen leads to several advantages, including dose sparing and the induction of a more rapid, broader and strong immune response. Several of these molecules have been approved, including aluminium salts, oil-in-water emulsions (MF59, AS03 and AF03), virosomes and AS04. Adjuvants have recently been implicated in the new syndrome named "ASIA-Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants", which describes an umbrella of clinical conditions including post-vaccination adverse reactions. Recent studies implicate a web of mechanisms in the development of vaccine adjuvant-induced autoimmune diseases, in particular, in those associated with aluminium-based compounds. Fewer and unsystematised data are instead available about other adjuvants, despite recent evidence i...

Research paper thumbnail of Immunogenicity and safety of the human papillomavirus vaccine in patients with autoimmune diseases: A systematic review

Vaccine, Jan 30, 2015

Whereas safety and efficacy of HPV vaccines in healthy women have been shown in several randomise... more Whereas safety and efficacy of HPV vaccines in healthy women have been shown in several randomised controlled clinical trials and in post marketing analyses, only few data exist in patients affected by autoimmune diseases. These issues are significant as autoimmune conditions are recognised as a risk factor for the persistence of HPV infection. Herein we review and systematise the existing literature to assess immunogenicity and safety of HPV vaccination in patients with autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus and juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The results of our literature revision suggest that the HPV vaccines are efficacious and safe in most of the patients affected by autoimmune diseases. Yet, some points of concern remain to be tackled, including the effects of concomitant therapies, the risk of disease exacerbation and the cost-effectiveness of such immunisation programmes in these populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Modulation of Acid Sphingomyelinase in Melanoma Reprogrammes the Tumour Immune Microenvironment

Mediators of Inflammation, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Re: "Postelimination transmission of measles in the US

American journal of epidemiology, Jan 15, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Combined isosorbide dinitrate and ibuprofen as a novel therapy for muscular dystrophies: evidence from Phase I studies in healthy volunteers

Drug design, development and therapy, 2014

We designed two Phase I studies that assessed healthy volunteers in order to evaluate the safety ... more We designed two Phase I studies that assessed healthy volunteers in order to evaluate the safety and to optimize the dosing of the combination of the drugs isosorbide dinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, and ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug. We designed these studies with the aim of designing a Phase II trial to evaluate the drugs' efficacy in patients affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy. For the first trial, ISOFEN1, a single-dose, randomized-sequence, open-label, active control, three-treatment cross-over study, was aimed at comparing the pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen 200 mg and isosorbide dinitrate 20 mg when given alone and concomitantly. The pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen given alone versus ibuprofen given concomitantly with isosorbide dinitrate were similar, as documented by the lack of statistically significant differences in the main drug's pharmacokinetic parameters (time to maximal concentration [Tmax], maximal concentration [Cmax], area under the cur...

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Board

Research paper thumbnail of Skeletal muscle homeostasis in duchenne muscular dystrophy: modulating autophagy as a promising therapeutic strategy

Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 2014

Muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic and heterogeneous neuromuscular disorders characteriz... more Muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic and heterogeneous neuromuscular disorders characterized by the primary wasting of skeletal muscle. In Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the most severe form of these diseases, the mutations in the dystrophin gene lead to muscle weakness and wasting, exhaustion of muscular regenerative capacity, and chronic local inflammation leading to substitution of myofibers by connective and adipose tissue. DMD patients suffer from continuous and progressive skeletal muscle damage followed by complete paralysis and death, usually by respiratory and/or cardiac failure. No cure is yet available, but several therapeutic approaches aiming at reversing the ongoing degeneration have been investigated in preclinical and clinical settings. Autophagy is an important proteolytic system of the cell and has a crucial role in the removal of proteins, aggregates, and organelles. Autophagy is constantly active in skeletal muscle and its role in tissue homeostasis is...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevention of respiratory infections in tracheostomized patients of a pediatric long-term rehabilitation setting

American Journal of Infection Control, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Five-Aminosalicylic Acid: An Update for the Reappraisal of an Old Drug

Gastroenterology Research and Practice, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Optical and Electrical characteristics of LEDs based on a single organic layer

2005 Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, Proceedings, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Linear Optical Properties of Si Nanocrystals

3rd IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 2006., 2006

... Nonlinear Optical Properties of Si Nanocrystals. ... Rita Spano a1 , Massimo Cazzanelli a2 , ... more ... Nonlinear Optical Properties of Si Nanocrystals. ... Rita Spano a1 , Massimo Cazzanelli a2 , Nicola Daldosso a3 , Zeno Gaburro a4 , Luigi Ferraioli a5 , Luca Tartara a6 , Jin Yu a7 , Vittorio Degiorgio a8 , Sergi Hernandez a9 , Youcef Lebour a10 , Paolo Pellegrino a11 , Blas ...

Research paper thumbnail of Deficient nitric oxide signalling impairs skeletal muscle growth and performance: involvement of mitochondrial dysregulation

Skeletal muscle, 2014

Nitric oxide (NO), generated in skeletal muscle mostly by the neuronal NO synthases (nNOSμ), has ... more Nitric oxide (NO), generated in skeletal muscle mostly by the neuronal NO synthases (nNOSμ), has profound effects on both mitochondrial bioenergetics and muscle development and function. The importance of NO for muscle repair emerges from the observation that nNOS signalling is defective in many genetically diverse skeletal muscle diseases in which muscle repair is dysregulated. How the effects of NO/nNOSμ on mitochondria impact on muscle function, however, has not been investigated yet. In this study we have examined the relationship between the NO system, mitochondrial structure/activity and skeletal muscle phenotype/growth/functions using a mouse model in which nNOSμ is absent. Also, NO-induced effects and the NO pathway were dissected in myogenic precursor cells. We show that nNOSμ deficiency in mouse skeletal muscle leads to altered mitochondrial bioenergetics and network remodelling, and increased mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPR(mt)) and autophagy. The absence of ...

Research paper thumbnail of The epidemiological profile of ASIA syndrome after HPV vaccination: an evaluation based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systems

Immunologic Research, 2014

The term &amp... more The term "ASIA-Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants" describes an umbrella of clinical conditions sharing similar signs or symptoms, including post-vaccination phenomena. No information is available on the epidemiology of the ASIA syndrome, especially following HPV vaccination. We carried out an analysis of the VAERS database to retrieve all cases of suspected ASIA syndrome according to the Shoenfeld and Agmon-Levin's guideline for the diagnosis. After causality assessment and case validation, 2,207 cases were considered probably or possibly related to vaccination. These represent the largest ASIA cohort ever reported and allowed us to estimate epidemiological and clinical characteristic of this syndrome. The commonest clinical manifestation observed were pyrexia (58%), myalgia (27%) and arthralgia or arthritis (19%), and the estimated reporting rate was of 3.6 cases per 100,000 doses of HPV vaccine distributed (95% CI 3.4-3.7). This study presents the first systematic estimation of ASIA incidence and expands the knowledge on this pathology. Further analyses are needed to identify genetic and non-genetic risk factors for ASIA syndrome.

Research paper thumbnail of Establishing the correlation between statins and cough: case series report and analysis of adverse drug reactions in the international databases

European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2014

ABSTRACT Dear Editor,Statins are generally well tolerated, even if muscle toxicity and interstiti... more ABSTRACT Dear Editor,Statins are generally well tolerated, even if muscle toxicity and interstitial lung disease (ILD) may occur [1, 2]. The association of cough with statins in the absence of lung injury has been reported only twice in the literature [3, 4]. To define better this association, we carried out an analysis from 2004 to 2012 using the Australian database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN), the Canada Vigilance Adverse Reaction Online Database and the United States Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) databases. We considered reports where statin was the only suspected drug for cough; suspected reports of ‘cough’ were detected using the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities code (MedDRA) at the Preferred Term (PT) level [5].We analysed 995 spontaneous reports of cough induced by statins including rosuvastatin, atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin and pitavastatin (Table 1). Other adverse drug reactions were sometime ...

Research paper thumbnail of Late Onset of Vaccine-associated Measles in Adults

The American Journal of Medicine, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of vaccination against influenza in patients with multiple sclerosis: The role of concomitant therapies

Research paper thumbnail of Low loss silica waveguides containing Si nanocrystals